Grasping Evil

The 429th chapter slaughter tower (5)

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The eleven-story Thunder Tower was wiped out by Ning Fan with Zhu Feng's death. [;Starting]

Ten people were sent to death to refine the void, and after the almost violent siege by Ning Fan and Lei Shiyi, four people died.

Among the ten people, only six survived, and were made into undead puppets by Lei Shiyi at a high price.

Yuan Lei was taken out and belonged to Ning Fan. After killing the Thunder Lord on the eleventh floor, Ning Fan already had 11 Lei Ye, which was more than enough to cure Hong Yi.

Lei Shiyi retained his puppet cultivation, and naturally he could not get Lei Yu.

It should be said that a piece of gold Lei Jade is not as valuable to Lei Eleven as a refining puppet.

After the candle wind was extinguished, Lei Shiyi was the Thunder Lord of the eleventh floor from now on. In order to rule the eleventh floor, he needed a lot of combat power.

These puppets were made by cultivators of the phantom, and their cultivation was lower than that of the phantom, but higher than the half-step phantom refinement, similar to a realm of 'illusion'.

This kind of puppet can only be controlled by the undead, and it cannot bring out the Leita, so Ning Fan will not covet these puppets, and he is not even interested in the number of puppets, so he will leave them all to Lei Shiyi to deal with.

The ten immortals and thousands of gods who were sent to death contributed 1,000 spirit essence thunders and 10 imaginary essence thunders, all of which were swallowed up by Ning Fan.

The quality of thunder armor has improved a lot, and if you swallow 2000 gods or 20 refining virtual, you can break through the third-order golden armor.

There are countries in the mortal world, and the country is prosperous because of war. Ning Fan and Lei Shiyi also expanded their strength and improved their cultivation because of the battle.

A group of people urged the teleportation array, and they teleported into the 12th floor of the Thunder Tower, sprinting all the way up.

The twelfth floor is a world of clouds and mist, with flowing clouds. All are thunderclouds.

Among the thunderclouds, there are many undead and beasts hidden, and on weekdays, necromancers enter the twelfth floor. Walking through the sea of ​​​​clouds, they are all cautious.

Even if it is Lei Shiyi and occasionally on the 12th floor, he needs to restrain himself.

However, this time, with Ning Fan leading the way, the momentum was full, and Lei Shiyi and the others did not restrain their edge and marched recklessly in the sea of ​​​​clouds.

Whenever there is a master blocking the way, there is a sneak attack by a beast, and they are all killed. Don't ask why.

Twelve layers of Cloud Sea Thunder Palace.

Thunder Lord Huang Yunzi's eyes were gloomy.

He had heard the news of the destruction of the eleventh floor. It was also heard that Zhu Feng died at the hands of a half-step virtuous junior who was wanted by the Dragon King. It is rumored that the strength is comparable to that of Xu Xu, and it can even be defeated in a battle.

"Ridiculous! Half-step virtuous refinement, it is absolutely impossible to ask about phantom-level combat power, let alone rushing phantoms!" Huang Yunzi never believed in these rumors.

He had refused to obey the Dragon King's orders and did not send people to hunt down Ning Fan from the lower realms.

He didn't believe that Ning Fan was capable of killing Zhufeng, but he believed that Lei Shiyi was powerful.

He has seen Lei Shiyi, and in his impression, Lei Shiyi is a forbearance person who can extinguish the candle wind and unify the eleventh floor. Not surprising.

Huang Yunzi was Wen Xu, but like most experts at Xu Xu, he was not reconciled to being under King Yinglong.

He sent more than ten half-step practitioners to secretly investigate the truth of Lei Shiyi and others.

If Lei Shiyi and the others really had the strength to contend against the Dragon King Ying, he would be more than willing to let Ning Fan and the others go directly to the twelfth floor to disgust the Dragon King.

All the spies sent out, the news sent back is like a withdrawal.

The power of Lei Shiyi and others is indeed not weak, but the leader of this group of monks is not Lei Shiyi, but Ning Fan.

"How could this be so! With the city of Lei Shi, how could he obey the instructions of a god-turning junior for no reason... Could it be that that junior really has strength comparable to that of Xu Xu? This is simply ridiculous!"

