Grasping Evil

Chapter 437: The Tribulation of Six Wings

() Zhou Chen took 40 100,000-year-old elixir as he counted, and handed them over to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan took out 5 pieces of Wulei Bamboo Leaves and handed them to Hongyi. While being sheltered by the Zhou family, he also promised to do Hongyi a small favor.

For Ning Fan, this little job is really not too dangerous. He only needs to win a token in the emperor's tomb competition ten years later, and obtain the qualification to enter the emperor's tomb.

If it is impossible to obtain the token, after ten years, Hongyi will give Ning Fan a token. Of course, with Ning Fan's strength, it's definitely not difficult to get the first place among the many gods.

After breaking Zhou Chen's sword intent, Ning Fan gained the attention of the senior figures of the Zhou family. This attention was no less important than that of the Rain Palace.

In addition to the danger caused by the exposure of imperial qi, Ning Fan hardly has to worry about any potential safety hazards, and can run rampant in the inner sea.

After asking for some fifty thousand year elixir, Ning Fan said goodbye and left, and Hongyi did not stay.

She still has ten years to prepare for her big event. Before that, she has a lot of things to do, such as healing!

After escaping tens of millions of miles from Thunder Bamboo Island, Ning Fan chose a deserted island, opened up a cave, and summoned Yue Lingkong and the female corpse.

Golden Thunder Bamboo Leaves required fifty thousand years of elixir to reconcile. Hundreds of Golden Thunder Bamboo Leaves consumed a lot of elixir, and Ning Fan made dozens of bottles of golden medicinal liquid.

Each bottle of these medicinal liquids can help to recuperate the primordial spirit. Just take a few bottles, and the cracks in the primordial spirit of Yue Lingkong will heal. After taking a hundred bottles of medicinal liquid, Yue Lingkong can freely release mana and open the door to the moon. Not a problem.

Liuyue Lingkong and the female corpse rested in the cave, and Ning Fan returned to the Xuanyin Realm to heal Luo You.

Ning Fan didn't know what self-destruction secret technique Luo You used. It helped him escape the bewitchment of Emperor Mora.

Looking at her faint and haggard face, Ning Fan felt pity and blended 8 pieces of Wulei bamboo leaves with 40 100,000-year-old elixir. Feed Luo You and take it.

Luo You, who was in a coma, naturally couldn't take anything.

Ning Fan took the medicine by mouth, touching his lips and tongue again and again, and fed the medicine one by one.

Although she offended the beauty, she was helpless.

After feeding 8 pieces of Wulei Bamboo Leaves, Luo You did not wake up, but her cultivation level returned to the first level of Fragmentation.

Even faintly approaching the second realm.

It seems that Wulei Bamboo Leaf is very suitable for Luo You to restore his strength, if there is enough elixir for 100,000 years. Refine the remaining four Wulei bamboo leaves one by one. It will definitely make Luo You recover to the second level of Shattered Void in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately. Although the world is big, the 100,000-year-old elixir is too rare, and the elixir that can live to the age of 100,000 years. Both cherish the species. Even though Zhou Chen spent thousands of years and visited countless ruins, he could only find a hundred elixir.

If there is no chance, Ning Fan is afraid that it will be extremely difficult to obtain the 100,000-year elixir.

Looking at Luo You's sleepy but rosy complexion, Ning Fan was greatly relieved that it was not in vain that Yue Lingkong and Luo You could be cured.

The rest is with the female corpse. Go to the Six Wings and use the power of the resurrection platform to repair her damaged sea of ​​consciousness.

To be honest, Ning Fan himself does not have much confidence in whether he can repair the sea of ​​consciousness in one fell swoop.

But in any case, the treatment effect of the rejuvenation platform is very beneficial to the female corpse, which is inevitable.

The trip to the Six Wings is imperative. The appointment time with the Six Wings Great Elder is also approaching.

Ning Fan confirmed that Luo You was not pretending to be asleep this time, but was actually lethargic.

