Grasping Evil

Chapter 422 The Battle of the Two Emperors

() In the dream of the mind, Ning Fan's whole body seemed to be suppressed by Qianshan, and the white robe was bathed in blood, but even though his body was broken, he still did not kneel.

His eyes were cold, and he glared at the middle-aged man in black at the top of Demon Mountain.

The whole world, submerged in black snowflakes, stood in the black snow, but this person had no sense of disobedience.

He is a demon, that snow is a demon snow, the temperament of the two is consistent, and there is a natural rhyme in it.

The middle-aged man in black has eyes like a halberd, his expression is stern, his hair is messy, his head has double horns, his back has six wings, and his eyebrows have vertical eyes.

Standing on the top of the magic mountain, he looked down at Ning Fan like an ant, there was no expression in his eyes, only the contempt that came from his soul.

"Knock in front of the devil, become my slave, transform the immortal base, and congeal the ancient devil's body, why don't you kneel!"

"What if I kneel?" Ning Fan sneered and asked.

"..." The middle-aged man in black was silent for a while, and when he asked his question, there were only two answers, one was slavery, and the other was rejection.

Ning Fan was the first person who dared to ask questions.

"If you kneel, you will be given the body of Moruo, slaughtering all your relatives, you will be able to prove the way of the devil, become the supreme true devil, and help me wake up. The day I wake up, I will give you immortality!"

"So, I won't kneel!"

Ning Fan sneered more and more, he would not kneel, because from the beginning he could see the origin of the black primordial spirit.

That black primordial spirit was Ning Fan himself, the confluence of all his negative emotions.

How much he loves Zhihe, how much he cares about beauty and close relatives, how cold-blooded and resentful that black primordial spirit is.

He cannot be attacked by the black primordial spirit, otherwise, after the black primordial spirit occupies his body, the first thing he will do is to kill himself and prove the devil's way!

He does not kneel. Not only because of stubbornness, not only because he is unwilling to be a slave, but also because he cannot do it!

He once fell into the devil's way for the sake of strength, but if the end of the devil's way is to harm his close relatives. Then the magic way can be discarded!

"Interesting... But you can't kneel or not, you can never let it go! Humph!"

The middle-aged man in black snorted coldly,

With one step, the body shattered into countless pieces of black snowflakes.

The next moment, the whole world began to vibrate violently, and a magical might that shocked the world, as if it was about to collapse!

In that magic power, Kuroyuki rolled backwards. They all fell into Ning Fan's body.

Under Ning Fan's feet, for no reason rose up a huge square pattern, with black lines, mysterious and mysterious.

An irresistible demonic energy poured into Ning Fan's body in an instant. Ning Fan's eyes changed.

"Seize the house! Impossible!"

He couldn't imagine that the middle-aged man in black actually crossed time and space. Crossed life and death, with the supreme supernatural power, and with a trace of Moruo Numark in Ning Fan's body, he took the body of Ning Fan!

According to the black-clothed middle-aged man's original plan, he should be preparing to enslave Ning Fan. In his capacity, it would have been impossible for Ning Fan to be a mere God.

However, after seeing Ning Fan's stubbornness, he suddenly changed his plan and was going to take Ning Fan!

"Yes, I plan to change. Your personality is very in line with my appetite, and you have never kneeled your body. You are the most qualified to bear my loss!"

In Ning Fan's body, another consciousness began to grow rapidly. This consciousness is one of the nine great demon ancestors... the Great Emperor Moruo!

The original plan was to enslave Ning Fan and have Ning Fan prepare a real immortal body for Moruo to come and revive.

But now, Moruo wants to take Shen Ningfan directly.

If the black primordial spirit devoured Ning Fan, Ning Fan could still resist one or two.

Now that he was seized by an Immortal Emperor-level master, how could he resist half a point!

Ning Fan, whose white clothes were stained with blood, gradually turned into a black robe.

Consciousness gradually blurred, and he seemed to see the beautiful shadows of the past, walking farther and farther towards them, as if they were strangers.

He seemed to be able to guess what kind of maddening things he would do once he was seized by Emperor Moruo across time and space, and slaughtered his beloved.

"You... don't... think..."

