Grasping Evil

Chapter 438 Golem Slate

() Burning Wing has a cultivation base in the early stage of God Transformation, and has a beautiful appearance. She is a famous beauty of the Six Wings family.

She has always been quite confident in her own beauty, even if there are some old monsters in the middle and late stages of God Transformation in the Six Wings, there are not a few people who like Burning Wings.

Many old monsters are willing to form a Taoist companion with Fen Chi, but Fen Chi has always looked above the top and despised any man.

On the order of the Six Wings Great Elder, she came to meet Ning Fan outside the clan, but she was reluctant in her heart, thinking that meeting Ning Fan would be a loss of identity.

Because Ning Fan was worried about Yue Lingkong's body, he had not arrived yet, so Burning Wing led someone to wait for Ning Fan outside the clan.

Unexpectedly, instead of waiting for Ning Fan, he was waiting for the six-winged clan's catastrophe.

The two demons, Guimu and Lanjiao, colluded with the other two major forces to seal the sea area for hundreds of millions of miles and launch an attack on Liuyi.

The mastermind is naturally the Guimu and Lanjiao clan. The purpose of their attack on the Six Wings seems to be to get some 'golem slate'...

Half a month ago, in the forbidden land of the Six Wings, a vision appeared in the sky, and demon blood stained the sky. An ancient golem that has been enshrined in the forbidden area for generations, suddenly shattered strangely after the vision appeared.

The golem is said to be dedicated to a certain demon ancestor from ancient times. The golem has mysterious power and will not be shattered by any attack.

But the vision of heaven and earth that day greatly reduced the spirituality of the golem, shattered on its own, and fell out of an ancient slate hidden in the golem, which seemed to record something.

The slate fell into the hands of the Great Elder for the first time, and no one knew what was recorded on it.

at the same time. The Lanjiao Clan, the Ghost Eye Clan, and other three clans also showed a heaven and earth vision of demon blood staining the sky, and the two clans also seemed to have obtained an ancient slate from the golem fragments.

As for the troll race, there has also been a vision of demon blood dyeing the sky. But it disappeared in an instant. According to the investigation of many experts, the golems enshrined in the forbidden area of ​​the troll tribe were not smashed, and no slate was produced.

This matter caused quite a stir in the Inner Sea, and many rumors said that the ancient slate recorded the great secret of the Demon Race. But no one dared to peep at the slate, because the three slates in this world fell into the hands of the three demons of the Youhai Sea.

The three demons have Lianxu in charge, and some powerhouses who have a little understanding of the history of the Endless Sea do not dare to provoke the three major demons.

A world of rain.

There are eight hundred cultivation states. There are countless Lingshan Dazes. There are countless hidden world powerhouses, but there are only hundreds of Void Refining Old Monsters, each of whom is a powerhouse who once moved the world.

Look at the whole rain world. The Youhai Demon Clan are all first-class forces, that is, the Thunder Emperor dares to suppress the three clans, and how can ordinary monks dare to provoke the three clans.

Ordinary people dare not peep at the golem slate, but the three demons themselves dare to compete with each other.

The Guimu and Lanjiao clans have always been very close, and Liuyi was in an isolated position and was the first to attack, in order to compete for the slate. The trolls did not have broken golems or slates, but they avoided disaster.

This was the reason why the Six Wings were suddenly attacked. The Guimu and Lanjiao clans have dispatched two old monsters to see the void this time. He also invited two phantoms from Feng Yao Hall and Lanling Sect to help out.

The power of the righteous path of the Xuanmen is exactly the power of Xiuguo, the Lanling Sect, which has a lot of contacts with the Guimu clan. It is rumored that the sect master of this sect, the 'Lanling King', is an outstanding figure among the young men of the rain world. , I have only lost once in my life, and that time, I was defeated by Yun Tianjue.

Today's King Lanling is said to be an old monster of Taixu, not far from Shattering Xu, and has even been praised by the God Emperor of the Rain Palace, saying that King Lanling has the most hope to become a Shattering old monster in the rain world.