He no longer stayed, left Xuanyin Realm, returned to Dongfu, and was looking at Lingkong's teasing eyes last month.

"Gherkin, where have you been? You smell like a woman's fragrance."

"Are you jealous?" Ning Fan smiled and asked instead.

"My mother will eat your vinegar? Cut it!" Yue Lingkong gave Ning Fan a contemptuous look, thinking that Ning Fan was really narcissistic.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Don't worry, although there are still some minor injuries, it is not a problem to open the moon gate. Waiting for the moonlight to come, my mother will let you see it, and let the old ghost of Shattered Void escape quickly! Under the moonlight, I will open the moon gate once, To travel 300 million miles, it will cost 50 million immortal jade. During the day, for every 100 million immortal jade spent, the moon gate can be opened once, but it can only travel 100 million miles..."

"...You need to spend such a huge amount of immortal jade to open the Moon Gate with a spell?" Ning Fan was greatly surprised.

On that day, he followed Yue Lingkong through the Moon Gate, but he did not spend any immortal jade.

But after thinking about it carefully, the reason why the immortal jade was not spent that day was because those moon gates were set up in advance, and the immortal jade must have been laid beforehand.

Now that Ning Fan is going to the Six Wings, there is no Moon Gate on the way. Yue Lingkong opened the door at will, without spending a huge amount of immortal jade, with her mana, she would not be able to teleport people 300 million miles away.

The transformation of the gods is 10,000 miles away, the refining virtual is 100,000 miles away, and the broken emptiness is 1 million miles away.

Yue Lingkong opened the Moon Gate once, and when he escaped 300 million miles, he could completely evade the pursuit and killing of Shaixu.

Such a sky-defying speed, if there is no huge price, then there will be ghosts.

Yue Lingkong is simply a portable immemorial teleportation formation!

"Your Moon Gate method is really against the sky... The inheritance of Immortal Concubine Moon Burial, I'm afraid it was famous in ancient times." Ning Fan praised.

"Don't come! No matter how bad the moon gate technique of my mother is, it's still not in your hands in the end. It's a shame for your whole life to be done so badly by you!"

Yue Lingkong didn't talk nonsense, gave Ning Fan a stern look, stood up and walked out of the cave. There is still a little time before the moonlight appears, and she will start to summon the moon gate.

Secretly hiding the paleness in her face, she was still a little weak, but she didn't want Ning Fan to know.

She knew that Ning Fan was in a hurry to go to the Six Wings to treat the female corpse's wounds, and she understood the status of the female corpse in Ning Fan's heart.

Ning Fan went to Thunder Bamboo Island to steal the Golden Thunder Bamboo Leaves for her. She was very moved. She would repay her kindness, so she must send Ning Fan to the Six Wings earlier, so she didn't have time to rest.


Before she walked out of the cave, Hao's wrist was held by Ning Fan, gently pulled it into his arms.

"Little Cucumber, what are you doing! The old lady is going to go to work, and I will pay you later. I really don't have time now!" .

"It's okay, I'm actually going to Liuyi. You don't need to be in such a hurry. Although the six-wing great elder and I have agreed on a time to open the resurrection platform, even if I am late for a few days, he will not be in a hurry to open the resurrection platform. He will definitely wait. Me. So as not to offend me. So, go a few days later, no problem. You can rest for a few more days, and Wei Liang and I will wait for you to fully recover before opening the moon gate. "

"I don't need a rest..."

"Your face is still pale. Rest well!"

Ning Fan stroked Yue Lingkong's profile with the palm of his hand, ignoring her dissatisfaction, picked her up directly, and put it back on the bed in the cave.

Yue Lingkong's head was blank, and he was so concerned by Ning Fan. She will be overwhelmed.

"Gherkin. I'm really fine... The cold thing is important." She avoided her eyes. Lower your stance and stop calling yourself an old lady.

"Don't worry, I'm on my own. Rest well. If you break your body, you won't be able to pay me back. Now you are no longer a yellow-haired girl with no chest and no butt. I'm looking forward to it."

