Grasping Evil

Chapter 433 Scare the East Dragon King

() Collapsing the sword finger, one collapsing the Miao Island, rivers and mountains, two collapsing the sky and dark sun, three collapsing the empty dead bones.

The power of the third finger is almost no weaker than that of Zhuchen Yigong.

And the three fingers are connected, the three collapses are combined, and the power is even higher than that of the Zhuchen Bow!

The third refers to those who have not yet successfully cultivated, but in the dream of the mind that day, Taisu bestowed Ning Fan with immortal emperor-level mana.

With the Taoist understanding of the unity of the people and the mana as vast as the sea, Ning Fan almost understood all the essence of the first five fingers of the Bengtian sword.

With his current state, the fourth and fifth fingers still can't be used, but after demonization, it is no longer a problem to reluctantly use the third finger.

Ning Fan raised his head, looked up at the overturned seven-layered yellow sky, and took a deep breath.

He saw the aura of the seventh layer of Huangtian suppressing everything, and he saw King Yinglong's disdainful arrogance.

If it is any old monster who asks the virtual, to be suppressed by the seventh layer of yellow sky, it will only be death. It is no wonder that the dragon king will be conceited.

The Yellow Dragon Jade Order of the Dragon King is very powerful, Taiyue, Morley and other thunder masters can't compete, but he, Ning Fan, must block this blow!

The first point pointed out that the mountains and rivers below collapsed one by one, and all the collapsed forces were condensed on Ning Fan's fingertips, turning into a bright sword light, which was dark yellow, which was a metaphor for the mountains and rivers of the earth.

Without waiting for the sword light to shoot out, Ning Fan pointed out the second finger again, the seventh layer of yellow sky, trembled at this moment, and almost had a tendency to be collapsed by the second finger, but then stopped. The void shattered piece by piece, and a round of black sun shadows that quietly emerged also shattered.

The collapsed power of the sky and the dark sun turned into a second dazzling sword light. At this moment, the two sword lights turned gray and white, referring to the sky.

The third finger then pointed out, Ning Fan's eyes were unprecedentedly solemn. This is the first time that he has used his own cultivation base to display this finger.

With a single instruction, the 100,000-mile void was shattered, and the pitch-black void had buried too many strong people and buried too many bones.

With this finger, it is the countless undead buried in the void!

As soon as he pointed out, pieces of the void collapsed, and one by one withered bones hidden in the void collapsed.

One after another ghost roar from the ancient times,

From the dead bones came out, with relief from exhaustion.

Ning Fan was suddenly startled. This third finger. It seems to be breaking the bones of the dead and gaining finger power. In fact, it has other uses.

Those who are buried in the void are trapped in the void and do not enter reincarnation after death.

But this refers. Shatter their dead bones and break the void cage, but they can be sent back to reincarnation.

The true meaning of this third finger is not killing, but redemption!

Sword Ancestor created this finger, perhaps because of the guilt of killing too much in his life, but to save those powerhouses who were buried in the void and send them to Samsara...

"Sword Ancestor..."

Ning Fan closed his eyes, he suddenly had a trace of respect for the swordsman woman who had crossed the era and had never met.

on the road. Killing is necessary, but killing is not necessarily a matter of life and death. If it is not a death hatred, I will kill you for the rest of my life, relieve your predicament, and send you into reincarnation.

Ning Fan's expression gradually became calm, and there was a trace of vicissitudes and mysterious power in his eyes.

That power is reincarnation, although there is only a trace, but when used in the third finger, it is more in line with the true meaning of this finger.

His heart suddenly widened, as if it could accommodate the entire reincarnation.

On his fingertips, the third bright sword light condensed on his fingertips, dyeing all three sword lights black, and the black color was a metaphor for dead bones in the void.

In his mind, he recalled four figures one after another.

Moruo's bloodthirsty, Taisu's uprightness, Jianzu's indifference, and Immortal Emperor Zidou wiped out Samsara's smile.

A scorching thunder light came from his fingertips, and Ning Fan's refining the Immortal Emperor's phalanx would definitely make this finger more powerful.

His eyes lit up with an unbelievable gleam, like an immortal emperor. When he swept across the dragon body of Yinglong King across the seven layers of yellow sky, it gave Yinglong King a thrilling feeling.

As soon as he pointed it out, three sword lights with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth pierced the sky, and the wind was blowing everywhere!