To attack the Six Wings this time, the Lanling Sect only sent an illusory old monster, not a real illusory master. But this is the case. With the Lanling Sect intervening in this matter, many of the righteous old monsters have stopped watching the golem slate.

The Guimu and Lanjiao clans attracted the Lanling Sect in order to use the power of the Lanling Sect to intimidate the righteous path.

As for the Demon Sealing Palace...

The Lord of the Sealing Demon Hall, Lu Jiefen, was helped by the magic pills from the Ghost Eyes. Xinggong's injuries were healed, and his cultivation was greatly increased. He was not far from breaking through the Void Refinement, and he was in a state of illusion.

Feng Yao Hall was favored by the Ghost Eye Clan, and naturally had to contribute to the attack on Six Wings.

The reason why the Ghost Eyes attracted the Demon Sealing Hall was not because they valued the strength of the Huanxu in the Burning District of the Lu Jie, but the status of the Eight Fen Inner Seas of the Lu Jie.

The Eight Inner Seas are the subordinates of the Thunder Emperor. With the intervention of the Demon Sealing Hall, the demon cultivators of the Endless Sea did not dare to intervene in this matter.

Lan Lingzong and Feng Yaodian, to win over the two sects, were originally to deter the real demons in the world and save trouble.

Fen Chi told Ning Fan about these information one by one, and did not dare to hide it.

She is really a beautiful woman full of tragedy. She greeted Ning Fan outside the clan, but was first besieged by the four major forces.

If it weren't for those siege masters who peeped at Fen Wing's beauty, and their men kept their strength, they wanted to capture Fen Wing alive. With the cultivation base of Fen Wing Transformation God in the early stage, it would never have been possible to survive from the hands of seven enemy Cultivation Transformation Gods.

"Ming Zun's life-saving grace, the concubine has no way of repaying it. The above information is true, and I dare not hide it at all. I hope Ming Zun will see it clearly."

Burning Wing told the information one by one, trying to calm his tone.

Before, she was arrogant and beautiful, and looked down on Ning Fan at all, and did not understand why the first elder sent her to greet Ning Fan.

At this moment, she only has awe and fear towards Ning Fan. In her eyes, the pressure that Ning Fan gave her was more irresistible than that of the first elder.

She immediately understood that it was wrong for her to be short-sighted and underestimate Ning Fan.

She also thanked Ning Fan, without Ning Fan's help, she would have been captured by seven enemy Xiu Huashen, either humiliated or killed.

She was even more afraid of Ning Fan, there was a supreme indifference in Ning Fan's eyes. It's like standing on a cloud and despising all beings.

This kind of indifference has never existed before. After Ning Fan experienced the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor and fought against Moruo, his vision improved, his mood was washed away, and his temperament was stained with a touch of Immortal Emperor's nobility.

"He is a ruthless person, that kind of ruthlessness, not cold-blooded, but... the ruthlessness of the strong when looking at ants..." Burning Wing thought.

In short, Fen Wing was very afraid of Ning Fan, very afraid.

Her physical body has been destroyed, and only the primordial spirit, the size of a palm, is held in the palm of Ning Fan.

Her narrow eyebrows. She has a seductive beauty and charming red lips. Clothed in a close-fitting battle armor, she looks like a female demon general, with six petite wings on her back. There is an alien enchantment.

She is the number one beauty of the Six Wings, which can make countless men's eyes scorching hot, but Ning Fan's eyes are always cold when looking at her.

"You didn't lie, that's fine, if you lie, you'll regret it."

Ning Fan had already activated the whispering technique, and while asking Fen Wing, he found all the information in her heart.

As for Burning Wing telling the truth or lying, it made no difference to Ning Fan.

But since Burning Wing is the truth. Ning Fan's attitude towards her was naturally a little more friendly. At least the eyes are not so cold.