Ning Fan teased, took the female corpse, and walked out of the cave.

"" Even the female corpse turned around and cared, her intelligence was slightly low, and she could see that Yue Lingkong's face was pale.

Yue Lingkong covered the thin quilt and lay on the stone couch on her side. Looking at Ning Fan's leaving back, his eyes became more complicated.

"Gherkin, don't be so gentle with me... I'm afraid I won't be able to extricate myself..." She sighed in a low voice.

Outside the cave, Ning Fan looked up at the night, stared at the moonlight of the last quarter moon, after all, he did not let Yue Lingkong open the moon gate.

It's not that he's not in a hurry, it's just that if he hurts another woman in order to save the woman's corpse, he'll give up.

Love debts always accumulate more and more inadvertently. In this era of cultivators like ants, it is difficult to tell right from wrong.

Passionate and ruthless, who is right and who is wrong, kills to save people, who is right and who is wrong.

Everyone is doing their best to survive. If there is a pause, it will become a stepping stone on the road for others to build.

"Wei Liang, if you wake up and find out that I have become so infatuated, will you blame me?" Ning Fan smiled bitterly. The Hongyans he met were all daughters of outstanding talent, each with their own arrogance.

If they hadn't met Ning Fan, they would never have been able to fall in love with an abusive man.

Mu Weiliang in the previous life was the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, and she must have her own pride.

Can she tolerate the man who has been waiting for 150 million years to fall in love with someone else?


The female corpse raised her cold little hand and gently stroked Ning Fan's black hair, as if petting a pet, full of pity.

"not regret…"

Her words were brief, but like a sharp sword, it pierced into Ning Fan's heart.

No regrets... The female corpse said she had no regrets...

The female corpse will not regret it, and the only one who will say no regrets is Mu Weiliang in her previous life.

She has never regretted it, since the last time Xinggong woke up, she has changed back to Mu Weiliang.

It turned out that when Ning Fan ignored her, she had become Mu Weiliang in her previous life.

"I have killed too many people and owed too many women. Maybe one day, I will be struck by lightning and die. I have never thought about the future. Living in the present is already so difficult. There are too many enemies. They are so powerful. I can't breathe. The Emperor Nirvana, the White Demon Sect, the Great Emperor Moruo, the Immortal Emperor Palm Love... one enemy after another, I can't stop. If I become timid, I will lose everything."

Ning Fan told her thoughts to the female corpse, recalling the afterimage in that reincarnation.

A half-black and half-white butterfly, even if it is weak, will rush towards Immortal Emperor Palm Love, knowing that it will die, but it cannot retreat. If it doesn't fight to the death, Mu Weiliang will die without a whole corpse, and there will be no reunion in the next life.

This road, there is no choice, let alone escape!

Ning Fan never wants to be like Zhou Chen, losing his love and being alone for ten thousand years... Even if his life is lost, even if the Dao disappears, even if the Dao and fate are separated, he will protect the figures that he cares about!

"Stupid...light..." A sweet smile appeared on the stiff face of the female corpse. The one she once loved was such a stubborn butterfly.

Nothing has changed, even if the sea has turned into a mulberry field, he is still him, which is good.

Ning Fan pondered for a long time, and his Taoism became more and more firm.

Standing side by side in the dark, Ning Fan patted his storage bag and took out a jade slip, which was a gift from Emperor Taisu Lei.

On the day Lei Di presented the jade slip, he did not take a close look, but rushed to heal Yue Lingkong and Luo You. Now I have the leisure to see what request Taisu has left in the jade slip.

Taisu had a great favor to him, a life-saving grace, and Ning Fan would repay such a great favor. Taisu's request, but Ningfan will never refuse!

Divine Sense swept across the jade slip lightly, only a few paragraphs of last words and a vast star map in it.

From the star map position. The star field indicated by this star map is a small thousand world, which exists in a hidden seal somewhere in the Eastern Heaven Immortal Realm.

