Grasping Evil

Chapter 419: Immortal Emperor Phalanx

() At that moment, Taisu Leiwei made Chu Nanfeng and other five old monsters, who are Thunder undead spirits, have a deep fear of Ning Fan.

The expressions of the five people raised a little solemnity, and they showed Ning Fan a glimpse of the treasure house, and they also became alert, for fear that Ning Fan would steal the treasure house.

Ning Fan ignored the mood of the five people, he stepped into the light, and his eyes lingered on the first floor of the treasure house.

The treasure house on the first floor is an incomparably spacious hall. There are grooves on the four walls of the hall, and many treasures are placed. They are all protected by a beam of light.

The treasure trove is divided into four floors, and the first floor usually displays the things that the old monsters will use.

Ning Fan's eyes swept across the four dimensions, but gradually he was amazed. There are quite a lot of good things contained in the Wanbao Pavilion.

There are magic weapons of the lower rank, there are exercises and spells of the lower rank of the emptiness, and there are pills and prescriptions of the sixth rank!

It's a pity that most of these magical treasures have been damaged by spiritual power, and the scrolls of exercises and spells are mostly incomplete, and there are few who are not incomplete.

As for the six-turn pills... Ning Fan could not have imagined that there are such high-level pills here, but unfortunately, the pills have been stored for countless years, and the medicinal properties have been seriously lost, and even deteriorated. Not only is the effect weak, but it is May be self-destructive.

The Black Thunder Tower is a tower of undead. It is rumored that the undead in this tower are all cultivators of death in a certain time and place.

There are also some undead, which were transformed by the Thunder Beasts of later generations after they died.

Many of the magic pills in the tower came from distant ancient times, so it was difficult to reuse them.

The undead in the tower can't bring out the tower, and can only survive here in a strange state.

Ning Fan pondered the strange state of existence of this Black Thunder Tower undead. He seemed to have heard something similar somewhere.

"I remember... Ancestor Dongxu once said that Zhou Leihuang used Su Lei Jiebao to open the tomb of Leihuanghuang, and there seems to be a undead in it, which is immortal and immortal, and Leihuang himself seems to be one of the undead. Survive in a state of immortality... Do not Zhou Leihuang open up the emperor's tomb. Perhaps it is the experience borrowed from the Heileita to imitate the undead here. Speaking of which, Hongyi also said that the one guarding the entrance of Ulei Realm The ferocious beast of rushing into the void was set up by the Thunder Emperor... The Thunder Emperor has indeed been to the Black Thunder Tower."

"Perhaps Lei Huang has also passed the three questions of Taisu, but he must not have completely broken through, at most the second pass... In the inheritance of Taisu Leixing,

I can feel it, since Lei Di. I was the first person to condense this star... To a certain extent, my Thunder Dao aptitude was slightly higher than that of the Thunder Emperor back then. "

Ning Fan collected his thoughts and swept through the six-turn pills again. The medicinal properties of these pills were lost, and they could not arouse his interest at all.

But that six-turn pill recipe. But let his eyes light up!

In the Black Thunder Tower, it is rare for the undead to be able to concoct alchemy, let alone a sixth-turn alchemist.

Therefore, these six-turn pill recipes have never experienced any battles. hardly ever been contested.

Except for a few defects, there are still eleven or two kinds of pill recipes, which are well preserved!

The listed prices of these pill recipes are pitifully small, one silver jade can be purchased, but they are purchased from no undead.

These pills, if they flow out of the rain world... must be sky-high!

"Sixth-rank low-grade pill, floating life pill! 'Floating life is like a dream, heaven is like smoke', this pill is ranked sixth-rank bottom-ranking pill. It can block the breath, deceive the way of heaven, and cover up the calamity! Take this pill. Void, there is no disturbance from heaven!"