The night has not completely dissipated, and there is still a waning moon, approaching dawn.

At this moment, outside the Cloud Sea Thunder Palace, there was a sudden sound of intrusion of the earth and the mountains, and a clear voice, with a frightening aura, came from a distance,

"Next week Ming, I want to take advantage of Lord Huang Yunlei's teleportation array, I hope you can accommodate one or two!"

A voice revealed the breath of Ning Fan's half-step refinement, which did not seem to be worthy of Huang Yunzi's attention.

But this voice, the suffocating power, is unbelievable! At the moment when the sound entered his ears, Huang Yunzi only felt that there were many illusions in front of him, and every illusion was a sea of ​​blood flowing!

"How many phantom-refining old monsters has this son killed! Why does he have such an appalling evil spirit!"

Huang Yunzi couldn't sit still.

There is no need to investigate the details of Ning Fan, Huang Yunzi has deeply realized that Ning Fan must not be provoked.

Huang Yunzi is asking Xu, but this question is slightly inferior to Zhufeng, he can't provoke Ning Fan!

"Coming people! Pass the order of the Thunder Lord, everyone is not allowed to attack the people who come from Wanbao Pavilion, let them borrow the teleportation array, and the offenders... beheaded!" Huang Yunzi could not refuse.

"But, but... the young master has already led someone to attack, and threatened to take down Zhou Ming and ask Yinglong King for credit." An old ghost peeking through the void trembled.

"Evil son! The old man shouldn't have accepted him back then!"

Huang Yunzi's eyes changed greatly, he didn't dare to provoke Ning Fan, but his good son ran to cause trouble! The so-called son is just an adopted son. If he hadn't valued the family background and was still available, how could he, Huang Yunzi, accept such a straw bag as his adopted son!

He no longer hesitated, and ordered the master, with a dignified appearance.

Not to attack Ning Fan, but to stop his adopted son.

When Huang Yunzi hurried to the teleportation formation, when he saw that Ning Fan was surrounded by two peeps, his heart skipped a beat.

I'm late!

The two peeping, one short and the other fat, are the personal guardians of their sons, and each has a terrifying cultivation base in the early stage of refining.

Behind the two peeps, stood a peach-shirted son proudly, with the cultivation of the late stage of God Transformation, Peach Blossom Eye sneered frivolously,

"Ku Da, Ku Er, the two of you killed this son. When this son asks Yinglong King for credit, I will remember both of you and one credit! Remember, this son is a bit cunning and has a high level of concealment, don't let him Stealth time!"

"Don't worry, son! The two of us know what to do!"

The two Jing Xu sneered, and both took out a handful of slightly fishy silver ashes, sprinkled them into the sky, turned into a little silver fire and disappeared.

The next moment, Ning Fan felt that he was branded with a stinky smell that could not be removed or wiped away.

Ning Fan's eyes sank, and it seemed that the two of them wanted to lock him with their scent.

He doesn't want to cause trouble. He didn't have that much time, he just wanted to get to the twenty-fourth floor quickly, get rid of King Yinglong, and then leave. Complete the red coat quest.

Yue Lingkong was waiting for the golden leaf in red to save her life, Ning Fan was not in the mood to waste time here.

But since the other party provoked him and wanted to kill him for meritorious deeds, with Ning Fan's character, he wouldn't hold back.

"Boy! You have been hit by the 'fire scale gray' of the two of me. Even if you are invisible, you will not be able to hide the smell. The invisibility technique has been broken by the two of us. Let's see if you have any other means to compete with us. Master!"

Suffering two. All sneered proudly.

Ray Eleven was furious. This is a lot of hardship, and it's both good and bad. Fire scale ash, once contaminated, cannot be eliminated within a few days.

Even if Ning Fan reached the thirteenth floor. It will also be delayed by this ash, unable to hide, and lose once the security.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, I've come to clean them up. You take someone one step ahead and go to the thirteenth floor!" Lei Shiyi shouted angrily.

"No need! They're looking for me, just two peeps, not worth mentioning!"

Ning Fan's eyes were cold, and the cold light was like the twinkling of stars, the next moment. At the top of the sea of ​​clouds, ninety-nine black stars appeared one by one.

