Grasping Evil

Chapter 418 Transaction

() On the eleventh floor of Leita, Wanbao Pavilion is a well-deserved superpower.

The pavilion master Lei Shiyi is a cultivator Wenxu, and there are five Jingxu under his subordinates. With so many masters, no one dared to trespass the Wanbao Pavilion.

The Thunder Lord of the eleventh floor, Zhu Feng, with his arrival, relying on the momentum of the Dragon King, no one dared to stop him.

But Ning Fan is only half-stepped, how can he overcome the heavy defenses of Wanbao Pavilion and break into the main hall!

Chu Nanfeng, Mo Feiyun and other five peers suddenly stood up with cold eyes.

They recognized Ning Fan, who was the one who was chased by the Dragon King with all his might.

Ning Fan's suffocating aura disappeared in a flash, making the five people suspicious, only to feel that they felt wrong before.

Is it an illusion? Is that shocking evil spirit just an illusion?

"This son is only half-stepped, and he will never be able to personally kill thirteen virtual refiners. Yes, that must be the case. It is rumored that this son is carrying three virtual refining puppets, and the evil spirit on his body must be caused by the puppets in his hands. Distribute!"

"After all, he's just a god! As long as he doesn't have time to summon a puppet, this child is nothing to be afraid of!"

Thinking of this, the five people were so settled that they could not help but underestimate Ning Fan.

Ning Fan trespassed into the Wanbao Pavilion without knowing the purpose of his visit, but listening to his words, it seemed that he had come to do business with Lei Shiyi.

If so, this person does not seem to be an enemy...

With the Pavilion Master there, no matter whether Ning Fan is an enemy or a friend, they don't need to come forward to deal with it.

"Oh? The old man has just collected some Yuan Lei. Before contacting the little friend with Lei Yinyu, the little friend came to my Wanbao Pavilion first. What a rare visitor."

Lei Shiyi put down the golden abacus, looked at Ning Fan with deep eyes, and grinned.

"Little friend is really hidden, and he can break into my Wanbao Pavilion without a sound. I admire, admire!"


Ning Fan smiled slightly. Don't talk too much about the topic of bullying cloaks, and sit in a corner seat in the hall.

Seeing that Lei Shiyi and Ning Fan seem to have friendship,

Chu Nanfeng and the other five Jing Xu became calmer and sat back to their seats one after another.

It seems that Ning Fan will not have any plans for Wanbao Pavilion, and is only here to buy the Thunder of Primordial Spirit.

A little doubt in my heart was answered.

Dare Qing Lei Eleven hurried back to the eleventh floor and spent a lot of time acquiring Yuan Lei, just to sell it to Ning Fan?

Weird, really weird.

Look up and down. Ning Fan is only half-stepped, so how could Lei Shiyi treat him politely, and how could he escape Ying Longwang's heavy pursuit?

This child is only half-stepped, even though he has three peeping puppets in his body. But in the face of one questioning virtual and five peeping virtuals. Still hopeless.

Why is he so calm? He sits alone in the dangerous place of Wanbao Pavilion, isn't he afraid?

"Everyone is very interested in Zhou?" Ning Fan sensed the five people's indiscernible exploration of their spiritual thoughts, and Jian Nian was slightly shocked, shaking the five people's spiritual thoughts away, and said with a smile.


The five people peeping into the virtual world changed their expressions.

The method used by Ning Fan to shake the five people's spiritual senses is undoubtedly the sword sense, and the strength of their spiritual sense is not weaker than that of the cultivator of Void Void!

"Don't be impatient. Xiaoyou Zhou is the old man's guest!" Lei Shiyi glared at the five people angrily.

Even Lei Shiyi felt that Ning Fan's breath was erratic and difficult to see through. If the mere five subordinates could detect the truth of Ning Fan, it would be a hell.

"My servant is not very sensible, so I'm rude. My friend came this time, but he wants to buy Yuan Lei? The old man has prepared 10,000 Yuan Lei now. I don't know if the little friend has enough money."