He let go of his burning wings. Let her little primordial spirit stay on her shoulders, spread the wings of the Fuli demon, and raise a purple-black demonic wind. Rolling Yue Lingkong and the female corpse galloped towards the Six Wings.

"Little Cucumber, are we really going to save the Six-Winged Clan? That's all for the Fengyao Temple. The Guimu and Lanjiao clans are not easy to mess with. They are determined to win the golem slate, and they are even willing to destroy the Six-Winged Clan for the slate. , If we intervene, we will definitely offend the two clans severely, and besides, this attack on the Six Wings, there is even the intervention of the Lanling Sect. Don't mess with it."

Yue Lingkong calmly analyzed that, at critical times, her IQ was never confused, and she was a very reliable internal helper.

"You are Mingzun's Taoist companion - Yuezun! Please, Lord Yuezun, you must save my Six Wings!" Fen Chi's glamorous face was full of nervousness and despair.

This time, a total of two Jingxu and two Huanxu of the four major forces attacked the Six Wings, and within the six wings there was only one Great Elder, Jingxu, whose fists were invincible against the four hands. Without the help of Ning Fan and Yue Lingkong, six Wings will die.

Although Burning Wing was extremely proud and conceited before, he had heard rumors that Ning Fan was carrying three virtual puppets.

According to the rumors, Ning Fan and Yue Lingkong are both half-step Void Refinement and cannot compete with the real Void Refinement Old Monster.

But Ning Fan's three puppets were the best hope for the Six Wings to rescue this time.

Burning Wing is almost a pleading.

At her plea, Yue Lingkong frowned slightly, she was not a good person, she had nothing to offend Guimu, Lanjiao, Lanlingzong to play.

Regarding the title of 'Ming Zun Dao Companion', she habitually wanted to refute, but for some reason, she recalled Ning Fan's gentle expression in her mind, and her tone became stagnant, but she did not object to the title.

"Little Cucumber, I don't like to offend these big forces. But if you speak up, I will hesitate and help you." Yue Lingkong's tone was very firm.

Ning Fan's heart warmed, Yue Lingkong's words seemed to have the meaning of accompanying him in life and death.

As long as it was for Ning Fan, Yue Lingkong was willing to offend each and every extremely terrifying force.

He raised his hand and lightly held Yue Lingkong's prime hand, with an ambiguous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Only the six-winged elders can open the Huishengtai. In order to treat Wei Liang with the sea of ​​​​knowledge, the six-winged clan cannot be destroyed. You must protect this clan, Yue'er, this time it is up to you to help me."

"Don't worry, the old lady will definitely help you! Let go..."

Yue Lingkong's delicate body trembled, and she pulled out her palm nervously. Now, if Ning Fan touched her casually, her heart would be numb and her heartbeat would speed up.

She felt very strange, really strange.

In the past, even if she had done it with Ning Fan, she didn't have this kind of heart-wrenching feeling.

But at this moment, her mood was completely influenced by Ning Fan.

"Little Cucumber, don't worry, my cultivation has recovered to its full height, and I have even improved a lot. Even if I fight two phantoms and two phantoms by myself, there is absolutely no problem. This time, the old lady will protect you, old lady. You can play four with one!"

Yue Lingkong had never seen the astonishing scene of Ning Fan slaughtering and refining Xu at the Black Thunder Tower. She didn't know that Ning Fan was going all out to defeat even Wen Xu.

She told Ning Fan that she could play four at a time, just to reassure Ning Fan.

However, when these words fell in Fen Wing's ears, they sounded rude.

"What! Yuezun actually said that she can fight four by herself! Even the Great Elder can't fight against two phantoms and two phantoms alone. This Yuezun is too arrogant..."

Fen Wing doesn't believe that Yue Lingkong has the strength of one to four, but even if she doesn't believe it, she does not dare to express her thoughts in front of Yue Lingkong, so as not to offend Yue Lingkong.