In the shroud of starlight, Ning Fan reached out and grabbed his palm, and the strands of starlight instantly turned into a dazzling black bow of stars!

Bend the bow, the world trembles.

Buckle the strings, shock the world with an arrow!

Ning Fan bent his bow and arrow, and the arrow pointed at Ku Da Ku and two people. In an instant, all the proud expressions of Ku Da Ku Er turned into shock!

An unprecedented look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the two of them, which could not be dissolved!

Thousands of miles around, all are shocking sounds.

"Starlight Healing! And it's actually the legendary black star! This person has ninety-nine natal stars to protect his body. Unless there is an old Void Shattering monster who can knock down this person's stars, it is only a Void Refining Old Monster that cannot be broken. This person has astrology! This person is almost immune to all damage at the Void level!"

A glimpse of the virtual was shocked. It was the first time he saw the Starlight Healing Technique with his own eyes. This technique has been passed down in ancient books and is extremely powerful.

"What kind of bow technique is this! The power of a bow can make the world tremble, it can shake the general trend, and it can make the void collapse! The power of this son's bow can never be stopped by this old man!"

Another old monster who was peeking into the void, just looking at Ning Fan's bow and arrow from a distance, his scalp felt numb, and his heart was dispelled when he stepped forward to persuade him to stop fighting.

Huang Yunzi sighed, he knew that if the arrow were shot down, even if the two of them were not killed, they would be seriously injured and their cultivation would be greatly damaged.

He wanted to save the two, but he couldn't.

When Lei Shiyi came to watch Huang Yunzi secretly, once Huang Yunzi intervened, Lei Shiyi would also interfere.

Second, Huang Yunzi really didn't want to offend Ning Fan. Once he took action, the situation would be irreversible.

Lei Eleven stared at Huang Yunzi secretly, while secretly shocked.

With Ning Fan's bow, even Lei Shiyi was not sure he could take it without injury.

And if Ning Fan breaks through the Void Refinement, even if it is only the lowest peeping Void, it is enough to seriously injure Lei Shiyi with this arrow!

"This son is on the eleventh floor, and he really didn't use his full strength..." Lei Shiyi nodded to himself, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly changed.

However, seeing Ning Fan draw the bow and draw the arrow, but did not shoot it immediately, but scattered the bow and the arrow, his eyes seemed dissatisfied.

"No, that's not the case... Emperor Moruo's Bow of Zhuchen is vastly different from mine in power... Is it because my bow doesn't have a magic talisman engraved..."

Ning Fan closed his eyes, recalling the majesty of Moruo defeating Taisu with one arrow.

He suddenly reached out his hand, invoked the starlight, and condensed the bow again. This time, he did not immediately pull the bowstring, but only held the bow with one hand, and the other hand made a seal with one hand, pinching Guao's magic sword.

For a time, the devilish energy was billowing above the sea of ​​clouds, and there were a series of magic talismans condensed and engraved on the bow body.

Ku Da Ku Er's face was extremely wonderful.

At first they laughed at Ning Fan, but when they suddenly saw Ning Fan summon the stars and draw arrows, they were almost scared to pee.

The power of that arrow is indeed a bit terrifying. Even if the two of them resist with all their strength, they will not die at most, and will be seriously injured.

Just as the two were preparing to defend with all their strength, Ning Fan scattered the magic bow, and was now condensing the magic talisman.

The two of them didn't know what the rune was, but they secretly speculated that Ning Fan might not have completed the spell.

"An unfinished spell dares to bluff in front of me and court death!"

The two of them no longer had any fear in their hearts, and each made a ten-finger pinch, and cast a low-level magic spell to launch an attack on Ning Fan.

"Jiuxiao Divine Thunder Remnant Technique!"

"The technique of five thunders!"

Heavy thunderclouds condensed in an instant. Hundreds of millions of golden thunder lights turned into thunderbolts, with an earth-shattering roar.

This is the full force of the two Jingxu, and even ordinary Jingxu can't take it. As for Ning Fan, who was perfecting his spells, he was hurriedly knocked down by lightning, and he had to die!

"Be careful!" Lei Shiyi's eyes were startled, and he wanted to help.