Lei Shiyi smiled at Ning Fan again, and while asking, squeezed his nose and sniffed lightly.

With a sniff, his eyes suddenly became hot.

"So many Lei Yus! It seems that the rumors that the little friend slaughtered the ten-story Leita is mostly true!"

"10,000 Dao Yuan Lei?"

Ning Fan's eyes remained the same, but his heart was slightly shocked. He needs at least 300 Yuan Lei to advance to the Thunder Armor.

Although he came to Wanbao Pavilion to buy Yuanlei, he didn't expect that there would be so many Yuanlei in Lei Shiyi's hands.

10,000 yuan of thunder is completely enough to break through the second-order golden armor, and it is even possible... to hit the third-order!

Every thunder of the primordial spirit represents the life of a god-turning undead.

If Ning Fan collected Wan Dao Yuan Lei himself, he would have to slaughter 10,000 God Transformation Gods, at least fifty or sixty layers of Lei Towers to gather such a number, which is obviously unrealistic.

In my heart, I thought to myself, if Lei Shiyi really had 10,000 yuan, the origin of this 10,000 yuan must not have come from slaughter.

"Not bad! This old man has collected 10,000 yuan of thunder, hehe, at the price of thirty thunder and one jade, and then give a discount to the little friend... Hehe, the price is three hundred silver jade, how about it?" Lei Shixi rubbed excitedly. hand.

"Three hundred silver jades!" The five Jingxu were all moved. As Jingxu cultivators, they only carried one hundred silver jades each.

The thunder power contained in the three hundred silver jade is almost the sum of the wealth of the three cultivators of the Void.

They couldn't believe that Ning Fan could carry so much Lei Yu in one half-step practice.

They couldn't understand that Ning Fan would buy a bunch of useless Yuanlei garbage at such a sky-high price.

They would not know that Yuan Lei, which is useless to the undead, is the best supplement for Ning Fan to cultivate Thunder Armor.

"make a deal."

Ning Fan's indifferent words ended this huge transaction in an instant.

The final word!

Lei Shiyi took out hundreds of jade boxes that printed Yuanlei and handed them over to Ning Fan. Ning Fan paid three hundred silver jade, and the whole transaction was neat and tidy!

Chu Nanfeng and the others couldn't help but stunned, Ning Fan didn't even pay back the price for such a huge transaction, what a boldness!

Their contempt for Ning Fan could not help but soften a little. At least they asked themselves, they didn't have such courage.

Ning Fan put away Yuan Lei, and once he left Wanbao Pavilion, he would devour Yuan Lei and upgrade his Thunder Armor.

Lei Shiyi put away the three hundred silver jade, and his heart was hot, swallowing these silver jade, his mana can be improved a lot.

A transaction, everyone is happy.

"I don't know if Lei Daoyou has other good things. It's rare for Zhou to come to Wanbao Pavilion this time. He still has a lot of spare money, and he wants to buy more treasures."

Ning Fan still has 10 gold jade and 800 silver jade. These Lei Yus are useless to him, so he is willing to exchange some treasures from Lei Shiyi.

As soon as Lei Eleven heard this, he immediately rubbed his palms and laughed, as if a prostitute had met an adulterer. respond immediately,

"Don't worry, little friend! My Wanbao Pavilion is short of everything, even if there is no shortage of treasures, I will definitely make my little friend return with satisfaction!"

He sniffed out that there was still a lot of Lei Yu on Ning Fan's body.

He is extremely willing to earn all these Lei Yus away.

Aura suddenly moved, and Lei Shiyi seemed to have thought of something.

"I don't know if this Zhou Ming will accept the Immortal Emperor Thunder Bone... That thing is also tasteless to me and other necromancers, but it is a treasure for the few necromantic monks who practice special body refining techniques. But it's a treasure..."

