Grasping Evil

The 430th chapter slaughter tower (6)

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Ning Fan took a light breath, the Taiyue Lei Lord in front of him, the body refining realm of the second realm of the golden body, was enough to make his breath stagnate. [;Starting]

With his body refining realm at the peak of his jade life, and the limit of the power of the body of a corpse, he is still inferior to Taiyue.

This black tower-like man, with pure golden light all over his body, his body seems to be a golden man, and is engraved with avenues.

He stood there, as if it was an insurmountable mountain, his punch, even Lei Shiyi could not take it, and he would be seriously injured!

As for Chu Nanfeng and others, they were directly under the momentum of Taiyue Leizhu, and they took dozens of steps back to stabilize their figure, and they couldn't resist Taiyue's domineering momentum at all.

"This person not only cultivates the golden body, but also cultivates the golden body to the second realm... This person is very strong! This person has gold in blood, which makes me faintly understand... The way to refine the body starts at the tenth level of silver light. Then there is the silver bone, the bone is tempered, the jade life is tempered, the life soul is tempered, and when it comes to the golden body, it is tempered with qi and blood... qi and blood..."

Ning Fan muttered to himself, but without fear in his eyes, he took a step forward.

Every trace of Taiyue Thunder Lord's breath is enough to suppress the mountains and rivers and lock the sky.

But as Ning Fan grabbed his five fingers, the pieces of his golden body were shattered like glass, and there was a sound of shattering, and they were shattered.

"Okay, I'll take you a punch! If I'm not hurt, I want you... a drop of golden blood!"

"Golden body blood? Yes! If you can not die under the fist of this deity."

Seeing that Ning Fan broke his momentum and should fight against himself, Taiyue gave Ning Fan a deep look with a gleam of approval.

He saw that Ning Fan's real body refinement realm was the pinnacle of Jade Fate. Breaking through the golden body is still a long way off, but with the strange corpse and demon physique, it can be the first real golden body in the first battle.

Ning Fan asked for his Taiyue's blood in order to realize the difference between the golden body and the jade life.

Just a drop of blood. If Ning Fan's strength can satisfy him, give him a drop of blood to help him realize the realm of the golden body, so why not!

"Take the punch!"

Taiyue took a step forward, and his momentum reached its peak at this moment, as sharp as a sword, shocking countless undead back in a hurry, emptying the battlefield, regardless of the enemy or me!

Countless mountain peaks are smothered by its momentum,

As if struck by an axe. Cut off. The giant mountain collapsed. The river stopped flowing, as if crushed and flattened by the Immortal Hammer.

In Tai Yue's eyes, a scarlet fierce light rose. Its whole body is like a golden man, and its essence covers the sky. As soon as the fist moved, there was an earth-shattering sound of collapse.

A pure golden fist slashed across the sky, shattering layers of clouds, the void was crushed by it at this moment, and the earth began to crumble like an earthquake at this moment.

That punch was far and near, but it was only in an instant that Ning Fan stepped up to meet him, his eyes showing monstrous fighting intent.

This punch. Strong! Enough to suppress Lei Shiyi with one punch!

Is this the almost invincible existence in the Tianlei Tower!

"Thunder Armor, now!"

Ning Fan's body suddenly appeared with golden thunder-marked thunder armor and white-robed golden armor, as if he had become a heavenly general.

At the moment when the thunder armor covered his body, his physical defense immediately increased to a terrifying level.

The third-order golden armor can block a blow from the emptiness. All the way to the 22nd floor, he has won 100,000 yuan of thunder for nothing, and the promotion of the third-order toward the fourth-order has also passed.

This level of defense is the attack of the ordinary Void Punching Monster, which can be ignored. Asking the Void Old Monster's attack cannot break this defense at all!

The fist that was enough to suppress Lei Shiyi slammed on the Thunder Armor, making a terrifying roar that would destroy the world.

The wind and thunder rolled back, and the earth was swept away by the fist light. It was rotten and desolate, but standing in the center of the fist light, Ning Fan was unscathed and in an invincible situation!

Its defensive power has reached a terrifying realm under the nourishment of countless Yuan Lei!

After a long time, the fist light dissipated, Ning Fan dissipated the thunder armor, and said lightly,

"Your Excellency, I have already taken it. The thing you promised, it should be done!"


