Grasping Evil

The 432nd chapter slaughter tower (8)

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The technique of rushing the void and nourishing qi uses the power of the void to evolve the sea of ​​​​qi, standing on it, the sea of ​​​​qi is inexhaustible, and the mana is inexhaustible. [;Starting]

In the sea of ​​empty air at the foot of the Dragon King, the mana contained in it is at least the sum of the mana of ten questions.

Stepping on the sea of ​​qi is very similar to Ning Fan's stepping on Leitu. With this technique, even if King Yinglong faces the Wanbao Pavilion army alone, he will not be exhausted and defeated.

In the sea of ​​empty air, no one can break the old monster.

As soon as this technique came out, even Taiyue and Morley, the two thunder masters, felt invincible.

But this technique was directly broken by Ning Fan with Dongming Zhong.

In an instant, a look of greed appeared in the eyes of Dragon King Ying. He remembered that there was an old monster in the higher ranks who was trying to find this bell.

Ning Fan broke through the void of the Dragon King, and Lei Shiyi and the other Wanbao Pavilion refiners seized the opportunity to lead 200 phantom dead puppets, swarming up, and attacking the Dragon King with a series of magic weapons.

In the face of the many masters who came from the siege, the Dragon King smiled bloodthirsty, and the sun, moon, and stars evolved in front of him, and the magic was extraordinary.

All of a sudden, both hands turned into dragon claws, with the force of a tear, five fingers claw marks, like five misty moonlight.

Each moonlight seems to be light, but it has the distance to suppress the mountains and rivers. The moonlight is like claws, which can tear the void. A ripping force as vast as the moon immediately swept across the sky.

"Imagination, dragon tearing the moon!"

Lei Shiyi and other six illusory practitioners, but if they were torn apart by the moonlight, all their armors were torn to shreds, their flesh was blurred, they were seriously injured when they fell to the ground, and they almost lost their ability to move.

200 phantom dead puppets, enough to match the combat power of 20 phantom phantoms, but nearly 50 dead puppets were torn to pieces by Ying Longwang. The rest are all damaged, and their power is greatly reduced.

Is this the strength of the Dragon King Ying? Even an ordinary question like Lei Shiyi would not be able to take the blow of his anger at all!

"Lei Shiyi. Yi Er! Next, it's you!"

King Yinglong didn't even look at the juniors of Wanbao Pavilion, his gaze only swept across Ning Fan, Tai Yue, and Morey.

Except for these three people, there is no one here who can make him pay any attention.

Ning Fan's eyes became more serious,

Ying Longwang's strength is far beyond his expectations, this is the strength of the invincible.

Although he was dignified, he was not afraid, but Tai Yue and Morey both showed fear.

"Impossible! A thousand years ago. Although you can ask the invincible, but you are not strong enough! You can defeat 6 refining virtuals and 200 illusions in one move. This kind of thing, you can't do it a thousand years ago!"

"Yes! This old man understands, you have already stepped into the emptiness in half a step. You can retreat to break through the emptiness at any time, that's for sure! No, this Yinglong can already be regarded as half rushing, and it is definitely not an enemy of me! Daoyou Zhou , I will retreat as soon as possible, it will take a long time to come to Japan, don't die here!"

Taiyue and Morey were shocked by the strength of Yinglong King, and they had the intention of retreating.

Fortunately, the two are not cold-blooded and heartless, and they have no intention of escaping alone. Instead, he wanted to take Ning Fan to escape with him.

It's a pity that Ning Fan will not escape after all.

Above the refining, each level is a world of difference, and it is difficult to cross.

Ning Fan understands that a cultivator who is half-stepped into the void, no matter how defiant the sky is, will not be able to defeat the half-stepped void. In the eyes of countless people, it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat the Dragon King.

He understands all of this, but he still has a trump card that can make all these impossible... possible!

"Hand over the golden bell and keep your whole corpse! Your mere half-step practice cultivation base, even if your combat power is against the sky, in my eyes, you are still ants! The light of rice grains dares to compete with the sun and the moon for glory, and it is not a pity to die. !"

King Yinglong sank his eyelids, stood on the sky, looked down at Ning Fan and the others, like ants.

Even if the technique of rushing out the qi and nourishing qi was broken, King Yinglong had the confidence to kill Ning Fan within ten breaths!

"An ant? The light of a grain of rice? Are you sure? Demonization!"

In Ning Fan's eyes, there was a hint of sarcasm, this was his last humanized expression.

The next moment, his eyes lost all expression, only indifference.

He also has a trump card, that is, with the help of the blood of Moruo, he can transform the primordial spirit into a real devil.

