Grasping Evil

Chapter 423 Heaven and Man 1

() Looking at the imposing Mara, Taisu sighed, he is certainly not as much as Mara.

But he had a reason to save Ning Fan.

Not to mention that he is dead, even if he is not dead, he will definitely save Ning Fan from the calamity.

Moruo wasn't using Zhuchen bow technique, he was just pinching his fingers, and the ghostly eyes between his eyebrows flashed a strange light.

At the moment when this dim light rises, the whole world falls into darkness.

In the dark night, strange and huge vertical eyes emerged from the night sky, with a total of tens of billions!

In every vertical eye, there is a flame of annihilation brewing.

Just a vertical eye, a magic flame, is enough to quell death and transform into a god!

Hundreds of demonic flames can kill and refine the virtual!

Myriad Demonic Flames can kill Shattered Void!

Millions of magic flames can kill immortals!

Hundreds of millions of demonic flames can destroy true immortals!

When this magic flame reaches 10 billion, even an ordinary Immortal Emperor can be burned to death!

"Moruo Dao, the magic of tens of billions of techniques!" Moruo's icy voice, like the last bell of death, echoed in the world for a long time.

The sky is full of murderous intentions, the heavens are trembling, and the Moruo with 50% strength can instantly kill the prosperous Taisu!

Ning Fan was shocked.

Is this the Great Emperor Moruo, one of the Nine Emperors of the Ancient Demon Race!

If this kind of person is still living in the block, I am afraid that one person can slaughter the four heavens and nine worlds!

Even though there are Immortal Emperors in the four days, there is absolutely no peak Immortal Emperor like Moruo!

He couldn't resist Moruo taking the house, and he had to force him to die, which was not shameful.

With such tyrannical strength of Moruo, even a master of the Taisu level can win the house, and it will never be too difficult.

At present, the premise of winning the house is successful. It must be Taisu, like Ning Fan, who has the stone soldier magic pattern, and develops and advances step by step.

Let it break through the profound soil, and step by step, it will transform into the magic eye.

Moruo chooses slaves, and he is not hungry, if he does not have the qualifications to develop the magic pattern of stone soldiers to the arrival of magic eyes. Not even qualified to be his slave and immortal.

Moruo is more critical when he takes the house, he is willing to take Ning Fan, but he may not be willing to take the real immortal, which shows that in the eyes of Moruo, he also appreciates Ning Fan.

Unfortunately, just admiration for enemies and servants can never be equal.

An existence equivalent to Mora died early in the torrent of the times!

"Boy. As you can see, this Emperor Moruo is too powerful... Although this old man is unwilling to lose to him, even if he is killed once, there is no loss. But you are different, you will be taken away. Or be killed. Slavery... are you willing?" Taisu said with a wry smile.

"Unwilling!" Ning Fan closed his eyes and said lightly.

Although he is unwilling, this world cannot do things because of his weakness. Too much, how can I be unwilling.

The only thing he can do is to prevent Moro from being successfully enslaved and seized. He has the obsession of never regretting death!

"I have a secret technique that can 'destroy' Moruo... But this secret technique may make you sacrifice, but it may also be a chance..."

"Senior has something to say, but please say it clearly!"

"Old man, there is a plan... to 'destroy' Mora! But. I need your help!"

The conversation between Taisu and Ning Fan was carried out openly, and he did not shy away from Moruo. And Taisu deliberately bit a word to kill, trying to provoke Moruo.

The flames of Moruo's demon pupils wanted to destroy Taisu in one go.

But when he heard Taisu's wild remarks, a conceited and sneering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Taisu was provoking him, and he also knew that Taisu could not win, so he wanted to use a sinister trick.

But he didn't care, didn't care that Taisu played any tricks.

Because he is strong, because he is conceited, because he is Mara, he will not lose!

"I can give you a chance to use your body." Moruo sneered, and his words broke Taisu's mind.

Moruo is dead, Taisu is also dead, and neither of them will be able to prosper.

For some reasons, Moruo can only exert 30% of his mana, and after the soul extraction, he can reach 50% of his full power.

As for Taisu, because he was summoned by Ning Fan's phalanx, he was almost in full bloom, but there were still limitations in this prosperity. Many secret techniques that required the help of a flesh and blood body could not be performed.

Ning Fan's meager strength was completely unable to interfere with the duel between the two Immortal Emperors.