"Sixth rank low-grade medicine pill, longevity pill! 'One pill prolongs life and adds a thousand years of life', this pill is ranked sixth-grade low-grade pill, and it can increase the thousand-year lifespan of the Void Refining Old Monster! This pill is very powerful, I have seen it The strongest longevity elixir can only prolong life by 300 years... If this elixir is successful, I am afraid that it will not only refine the emptiness, but even if the rain world is broken, you must ask me for an elixir. Thousands of years of life can change too much. So much life!"

"Sixth rank low-grade medicinal pills, peek at the void pill! 'Void is like a mist, you can see through pills', this pill is ranked in the sixth rank, it can help cultivators get a glimpse of the power of the void, and the chance of breaking through the void is increased by at least 10%. This pill recipe, even if it is me, can use it!"

Ning Fan's heart was hot, but his eyes were still calm.

After passing the other treasures lightly, he turned back and purchased the complete pill recipes one by one at will.

Ning Fan earned more than a dozen pieces of useless silver-grade Lei Yu and bought more than a dozen kinds of immeasurable pill recipes.

Of course, in the eyes of Chu Nanfeng and other undead old monsters, Ning Fan was just wasting money.

They naturally saw that Ning Fan was not a sixth-turn alchemist, and even though Ning Fan was against the sky, he had a sixth-turn alchemy technique. As a undead, he stayed in the Black Thunder Tower and could not go out. There are not many precious elixir here at all, and any six-turn elixir can be made.

Dan Fang has a fart?

"Does this kid like to buy junk?"

Chu, Mo and other old monsters all slandered, and had the same mind as the original Lei Eleven.

"After watching the first floor, fellow Daoist would you like to enter the second floor?" Having seen Ning Fan's power, Chu Nanfeng's words were also much more polite. He called him a fellow Daoist, and he vaguely wanted to treat Ning Fan's peers. .

"I want to go."

Ning Fan nodded and followed the five old monsters upstairs to the second floor.

The burst of light on the second floor was already at the middle rank of the Ordinary Void, and its power was more than several times that of the first floor. Even Chu Nanfeng and other old monsters who saw the Void would have to take some body-protecting pills.

If they do not obey the pill, they will enter the second floor without authorization, but they will be suppressed by more than 90% of their mana!

In the face of a ruthless man like Ning Fan, the mana is suppressed by 90%. Once Ning Fan violently kills, the five will be powerless to resist...

Chu, Mo and other old monsters, even after taking the body-protecting pills, after entering the second floor, their mana is still somewhat stagnant.

On the other hand, Ning Fan secretly urged Taisu Leiwei, and after entering the second floor, there was only a cold look in his eyes, and no Leiguang dared to put pressure on him.

The five old monsters peeking into the void became even more shocked.

Ning Fan can see the first layer of light as nothing, and they can still understand it. After all, an old monster at the level of Lei Eleven can also be immune to a burst of light.

But even Lei Shiyi, after entering the second floor, will be suppressed by a lot of mana.

Ning Fan is better, not affected by the formation of light at all... This kind of thing, I am afraid that only the old monster who is at the level of the Dragon King and is about to break through the void can barely do it.

"Could it be that Zhou Ming has hidden his strength! Could his true strength be comparable to King Yinglong!"

This thought, Qi Qi rose in the hearts of the five old monsters. Hard to get rid of.

They had heard the rumors of Ning Fan, who slaughtered the first ten floors of the Leita Tower by one person, killed the younger brother of the Yinglong King's clan, Xu Longzi, completely offended the Yinglong King, and was chased by the masters of the twenty-fourth floor.

When they heard the news at first, they just laughed it off, only that Ning Fan was a new and fledgling expert. If you offend Ying Longwang rashly, you will die.

Unexpectedly, when they saw Ning Fan with their own eyes today, they felt that Ning Fan's skills were sky-high.

Perhaps, Ning Fan has hidden his strength!

Maybe, Ning Fan is enough to match the Dragon King!