At this moment, Ning Fan is standing under the collapsed seventh-layered yellow sky, standing still, like an immortal emperor who has lived from ancient times to this world!

"What kind of finger art is this! It gives this king such a terrible feeling! What, what! This is absolutely impossible!"

All the words were choked in the mouth. In the eyes of the dragon king, Yinglong, there was an unbelievable expression, full of bloodshot eyes.

At the moment when he exclaimed, the seventh-layered yellow sky that suppressed Ning Fan began to collapse one by one as Ning Fan's three sword lights were pointed out!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Three dead swords pointed the sword light, piercing the seventh layer of yellow sky one after another.

The first sword light broke through the triple yellow sky.

The second sword light annihilated the sixth yellow sky.

The third sword light, after destroying the seventh layer of the yellow sky, still had two-thirds of its power, turned into billions of pitch-black sword threads, and instantly surrounded the dragon body of the Dragon King.

Ying Longwang's gigantic yellow dragon body, in front of hundreds of millions of sword threads, is as small as a moth, and his eyes are full of fear.

The hundreds of millions of sword silks spread out is a huge spider web, and Ying Longwang is the dying moth trapped in the spider web.

He couldn't believe that his strongest trump card, the Seventh Order of the Yellow Dragon, would be broken by Ning Fan's three fingers!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The strands of pitch-black sword silk broke off the dragon scale armor of the Dragon King. With his second golden body, hundreds of millions of wounds were pierced by the sword silk.


Yinglong screamed, and the dragon scales fell like snowflakes. Finally, he was seriously injured under the attack of the Bengtian sword!


Countless masters, including Morey and Taiyue, were all gasping for air at this moment.

When they saw King Yinglong cast the Seven Commands of the Yellow Dragon and evolve the Seventh Layer of Yellow Heaven, they all felt that they could not compete.

However, the suppression of the Seventh Layer Yellow Heaven was broken by Ning Fan with three fingers and three swords in a row. At this moment, Ning Fan is proudly like an Immortal Emperor, giving the illusion that he wants to fall to the ground and worship.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou Ming's finger has reached the power of a blow to the void. Even if it is a real old monster, not everyone can take this finger! Fellow Daoist Zhou Ming can use this finger. Is it impossible to cultivate the virtual?"

"King Yinglong is defeated! Fellow Daoist Zhou defeated Yinglong. You should take advantage of the victory to kill this evil. In this way, the twenty-fourth floor Leita will return to the pattern of dragons fighting for the hero. I will no longer succumb to the prestige of the Dragon King!"

The voices of shouting and shouting came from all directions. There were countless masters hiding here. There were neutral forces on the twenty-fourth floor, and there were even masters from the lower realm on the twenty-fourth floor. Looking at Ning Fan, they all showed a strong expression of fear.

No matter where a strong man goes, he will be looked up to by others. If Ning Fan can defeat the Dragon King, he is undoubtedly a strong man!

Ignore the countless awe-inspiring glances. Ning Fan urged the demon body. Turned into a black giant five thousand feet tall. Wearing golden armor, he finally evolved the last demonic form of Moruo - the body of a troll!

He opened his mouth and swallowed the seven jade decrees that fell from the sky into his belly. The Seven Orders of the Yellow Dragon were taken away.

Taking a giant step, the golden-armored giant approached Yinglong, pulled up Yinglong's giant tail, and smashed it on the ground like a whip.

Ying Longwang was seriously injured by the sword finger, and his breath was still stagnant, and he couldn't resist the giant's attack at all.

Like a helpless big snake, it was continuously smashed to the ground, each blow smashed countless mountains and rivers, and there was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth.

all of a sudden. Ying Long, who had not recovered his breath, became more and more chaotic, his consciousness was about to shatter, and he was smashed to pieces by the giant.

"Zhou Ming! You are courting death! If you dare to seriously injure this king, this king will kill you, kill you!"


The golden-armored giant let out a roar of contempt. King Yinglong had already been crippled by him. How could he let Yinglong go, he would kill Yinglong today!

In an almost cruel way, the giant pulled out Yinglong's dragon tendons, peeled off all its dragon scales, shattered its dragon horns, and folded its dragon wings.

Yinglong was in pain, his skin was ripped apart, and his blood flowed into a river. At this moment, he finally let go of his arrogant attitude, he was afraid!

"Zhou Ming! You can't kill this king. This king is the master of the Thunder Tower on the 90th floor - the subordinate of the East Dragon King! If you kill me, the East Dragon King will never let you go! Quickly release this king!"