"It's okay!"

Without turning his head, Ning Fan suddenly took a step forward and stopped to condense the magic talisman. Ninety-nine magic talismans were condensed on the black star bow.

This magic talisman was stolen from Mora's archery.

But condensing the magic talisman requires the power of the stars. He only has 99 natal black stars. Only 99 black symbols can be condensed. And Moruo can condense millions of magic talismans. Must be carrying a million stars.

Moruo is also a ruthless man!

But this ruthless man, Ning Fan will definitely surpass!

The magic is done. Ning Fan bends the bow and draws the arrow, and the power of the arrow makes the sea of ​​clouds in the sky suddenly appear black sparks.

These sparks are all born from the sharpness of the star and arrows, the mana being too intense, and the friction in the air.

His black hair fluttered in the gust of wind, his black eyes were as indifferent as the night, and a crazy momentum swept the sea of ​​clouds in an instant!

In the face of hundreds of millions of thunderbolts, Ning Fan didn't even bother to summon Lei Tu. Bend the bow directly, one arrow!

Loosen the string, the arrow came out, and crossed a perfect black line. Wherever it passed, the sky was torn in half, and the black blood was cut!

With one arrow, the sky bleeds!

A sharp sound like a thousand birds chirping in unison immediately cut through the sea of ​​​​clouds and resounded through Qiongxiao!


Within the sea of ​​​​clouds, there seem to be countless arrows echoing, but seeing a streamer piercing the universe, the thunder cloud and thunder that two phantom cultivators exerted with all their strength were pierced by an arrow, and ten thousand thunders were smashed!

The thunder light that was smashed by the arrow light, then burned into a black spark, and the nihilistic thunder light was literally burned to fly ash!

Two ordinary magic spells can't stop the power of an arrow at all! This scene fell into the eyes, both Ku Da Ku and both were bloodless. The power of this arrow was enough to burn the two to ashes, and it was definitely not as simple as a serious injury!

The two were frightened, frightened, and wanted to split up to escape, but just after splitting on both sides, the arrow immediately split into two shadows and chased away.

"Oh shit!"

The two never imagined that the arrow could be split into two, and after the separation, although the arrow's power was reduced, it was still enough to kill Jingxu, more than enough!

The two of them bit the tip of their tongues in unison, and pushed the speed to the extreme.

But the light of the arrow disappeared in a flash.

When the two of them appeared 150,000 miles away, two arrows of light suddenly shot out of the void and penetrated into the dantian of the two, ignoring all defenses.


At the moment when the arrow was hit, the two of them couldn't even scream, they were burned by sparks, and within a breath, they turned into fly ash and disappeared.


Two arrows of light returned with two Yuan Lei, and were swallowed by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan didn't disperse the star bow, but just stepped closer to the peach-shirt boy, his eyes were cold, and he took nine steps in a row.

All nine steps are on top of the general trend of heaven and earth, and each step forces the sword to take shape.

But at the last step, Ning Fan smashed the general trend with a bang, exuding the emperor's aura, condensing his own emperor's strength.

The end of the nine steps on the sky is to step on the sky, condense the emperor, and the emperor is immortal!

"You want to take credit for me? It's up to you!"


Nine steps later, swords of great power suddenly swept across the sea of ​​​​clouds, and among them was a sword of pure gold, full of unstoppable killing energy, without giving the Taoshan son any chance to beg for mercy, one sword killed him!


The old monsters of the Cloud Sea Thunder Palace are all gasping for air, unbelievable.

The might of Ning Fan's arrow can be used to slay the two major refiners.

Ning Fan made a sword in nine steps, and that sword was so strong that no one could stop it!

"Sword of Emperor Qi!"

Huang Yunzi wanted to rescue his adopted son's hand, but he froze for a long time. After sighing, he closed his eyes.

"Forget it, the trouble caused by this villain should be self-inflicted. I just can't imagine that Zhou Ming is so strong this week that with a single arrow from his magic bow, he can almost kill everyone in an instant! His imperial imposing sword, and more It is powerful, the might of that sword, even if I fight against it, there is still a 30% chance that it will fall... This son may have other means, and he must not be provoked!"