"When the little friend reads this jade slip, the old man must have been destroyed. People must die. Immortals must be destroyed. This is the number of days. The old man is willing to save you, and little friend does not need to blame himself..."

Reading this, Ning Fan felt a little sour in his heart. A generation of emperors, in order to save himself from Moruo, destroyed the way and died, but no one knew.

"It's been 50 million years since the old man died. These 50 million years. The old man tried his best. There is no way to destroy, just waiting for the rescue of the little friend, the little friend is the person that the old man is waiting for. The hope of the world. In the jade slip, there is a star map of the true spirit world. It is located in an extremely secret star field in the East Heaven Immortal Realm. There are two kinds of seals in the star field. The first seal on the outside is that of the old man. Suppose, with the invincible strength of the old man at the same level back then, he will do his best to set up the seal of formation, unless he is an Immortal Emperor of the same level as the old man, he will not be able to break through this seal."

"Little friend has the inheritance of the old man Leixing Leitu. You can ignore the first seal of the True Thunder Realm, but the second seal... This seal was placed by Immortal Emperor Zidou himself a billion years ago, and it cannot stop the enemy. I will seal my True Thunder Clan, and I will never be able to escape from the True Thunder Realm forever, and I will suffer a lot..."

"What this old man is asking for is related to this second seal. If one day your little friend succeeds in your cultivation, you must go to the True Thunder Realm to relieve the suffering of my True Thunder Clan for a billion years. This is the hometown of the old man, where the old man once When you meet an expert and give advice to the old man, the only way to solve the calamity of the real thunder is when the 'Purple Doumen' appears. The old man will not read it wrong, you are a Zidou disciple, and you must have been preached by the Immortal Emperor! It's the Purple Clan, and they can't save the Zhenlei Clan, only you can save it! This is the lifelong wish of this old man, and I hope this little friend is gone, but the old man regrets it."

"Also... Feifeng... If you go to the real thunder world, you must help me find someone, whose name is Feifeng. Maybe she is married, maybe she is dead... If she is not dead, the little friend can give this pill to me. Give it to her, it can cure her stubborn illness. Don't tell her, this pill is a gift from me. If she is dead, please go to her grave and burn this pill... In this way, the old man will die without regrets."


Ning Fan stopped looking at the jade slip, and the jade slip suddenly shattered, turning into strands of colorful lightning, and condensed into two scrolls.

One is the star map of the True Thunder Realm, and the other is the ancient formula.

That pill, Ning Fan only took a closer look, it seems to be a kind of nine-turn pill formula, and it is still a nine-turn golden pill. As soon as the medicinal pill enters the ninth rank, there will be four grades of lead, silver, gold, and emperor.

This nine-turn golden pill recipe is priceless!

Ning Fan was silent.

The great emperor of the dignified generation, before his death, was obsessed with saving his hometown from doom, and secondly, looking for a woman named Feifeng.

The so-called Immortal Emperor must have gone through the level of being too forgetful, but even if he is forgetful, he is still not ruthless.

The two things he asked Ning Fan to do, Ning Fan kept in his heart.

He didn't find it difficult to find Feifeng and hand over the pill formula. If he had the opportunity to go to Dongtian, he could do it.

But the first request, to save the True Thunder Realm... This request only made Ning Fan smile bitterly.

Ning Fan didn't think he could do something that even Immortal Emperor Taisu couldn't do. After all, it was Immortal Emperor Zidou who sealed the True Thunder Realm for a billion years!

Perhaps a billion years ago, before the Immortal Emperor was established, he had a grudge with the Real Thunder Realm, so he sealed this realm, which is unknown.

One billion years have passed, and all the grievances have passed. If Zidou hadn't died, he would most likely be freed from the doom of the True Thunder Realm.

Ning Fan once worshipped Zi Dou as a gentleman and said that he was from Zi Doumen, which made sense.