As if responding to Yinglong's call for help, an imposing aura that was infinitely close to Shattered Void suddenly descended to the twenty-fourth floor!

"Yinglong is right. Anyone who dares to touch this old man will die today!"

As soon as the voice fell, an old man in a golden robe suddenly descended with frosty eyes.

As soon as this person appeared, within the twenty-fourth floor, countless experts exclaimed.

"East Dragon King! This person is the Thunder Master of the ninety-story Thunder Tower, and he has come to stand for the Yinglong King!"

"It is rumored that the East Dragon King has already cultivated to the peak of the Taixu realm, and he is already a half-step Shattering master. If it wasn't for the Black Thunder Tower restricting the necromancer's cultivation, no one could break through the Shattering, then the East Dragon King was already a Shattering old man. Strange!"

"I didn't expect him to come back. Even if Zhou Ming is against the sky, he is definitely not the opponent of the East Dragon King..."

The moment the East Dragon King appeared, Tai Yue, Morey and others were all desperate.

When the Dragon King asked about the invincibility, he made everyone fear. Chongxu old monster, can easily crush the crowd.

If it is an old monster too illusory, slaughtering the twenty-fourth floor will definitely be effortless!

That East Dragon King is not only an old monster of Taixu, but also cultivates the Taixu realm to the extreme.

Unless it is a real Shattered Void, who can suppress the East Dragon King!

"Fellow Daoist Zhou! I'll leave as soon as possible, this East Dragon King will never be a match!" Lei Shiyi and the others exclaimed.

"No! He doesn't dare to be right against me!"

The golden-armored giant's eyes moved with murderous intent, and he tore his hands fiercely, tearing Yinglong's waist into two pieces, shaking his hands, and shaking the dragon's corpse into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

King Yinglong thought that Ning Fan would not dare to hurt himself when King Donglong came forward, and he was very happy.

But he never expected that Ning Fan was so daring and dared to kill people in front of the East Dragon King. With a scream, he was killed by Ning Fan.

"Shizier dare!"

King Donglong was furious. He never expected that a mere god-turning junior would dare to kill people in front of him.

He didn't even expect that Ning Fan would dare to speak madly at him, saying that his East Dragon King would not dare to go against a junior like Ning Fan!

Humiliation, naked humiliation!

The East Dragon King laughed in anger, took a step, and shook his big hand, Zhou Tianlong's anger was like a knife and a halberd, as if he was going to suppress Ning Fan.

At this moment, the coercion of a shattering blow suddenly came out from Ning Fan's body, making the East Dragon King's face turn ashes for a moment.

"Shattering, Shattering Void Strike! You actually have Shattering Void Strike! Who are you!"

"Go away! If you let me see you again, you will die!" the golden-armored giant threatened coldly.

The East Dragon King hurriedly dissipated his dragon energy, panicking for the first time in his life. Confused.

Why...why Ning Fan's mere God Transformation junior can deliver a shattering blow!

The East Dragon King is conceited, but this conceit is not worth mentioning in front of Shuixu.

He cultivated to the peak of the Taixu realm. There is only one step away from the broken virtual, but this step, he will never be able to take it, and the broken virtual will always be a world away!

From the blow of Ning Fan's Sun and Moon Monument, he sensed a mortal threat!

"This son has the trump card of Shattering the Void, and it is absolutely unwise for this old man to be his enemy!"

"This son obviously has such a tyrannical trump card in his body, but he just drives me away, not suppresses me. Most of the time, he will use this shattering blow. There will be a great price...or. He only has the power of one blow. I wasted..."

"No matter what, this son has such an appalling trump card in his possession, this old man must not be a mere Yinglong. Offend this son..."

"I heard that some people saw that this son was carrying a strange golden bell, which could break the power of the void. It is for this bell that the old man condescended to the lower realm... This bell, the old man really wants, but if this bell is the reason, this son will be forced Hurry up, if you use a shattering blow, it will not be worth the loss..."

"Forget it, it's better not to mess with this son!"

The East Dragon King's mind turned a hundred times. In the end, he gritted his teeth complicatedly, clenched his fists to Ning Fan unwillingly, and left in despair.

He didn't dare to compete with Ning Fan!

This scene left countless experts stunned.

The East Dragon King came aggressively, was humiliated by Ning Fan, and was beheaded by Ning Fan in public, but he retreated unwillingly. Why is this?