"This thing is useless to me, and it is useful to some undead, but those people can't afford it. This thing was seen by the Dragon King, but the Dragon King Ying was reluctant to pay... If it was a normal transaction, how could this old man not sell it? Give it to him. But he wants to snatch it. Hmph, I have never lost money in business, so how can I give him the thunder bone for nothing!"

"This Zhou Ming has 800 silver jades and 10 gold jades on his body... It's better to sell this thunder bone to this Zhou Ming without doing it. There are two advantages to doing this. The reason is to deal with the old man. Second... Hey, the old man can earn all of Zhou Ming's Lei Yu! There are so many Lei Yu, refining into mana, even if the old man has not broken into the late stage, but most of them are considered to be the top of the mid-term refining. Master!"

"The only thing to worry about is whether Zhou Ming will buy this item..."

Lei Shiyi rolled his eyes. In business affairs, he still admired Ning Fan's personality in fair business.

He decided to take out the hidden thunder bone and show it to Ning Fan to see if he would buy the bone.

"The old man has a treasure. I'm going to take it out and show it to the little friend. Xiao Fengzi! You take Xiaoyou Zhou to the treasure house of gold products. All the goods, including forbidden items, can be sold to him if Xiaoyou Zhou likes it."

The one called Xiao Fengzi was naturally Chu Nanfeng.

Chu Nanfeng's expression was startled, unbelievable!

The treasures collected in the gold treasure house are all the most precious treasures. Even if the old monster who asked Xu came to Wanbao Pavilion, he would not necessarily be greeted by Lei Shiyi and brought into the gold treasure house.

And Chu Nanfeng is also an old ghost who sees the void anyway, and he recognized it for asking the old ghost to lead the way, and he even led the way for a half-step practice...

A little embarrassed...

"You don't want to go?" Lei Shiyi's eyes sank. He is usually vulgar, but he is still very dignified at critical times.

"How dare you." Chu Nanfeng smiled bitterly, how dare he disobey Lei Shiyi's orders.

"Don't worry, the old man knows your little thought, isn't it just embarrassing for the younger generation, don't worry, the old man will not let you be ashamed alone. Xiao Yunzi, Xiao Yangzi, and the two of you, go together! Five people Let's take Xiaoyou Zhou to visit the treasure house together!" Lei Shiyi could not refuse.


Mo Feiyun, Yang Lao and others all changed their expressions.

Five peeps, leading the way for a god-turning junior, isn't this too much for Ning Fan's face?

No, not right.

The five of them gradually tasted a little bit.

Lei Shiyi ordered five people to lead the way for Ning Fan, as if it was not as simple as treating Ning Fan favorably.

Yes, it must be so! Lei Shiyi was afraid that Ning Fan would steal something, so he let the five Void Refinement Stages monitor Ning Fan together!

But this... how is that possible!

To monitor a god transformation junior, do you need to use five refining virtuals? In Lei Shiyi's eyes, Ning Fan is so powerful?

The five looked at Ning Fan, who was thin and thin. They didn't believe it. They didn't believe that Ning Fan could steal something under the eyes of the old monster.

In the treasure house of gold products, there is a phantom formation, which can seal the magic power of the puppet. Even if Ning Fan is carrying three phantom puppets, he cannot use it in the treasure house.

Just relying on Ning Fan's half-step Void Refinement strength, does he need five Void Refinements to monitor? Probably not necessary, a Chu Nanfeng is enough.

Has the pavilion master made a fuss?

Without giving the five people a chance to refuse, Lei Eleven left in a hurry, probably to get the Immortal Emperor Lei Bone.

Chu Nanfeng and the other five old monsters all looked at each other in dismay. Although they couldn't show their faces to lead the way for a junior, they didn't dare to disobey Lei Shiyi's orders.

I sighed in my heart, that's all, it's better to have five people lead the way for the juniors together, and shame together is better than shame alone.