He didn't think that saving the Real Thunder Realm would disobey Zidou, nor was he going to shirk Taisu's last request, but Ning Fan really didn't think that he could save the Real Thunder Realm now.

He can't do this for the time being, but he can give it a try when he succeeds in his cultivation in the future.

After putting away the star map and pill recipe, Ning Fan stayed on the deserted island for more than ten days before he rushed to the Six Wings with Yue Lingkong, who had recovered from his injuries.

Yue Lingkong has completely recovered to its prosperity. It has set up a moon gate, which can escape 300 million miles. In one night, he opened the moon gate twenty times, and took Ning Fan across more than seven billion miles before arriving at the Six Wings. the sea area in which it is located.

The amount of immortal jade spent is as much as 1.2 billion. Ning Fan just took a lot of immortal jade from the Zhou family, and this time, it was used up by Yue Lingkong.

The technique of the Moon Gate, spanning 300 million miles, is very powerful, but the price is indeed very high.

Fortunately, Ning Fan didn't have any idea about immortal jade, and he didn't know how to care about money at all.

Ning Fan, the female corpse, and Yue Lingkong, the three of them escaped into the sea. And sneaked towards the sea below a million meters.

Just after diving down to the bottom of the sea, there are still tens of millions of miles away from the Six Wings. Ning Fan and the others heard the sound of fighting one after another, coming from the sea mound not far away.

On the sea mound. A team of cultivators in black armor consisted of more than 30 people. Everyone had six wings in their lives. They were more or less seriously injured and were heavily surrounded by hundreds of masters.

Those more than thirty trapped monks were undoubtedly six-winged people. The highest cultivation level was a woman in the early stage of divine transformation. She had been severely injured by someone, and her body was destroyed. Only the primordial spirit is not dead.

Hundreds of masters who besieged the sea mound. There are four groups of masters.

Surrounding the east of the sea mound. It is a group of fierce demons, and there are ghost eyes on the eyebrows, so they are ghost eyes. Surrounded by the west. It is also a demon clan, and everyone has demon horns on their heads, so they are the Lanjiao clan.

If only the masters of these two clans surrounded Haiqiu, Ning Fan would only regard this fight as an infighting between the four clans of Youhai.

But in addition to these two demons, there are actually two other forces involved.

Ning Fan was very familiar with the decorations worn by the masters of the North of Haiqiu, and they were actually the decorations of the Demon Sealing Palace.

A master in the south of the sea hills. It was far beyond Ning Fan's expectations.

These masters practice profound arts one by one, and their bodies are filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Judging from the clothes and the breath of the exercises, it seems that he is a master of an orthodox sect of the Eight Hundred Xiu Nation.

The four major forces that were besieged from all sides had a total of seven gods, murderous and clamoring, and the determination to destroy the Six Wings was revealed between the lines.

"Interesting... Righteous Dao Xuanxiu, Demon Race Demon Xiu, Feng Yao Temple Demon Xiu, these alien races will join forces to attack the Six Wings. What is their purpose?"

If it is said that there is no great benefit, Ning Fan does not believe that the three clans who are old and dead will unite.

At the very least, Ning Fan's understanding of the Demon Sealing Hall is that it is useless and pervasive.

"Little Cucumber, can you save it?" Yue Lingkong asked, naturally whether to save those Six Wings masters.

The female corpse is indifferent, and has never been interested in these intriguing battles.

"If we can't make a move, we can't help it..." Ning Fan smiled and scratched Qiong's nose, but his eyes suddenly turned cold.

The four groups of masters who besieged Haiqiu noticed the fluctuation of Ning Fan and the others entering the sea, and had already separated a lot of people to surround Ning Fan and the others.

"Bold! My Ghost Eyes and Lanjiao Clan have already sealed off the sea, and no monks are allowed to enter the sea. You junior, dare to disobey the ban and seek death! Kill him!"

A group of masters, regardless of the reason, have already killed Ning Fan.

Just because Ning Fan violated the ban, they had enough reason to kill him.