At this moment, within Ning Fan's Primordial Spirit, a drop of Moruo's blood boiled, dyeing his Primordial Spirit black.

The white robe was dyed into a black robe by demonic energy, and Ning Fan danced wildly with his black hair, as if he had transformed into a golden armored devil.

The head has two horns, the back has six wings, and the eyebrows have ghost eyes. The only thing that has not changed is the giant appearance of the troll.

An unusually fierce demonic energy emanated from his body, causing the space to freeze.

At this moment, Ning Fan seemed to have fallen into the abyss of ten thousand demons and became the nine great demon ancestors standing on the top of the demon path.

"Demonization!" Morey and Taiyue's expressions changed, and the masters of Wanbao Pavilion who fell to the ground and were seriously injured were also shocked.

It is rumored that the ancient demons had many mysterious magical powers, all of which needed to be used with the power of ‘blood’. One of the magical powers was demonization, swallowing blood to create a demon, and transforming into a real demon.

But the magic technique was long lost with the loss of 'blood', and no one understood why Ning Fan was able to use this lost ancient magic power.

Could it be that Ning Fan was carrying demon blood? But how is this possible?

"I didn't expect you, you ants, to actually know the magic of magic, but if you think that you can fight me with this kind of trickery, it's just wishful thinking." Ying Long said disdainfully.

"Is it!"

Ning Fan's eyes were cold, and he swept towards Tai Yue and Mo Lei who were close to him. His light words contained an irresistible magical power.

"You step back!"

"What! Don't you want to fight against the Dragon King alone? This is absolutely impossible!"

The two wanted to persuade Ning Fan to stop, but Ning Fan had already taken a step forward, his figure faded, and he disappeared.

He escaped too fast, still on top of the question, so fast that Morey and the two could not see clearly.

He was too imposing, and even though he didn't mean to target the two of them, it still caused Morey and the two to feel a pain in the sea, because they were stabbed by Ning Fan's eyes.

Morey and Taiyue didn't know that at this moment, the demonized Ning Fan's physical body has reached the real strength of the first realm of golden body. In the limit state of the body of the corpse, the physical body is comparable to the second realm of golden body repair. , by no means weaker than Taiyue Leizhu!

The moment Ning Fan disappeared, the corners of Yinglong's eyes shrank suddenly. He turned around without hesitation, and slammed his fists behind him.

In that place, Ning Fan's figure appeared like a ghost, and the light disappeared quickly. The strangeness of the movement method has almost reached the real level of rushing to the virtual!

"Imagination, Shuanglong!"

Above the two fists, there is the phantom of the roar of the two dragons. The power of two fists is enough to destroy the world.

Ning Fan, who suddenly appeared, looked at the oncoming fist, but there was only unmoved coldness in his eyes.

This pair of dragon fists is enough to defeat Taiyue and Morey in one blow.

But this boxing technique, in the eyes of Demonized Ning Fan, was still not enough to hurt him.

He does not escape. Ren Quanmang banged on the Thunder Armor. But it only stirred up layers of ripple-like thunder. It's impossible to break the Thunder Armor at all.

And when the fist light almost disappeared, he opened his mouth and swallowed, and swallowed the remaining power of the fist light into his belly. Refining!

These fists were devoured by the blood of Moruo one by one.

And Ning Fan was shocked to discover that by devouring these punches with the blood of Moruo, he could use the blood of the devil to imitate a body refining technique similar to this technique.

All the disdain of Ying Longwang turned into shock in front of the third-order golden armor.

"What kind of armor is this, the defense is so defiant!"

"You, you don't need to know! Illusory, Shuanglong!"

Ning Fan swung his fists on top of his arms. Two black dragon phantoms intertwined and roared.

This technique, imitating Yinglong King's body refining technique with demon blood!

Moreover, the body refining technique imitated by the blood of Moruo seems to be able to be improved, and its power is faintly higher than that of the original technique!


Ying Longwang was even more shocked, and everyone would be shocked to see his body skills being stolen face-to-face.

Although Ning Fan's double-dragon illusory technique is not yet proficient, he is only a glimpse of the skin.

But Ning Fan's double-dragon illusory technique was obviously much higher in rank than Yinglongwang's, and many details were more perfect.


The double dragon fist slammed into the dragon king's chest, shattering the layers of inner armor and blasting it down into the sky.

Ying Longwang's gaze turned from shock to anger, and his body in the second realm of Jade Life was wounded by Ning Fan through countless inner armors. Although the injury was not serious, he was eventually injured by an ant from Ning Fan.

He couldn't stand being hurt by ants.

He couldn't even understand why Ning Fan could steal his secret housekeeping skills at the moment of the fight!