Naturally, they didn't know that Ning Fan quietly released a hint of repression from the Sun and Moon Monument, scaring the East Dragon King away.

Looking at the distant East Dragon King, the golden-armored giant looked slightly cold, but shook his head.

If he uses the Sun and Moon Monument to strike, he is quite sure that he can suppress the East Dragon King, but he is also quite sure that he will return without success.

It was difficult to complete the soul of the Sun and Moon Stele. It would be too wasteful if this smashing blow was wasted on the East Dragon King and returned without success.

There is no certainty that he will kill the East Dragon King, Ning Fan is just to scare this person away, and he does not make a move.

This time, killing the twenty-fourth floor in one rage is already Ning Fan's limit. If he thinks about going to a higher level, he will face an enemy who is rushing to the virtual and too virtual. Ning Fan asks himself, even if he is demonized, he will definitely not be able to compete with that. Level boss.

After swallowing Yinglongwang's flesh and blood, Yuan Lei, and taking away Lei Yu, Ning Fan picked up a piece of Wulei Bamboo Leaf and thought deeply.

Wu Lei Bamboo Leaves, he already has 24 pieces, more than enough for the task of delivering the red clothes.

"It's time to go, Yue'er's injury can't be delayed... and Xiao You'er..."

After dispersing his demonized body, Ning Fan felt a burst of fatigue, and immediately took some medicinal pills to restore his stamina and mana.

He was not injured, but his mana and stamina were quite depleted. In his eyes, the demonization of Yuanshen put too much load on his body.

The distance of the third-order golden armor breaks through the fourth-order, and it needs to swallow at least 90,000 yuan thunder. Ning Fan didn't have time to reach a higher level, so he could only temporarily give up the promotion of Thunder Armor.

Ning Fan's icy gaze swept away, and he issued a warning to the onlookers who were watching the battle, and walked towards Lei Shiyi and the others.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Zhou, you are fighting against the dragon. Today's battle, the reputation of fellow Daoist may shock the hundred-story Thunder Tower."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that fellow Daoist could not only kill Yinglong, but also frighten King Donglong back. It seems that fellow Daoist has a very powerful trump card..."

The voices were either congratulations, explorations, or inexplicable meanings.

The only thing in common was that every expert looked at Ning Fan with awe, including Morley and Tai Yue.

Only Lei Shiyi still had a wretched expression, rubbed his palms and smiled at Ning Fan,

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, are you leaving?"


"Then, that... Fellow Daoist nobles forget things, think about it carefully, before leaving, is there anything that should be done or haven't done yet..." Lei Shiyi blinked, as if reminding Ning Fan, Ning Fan agreed. Pass him, and give him all Lei Yu.

"There seems to be nothing to forget."

Ning Fan pretended to be at a loss. As soon as the words came out, Lei Shiyi's eyes froze, as if swallowing a fly in pain.

It's over, it's over... Could it be that Ning Fan has forgotten the previous agreement?

He was scratching his head and scratching his cheeks, thinking about how to gently remind Ning Fan about Lei Yu. Ning Fan had already handed over a storage bag full of Lei Yu and left with a smile.

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of breaking contracts."

Ning Fan walked in front of Morey and Taiyue and clenched his fists towards them.

"Thank you for your help. If there is fate, we will repay each other."

"Cough cough... The two of us didn't help fellow daoists. It was the fellow daoists who had strong means to kill Yinglong..." Tai Yue and Morey both smiled bitterly. There is no trace of thunder master pride. Apart from helping to arrest the two Xu Xues, they did little to help.

"Zhou has something important to deal with and has to leave. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. Goodbye! Farewell!"

Ning Fan glanced at the surrounding masters, clenched his fists slightly, summoned the cloak of bullying, and disappeared.

As for the peculiar smell of the fire scale ash, it was directly wiped out by Ning Fan with the purple-gold wind smoke. He just didn't want to wipe it out before. under the cycle. What can't be erased?

"He's gone. He has no intention to dominate the twenty-fourth floor at all. It seems that he is not as expected, he is a living person, just like that Bu Zhou Leihuang. Did he just come to Heileita to experience it? "Morey sighed.

"Maybe he will come back. At that time, he may be stronger. At that time, the deity is willing to fight him again, but at that time, the deity is afraid that he will no longer be his opponent." Taiyue showed fighting intent, he Looking forward to the next visit of Ning Fan.