Ning Fan believed in Yue Lingkong's strength. Only the second primordial spirit could defeat the three phantom puppets by himself. If Yue Lingkong itself, his combat power would be stronger. After restoring his primordial spirit, his strength would have improved a lot.

At this moment, Yue Lingkong is under full strength. It is almost no weaker than the ordinary Ask Void Old Monster.

With Yue Lingkong alone, the Six Wings' calamity can be pacified today.

Of course, Ning Fan didn't plan to smear Six Wings with blood.

Yue Lingkong was willing to offend Guimu, Lanjiao, and Lanling Sect for him, but Ning Fan was unwilling to save a Liuyi clan who had a very shallow relationship. Killing all the masters of the three major forces in one go, completely offending the three major forces.

Now is not the time to tear apart the face of this level of power, Ning Fan's shot this time, only intends to protect the Six Wings from being destroyed, and is not ready to slaughter the top masters of the three major forces.

With the dual status of Ning Fan's Rain Palace as an elder and a VIP of the Zhou family, it is enough to make the three major forces fearful. Even if they kill some small fish and shrimp, the three major forces will not dare to deal with him.

It is enough to protect the six-winged clan from extinction. If the golem slate is handed over to the Guimu and Lanjiao clans. In Ning Fan's face. The Six Wings will not be destroyed.

"However. This golem slate appeared a little strange. The time of the heaven and earth vision of 'devil blood dyes the sky' appeared right after I destroyed Mora and obtained the demon blood. I don't know if there is any connection between this... "

"For the sake of prudence, I must get the golem slate before handing it over to the two clans, and even rub a copy and study it carefully. Perhaps the content recorded in this golem slate can help me thoroughly. Devour the blood of Mara!"

boom! boom! boom!

In the distance, the Six Wings are far away. The flames are already everywhere, there is a ruin, and there are sounds of killing everywhere.

In the deep sea, the six-winged elder was covered in blood, and he was fighting with four masters.

"Xuanyi, hand over the golem slate quickly, this old man can keep you a whole corpse!" A black armored man with a horn on his head, with a strong cultivation base in the early stage of virtual refining, with a cold smile, every punch caused a The landslides and the ground cracked, causing the Great Elder to be stunned.

"Ghost horns! You are dreaming! This slate records the method of 'freeing the slave mark', as well as the cultivation technique of a quarter of the magic Luo Zufu! This is all that my Six Wings will forever break the magic Luo Nu mark. Hope, even if the old man dies, he will never give you the slate!"

"Hehe, since the Great Elder Xuanyi is unwilling to hand over the golem slate, then don't blame the hall for being ruthless." Lu Jie Fen Yin grimaced and laughed a few times, sacrificing a purple fire demon, and slashing towards Xuanyi.

The power of one blow, burning the mountains and boiling the sea, is infinitely close to a single blow!

Xuanyi used a one-on-four to deal with the two Jingxu with all his heart, and only allocated his spare strength to deal with Lu Jiefen and the other two Huanxu. He never expected that Lu Jiefen would have such a powerful killer.

He lost his mind for a while, and was directly cut off by that Huo Ge, screamed in pain, his breath was in chaos, and the other three seized the opportunity to attack with all his strength.

Xuanyi glared at Lu Jiefen angrily, he knew that he was not far from death, but he couldn't rest his eyes!

"Lu Jiefen, you are a mere god-turning ant. If you hadn't become a lackey of the ghost family, how could you have been gifted with magic pills and touched the realm of illusion! Being attacked and killed by ants like you, this old man is not reconciled, not reconciled! "

"Hmph, courting death!" Lu JieFen's eyes were gloomy. He hated being called an ant the most. He would take revenge on all those who had embarrassed him.

Whether it is Xuanyi or Ning Fan!

Of course, in the eyes of Lu JieFen, Ning Fan is far more unfathomable than Xuanyi. Before Lu JieFen does not really break through the virtual refining, he will continue to disguise his fear of Ning Fan until one day, he breaks through the virtual refining and obtains suppression Ning Fan's power, at that time, he will be ashamed!