The only thing he has is a physical body. If Taisu temporarily possesses Ning Fan, he will be able to perform some kind of secret technique, perhaps using the secret technique to fight against Moruo.

Taisu, it is this kind of thinking.

Both sides are immortal emperors, and their minds are evil spirits. Some small thoughts will be seen through by Moruo, which is normal.

Taisu is also not ashamed, no, it should be said that if it was Taisu back then, he would be disdainful to use the guise of manpower to compete with the enemy.

But today is different from the past, he had a time when Ning Fan could not do it.

Therefore, he could not allow Ning Fan to be enslaved and taken away.

Therefore, even if he was despicable and ruined his reputation, he would not hesitate.

"Senior wants to attach Yuanshen into the junior's body?" Ning Fan opened his eyes and asked.

"That's right! I have something that I can't let go of even though I die, but you can do it... You have to promise me about this, and I will give everything to save you!" Taisu could not refuse.

"Okay!" Ning Fan nodded and promised.

The weak are not qualified to negotiate.

If he has the strength of the Immortal Emperor, if he can control the Demon Luo, he does not need to agree to any demands from Taisu.

But he is weak, he needs Taisu to survive, Taisu saves him, he should do it, it is not too much.

"Very good! If the secret technique is successful, the old man will tell you about it. If the secret technique die and I will be destroyed, let's talk about the benefits...Su Leidao, the technique of descending the emperor's spirit!"

Tai Su's finger pinch, the whole body turned into an illusory thunder light, disappeared in a flash, and disappeared into Ning Fan's body.

Ning Fan closed his eyes, closed the sea of ​​consciousness, and surrendered the control of his body. But the next moment, he was shocked!

Taisu did not take away his body control.

Taisu, after burning his life-long Taoist thoughts, turned it into a ball of thunder, and blessed him in Ning Fan's primordial spirit.

That group of thunder light is larger than the sum of the mana of all the monks in the rain world!

Under the blessing of that ball of thunder, Ning Fan's aura actually skyrocketed at this moment...

Refining the void, breaking the void, life immortal, true immortal... Immortal Emperor!

Moruo's eyes showed a strange look, and he sneered sneeringly.

Taisu's actions were beyond Ning Fan's expectations, and even more beyond Moruo's expectations.

Originally Moro thought. Taisu is no match for himself, and will use the guise of the flesh to fight with himself.

However, contrary to Moruo's expectations, Taisu did not intend to fight again, but gave Ning Fan a powerful realm of magic power at the huge price of destroying the Dao!

This is a kind of secret technique, which is completely different from the secret technique of extracting the soul!

The mystery of the soul-pulling. It's about ripping off, it's about grabbing hard, and it's about grabbing hard.

But this secret technique lies in sacrifice, abandonment, and exchange!

Burning the mind and destroying the Tao, in exchange for mana, granting others a short-lived terrifying mana.

Emperor Taisu Lei gave up his life to save Ning Fan. This huge price, today's Ning Fan can't understand, after many years, he can understand, Taisu's hard work... and hardships!

At this moment, he fell into a state of emptiness. It's like a child with a stubble, suddenly became the emperor's supreme, around a million mountains and rivers. But don't know how to give orders.

His mana realm was raised to the level of Immortal Emperor by Taisu. Because of Taisu's huge effort, Ning Fan's mana at this moment is even a small realm stronger than the prosperous Taisu. Although it is still inferior to Moruo, it is no worse than that many.

The gap in mana is narrowed, but in a duel at the Immortal Emperor level, mana is not the deciding factor for victory or defeat.

Once you enter an immortal, Taoism is the most important thing.

Road comprehension. Determines the power of immortal arts, determines the tyrannical combat power, and Ning Fan's Taoist realm. After all, I just asked about the virtual level, and I didn't even know the emptiness, Taixu, and broken virtual, and I didn't understand the virtual word.

He didn't know the emptiness, he didn't know the truth, and he didn't understand the Tao. Even though Ning Fan possessed the realm of Immortal Emperor's magic power, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to take even a single move from an ordinary Immortal Emperor.

That's what Moro thought, so he laughed at Taisu's stupidity.

Ning Fan closed his eyes, bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and used the pain to calm down his restless heart.

Although he is far inferior to the Immortal Emperor, he has cultivated to the half-step and is not a fool. He naturally understands that empty mana is useless.

Relying on the power of the Immortal Emperor at this moment, Ning Fan may be able to bully ordinary True Immortals, but if he is against the Immortal Emperor of the same level, he will only be killed instantly.