Ning Fan's eyes are crazy, he can't choose to live, but he can... choose to die!

He can abandon the Dao, he can give up his life, and even his Dao name can be separated from each other, but no matter what... he will not allow those women to be hurt by others!

Yuanshen, ignite!

Demon blood, ignite!

Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ignite!

He set everything on fire, and he wanted to prevent Moruo from taking the house, to prevent the black primordial spirit from occupying his body, and to die to make all of Moruo's plans fail!

Even, if he is lucky, if he kills himself when Mora takes half of his house, he will be severely injured and pay the price!

"Humph! I never thought that this son would rather die than help me revive! How cruel!"

Being so frightened by Ning Fan, Moruo had no choice but to abandon his plan to seize the house, and turned into a black snow that was powerful in Ning Fan's body.

Since he couldn't take the house, he could only be safe and let the black primordial spirit slowly swallow Ning Fan.

Just let Ning Fan kneel to the devil for the last time, then everything can be done!

"The devil of heaven and earth, listen to my ancestor's order, kneel!"

Emperor Moruo snorted coldly, and a demonic sound came out of his mouth. In an instant, an unimaginable coercion descended on Ning Fan, shaking his heart.

Ning Fan only felt his expression stunned, as if he was sluggish, his body couldn't help himself, and he wanted to bow down to the magic mountain.

Under this demonic sound, he must surrender, not only him, but also the heavens and the earth.

This is, follow the law!

Even if the heart resists, the body cannot control it.

But at this moment, a cool mana like Luoshui suddenly poured into Ning Fan's body.

This coolness gradually swept away a trace of confusion in Ning Fan's eyes, preventing him from kneeling at the critical moment.

The Great Emperor Moruo was slightly startled, and then his eyes were cold and he said, "The Luo people's forbidden spell, the 'Pure Heart and Universal Good Mantra', hum! Dare to stop my important affairs, court death!"

He was about to make a move, shaking Ning Fan away from the spell, causing the caster to suffer backlash. The next moment, the situation changed suddenly. This time, even he couldn't help showing shock.

"Impossible! Why does the Immortal Emperor exist here!"

At this critical moment, the whole world was suddenly divided into two!

Half of the world is still covered by black snow, and the other half of the world has turned into a world of blood and thunder.

An old man in a red robe, stepping on the red cloud, floated up, and his words were quite sarcastic.

"Don't you feel ashamed to bully a first-step junior?"

"Who are you!"

"The old man is the Immortal Emperor of the future, Taisu. Today, I have the fate to fight with the Great Emperor Moruo. It can be said that he will die without regrets! Boy, step back!"

The red-robed old Taoist approached in an instant, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, an immortal power that was completely inferior to Moruo. Sweeping away, all the demonic energy in Ning Fan's body was scattered.

Ning Fan, resume moving!

His eyes were shocked, and the red cloud old man who appeared again, called himself Taisu, was the master of the Thunder Star and the Emperor Bone!

Since this person appeared, he naturally came to protect Ning Fan. Just standing beside Moruo and Taisu, Ning Fan felt like his body was about to collapse. It can't compete with that terrifying immortal power at all.

A fairy is a person standing on a mountain.

And these two immortal emperors from different eras once stood on the apex of immortals!

Retreat... Ning Fan can only retreat, there is no room for him to take action here.

He hurriedly exited the distance of 100,000 miles and probed far away.

Moruo and Taisu faced each other, and where they stood was their own world.

Mora made the heavens and the earth fall with blizzards. Taisu made the world full of blood and thunder, and with Ning Fan's eyes, he could see it a little. This is the two immortal emperors who usurped the heavenly way with the power of the emperor, and changed the heavenly way they were in.

"It turns out that the cultivation base has reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and even the Dao of Heaven can be reversible!" Ning Fan exclaimed.

He knew that a battle between the two emperors, unknown to the world, was about to break out in his mind!

This will be an unprecedented grand occasion, and only Ning Fan will be the witness!

If ordinary monks could see the dignity of the Immortal Emperor, they would die without regret, but Ning Fan. I was fortunate to see two immortal emperors fighting to the death!

Moruo and Taisu, one in black and one in red.

The world shattered in half. The general trend of the two worlds is competing with each other.