With a change of fingertips and control of Huo Ge, he slashed towards Xuanyi's dantian. The power of a single blow was enough to kill Xuanyi, who was sluggish at the moment!

Xuan Yi's eyes were bloodshot, and his eye sockets were about to split.

Finally, a vision appeared, and the stone slab was born, and he saw the hope of saving the Six Wings.

He is not reconciled to the destruction of the Six Wings at this juncture!

"Old man, unwilling!"

Xuanyi burned the blood of demons, his eyes were like ancient demons, and his palms condensed starlight.

At this moment, several figures descended from the sky.

The white-clothed youth at the head raised his finger lightly and pointed at Huo Ge.

The Huo Ge, who was almost at the Void Treasure rank, trembled suddenly under the mighty force of Ning Fan's fingers. The next moment, the cracks were filled, the spiritual light was greatly reduced, and it was shattered!

With one finger, smash the half-step virtual treasure!

Only a golden body can have such a terrifying body!

"Who is it! How dare you stop the major events of this hall!" Lu Jie's burning magic weapon was destroyed, his heart was furious, and his eyes glared at the young man in white.

But when he saw the young man's face, Lu Jiefen was shocked. In that shock, there was a hint of resentment that was not easy to detect.

That resentment, deep and deep, shatters the world. To the Star Palace, and then to the outer sea, Lu Jiefen was forced to tolerate Ning Fan's provocations again and again, not because he was magnanimous, but because he could endure!

Being able to bear it doesn't mean he doesn't hate it!

"Zhou Ming, it's you! You have become a golden body and cultivated? No, no! Your body is not in the golden state, and it is rumored that the golden body is cultivated. When you punch, there must be ten thousand golden rays to protect your body. You are not a golden body!"

Lu Jiefen deliberately reminded the other three masters that Ning Fan was not a golden cultivator.

He pretended to be afraid of Ning Fan on his face, secretly. But he had plans to kill with a knife.

He pointed out that Ning Fan was not in the golden body realm, so he wanted to make the other three look down on Ning Fan and kill him!

"Zhou Ming, although you have the protection of the Rain Palace and the Yuntian Jue, and although you have three peeping puppets, you openly intervened in the slate competition today, and you clearly did not put the ghost eyes, Lanjiao, and Lanlingzong in your eyes! If you leave now, old man If you are in the old love, you can help you to intercede and save you from the death penalty."

Lu Jie burned his mouth and pleaded for Ning Fan. In fact, he put a high hat on Ning Fan, slandering that Ning Fan came here to snatch the slate.

Hearing that Ning Fan was here to snatch the slate, the two old ghosts from the Ghost Eyes and Lanjiao Clan looked gloomy.

"Lu Jiefen, your pleas don't work! If Zhou Ming is here to snatch the Golem slate, no matter what his identity is, he will be the great enemy of my Lanjiao and Guimu clans, and he will be killed! He has three peeping puppets, so it's not something to be afraid of!"

Very good, before Ning Fan made it clear, Lu Jiefen made the water muddy first, trying to attract Ning Fan to fall in love with the masters of Guimu and Lanjiao.

And he used a knife to kill Ning Fan, and he had a chance to grab the golem slate after the water was muddy, and see what the mystery of the slate was.

Ning Fan's eyes turned cold, this Lu Jie Fen, as expected, is still the same as before, with no small ambitions and likes to take advantage of others.

Use the demon generals such as Li Companion, use the White Demon Sect, and use everyone who can be used.

Dare to plan the emperor star, dare to plan the golem slate, there is really nothing he dare not do.

"It seems that today, this person can't be spared any more! If this person gains power, it will be a serious problem for his confidants, and he will settle his former grievances with me!"

Ning Fan's murderous intention has been activated, and he will kill Lu Jiefen today.

He originally wanted to negotiate with everyone in good words, but now it seems that there is no need to negotiate.

It was the Guimu and Lanjiao clan who got into trouble by themselves!