Maybe, Ning Fan himself is an old monster who asks the emptiness, and even... maybe he is still rushing to the emptiness!

Chongxu old monster, is the honorific title for the late stage refining.

A punch. It is not difficult to fight ten names alone!

"If this Zhou Ming is the old monster of Chongxu, it will not be difficult for him to wipe out my Wanbao Pavilion by himself! Even if he is not Chongxu, I'm afraid he is not far from Chongxu! No wonder the pavilion master is so jealous of this person, this person can't be provoked at all. !"

When he thought of his rude remarks and offended Ning Fan before. Chu Nanfeng immediately sweated profusely.

No matter whether Ning Fan is asking the master of the virtual, or the old monster of the virtual, it is definitely not something Chu Nanfeng can provoke!

"Chu has offended a lot before. Daoist friend Zhou... Haihan!" Chu Nanfeng suddenly stepped forward, clenched his fists and apologized, with a faint look of fear on his face.

"Fellow Daoist is joking, it's just a small matter, don't worry about it."

Ning Fan was so wise, he could see that Chu Nanfeng was afraid of him, fearing that he had misjudged his strength because he was immune to thunder arrays.

He did not explain, nor did he intend to have a grudge against Wanbao Pavilion.

He just waved his hand at will, dispelling Chu Nanfeng's fear, and his eyes lingered on the second floor again.

Chu Nanfeng saw that Ning Fan did not intend to pursue the past. Naturally, he breathed a sigh of relief, and more and more enthusiastically introduced the second layer of treasure to Ning Fan.

The second floor of the treasure house is different from the first floor, the palace on the second floor. It is only one-third the size of the first floor, and the collection is also much smaller.

But the treasures of the collection are much more precious than the first floor.

The magic treasures collected on this floor are all of the ordinary and imaginary middle grades, and even among them, there are one or two intact magic treasures!

Ning Fan was also slightly moved by this magic weapon, but did not buy it.

A damage-free magic weapon, for the undead, is a sky-high price, a damage-free treasure, priced at 500 silver jade, or 5 gold jade!

Ning Fan is not going to spend money on magic weapons. He has no shortage of magic weapons. He has ancient magic weapons. As long as the opportunity comes, it is not difficult for magic weapons to advance.

And with his mana, he still can't use the magic weapon of the middle grade.

So he just looked at it and didn't care too much.

However, some exercises and spells here made him a little tempted.

Among the rare complete spells, one of them is a physique of the mortal virtual middle grade. If you can learn it, with Ning Fan's body refining realm, even if he is a peeping ghost, he can kill him with his physical body!

But unfortunately, this body art is the most difficult to cultivate, and it pays attention to the foundation. It needs to be steadily developed step by step, and it takes a long time to cultivate to the perfect state.

Ning Fan slightly estimated that, with his aptitude, if it were placed in the outside world, it would take at least a hundred years to cultivate this technique.

With the help of a hundred times the speed of cultivation in the Xuanyin Realm, it would probably take more than a year to complete it. How could he have so much time to spend on a single body technique.

Shaking his head, Ning Fan did not purchase this body technique, and his eyes swept over the medicinal pills and medicinal formulas.

All the medicinal pills are still destroyed, and the medicinal formula has only one kind of rank 6 middle-grade healing medicinal medicinal pill, called Bian Que Dan.

This alchemy recipe was created by an ancient alchemist, and it has miraculous effects on the wounds of the body, skin, five internal organs, and meridians. Ask the old monster, as long as he is not dead, he can resolve all injuries once!

Although Ning Fan's alchemy technique is far from being at the rank six intermediate level, he naturally won't miss it when he encounters such a good alchemy formula.

On the second floor, after reading it all over, Ning Fan once again followed the five old monsters to the third floor.

On the third floor of the treasury, the array of light has reached the top rank of the virtual world. The old monsters such as Chu and Mo have almost opened all defenses before they dare to enter this floor. If so, the mana has also been suppressed by 90%!