Ning Fan killed three people in a row, but no one dared to stop him.

Even Huang Yunzi acquiesced to Ning Fan's behavior, who else dared to step forward to stop him.

Chu Nanfeng, Mo Feiyun and the others were all dumbfounded.

Although they knew that Ning Fan was powerful, they didn't know that Ning Fan had such a powerful trump card. The arrow can slay the spectacle, and the sword can kill the emptiness!

"Huang Yunzi, give me an explanation!"

Ning Fan's eyes were indifferent, he didn't want to cause trouble in the sea of ​​​​clouds. But the other party provoked him first, and the result was different.

If Huang Yunzi does not give him an explanation, today, he will step on the Cloud Sea Thunder Palace!

"I heard that Zhou Daoyou is collecting the thunder of the primordial spirit. The old man also has 10,000 spiritual primordial thunders, all of which are left by the gods who died on the 12th floor for countless years..." Huang Yunzi smiled bitterly and gave compensation.

"Not enough! Black gold bamboo leaves, plus a thousand silver jade, this matter is enough. Otherwise... the sea of ​​​​clouds will be destroyed!"


Ning Fan's voice fell. Immediately, several old monsters from the sea of ​​clouds who were peeking into the void stepped forward. He glared at Ning Fan, expressing his dissatisfaction with the blackmail.

"I won't say it twice!"

Ning Fan's eyes were as cold as lightning, and he swept away fiercely. The suffocating energy was like a sword, stabbing these old monsters to the point of pain, and hurriedly retreated, terrified.

What is astonishing is that Ning Fan has a strong aura, and with just his suffocating energy, he can knock back the old monster of the Void!

"Shut up! Daoyou Zhou's request is very reasonable! Bo Yuan, go get the black gold bamboo leaves and a thousand silver jade and give them to Daoyou Zhou!"

"..." The old monster named Bo Yuan was the one who was knocked back by Ning Fan's aura. His eyes struggled, not knowing whether to follow the order or not.

"Go! You want my Cloud Sea Thunder Palace to be destroyed!" Huang Yunzi yelled.

"What, what!"

Bo Yuan's eyes were startled, he could not have imagined that Huang Yunzi, the old monster Wenxu, would be so afraid of Ning Fan.

It's no wonder that Bo Yuan is a peek at the emptiness and knows that the Xing Gong is powerful, but he doesn't know that the Emperor Sword is powerful.

And Huang Yunzi, from the emperor sword, noticed the danger of death, how could he not be afraid of Ning Fan.

Bo Yuan sighed and did not dare to neglect, just as Huang Yunzi instructed, bring something and give it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan didn't even look at Lei Yu, he threw it all to Lei Shiyi, swallowed only 10,000 yuan of thunder, put away the black gold bamboo leaves, passed through the teleportation array, and entered the thirteenth floor.

After this group of people left, Huang Yunzi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the adopted son who was in the sea of ​​​​dead clouds and the two Jing Xu, with lingering fears.

"Bo Yuan, remember! That Zhou Ming, don't mess with him... He is a hundred times more dangerous than King Ying Long!"

On the thirteenth floor, Lei Eleven smiled wryly, looking at Ning Fan with admiration.

"Zhou Dao is friendly and courageous. In the face of Huang Yunzi's old stingy, he dares to slay a knife. It's good! Why don't we just blackmail us to the twenty-fourth floor like this, you have Zhu Ye, Yuan Lei Na, I have Lei Yu Na, hehe , If you have money to make it together, why not do it!"

"it is good!"

Ning Fan nodded, continue to blackmail, why not be strong? Anyway, in this Black Thunder Tower, strength is the most respected. If others don't like him, they can bring people to kill him. What are the consequences... and Zhufeng and the others will end up together!

After refining 10,000 yuan of thunder, the thunder armor above Ning Fan's Yuanshen has broken through the third-order golden armor, and the defense is even more terrifying.

Even if it is a blow to the virtual, it can be defended, as for the virtual attack, it can be completely ignored!

This means that in the first twenty-four floors, including King Yinglong, no one can hurt Ning Fan!

However, Ning Fan discovered a sad fact.