"With the blood of Moruo, you can refine the fists of others, and by the power of the blood, you can simulate physical skills and evolve the universe... Is this the power of the ancient demon 'blood'... The gods cultivate the law, the demons cultivate the mind, and the demons cultivate the body. , with the power of demon blood, the speed of comprehension of physical art is more than a hundred times that of the other two clans!"

Ning Fan's heart gradually calmed down. Today was the first time that he was completely demonized and discovered the mystery of 'blood'.

Perhaps, the ancient demons were suppressed and their 'blood' was taken away because the 'blood' was too unbelievable.

The "spirit" of the demon clan is the ability to borrow the law from heaven and earth.

The 'blood' of the Demon Race is a natural talent that is good at refining the body.

Helping away from the demon blood, gave Ning Fan the ability of 'spirit', and the demon blood of Moruo gave Ning Fan the ability of 'blood'.

With Ning Fan's current realm, he still can't fully understand these two abilities, but it is feasible to imitate other people's body techniques with demon blood.

The Dragon King is no longer scary.

"Double-dragon illusory art is just a low-grade illusory art. It's not surprising that you can steal it. But this king doesn't believe it, you can even steal a middle-class physique from the emptiness!"

Ying Longwang settled down, traced the avenue with both hands, and evolved the sun, moon, and stars. This was the prelude to the previous technique of 'Dragon Tear the Moon'.

The technique of tearing the moon apart is also a physical technique, and its power is extraordinary. With this blow, Ying Longwang defeated 6 Lianxu including Lei Shiyi with one move, and even defeated 200 phantom dead puppets.

Ning Fan pushed the demonic blood in his body to the extreme, and above his right eye, three demonic stars flickered in unison.

The first magic star is the attribute magic star, which is the earth magic star.

The second magic star, the supernatural power magic star, once possessed an earth-type supernatural power, but that supernatural power was too weak and was long ago abandoned by Ning Fan.

The third magic star, in order to strengthen the magic star, gradually condenses after condensing the natal stars, but has not yet obtained the strengthening attribute.

As the demon blood moved, Ning Fan suddenly felt as if his right eye was burning. To be precise, the second demon star was burning.

The supernatural power contained in the second supernatural power magic star is being replaced by the blood of Mara!

The magical power contained in it is no longer an earth spell, but... the eye of Mora!

At this moment, Ning Fan's left eye is a demon, and his right eye is a demon.

The left eye is Fuli, and the right eye is Mara.

The left eye can break illusions and perform illusions, but the right eye is endowed with more powerful magical powers by the power of 'blood'.

The pain in his right eye gradually stopped burning, but Ning Fan was surprised to find it. After urging the demon eyes this time, he could see some incredible things.

For example, the blood flow in Ying Longwang's body was almost unreservedly displayed in front of Ning Fan's eyes, and all the flow trajectories were extremely clear.

The destructive power of physique. It comes from the flesh and blood of monks.

Mastering these blood flow is equivalent to mastering this body art.

Imitating Ying Longwang, his gestures change, and the illusion of the sun, moon and stars evolves.

The blood energy in the body runs along the veins of Yinglong King one by one.

Ying Longwang's eyes widened in anger, and he discovered that Ning Fan was so arrogant that he imitated his dragon tearing moon technique on the spot.

A strong sense of humiliation came to him, and he stopped to trace the general trend. this moment. His flesh and blood were running around. Reach the top!

"The art of dragon tearing the moon!"

"Dragon Tear the Moon!"

Two voices sounded almost at the same time!

At the moment when the Dragon King performed the technique, Ning Fan actually imitated the technique. Cast out.

The technique of the dragon tearing the moon that he imitated is naturally impossible to be as skilled as the Dragon King Ying, but the Demon Eye sees through this technique, and the Demon Blood improves this technique.

Performing body arts in front of demons with demonic blood is nothing but humiliation!

Like the Dragon King's five fingers, he tore the five fingers of the moonlight, and Ning Fan also raised his hand and tore off the five moonlights that suppressed the mountains and rivers.


The sky where the two stood. All were torn apart by the mighty force, the void collapsed into pieces, and the space shook.

The moonlight is like a huge dragon claw, each tearing into the void occupied by the other.

The power of this technique is not weak, Ying Longwang was torn apart by Ning Fan's moon claw, and there were five bloodstains that could be seen deep in the bone on his chest.

However, Ning Fan was extremely calm, and with the help of the thunder armor's anti-sky defense, he directly blocked the Dragon King's moon claw without any damage.