There is absolutely no way he can defeat Mora!

Unless, relying on his own efforts, step by step to realize the emptiness, realize the truth, step by step... climb to the Immortal Emperor, then he will be qualified to challenge Moruo!

"Dare to ask senior, why do you want to save me, why do you want to give me mana... I have no chance of winning, not even half a point."

"No, your odds of winning are very low, but at least 40%, you can destroy Mo Luo! You can try it!" Tai Su unexpectedly had a lot of confidence in Ning Fan.

"Your Taisu three questions, I'll read the memories with Can Lei and see them one by one. Your answer is very good, very good..."

"But this is not the reason why this old man trusts your strength... Someone told this old man back then that the next person to condense the Taisu Thunder Star can solve the catastrophe of the 'True Thunder Realm' for a billion years... This old man didn't believe it at first, but when he became an old man The first time I saw you, the old man believed it."

"That person, once gave me a jade slip with an afterimage... This technique, maybe only you can perform it... Even if you only use the afterimage - just the afterimage is enough - it must be possible. Defeat Moruo, but if you can't use it... this calamity, no one can survive."

"The old man has heard the answers to your three questions, Taisu, and when you broke the barrier, you saw the power of the purple-gold wind and smoke. If the old man is not mistaken, that power is the key to the use of the afterimage of jade slips. You And give it a try!"

Tai Su said, running the thunder force, the colorful thunder force slowly condensed into a jade slip, floating in front of Ning Fan.

He swept away the jade slip with his divine sense. Among them, a purple-clothed man with a blurred face stood on the top of the sea of ​​​​clouds. He flipped his five fingers, and the purple-gold wind smoke turned into a palm print...

The man in purple clothes, his face could not be seen clearly, it was covered by Samsara.

The man in the purple clothes had a very familiar aura to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan looked at the figure, as if he had remembered something, and seemed to have forgotten something.

He gradually ceased to be obsessed with the identity of a man, and just scrutinized the man's palm print.

Condensed in the man's palm, is an extremely delicate palm print. If you look closely, the palm print is five fingers and one palm. Each finger corresponds to the sword finger of the Collapsing Heaven, and it is also the first five fingers. Fengyan, make a palm!

Judging from the traces of the finger, each finger is the sword finger of the Collapsed Heaven, but its sword meaning is different from the sword finger, and the meaning of the sword finger seems to be the same as that of the Collapsing Heaven Sword Finger...

Collapsing Heaven Sword Finger, the profound meaning lies in a collapsing word.

As for the five sword fingers in that palm, the profound meanings were all in one word. To describe it specifically, Ning Fan couldn't find the right words.

The Dao rhyme of this palm, he is faintly enlightened. He once held Nanlao Kingdom, and that palm was slightly similar to the Dao Yun of the palm in front of him.

"If this palm print can be used, even if it's just a specious afterimage of the palm print... it will definitely be stronger than these tens of billions of demonic fires! Before the reincarnation, all demons will become empty!"

"The man who performed the surgery. But Immortal Emperor Zidou? But why do I always feel that he and Immortal Emperor are not the same person, he, not Zidou, who could it be?"

Ning Fan had many doubts in his heart, but he gave up everything.

All he needs to do now is to comprehend that palm.

He didn't seek complete enlightenment, he just wanted to reluctantly exert a palm print.

A message came into his mind, which seemed to be the name of the palm print technique.

He needs to be familiar with the Bengtian Sword Fingers one by one. Only then can the five fingers be one.

He also needs to adapt to the mana first and clarify the realm of mana.

Ning Fan's words fell into Taisu's ears and turned into a gratified smile. Ning Fan can see through the subtleties of this technique, and the chance of displaying the afterimage of this technique is slightly higher than Taisu expected.

Tai Su had to admit. Ning Fan's comprehension was far beyond his expectations. After all, as soon as Ning Fan entered the cultivation world, he had to mess with ancient memories, and when he entered the fantasy world, he had to be ordered by Zidou. Daowu is naturally extraordinary.

Ning Fan's words fell into Moruo's ears, making the latter look gloomy.

Moro doesn't like to joke, he allows the strong to challenge himself, but he hates being arrogant.

From Moruo's point of view, Ning Fan only got mana, and he didn't have the enlightenment of the Immortal Emperor, and he didn't even have the qualifications to let himself lift his fingers.