"Little friend, next, the old man and others will lead you to the treasure house of gold treasures. There is an order from the pavilion master. If the little friend likes something, as long as Lei Yu is enough. Even forbidden items can be sold!"

"Prohibited?" Ning Fan asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, for the undead like us, there are many spiritual objects that the living can devour and the treasures that are driven, but we are not allowed to use them. If we eat or use them by mistake, they may be seriously injured. For example, 'Frozen Cloud Garlic', This thing has a healing effect on the living, but it is a first-class poison to the undead like me. Once swallowed by mistake, it will cause great harm to the undead. These things are listed as forbidden by the pavilion master. Goods, generally speaking, will not be sold to undead who do not know the goods. The pavilion owner often said, 'Dead spirits love wealth, and get it in a proper way'.

"Is it…"

Ning Fan nodded slightly, this Lei Shiyi is a bit interesting, not selling poison to the undead, not making a fortune. Is this Lei Eleven's principle of doing things?

But why did he sell it to Ning Fan?

Have confidence in his vision. Or did he realize his identity as a living person?

"I don't know... But this Lei Shi was very careful, and sent five peeps to watch me. In this case, I had to give up my plan to steal the treasure house... That's all, it's alright to have an occasional transaction that pays both money and money..."

The treasure house of gold products has heavy undead defense.

When these undead saw the stranger Ning Fan approaching the treasure house, they immediately raised the magic weapon and were very alert.

Looking at it again, Ning Fan actually had five elders who were watching Xu to lead the way. Immediately, all the masters put away their magic weapons and respected Ning Fan in awe.

In his heart, he secretly speculated that Ning Fan, who was half-stepped, had a noble identity, and it was a big face to let five practicers lead the way!

Could it be that Ning Fan is a cultivator of the superior Leita? Have a background in the late stage of virtual refining or even the peak of virtual refining?

Thinking of this, no one dared to cast a disrespectful look at Ning Fan, and immediately gave way and let Ning Fan and the others enter the treasure house.

The treasury is divided into four layers. In the first layer, there are a lot of medicinal pills and magic treasures, all of which are treasures that cultivators will use.

This layer of the treasure house is equipped with a formation of low-grade phantoms. With the power of thunder, it has a lot of restraint on the mana of the monks, and the restraint on the corpse puppet is even greater.

Before entering the array of lights, Chu Nanfeng forced a half smile and introduced,

"The treasure house of gold has many formations, which can kill all puppets, and it also has a lot of restraint for me and other necromancers. The treasure house is divided into four layers. This kind of necromancer will limit at least half of the mana here. Uh... this... some matters, please pay attention to it..."

Chu Nanfeng's tone was slightly hesitant.

"Fellow Daoists don't have to be hesitant, what matters needing attention, but you can speak bluntly."

"Hehe, it's not that this old man looks down on fellow Daoists. Fellow Daoists only have half-step cultivation, so I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand the light of this place. Before entering the battle, it's better to take a self-protection medicine pill to improve some defenses."

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Chu is worried about this. Fellow Daoist, don't worry, although Zhou's cultivation base is weak, the mere array of light still won't hurt me, so I don't need to take the medicine pill."

Ning Fan glanced at the medicine pill with a strange look. For the undead, this pill is indeed a pill to protect the body, but for the living, it is poison.

He was alive, and he did not want to take poison.

Seeing Ning Fan's refusal to take the pill, Chu Nanfeng smiled, but his heart was a little unhappy.

He kindly offered Ning Fan the body-protecting medicine pill, but Ning Fan refused arrogantly. Did Ning Fan think that with his mere half-step cultivation base, he could withstand the mortal emptiness?

"Humph! When he suffers some injuries, he will know that this burst of light is powerful, and then he will understand that the old man is kind."