This time, even if Ning Fan entered this place, it was no longer easy.

Taisu Thunder Star, immune to damage from the same level of thunder light.

But the thunder of light here is obviously much higher than Ning Fan's level.

Even relying on Taisu Lei Xing, Ning Fan couldn't compete with the old monster, and he couldn't calmly resist the light here.

With Ning Fan's cultivation base, entering this place, the mana is suppressed by 30%!

Even so, Chu Nanfeng and other old monsters were already extremely shocked.

"From the point of view of the weakening of breath, Zhou Ming has only been suppressed by 30% of his mana... Is this person really an old monster of rushing into the void?! Even if King Ying Long came here, he would be suppressed by more than 50% of his mana! King Ying Long is already in the midst of questioning the void. The pinnacle of existence. This son can be stronger than Ying Longwang, not a rush, what is it!"

A shocking feeling rose in the hearts of the five people.

The reverence for Ning Fan also rose to its peak.

Ning Fan ignored the five people, his eyes were completely attracted by the treasures on the third floor.

Treasure contained here. too precious! Among them, there are even several ancient divine weapons, as well as the ancient stars iron.

There are also many gods and demons here!

Most of the gods and demons here were handed down by the gods and demons of the late antiquity.

But when his eyes swept over these divine soldiers and star iron, Ning Fan suddenly felt an eye-opening feeling.

The ancient gods displayed here are marked as "one-star gods".

However, a certain piece of Taikoo Star Iron was sold, but it was the 'Two Star Divine Iron'.

Ning Fan suddenly realized that it was the ancient stars. There are also grades!

The star iron marked with two stars contains the power of stars, which is obviously higher than that of one star, and its firmness is far beyond that of one star!

Ning Fan peered into the sea of ​​​​knowledge and found that the four ancient gods raised in the gods were all at the level of one-star gods. There is only the cutting off the sword. Among them, some of the star irons reached the two-star standard.

Those few two stars, I'm afraid it's still something I've won from Si Wuxie.

Other Star Iron. All are one star.

A one-star divine weapon can be said to be indestructible under the transformation of the gods, but at the level of refinement, all divine powers and spells have the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth and the power of falling stars. Even if it is a one-star divine weapon, it cannot be guaranteed Immortal.

The only ones who can survive the Void Refinement Fighting Technique are the 2-star Divine Soldiers.

Ning Fan's eyes fell on the two-star divine iron, and it gradually became hot.

If you buy this piece of divine iron and smelt it into the magic weapon, it will definitely increase the power of the ancient divine weapon.

in the Black Tower. The undead cannot cultivate the ancient gods and demons, and the ancient gods and exercises are also extremely cheap. However, it was only a mere ten pieces of silver grade Lei Yu.

Ning Fan no longer hesitated to buy all the ancient magic weapons and magic exercises in this place, including the two-star magic iron, for a total of 200 silver jade.

Although the one-star magic weapon and ordinary magic arts are not necessary for Ning Fan, these things are also valuable in the outside world, and it is not a loss to buy them.

Seeing that Ning Fan spent a lot of money and bought a bunch of 'garbage', Chu Nanfeng and other old monsters couldn't help but admire Ning Fan's generosity.

They had already determined that Ning Fan was an old monster of Chongxu, and he was also the kind of rich man with a wealth of money.

Therefore, no one would slander Ning Fan for spending money indiscriminately.

The palm-sized 2-star Divine Iron is only enough to slash away from the sword for iron upgrades. For this reason, Ning Fan is also in a good mood.

But when I turned to the third floor, I was a little disappointed in my heart.

In the third floor, there were only two or three kinds of high-rank rank six pill recipes, and all of them were incomplete antiques and had no purchase value.

Apart from the two-star divine iron, Ning Fan seemed to have nothing else to gain from the third floor.

He wanted to go to the fourth floor, but no one dared to enter the fourth floor, Chu Nanfeng and other old monsters.