Lei Shiyi took the storage bag and didn't look at how many Lei Yus were in it. He only looked at the direction Ning Fan was leaving. Suddenly put away all the wretched colors, with serious eyes, sound transmission.

"The mountains are high and the water is long, and there will be a period in the future!"

Using the cloak of bullying to hide, Ning Fan avoided a lot of trouble and left layer by layer.

There was no fighting, so he left very quickly, and within a day, he had already left Leita.

The trip to Leita was like a dream. He accidentally obtained the Immortal Emperor's phalanx, unexpectedly broke the hidden magic pattern, and condensed the thunder armor. Ning Fan's cultivation base did not improve, but his combat power increased too much.

Just after looking inwards, Ning Fan's face turned slightly awkward when he saw the black demonic energy that could not be erased from the primordial spirit.

In the case of not completely refining the blood of Mora, rashly demonizing, the side effects are really not small.

At this moment, more than half of Ning Fan's Primordial Spirit has turned black, and he has received some damage. If it is completely blackened, there will be a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, the primordial spirit has a firm root and is not moved by the devilish energy.

I'm afraid that in a month, all the demonic energy will be eliminated and Ning Fan will be demonized again.

"This time back to the Inner Sea, if it is not necessary, it is better not to be demonized. Although the demon body of Moruo is powerful, the side effects are too great. Unless the blood of Moruo is completely refined, there will eventually be some primordial spirit after demonization. damage."

"I am afraid that it will be difficult to completely refine the blood of Moruo. After all, this drop of blood is the blood of the Great Emperor Moruo. With the power of 'blood', it cannot be directly refined like other heaven and earth treasures... If If you want to devour this blood, not only do you have to go to the troll clan to see, but the Liuyi, Lanjiao, and Guimu clans all have to go there, and there may be a way to devour this blood."

Ning Fan put away his thoughts and used the teleportation array to leave the upper cloud world and return to the lower Wulei world.

When Fang Yi appeared, a red-clothed and cold-faced figure immediately fell into his eyes, with a long-awaited dissatisfaction evident in his cold eyes.

"I waited for you for ten days, and you finally came back. What about the stuff? Is it enough to take seven bamboo leaves?"

"Fortunately, it is not humiliating, it is slightly more than the number of seven pieces."

Ning Fan looked at the red clothes secretly, and his eyebrows sank slightly. With his current combat strength, facing the red clothes, he still has a sense of stagnation.

Although this woman is a peek at the emptiness, the danger to Ning Fan is even higher than that of the Dragon King Ying, and even stronger than that of the East Dragon King!

"You still dare to probe me?" The red-clothed plain face was even colder. She had reminded Ning Fan once that she should not probe her again, but she never thought that Ning Fan would have such a short memory and spy on her again.

It's just that after hearing that Ning Fan got a little more than 7 pieces of Wulei Bamboo Leaves, the red shirt suppressed the coldness, and his mood was a little better, and he didn't hold Ning Fan responsible for the offense.

"Looking at the suffocation on your body, it seems to have become a lot thicker. Is it possible that you slaughtered the tower all the way and killed the tower? How many layers of thunder towers did you kill, and how many thunder leaves did you get?" Hong Yi was slightly surprised. , she asked the question, and actually had the answer.

"The process is not worth mentioning, but the results are quite satisfying. Why don't you guess, girl, how many black thunder bamboo leaves did I get?" Ning Fan changed the subject and didn't show off too much on the killing.

Murder is never a happy thing, it's just that the road to ask immortals is too tortuous, and many times I have to kill. Although he kills decisively and kills without any hesitation, he is not perverted enough to boast about the number of kills.

"You let me guess?" Hongyi glanced at Ning Fan strangely, her question. Others have always only answered obediently, and Ning Fan was the first to ask her back and let her guess the answer.

"Is the girl afraid that you won't be able to guess?"

"Afraid?" The corner of Hongyi's mouth evoked a provocative smile, she had never been afraid of anything.

She rarely smiles, but now she does. Although somewhat provocative, Go has a unique charm because of her natural beauty.

Far from being scary, it was rather charming.

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly stunned, but he couldn't think of indifference like a red dress, but he looked very good when he smiled.

"With your strength, if there is no accident, it is not difficult to kill the seventh floor. It is very possible to kill the tenth floor... I guess you kill the tenth floor and get ten bamboo leaves." Hongyi said firmly.

"A little more than ten."