When the Thunder Armor broke through the third-order, the number of Yuan Lei required for promotion became even more terrifying.

From the second rank to the third rank, he only swallowed more than 10,000 yuan of thunder.

But the third-order breakthrough to the fourth-order requires at least 200,000 yuan of thunder!

The more Yuan Lei needed, the more it shows that the defense of the fourth-order golden armor far exceeds that of the third-order.

This also shows from the side that the attack strength of Taixu cultivator is more than twenty times that of Chongxu old monster!

In the Void Refinement Stage, each level of cultivation is a world of difference. Because only after you understand the empty words can you truly become a strong person!

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the Xuanhai Lei Palace on the thirteenth floor.

To Ning Fan's surprise, the Thunder Master on the thirteenth floor had prepared black gold bamboo leaves, 10,000 yuan of thunder, and 1,000 silver jade, and gave them to Ning Fan.

The so-called Xuanhai Leizhu is a thin old man who is arrogant on weekdays, but at this moment he does not dare to be arrogant to Ning Fan.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Zhou, please use the teleportation array! If you have any orders, it's fine, as long as the little old man can do it, he must do his best!"

"Even if I want to ask you to deal with the Dragon King, is that okay?" Ning Fan glanced at the Thunder Master Xuanhai with deep meaning.

"Haha, fellow Daoist is joking, the little old man is old and his mana is weak, so I am afraid that he is no longer Ying Long's opponent, but the little old man can present ten phantom dead puppets to fellow Daoists, which can be considered as a gift for the little one. Friends of a war, a little bit of effort."

"Oh? In that case, I would like to thank Daoist Xuanhai for the generous gift."

Since this person gave Ning Fan's puppet combat power, Ning Fan will not refuse to accept it and hand over all to Lei Shiyi.

So safe and sound, all the way up, all the way to the 22nd floor, almost no one provokes Ning Fan.

"Zhou Daoyou's great reputation, this way, there is no one else, only people give gifts!" Lei Shiyi sighed, he had already collected as many as 200 dead puppets alone, although these dead puppets It's not as powerful as the real Void Refinement, but it can also be worth the combat power of twenty Void Peeks.

"Prestige... They just want to use me. Use me to get rid of Ying Longwang! It seems that Yinglong King has provoked a lot of enemies. Is the wall down and everyone pushes..."

"Let a tiger kill a wolf? They can figure it out, so they're not afraid of raising a tiger like you, leaving you behind and becoming the next Dragon King?" Lei Shiyi winked and joked.

"Raising tigers? Lei Shiyi, you are not the only smart person in the world. I am afraid that there are many people who have guessed my living identity from my behavior of asking for Yuan Lei. I am a living person and it is impossible to stay here. Black Thunder Tower, and you Lei Shi, if you only have illusory puppets, you will stay on the eleventh floor at most, and you will not go to the upper floor to compete with them... By the hands of the two of me, they will be happy to get rid of the Yinglong King. "

Speaking of which, Ning Fan didn't say much more.

The Taiyue Lei Palace on the 22nd floor is already in sight.

Different from the previous number of floors, although the master of the twenty-two-story tower had also prepared generous gifts to wait for Ning Fan, his face was ashen and his attitude was rather cold.

The Thunder Master of the 22nd floor, the Thunder Master of Taiyue, is a master of questioning in the second realm of the golden body.

He is almost invincible at the same level, but he is still inferior to the Dragon King.

He hoped to kill Yinglong under the guise of Ning Fan's hand, but he had his own pride, and it was impossible to bow down to Ning Fan.

And this black tower-like man still has disbelief in his heart. He doesn't believe that Ning Fan can only use the Emperor Sword to threaten Wen Xu's life.

"My deity, Taiyue, has been waiting for a long time. The gift is here, and the teleportation array is here. The little friend can use it at will, but there is a precondition for leaving safely!"

"What premise?" Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, he felt a strong fighting spirit from Tai Yue.

"Pick me up, if you don't die, the deity will let you go to the 23rd floor! Otherwise, you are not qualified to fight Yinglong at all!"

Taiyue took a step forward, and with a giant step, within 100,000 miles, the mountains and rivers collapsed!

This person, what a strong body refining realm!


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