The fourth layer of light is the level of the peak of the virtual world. With their weak cultivation base, entering it will cause death or injury!

Monitor Ning Fan? Hehe, they only have five peeps, what qualifications do they have to monitor a rush?

With a single rush, it was easy to destroy the Wanbao Pavilion alone, and the 24th floor would be levelled with little effort.

If Ning Fan insists on stealing the treasure house, who can stop him?

No, Ning Fan has the strength to fight against the void, so why steal? He only needs one sentence to ask for something, even if it is Lei Shiyi, he must give him face.

Lei Shiyi dared not to sell Yinglongwang's face, because Yinglongwang was not Chongxu.

If the old monster rushed to the virtual, would Lei Shiyi dare to offend him?

"I will not enter the fourth floor when my cultivation base is at a low level. The fourth floor is not very big. You can enter by yourself. I can just wait and watch." Chu Nanfeng and the others smiled awkwardly.


Ning Fan saw that the fourth layer of light was powerful, and did not force the five people to enter.

Stepping into the fourth floor, Ning Fan's thunder star energy was also suppressed by 70% of his mana.

The fourth floor is also the top of the treasure house, only a few dozen feet in size.

Among them, there are no magic weapons, exercises, and medicinal herbs. On the contrary, there are other good things on display here.

On the left is a piece of Lei Jade with thunder in gold. The black grade Leiyu can only be obtained after the Void Shattered Necromancer dies.

But Leita has never broken the void, and the highest cultivation level is only the Taixu old monster at the peak of refining the void. After the Taixu old monster dies, the Lei Yu left behind will be black in gold.

A piece of Lei Yu, priced at twenty gold jade, Ning Fan could not afford it, nor would he buy it.

He is not an undead, and it is useless to ask for a half-black Lei Yu.

His eyes swept across his right hand, and he was suddenly slightly surprised.

The ones placed on the right hand side are all inheritance crystals, there are 14 in total!

These inheritance crystals were well sealed, perhaps left by some masters before they died.

But the inheritance crystal has another drawback. The undead cannot be used, and I don't know what inheritance is in it.

Rao is so, the price is not cheap, an inheritance crystal, 50 silver jade!

Buying these memory crystals is like a gamble. You don't know what is passed down in it, maybe what is passed down is just the last words of an old monster before his death, and there is no inheritance of cultivation techniques.

But Lei Yu is useless, he is very happy to buy these crystals, and see what has been passed down from his living eyes.

He reached out his hand, intending to get those crystals, and suddenly, a yin and yang grotesque voice sounded behind him.

"Little friend, it really is a living person... You are the same as that Buzhou Leihuang, you are a cultivator who entered Leita from the outside world, but is that so?"

Ning Fan turned his head and saw Lei Shiyi behind him, holding a sealed jade box, grinning with yellow teeth and a meaningful smile.

"Zhou Mou underestimated the eyesight of fellow Daoist... Yes, Zhou Mou is indeed a living person. Compared with Your Excellency's undead, he is a different kind. Are you going to take action to get rid of Zhou Mou?"

The atmosphere was dignified for a while, as if it would be shot at any time.

But in the next instant, Lei Shiyi laughed again.

"You are a living person or a dead person, what does it have to do with this old man? When I do business with people, I always only look at money, that's all. But since you are a living person, it's even better. The old man just went to pick up something. , For the undead, only a few undead may be able to use it. But for the living... this is a priceless treasure! I am afraid that you will want it very much."

After Lei Eleven said, he slowly opened the jade box in his hand.

In an instant, an astonishing thunderous power emanated from the jade box, a trace of coercion, but it was as heavy as a thousand mountains, almost crushing the world!

In the jade box, there is only one phalanx.

This phalanx...priceless!

"This is... the Immortal Emperor's phalanx!"

Ning Fan's eyes showed shock for the first time.


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