His hand rested lightly on Yue Lingkong's shoulder and said lightly,

"Yue'er, how long will it take you to beat the four of them?"

"One stick of incense at most, the old lady will definitely beat them up!" Yue Lingkong showed a conceited and domineering expression, and took one step forward.


Including Lu Jiefen, the four masters were greatly surprised. From Ning Fan's tone, he heard that this time Ning Fan intervened in the Six-Winged Clan's mess. He was not going to use three refining puppets, but wanted Yue Lingkong to be an intermediary. The female stream fights four people alone.

In their eyes, Yue Lingkong is only a half-step virtuoso. One half-step virtuoso fights against two peeps and two phantoms. He even threatened to defeat the four with a single stick of incense. This is an extremely arrogant remark. !


Lu Jiefen and other four escaped lights immediately attacked the moon.

Since Yue Lingkong was sent to death, they would not be merciful!

Especially Lu Jie Fen, a trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes.

I heard that Yue Lingkong is Ning Fan's woman. If she kills Yue Lingkong, it will definitely make Ning Fan's heart hurt and achieve the purpose of revenge.

"This hall used to be a half-step illusory refinement, not as good as Yue Lingkong, but after obtaining the magic pill from the Ghost Eye Clan, I have already touched the bottleneck of illusory refining, and I can be regarded as a phantom cultivator. With the help of Xu, killing Yue Lingkong is easy!"

Lu Jiefen quietly took out a magic weapon of purple fire and golden dart, and with a mana reminder, Chaoyue Lingkong plotted a sneak attack.

His actions did not conceal Yue Lingkong's spiritual thoughts at all, causing Yue Lingkong to show a trace of disdain.

"Lu Jiefen, you are still so weak and despicable... I don't care if you murder others, but you are dead for murdering Gherkin!"

Yue Lingkong's face was like frost, and his killing intent was shocking. As soon as he raised his hand, facing the siege of the four, he separated out four moonlights to practice, and drew towards the four.

The moonlight, which was as light as cotton wool, fell into Yue Lingkong's hands, but it turned into the most dangerous weapon.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four moonlights were drawn on the four old monsters, infinitely close to asking the virtual blow!

Four loud noises from the sky and the earth cracked from the four directions, which directly caused the two phantom breastplates to be shattered and slightly injured. It made Lu Jiefen and other two phantom bodies want to shatter and were seriously injured!

Especially Lu Jie Fen, who was especially taken care of by Yue Lingkong.

A single practice directly damaged Lu Jiefen's demon soul, causing Lu Jiefen to vomit blood and not far from death!

The four of them couldn't believe that it was rumored that Yue Lingkong, who was only half-stepped into the void, would actually be an old monster in the early stage of void refining, and he was still the kind of invincible existence that could give the ghost-eyed ghost-eying old monster a great deal. A sense of crisis!

Ning Fan nodded, Yue Lingkong's sturdyness was all he expected.

However, on his shoulders, the burning winged and small primordial spirit, at this moment, covered his mouth with a small hand, revealing an unbelievable look.

She only said that Yue Lingkong's one-to-four words were arrogant and arrogant words. It was not until now that she understood how powerful Yue Lingkong's strength was. Her previous words did not mean to boast at all, but just stated the facts!

"Is this the true strength of Yuezun! Even if it is the Great Elder, it is definitely not her opponent!"

"But the concubine still can't understand, such a tyrannical master must be arrogant and arrogant, why would he be willing to be a woman of Mingzun, why would he be willing to offend the three major forces for Mingzun's sake, is it really so attractive? Why can't you see it at all?"

Burning Wing's beautiful eyes were completely stunned.

She looked at Ning Fan carefully, Ning Fan's thin image fell in her eyes, which made her even more puzzled.

She didn't understand, what was so good about Ning Fan, who could make Yue Lingkong go with her life and death.



Before 12 o'clock, there is only one update. Don't wait, everyone will make up for it tomorrow.

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