"Despicable! Stealing this king's body technique, and relying on the thunder armor to protect the body, you just barely suppressed this king! You dare to use your own strength to fight this king!" Ying Longwang was unwilling to roar. He was injured, but Ning Fan was unscathed, how could he be reconciled.


Ning Fan ignored the Dragon King's anger.

The demon blood imitates the enemy's physical skills, and the thunder armor is also condensed by the thunder of his primordial spirit, so how can it not be his own means.

What a despicable thing to say!

He doesn't like nonsense, and he doesn't mind letting King Yinglong see what he really means.

Taking a step, the figure disappeared again, and in the next instant, it flashed directly in front of Ying Long, and started a frantic hand-to-hand fight.

boom! boom! boom!

King Ying Long never imagined that Ning Fan would have the courage to fight him closely.

He is a master of the second realm of golden body, and Ning Fan seems to be only the peak of jade life.

But this fight, he immediately realized that after the demonization, Ning Fan's physical body is not weaker than him at all.

Every punch is enough to collapse mountains and rivers, and every palm is enough to overwhelm the universe!

The two fought for thousands of rounds. Ning Fan was like a madman, only attacking but not defending. He had thunder armor to protect him, so why should he defend?

All of Ying Longwang's fists were blocked by thunder armor.

And every punch and palm of Ning Fan left indelible wounds on King Yinglong's body.

Dragon King Ying fell off a piece of dragon scales, which was scattered by Ning Fan's fist.

A drop of dragon blood splashed in the sky, was injured by Ning Fan's offensive.

Ying Longwang is invincible, demonized Ning Fan, has thunder armor to protect his body, and can ignore all emptiness attacks!

The hand-to-hand combat between the two was earth-shattering, and Mo Lei and Tai Yue were stunned to see that they did not dare to intervene.

Lei Shiyi and the others gradually resumed movement, suppressed their injuries, and looked up at the sky.

The void was smashed to pieces by Ning Fan and Yinglong again and again, and the tragic fluctuations in fighting skills were definitely not for ordinary people to intervene.

With the passage of time, Ning Fan's strength did not show any signs of exhaustion, but Ying Longwang's injury became more and more serious, and he could no longer fight with Ning Fan.

The masters watching the battle all showed a horrified expression.

The invincible King Yinglong, who ran rampant on the twenty-fourth floor, showed more and more defeats.

The demonized Ning Fan was so strong that he could defeat King Yinglong!

Who is King Yinglong? He is an invincible existence in the void, and he has once defeated an ordinary Chongxu.

It is undoubtedly a shock that a powerhouse of this level will be defeated by Ning Fan!


Another pair of bombardments, Ying Longwang was severely shaken, and he tried his best to bombard Ning Fan's Thunder Armor, but he couldn't blast out a single crack in the Thunder Armor.

The strength of this thunder armor is far beyond his imagination. King Ying Long understands deeply that if he does not use his strongest trump card, he will never be able to defeat Ning Fan, and today, he will most likely die here!

"There is no other way, even if you use the treasure gifted by the East Dragon King, you will be killed! Void treasure, Huanglong Yuling!"

In the midst of the Dragon King's retreat, he suddenly raised seven dark-yellow dragon-shaped jade decrees.

When the seven jade decrees were in the air, he transformed himself into a 6,000-meter huge winged yellow dragon, swallowing mountains and rivers.

The Yellow Dragon Jade Token is just a magic weapon of the middle rank of the Void, but the combination of the seven jade decrees seems to be stronger than some of the treasures of the top rank of the Void, and it is enough to launch an attack of the Void.

The mana required for this treasure is too vast, and it even needs to respond to the dragon king's transformation to be able to urge this order.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, the power of this jade decree can almost shatter thunder armor!

A line of complicated formulas, drank from the giant mouth of Huanglong,

"The sky is dead, Huang Tian stands! Huang Tian suppresses!"

After reading this formula, the yellow dragon jade ordered each to disappear into a golden rainbow.

In the next instant, the sky of a hundred thousand miles in the sky turned into a golden color, and the sky spread out layer by layer, with a total of seven layers of yellow sky.


Seven layers of the sky, suppressing at the head, this is the real power of the sky!

Any old monsters who ask about the void, and even some old monsters who rush to the void, will die under the suppression of the seventh layer of the yellow sky!

This is already the strongest blow of Ying Longwang, this blow is enough to change the color of the situation!

"I also have the strongest blow, so you can see how powerful Moruo and Taisu are when they are one! Collapse the sword finger, the first collapse, the second collapse, the third collapse!"

Ning Fan raised his finger to the sky, and the phalanx of his index finger suddenly emitted a shocking thunder light.

This is, Emperor Bone Finger!


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