The black snow and the blood-colored thunder collided with each other and vanished.

After a stick of incense, the two worlds began to collapse, and the red Heavenly Dao general trend dissipated in a shock, while the black general trend did not dissipate, but it was also heavily damaged.

The aftermath of the bang was enough to shatter the rain world!

Taisu stepped back ten steps in a row before he stabilized his body.

There was a faint shock in his eyes, and he said solemnly,

"As expected of the Nine Ancestors of Ancient Demons, this old man has weakened you so much!"

"Humph! You're not bad. A mere immortal emperor of a later generation can actually make me take half a step back. This half step makes you invincible at the same level in that era!"

Moruo also took a half step back, and from his livid complexion, it could be seen that this half step was a great humiliation for him.

In ancient times, the Nine Ancestors of Demons, Moruo, was one of the strongest Nine Emperors of the Demon Race, and those who could make them retreat half a step were all outstanding men of Gaidai.

As the immortal emperor of later generations, Taisu could make Moruo retreat. Just as Moruo guessed, in Taisu's time, he was also one of the few overlords in the world!

Taisu came here to protect Ningfan and would not hurt him.

And Moruo has the pride of Moruo, and he never disdains to attack Ning Fan.

He let Ning Fan watch the duel between the two emperors, and even tried to restrain the fluctuations, and did not let the aftermath of the battle kill Ning Fan.

Compared to enslaving a junior, Moruo at this moment is more interested in Taisu.

"You, fight me!"

Moruo took a step forward, his eyes showing crazy murderous intent, but he gradually calmed down.

From existence to nothing, not lost, but... sublimation!

His eyes were pitch black, and at this moment, wherever Moruo's eyes could reach, all the world was dyed black!

Pieces of blood-colored thunder began to crumble.

Ning Fan's complexion suddenly changed greatly when he was caught by Moruo from the corner of his eye. At this moment, he felt that he was coming from the depths of his soul, and he seemed to be blackened and swallowed by Moruo!

That's not death... that's to merge into the way of Mara and become a part of Mara!

That is extinction, a death more terrible than death!

That's when everything becomes empty, and all Taoist thoughts vanish into thin air!

"Protect your body with Leitu!"

Taisu's voice came, and a trace of thunder force entered Ning Fan's body. In an instant, without being urged by Ning Fan, a huge blood-colored thunder map appeared under Ning Fan's feet.

And the power of this Leitu is more than a hundred times more than Ning Fan himself! Not only can it devour the lightning of the same level, it can even devour Taoist thoughts and devour everything!

Immortal Emperor's magic power can actually make Leitu exert a hundred times the power. If this Leitu was performed by Taisu himself, how powerful it would be!

Ning Fan was grateful, if it wasn't for Taisu's repeated attacks, he would definitely disappear under Moruo's eyes.

It turned out that he was really weak.

It turned out that the current Ning Fan. Even a look from the Immortal Emperor couldn't bear it.

In addition to a trace of thunder power input by Taisu, Ning Fan also noticed a trace of cool mana in his body, which was gentle like water.

This tenderness made him seem familiar, but he had never seen it before.

"Apart from Taisu, who else is helping me..."

He frowned, the next moment. All the thoughts were awakened by an earth-shattering momentum.

However, when Moruo grabbed the sky with his five fingers, all the general trends of the Heavenly Dao condensed into black snowflakes, flickering with strange starlight, and condensed into a black bow of ice and snow stars.

On the black bow, there are millions of strange runes of the demon race.

With Ning Fan's eyesight, he could see at a glance that the rune had some kind of special pattern. It seems to enhance the power of archery.

With his formation, he could see through the veins of the rune at a glance, and keep it in his heart.

He recognized that this bow technique was the technique of the Six Wings ancestor's fame... Zhuchen's bow!

And Moruo did not use star power, but borrowed the general trend of heaven. Tampering with ice and snow into stars, and evolving the bow of Zhuchen, the truth contained in it. Ning Fan couldn't understand.

But he understood that the Zhuchen bow cast by Moruo was a million times more mysterious than the bow he cast.

Mora has not yet buckled, but the world is trembling with fear.

The power of this bow is enough to penetrate the rain world. This is the real bow opening and the world is destroyed!