"Have you reached the eleventh floor?" Hong Yi's indifferent bright eyes showed surprise for the first time.

Above the eleventh floor. The one who guards the bamboo leaves is the master of Xu Xu.

Red does not think so. Ning Fan's small physique can compete with the old monster.

"In the end. How many layers did you kill..."

Although Hongyi was not interested in everything in the world, she had to admit that she was interested in Ning Fan at this moment. There was a sense of inquiry.

She moved with a lotus step and approached Ning Fan, her indifferent eyes had a hint of aggressiveness, she was not going to continue to guess, she did not have so much patience.

Approaching Ning Fan, with an indifferent but pure face, he looked at Ning Fan coldly, without any emotional fluctuations.

At such a close distance, Ning Fan could even smell a unique fragrance on Hong Yi's body.

"How about a deal? I got a lot of Wulei Bamboo Leaves. I can give you 14 pieces, and the rest will belong to me, but you need to give me the 100,000-year elixir needed to reconcile the Bamboo Leaves."

"You also need Black Thunder Bamboo Leaves? Golden Thunder Bamboo Leaves can save Lianxu, and Black Thunder Bamboo Leaves... you don't seem to be able to use them for the time being, right?" Hong Yi pondered.

"Isn't the girl just refining the emptiness, why use the Wulei bamboo leaves that are only used for shattering the emptiness?" Ning Fan asked back, he also had guesses about the red clothes.

"Forget it, if you don't say it, you're on the 14th floor or above?" Hong Yi was slightly surprised, she didn't think Ning Fan had the ability to kill the 14th floor.

"It's just a fluke. What's the girl's opinion on this deal?" Ning Fan's smile deepened, making Hongyi unpredictable.

"I don't need fourteen, twelve bamboo leaves are enough, I can give you the rest... Now, can you tell how many bamboo leaves you got?"

"24 tablets."

"You can actually kill the 24th floor in just half a step..." A hint of surprise flashed through the red-clothed red eyes, and then she perfectly concealed her expression and was slightly silent.

She found that she seemed to underestimate Ning Fan.

With such strength, Ning Fan might really be able to help her accomplish that big thing.

"Your strength surprised me... Let's go, I'll take you to meet a few people." Hong Yi quietly backed away, distanced herself from Ning Fan, and said casually, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Who do you see?" Ning Fan became vigilant in his heart. Although he and Hongyi made an agreement, they still didn't trust this woman.

"The people of the Zhou family are on Thunder Bamboo Island, and they also have the 100,000-year elixir. You can choose not to go!"

The red clothes fluttered away, and Ning Fan's eyes flashed, and he immediately followed.

If it is just to save the moon and the sky, it is enough to obtain the golden thunder bamboo leaves.

But in order to save Luo You, it is necessary to obtain a hundred thousand year elixir to reconcile Wulei bamboo leaves.

He hasn't handed Wujin Bamboo Leaves to Hongyi yet, and he has this handle in his hands, so he's not afraid of what the Zhou family will do to him, nor is he afraid of Hongyi breaking the contract.

Ning Fan also saw that to Hong Yi, the precious 100,000-year elixir seemed not worth mentioning.

"Daughter of Emperor Lei, her status is so respected and her vision is so high... Even the 100,000-year-old elixir that even the Void Shattering old monster must pay attention to, can be so dismissive."

"There is a cloak of bullying and a blow from the sun and moon monument. I can go to the land of the inner sea. Even if this woman leads me to see the monk of the Zhou family, I will not be afraid of it."

"And from this female motive, it seems that she still wants to win me over. Although she valued my methods before, she didn't pay so much attention to me. It seems that it was my soaring combat power that made her treat me. Change your attitude. In this world, if you want others to pay attention to you, you still need to change yourself. It will take me a long time to break through the virtual world, but breaking through the realm of the golden body is far easier than breaking through the virtual world. With the power of blood, My aptitude for body refinement is a hundred times that of an ordinary cultivator. As long as I make the magic pattern advance to the handsome rank, I will definitely break through the realm of the golden body in one fell swoop. At that time, even if the cultivation base has not yet entered the refinement, there will be no old refinement. How dare you underestimate me..."

Ning Fan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes showed confidence, and he was not far from the golden body realm!



On February 9th, plus I owe more updates, I should update 5 more updates. I remember it all, work hard. A few days ago, I wanted to stay up all night and I didn’t have enough energy. Today I worked hard.

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