Even Tai Yue himself couldn't help taking a breath, and the other masters were all shocked.

They all saw that Taiyue's punch was powerful enough to instantly kill any Jingxu, and enough to suppress Lei Eleven-level Wenxu.

With such a powerful punch, Ning Fan completely took over with his Thunder Armor technique!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this Thunder Armor is not an illegal treasure, but a spell that condenses the Thunder of the Primordial Spirit and becomes an undefeated spell for Thunder Armor!

They finally understood that where Ning Fan was collecting the Thunder of Primordial Spirit, he must be doing this kind of mysterious technique!

A deep sense of frustration emerged in Taiyue Leizhu's heart, he closed his eyes and remained silent.

For this punch, he used 100% of his strength and did not use physical skills.

But judging from this blow, even if he used a powerful physical technique, he could not break the Thunder Armor defense.

This thunder armor defense is already against the sky, even the masters in the emptiness will find it difficult.

"You, you can go to the twenty-third floor!"

Tai Yue opened his eyes, with unwillingness and decadence, pointed like a sword, stabbed a sword in his arm, put a drop of golden blood into the jade bottle, and gave all the previous gifts to Ning Fan.

The blood of the golden body only flows in the tiny blood vessels in the skin.

With Taiyue's current state of body refining, it only condensed five hundred drops of golden blood.

Ning Fan nodded. Although Taiyue was domineering, he was still willing to admit defeat.

He accepted the preparation, swallowed Yuan Lei, glanced at the jade bottle golden blood lightly, stopped talking, and stepped into the teleportation formation on the 23rd floor.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou gave this old man an eye-opener again... That Yuan Lei armor, the defense is really against the sky, Taiyue can't break this armor, and Yinglong probably can't succeed. Unbeaten."

"It's only undefeated... Yinglong can't hurt me, but I may not be able to hurt Yinglong. For example, Taiyue Leizhu, I can defend against his attack, but I may not be able to hurt him, even if the emperor kills him. The sword may not be able to break through its physical defense... After all, it is still limited to the realm... If you want to destroy Taiyue, you may only use your third finger..."

"What third finger?" Lei Shiyi asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, the last floor is the Thunder Palace, and the next floor is where Yinglong is..."

Ning Fan and the others stopped their footsteps, and a necromancer master who was heavily guarded faintly appeared in front of them.

When he saw Ning Fan and the others coming, he immediately shouted.

"Stop here! Lord Morey has an order. If Fellow Daoist Zhou Ming wants to use the teleportation array, he needs to answer a question from Lord Lei, no matter whether the answer is satisfactory to the Lord of Thunder. As long as you answer, you can pass the teleportation array!"

After saying that, there are thousands of people holding halberds and transforming into gods, wearing armor and rushing to surround Ning Fan and the others. Among the first to bear the brunt, there are 20 Jing Xu and 1 Wen Xu.

It was Lei Gong Wenxu who spoke out. Although this person had a Wenxu cultivation base, he was not the Lord of Lei Lei. It is the Grand Commander of the Palace of Moreret.

"Answer the question? Shouldn't we have a fight in a different way!" Lei Shiyi showed his yellow teeth. A wretched smile. There was war in his eyes.

Ning Fan was noncommittal, just glanced at the besieged cultivator lightly, and waved his hand. Stop Lei Shiyi, who is eager to try.

"What question to answer?" Ning Fan said to the Great Elder.

"Come here, get the Thunder Master's warrant, gifts, and ink!"

The grand commander's eyes were solemn, and he summoned people to fetch countless items.

There are black gold bamboo leaves, yuan thunder, silver and gold thunder jade, these are gifts.

In addition, some people knelt in front of Ning Fan, holding a wooden plate. Ink, paper and inkstone are in full bloom.

In addition, there is also a warrant, written on paper, with only one word...


"What kind of bird problem is this!" Lei Shiyi curled his lips, seemingly frivolous, but his eyes were a little dignified, as if he could see some way.

"Sorry, Lei Zhu is in retreat, he only asked Daoist Zhou Ming a question, and left this word, and did not say what he wanted to ask Daoist Zhou." The commander said apologetically.

"It's okay, I understand what he means."

The purple star in Ning Fan's left eye flickered slightly, and his vision was able to penetrate almost all the mana traces of the word "Thunder".