This kind of junior, who also speaks loudly with himself, is really over his head!

"You can think about it slowly. Show this palm print and let me see what kind of secret technique it is. It gives you the confidence to kill me."

"However, I can bet with you that no matter what secret technique you use, it is impossible for me to use more than 100 million demonic fires..."

Moruo believed that Ning Fan was blessed by Taisu's secret technique after all, and at least before he left the dream of the mind, Ning Fan's mana was enough to match his own.

Those who can force himself to use the billions of demonic fires are all top-level true immortals. In Moruo's eyes, Ning Fan only has the strength of top-level true immortals.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Ning Fan suddenly raised his hand, the vast mana turned into a five-finger scratch, and the darkness of the surrounding sky was suddenly broken by the rays of the golden sun.

The light of the sun finally condensed into a huge golden spear. On the golden spear, there were rolling golden flames and golden light. Every trace of golden flames was enough to crush Lianxu.

One shot was shot, and the rays of sunlight flowed along the strange path of the avenue, and the yin-melting star between the eyebrows turned in the opposite direction.

A dazzling sunlight, with the momentum of burning and killing Shaixu, slammed into Moruo.

This is a chemical-grade middle-grade sorcery… Lisun Spear!

Ning Fan used the Immortal Emperor's magic power at the beginning, but he had not yet mastered the magic power, and the magic power that he could use was very small.

Rao is so, the mere use of the Sun Spear is enough to kill the Void Shattering old monster!

However, Ning Fan only attacked Moruo with a shattering blow, which was really a humiliation for Moruo.

With higher mana than Taisudu, he only released a blow of the Void Shattering junior, and the attack could not even reach the level of Life Immortal...

Could this garbage spell be the finale spell that Ning Fan and Taisu used to deal with him?

"Ridiculous! This kind of rubbish spell has no chance of hurting me, and even saying that it will kill me 40% is just maddening!"

Moruo laughed in anger, he held his hands still, and only moved his mind, and there were magical fires from ten thousand demon pupils, like a meteor flying fast, ten thousand fire burning the gun, and the Liri gun was burned to ashes in an instant.

A single blow of shattering the void is only worthy of letting Moruo use the Myriad Demonic Fire.

He also said that Ning Fan could let him use a million fires of magic, and he really looked down on Ning Fan!

"The limit of this technique is a smashing blow, but... I can't change the power of the spear, but I can change the number of spears from the sun... With the power of the Immortal Emperor, I can change this technique a little..."

He closed his eyes and felt the flow of Immortal Emperor-level mana in his body. After the first shot, the mana in his body seemed to be a wooden tube full of chopsticks. After taking out a pair of chopsticks, he gained room to move, and the mana gradually began to run.

The traces of mana were obtained from the Taisu Ran Dao, and in the mana, there was a trace of mysterious Taoism.

Appreciating this kind of enlightenment, Ning Fan's eyes gradually became dazed, and his heart gradually merged with Taisu's enlightenment. At this moment, his consciousness suddenly became clearer than ever.

This unprecedented state of clarity can only be experienced when taking the Refining Herb for the first time and realizing that he has traveled thousands of miles.

At this moment, Ning Fan seemed to have entered a strange state.

"Heaven and man are one!" Moruo's eyes changed for the first time.

Among the tens of billions of monks who can achieve the unity of nature and man, there may not be one person!

Perhaps because of various experiences, such people have a particularly keen understanding of the way of heaven. By chance, it can even merge with the way of heaven!

At least, Moruo is not the lucky person, and Taisu is not the lucky person either.

No, it should be said that this is not luck, but a gift.

"This person can achieve the unity of heaven and man. Although he is relying on the old man's 'burning Dao power', he is also proud of himself. The old man really did not see the wrong person... He may really be the one who can help the real thunder world escape..."

Heaven and man are one!

Because Ning Fan is ordinary, he loves it. Because of the yin and yang changes in cultivation, it becomes more and more in harmony with the Tao.

Everyone has a way, right or wrong, twisted or twisted. However, only those who support each other in right and wrong, and complement each other in twists and turns, can achieve the unity of man and nature.

Because the Tao of Heaven is the product of the contradictory yin and yang.

Taisu is obsessed with Lei. Mora is obsessed with demons, and because of paranoia, he is unable to personally teach.

Ning Fan looks stubborn, but he understands the principle of tact, which is the key to the harmony between man and nature.