"Kill it, if the six wings are destroyed, the resurrection platform will not be able to borrow..."

Ning Fan's eyes were indifferent, as if killing these masters was just a trivial matter.

Jian Nian suddenly dispersed, sweeping Haiqiu, and the masters of the four major forces were all killed by Ning Fan Jian Nian in an instant, and their flesh and blood flew.

There are only seven gods who are shocked, and Ning Fan, who is not astonishing in appearance, is actually a peerless powerhouse.

Even if they were transformed into gods and monsters, they couldn't wipe out hundreds of Yuan Yings in a single thought.

Ning Fan's power is beyond their imagination!

"Zhou Ming! Your Excellency is the honored guest of the Great Elder, Zhou Ming! The concubine is burning her wings. It is the deacon elder sent by the Great Elder to greet you. Please help me. My concubine must be grateful!"

The woman who was seriously injured with only Yuanshen left, saw Qing Ning Fan's face, recognized her identity, and immediately wiped away all the despairing expressions and cried out for help.

Her words were passed into the ears of the seven enemy Xiuhuashen, and immediately made the seven people who were originally arrogant tremble with fear.

"Zhou Ming! That's right, he is Zhou Ming, who has been told by the hall master and must not be offended!" A deity of the Hall of Sealing Demon said in despair.

"Zhou Ming? He is the famous Zhou Ming of the Endless Sea?" The Guimu and Lanjiao clans have always lived under the secluded sea, and they didn't know Ning Fan's appearance.

"Zhou Ming? Newly appointed to honor the old in the Rain Palace?!" Several Xuanxiu Transformation Gods were deeply afraid when they heard Ning Fan's name.

Well, they finally knew they were afraid.

Unfortunately, they were too late.

"Don't come! Come again, and I'll kill this woman!"

The seven God Transformations knew that they would die, and the one with the highest cultivation level among them was in the middle stage of God Transformation. How could he be Ning Fan's opponent?

The old man of the demon hall, escaping with a flash of light, escaped to the top of the sea mound, stepped on the six-winged woman's primordial spirit, his eyes were frightened, and his tone trembled threateningly.

He had heard of Ning Fan's horror from Lu Jie's mouth countless times.

He never dared to confront Ning Fan head-on, and only threatening him with a woman might make Ning Fan fearful.

Ning Fan's eyes showed sarcasm, and he took a step forward. He didn't mean to pity Xiangxiyu at all, and disappeared directly into a black shadow.

A sense of crises descended on the god of the demon temple, causing him to despair for a moment.

"Not good! This Zhou Ming doesn't know this woman at all, and will not be threatened by anyone for him! Damn, his strength can make Yaozun fear, the old man will die, damn, damn! The old man will die with you!"

The old man used his ultimate move under his feet, and suddenly stepped on the woman named Burning Wings.

Without any hope of surviving, he pulls a cushion before he dies!


Fen Wing's beautiful face of the primordial spirit, extremely frightened, let out a terrified scream.

She thought she was going to die, but the next moment, her body suddenly lightened, and she only felt that the little primordial spirit had been grasped by someone.

Before I could see the man's face clearly, I saw Mo Nian playing around, and the seven gods were entangled and strangled by Mo Nian at the same instant.

Ink flow distraction technique!

"Okay, what a terrifying spell!" Fen Wing Yuanshen's delicate body couldn't stop shaking, and she realized that it was the unusually indifferent young man who had rescued her before.

"Six Wings, what happened?" Ning Fan's cold words entered Fen Wing's ears, causing her to shudder.

It seemed that if she told a lie, Ning Fan would kill her.

"He is a ruthless person..." Fen Chi was terrified, and immediately commented on Ning Fan.



Thank you Miaopu Donggua Tea, Divine Comedy lv, and Xiaopan for the rewards! Thank you Lonely丨Huang Hao, Miss ry, zjh520, Ziwei Xingtong, and sze for their monthly ticket support!

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