Chu Nanfeng snorted coldly in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face, and continued,

"It doesn't matter if you don't accept the pill, but if you are injured, it's none of the old man's business. There is one more thing, you must remind the daoist. The old man said before that this place can kill all puppets. Although the daoist has three weapons Look at the virtual puppet, but don't call it out of the treasure house, otherwise, it will be judged as stealing the treasure house and killed by the array of light."

"Yes, I have written down this matter, and I will not summon a puppet in the treasure house."

Ning Fan nodded, he had given up the idea of ​​looting the treasure house, and he would not call up a puppet fight.

He is also not worried about being introduced into the formation by the five peeps and conspiracy.

This formation uses Lei Li to restrain the cultivator's mana, and he condenses Taisu Lei Xing, so naturally he is not afraid of the formation. He also has a cloak of bullying. If he insists on leaving, no one can stop him. There is no need to worry about safety issues.

"Okay, little friend said this, the old man is relieved. Little friend, please!"

Chu Nanfeng took the lead and stepped into the first floor of the array of light. Immediately, the array of light rolled towards him, turning into a sizzling thunder light, and his body trembled, and his momentum was suddenly lowered. After only a few breaths, its mana was almost suppressed by as much as 30%!

Mo Feiyun and others also stepped into the formation one after another, and they were suppressed by 30% to 40% of their mana.

The stronger the mana, the lower the suppression. With the powerful mana of the virtual cultivator, it will inevitably be suppressed by three or four into the mana. If he entered the array of light with ordinary half-step refinement, if he did not take the body-protecting medicine pill, his mana would be completely sealed, and he would be seriously injured by the shock of the array of light.

The five peeps entered the battle one after another, and their eyes all fell on Ning Fan.

Especially Chu Nanfeng, who wanted to see Ning Fan's backlash injury.

Young people are always very self-righteous, and when they suffer setbacks, they know that their elders are not listening.

"Old Chu, after all, this son is a guest of the pavilion master. Even if he is arrogant, I can't really see this son injured. Once this son is attacked by the light, I will only let him suffer a little bit, and don't let him. Die in the treasure house." Mo Feiyun reminded through voice transmission.

"Don't worry, the old man has his own measure. How can he be unsaved? It's just to cut the spirit of his young man, and it's for his own good."

Chu Nanfeng shook his head gently, he was not a person with a small stomach.

The eyes of the five old monsters were all focused on Ning Fan.

Ning Fan's eyes showed a strange look, what kind of mind he was, he could naturally see what the five people were thinking.

These five old monsters, are they too boring, waiting for him to be injured by the flashback...

They are destined to be disappointed...

Ning Fan stepped into the formation of light one step at a time, and the sizzling golden thunder light immediately descended toward the town, as if a thousand mountains had fallen!

The huge momentum is enough to directly suppress all the gods, unless it is refining the virtual, otherwise no one can block the thunder!

Lightning flashed between Ning Fan's brows, and a vast aura rose in his eyes, and he drank the word,


Just one word, the golden thunder in the sky, all of them seemed to be afraid, they hurriedly retreated, and not a single thunder dared to attack Ning Fan!

At this moment, Ning Fan is like the master of ten thousand thunders, and He Lei dares to hurt him!

An ancient and vicissitudes of pressure emanated from Ning Fan's eyes, and inadvertently swept across Chu Nanfeng and other five peeps.

In an instant, the five Lei Xiu undead spirits all felt a sense of fear towards Ning Fan from the depths of their souls.

Incomprehensible! I can't understand why Ning Fan's half-step virtual training and entering the Fan Void Thunder Formation were unscathed!

Incomprehensible! I can't understand why Ning Fan's eyes are so powerful, so the five peeps dare not look at him!

For a moment, including Chu Nanfeng, no one dared to underestimate Ning Fan.

No, not only that, the five people's hearts, when Ning Fan's eyes swept across, raised a strong fear.

"This son... very dangerous! The pavilion master sent me and other five people to monitor one of them, it is very necessary!"



The first day of the new year is very busy and tired, take a nap for a while, the next update will be made up tomorrow

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