In the state of the unity of heaven and man, Ning Fan only felt that Taoism was no longer a weak Immortal Emperor.

The first unity of heaven and man. by chance.

The second time that man and nature are united, it is Taisu Ran Dao's help.

In this state, Ning Fan's comprehension of the Lisun Spear. Almost more thorough than the person who created this technique.

He seems to be able to see through the development trajectory of Liri Gun and know how to make Liri Gun stronger.

"Yin melts into reverse, divides thunder into true yang. True yang turns into shadow, golden spear divides shadow, there is truth in virtuality..."

Ning Fan muttered to himself, what he said and said, he himself may not be able to understand, all are seen from the heaven.

Heaven. The trajectory of this technique can be deduced!

From that trajectory, Ning Fan saw the strongest form of the Lisun Spear!

He scratched with five fingers again, and the heaven and earth were blessed. The Sunlight Condensed Golden Spear, with the smooth flow of mana, Ning Fan's Lisun Spear this time has become more and more perfect.

But he didn't shoot the golden spear. The ultimate attack of the Lisun spear is a shattering blow. No matter how strong it is, the spear will collapse.

Why does it crash? Because the entity can no longer withstand higher mana, it needs to be... avatar!


A solid spear suddenly faded into two slightly illusory spear shadows.

It seems that there is only enough golden paint to paint one golden gun. After adding water to desalinate it, it is enough to paint two.

Two to four, four to eight... Gradually, there are as many as one million of Zhou Tian's spear shadows.

That illusory spear shadow, every one of them, kills Lianxu!

Although the gun shadows have faded, their power seems to have decreased a lot, but the number has increased to a terrifying realm. They do not pursue the attack limit of a single gun shadow, but seek the best balance in terms of limit and quantity.

"This sun-releasing spear, after being divided into shadows, can be included in the rank of immortal arts, and can be named...'Sun-separating shadows'!"

"Xianshu, separate shadows from the sun!"


As Ning Fan pointed a little, the next moment, millions of golden gun shadows that seemed to be blurred suddenly stabbed towards Moruo.

Moruo's eyes narrowed slightly for the first time.

Because Ning Fan, a mere first step junior, actually created an immortal technique in front of him!


Millions of spear shadows, almost wiped out 130 million demonic fires, and stabbed 130 million demon pupils, which is still stronger than the highest strength of Ning Fan estimated by Moruo!

"One hundred and thirty million demonic fires, your prediction seems to be inaccurate." There was a hint of indifferent majesty in Ning Fan's eyes, and that majesty was borrowed from heaven after the unity of heaven and man.

"You can continue! While the unity of heaven and man is still alive, create several more immortal techniques and comprehend the essence of that secret technique... If you can break through a billion demon fires, at this moment, you can at least fight an ordinary immortal emperor."

Moruo turned his hand, and the destroyed demon pupil and demonic fire re-condensed.

He was waiting, waiting for Ning Fan to give him the strongest blow.

He didn't care about being killed by Ning Fan.

He is already dead, even if he is defeated this time, he will only lose the chance to enslave Ning Fan, that's all, after sleeping for a million years, he may be able to wait for the arrival of the next slave of Moruo.

This is just a cosmetic reason.

The real reason is that Moruo never believed that Ning Fan could defeat him, under any circumstances, it was impossible!

And Ning Fan, seized this opportunity tightly, realized the limit of each spell, and finally... displayed the technique of jade slip!

The opportunity for the unity of man and nature is hard to come across.

Get the opportunity to send the law of the Immortal Emperor Burning Dao, and there will be no second time in this life.

This is an opportunity for Ning Fan to cultivate his previous spells one by one to the peak!

Of course, the more important thing is... he wants to devour Mara today!

He is not a magnanimous person, and he will not forgive Moruo's provocation and persecution just because Moruo lets him try.

He wants to make Mora... pay the price!

If that palm comes out, Mara will have no chance of resurrection again.

Mara will pay for his arrogance...




Evil Emperor, you scared me. Thank you Diving, Taoist, and Evil Emperor for the generous gift of 10,000 yuan. Thank you, the Hall Master of the Bewitching Fairy, and the Russians for the tragic reward. Thanks to Xiaofan, Fengmian, Forest of Two People, sze, and book friend 121130222738728 for their monthly ticket support. It turns out that I can only see so many names, but they have all been refreshed. You are so powerful, thank you!

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