This thunder word, every stroke has mana retained, and every stroke contains the thunder road of Morey Lei Lord.

However, all Lei Li's sketches were not round, and there was a sense of stagnation between the lines, which could not be round and complete.

The reason why Lei Li could not be made perfect is because Morey has not yet entered the realm of rushing into the void, so he is still asking the cultivator of the void.

This word is a question.

Morey wanted to ask Ning Fan how he could break through the shackles of Lei Dao and find the bottleneck!


Ning Fan didn't write any words, he just picked up the paper with thunder characters written on it, and shredded it abruptly.


The great commander's eyes were furious, and he only said that Ning Fan was arrogant.

Lord Morelei prepared a generous gift and sent Ning Fan to the twenty-fourth floor, just to ask a question, and whether the answer is satisfactory or not, he will let go, the request is not too much.

But Ning Fan ignored Morley's request and shredded Morley's warrant openly, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated. Even if the commander knows that Ning Fan is powerful, he wants to fight him.

At this moment, in the distant Thunder Palace, a sigh of enlightenment suddenly came out, and the light words, like a thunder light piercing the sky, commanded the road,

"Uncle Gong, stop! I'm very satisfied with your little friend's answer... He's right..."

The person who made the sound was Lord Morey Lei. At the moment when the sound fell, he turned into an old man with immortal style, and he appeared floating with a sigh in his eyes.

"Little friend's enlightenment is indeed very comparable to others... The future will definitely be limitless!" The old man clasped his fists and showed gratitude.

"Being able to help your Excellency, Zhou also felt relieved." Ning Fan clenched his fists in return, and said words that made countless experts feel inexplicable.

"Uh... Why did this son tear up the Lei Master's order, and the Lei Master thanked him instead of being angry... What answer did this son give the Lei Master?"

The great commander was at a loss, and there were also countless experts who were equally puzzled.

Among the masters present, only the wretched Lei Shiyi understood something.

Lei Shiyi could vaguely see the true meaning of Morey's question, asking how to understand Lei Dao and advance into Chongxu.

But Lei Shiyi couldn't understand Ning Fan's answer, what was the meaning of shredding the paper?

Ning Fan and Morey were playing dumb riddles, and only the two of them knew the answer.

Then, under Morey's order, all the experts respectfully sent Ning Fan and the others to the teleportation formation.

Only when he was leaving, Ning Fan suddenly smiled meaningfully in a certain direction and said to himself,

"Interesting, will there be two more helpers on this trip..."

After everyone left, the commander asked suspiciously,

"Dare to ask Lei Zhu, what question did you ask Fellow Daoist Zhou? What did he answer?"

"I asked him how to break through Chongxu." In front of his subordinates, Morey was blunt and did not feel ashamed.

"What, what! Leizhu is a master of dignified and emptiness, and he is almost invincible. Why should he ask a junior who has not yet refined emptiness to ask this question! He is only a god, how does he know how to break through the emptiness realm?" The great commander became more and more puzzled.

"Although this son's cultivation is a spirit transformation, his understanding of the void has already broken through the question of the void. This point, you can't see it with your Taoist understanding... And what particularly makes this old man care about is this son's understanding of Lei Dao. Comprehension. This old man breaks through the emptiness, the biggest problem is not the comprehension of the void, but the comprehension of the thunder path. The old man's thunder path has always been a little incomplete. I heard that this son has the secret technique of Taisu Leidi, so When I tried to ask, I didn't report that there was much hope. But this answer really surprised me... Xiu Lei Wannian. Today, this old man can be regarded as a mess!"

"That fellow Daoist Zhou just tore off the Master Lei's order. Where did you answer any questions?"

"This is the best answer... The old man wrote the question on the paper, that one thunder word. It is all the thunder of the old man, and the paper is the way of heaven... The thunder of the old man is in the way of heaven, but the way of heaven Now, this old man is just a necromancer. No matter how I study Lei Dao carefully, there is still a little regret. Eternal life cannot be compared with living people. Unless the old man is reincarnated and repaired. All this, the old man is well aware of it... So no matter what Zhou Daoyou writes on the paper, he is trapped in the heaven and cannot help the old man... So, he tore the paper and tore the old man's thunder Dao, also tore the way of heaven!"

"This, this..." The commander seemed to have realized something, but he was suddenly puzzled. He only felt that this small act of tearing paper was too deviant!