Witnessing Moruo performing this bow technique is for Ning Fan. Absolutely a rare opportunity!

"The Bow of Zhuchen!" Tai Su clearly recognized this technique, and his eyes were deeply shocked.

"This bow technique was created by my slave Liuyi, who eventually became my Taoist corpse. Dedicating myself, this bow technique is for my use. Take this bow!"

Moruo's mouth curled into a cold, cruel smile, and he opened his arms and pulled the bowstring.

The vast and terrifying mana turned into a black arrow of ice and snow starlight.

Mountains and rivers collapsed and trembled, the earth fell, and the void collapsed piece by piece.


Moruo sneered, and an arrow was fired. Wherever the light of the arrow spread, the world collapsed, annihilated, and disappeared back into chaos!

Taisu's eyes changed drastically, and he sensed a trace of life and death from this arrow.

With five fingers grabbing, a thunderous light like a rainbow, instantly condensed a rainbow-colored thunder armor.

This Thunder Armor rank is many times higher than that of Ning Fan, and it is not even recorded in the secret technique of Red Clothes.

With the power of the Thunder Armor, Taisu once fought against the attacks of several immortal emperors of the same level, but the Thunder Armor did not collapse.

But when the arrow hit the Thunder Armor, in an instant, the world Taisu was in collapsed piece by piece!

The Thunder Armor, which was enough to defend against the combined attack of several Immortal Emperors, collapsed in an instant!


Taisu vomited blood violently, and his eyes were so shocking that it was difficult to understand. With his almost invincible strength, in front of Moruo, he had no power to contend!

One arrow pierces the armor, and that arrow wants to destroy the Tao of Taisu!

At the critical moment, Taisu slammed into the void, and his feet gave birth to a colorful thunder map. His body was at the extreme of death and turned into a rainbow of light, escaping into the thunder map, avoiding the fatal blow.

The arrow did not kill Taisu, but blasted the billions of voids behind Taisu, and the voids set off a shocking storm.

After a long time, the storm disappeared, and Taisu escaped from Leitu. His old face was as pale as golden paper, and there was a blood hole in his chest, which was pierced by an arrow and could not heal.

"Cough cough... The old man lost..."

"You're not weak anymore. When I was in full bloom, there were only one or two among the Nine Demon Ancestors who could not die under a single arrow from me." Moruo frowned. As expected.

"But you are not in full bloom now..." Taisu smiled ashamed, and his eyes were often on the magic mountain far away, which meant something.

"Don't worry, even so, I have exerted 30% of my strength. If you can take a blow of 30% of my strength, you are still not dead. You are proud of yourself!"

Ning Fan was shocked, he had always thought that the Immortal Emperor was the strongest, and from the words of the two, Ning Fan could also judge that Taisu was definitely the top Immortal Emperor of his generation.

But this kind of immortal emperor was almost killed by Moruo, who was 30% powerful.

This Moruo is so powerful, so terrifying!

Immortal Emperor...not the strongest!

"Emperor Moruo, you are very strong. But this son is the inheritor of this old man after countless generations. He is the first descendant to condense my Taisu Leixing. It is half my disciple... You must not hurt him!"

"I'm stubborn, this time, I won't be merciful... I'll pull my soul!"

Moruo's eyes turned cold, his five fingers grabbed the void, and the next moment, a trace of soul power was drawn out by him.

Grab to the ground, pump out the soul of the earth!

Grab to the void and draw the void soul!

Grab to the sky, and draw the soul of the sun, moon, and stars!

Grab Xiangtian Second, and draw the soul of heaven!

The soul is drawn again and again, and each time is deeper than the previous one.

This is the first time Ning Fan has seen a soul pumping other than the ground pumping soul. Obviously, his ground pumping soul is only the lowest level.

After draining the soul of heaven and earth, Moruo's aura almost doubled. Under such aura, the injured Taisu felt a sense of suffocation even more.

"This is about the same. It's 50% of my mana level when I was in his prime. You must die!"

Moruo's voice shook in the sky, and the echoes were endless, like thunder.

The two worlds, combined into one, were once again controlled by him.

Even Emperor Taisu Lei is not qualified to take away the world of Moruo!


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