"There is only one answer for him! 'If the Tao stops me, I will give up the Tao! If the sky stops me, I will tear the sky!' This is his answer! Obsessed with the identity of the undead, too obsessed with thunder, obsessed with heaven... These attachments can be discarded! What needs firmness, only the determination to break through to the void!"

After Morey said, a vast aura gradually rose.

He is not far from breaking through and rushing to the void!

"Come here, prepare for the battle! I can go out and fight Yinglong!" Morey suddenly ordered, shocking countless experts.

"What, what! Lord Lei's expedition against Yinglong is to help Zhou Ming!" The commander said in surprise.

"Yes, this son solves my confusion, I will give him a favor."

"Then why didn't the Thunder Master go directly with him..."

"If the old man goes with him, he will bow to his knees like Na Lei Shiyi... Although the old man can help him, he is not his subordinate. The old man has the pride of the old man! So are you... Tai Yue!"

After Morey finished speaking, his eyes suddenly flickered, and he swept away to the hidden void.

Immediately, in the hiding place, a black tower man appeared, laughing, it was Taiyue Leizhu.

"Haha! It's still Mo Lao'er who has a vicious eye, and even sees that the deity is hiding here!"

"The eyesight is vicious, but the old man is not the only one. Most Daoist Zhou also saw it. The words he said when he left must be you and me."

Morey sighed, he really can't figure it out, Ning Fan's bone age is only 500 years old, why are Daowu and mind so evil, even the two of them can see the meaning of helping each other, most of them also understand that the two are not helping each other, yes If you can't put your face down, you are afraid of being called Ning Fan's subordinate.

After all, not every old monster can be as brazen as Lei Shiyi, not afraid of criticism from others.

"The old man helped him for the sake of repaying his love. You helped him, but why? If you have an unruly heart, don't blame the ruthlessness of the old man and shoot with you!" Morey asked coldly.

"Shoot? Haha, Mo Laoer, I can't beat you, and you can't beat me! I'm willing to help him, and I also want to kill Yinglong for fun, that's why I shot, believe it or not! Haha, the deity goes. also!"

Tai Yue laughed loudly in the sky, and entered the teleportation array alone.

Morey's eyes showed a strange color, sighed and shook his head, and also led people into the teleportation formation.

After so many years, he still can't understand Tai Yue, this person is too casual. If I want to challenge you, Tianwang Laozi also dares to fight. I want to help you, but there is no valid reason.

But what Morey could predict was that with Ning Fan's strength and the help of him and Tai Yue, he would not be defeated in a bloody battle on the 24th floor.

"But I don't know if Yinglong is already restless at this moment..." Morey said indifferently, as if he didn't care about the life and death of the dragon.

On the twenty-fourth floor, Yinglonglei Palace.

In the deep swamp, a winged yellow dragon, after hearing the reports one after another, his eyes were furious, and the dragon's roar shattered the sky.

"Impossible! How could this child break through the 23rd floor of the Thunder Tower defense and come to my 24th floor in such a short period of time! This is absolutely impossible!"

His anger has not subsided, and several sound transmission flying swords flew in a hurry, and each flying sword was a sound of begging for mercy.

"Dragon King help, the water is in an emergency!"

"The water gate has been broken, and the Iron Dragon City is besieged, please help the Dragon King!"

"Lishan was leveled..."

"Shenxiaogu is broken..."

One after another sound transmission flying sword, all of them are the bad news of being slaughtered and destroyed.

Ying Longwang was even more angry. He was the only one who pursued and killed others. When did the people he pursued dare to be so arrogant, come to his territory and kill his subordinates!

"Come on, this king will attack in person and kill this son on the twenty-fourth floor!"

Huanglong fluttered and flew, and the yellow light flashed, turning into a big man in yellow robes, his complexion was as gloomy as iron.

But before he could strike in person, another ink-colored flying sword came galloping, and exploded in the Longchi, with an indifferent voice.

It's not the battle report of his subordinates, but... Ning Fan's voice!

"Ying Longzi, your time of death has come!"

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

When the Dragon King was furious, he couldn't bear it, and he was so provoked by a god-turning junior.

Just when he was furious, outside the Dragon Pond, there were a series of earth-shattering fighting sounds, from far to near.

Ning Fan, here we come!


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