Grasping Evil

Chapter 440: Kill Lu Jie Fen

() This young emperor is actually the former Qingjun of the famous Rain World, King Lanling!

It's just rumors that the Lanling King is clearly a half-step shattered emptiness, but the cultivation base revealed at this moment is only asking about the emptiness level, which is a bit strange.

Ning Fan took a closer look and found a clue. The king of Lanling in front of him is actually the second primordial spirit, not the deity.

There should be a lot of people who can see through the identity of the second primordial spirit of King Lanling.

But even if King Lanling had only the second primordial spirit to come, it would make people unable to compete.

As soon as Xuanyi saw this person appear, his eyes showed despair in an instant. If this person wanted to destroy the Liuyi clan, no matter how skilled Ningfan was, he would not be able to protect Liuyi! Fortunately, this person just wants to take the slate, and most of the slate can't be protected, but I don't know if handing over the slate, whether Liuyi can survive by luck...

Yue Lingkong's beautiful eyes were shocked, and she was ready to open the moon gate at any time and lead Ning Fan to escape, which showed the fear of Lanling King.

"Little Cucumber, we are going to escape, this King Lanling, we can't afford to offend... In the rain world, under the broken void, no one can compete with him!"

"Don't worry, this person is not the deity, but the second primordial spirit..."

"Even if it is only the second primordial spirit, it should not be underestimated... It is rumored that the second primordial spirit alone is enough for King Lanling to kill ordinary Chongxu..."

Yue Lingkong's tone revealed worry, she was worried about Ning Fan's safety.

I don't know since when, the slightest trace of Ning Fan's safety was enough to affect her nerves.

"Don't worry, the hostility of the Lanling King is not focused on us, but on Guimu and Lanjiao... He claimed that he came to the Six Wings only to take one thing, that one thing. Most of it is the golem slate. ...Interesting, this Lanling Sect is apparently united with the Lanjiao and Guimu clans, and I don't know what kind of agreement is there. But when the slate was about to succeed, the King of Lanling came in person. He grabbed the slate and wanted to take it for himself. The ancients said, ' Interests make people fight', and those who cooperate because of interests will inevitably fall apart because of interests."

As Ning Fan had expected, once the Lanling King appeared, his spiritual sense locked on Guijiao and Sprite, probably because he had the intention of swallowing the slate alone.

Although Yue Lingkong is powerful, it is only a glimpse of invincibility, and he has no deep background. Not enough to put the Lanling King into his eyes.

The only thing that can make King Lanling jealous. There are only the forces behind the ghosts and sprites. Lanjiao Clan, Ghost Eye Clan.

Especially the ghost clan,

It will be the biggest opponent of King Lanling for the Golem Slate!

"Xuanyi. Give the golem slate to this king, !"

The cold words of King Lanling, with an unimaginable coercion, directly suppressed Xuanyi. For the severely injured Xuanyi, this coercion was unbearable!

Xuanyi's eyes were full of fear, and under the pressure of King Lanling, he felt as if he was suffocated. Can't compete. If the only one who competes for the slate is the Void Old Monster, he still dares to fight.

But even the masters of the series such as King Lanling have come, so Xuanyi naturally can't keep the slate any longer.

His eyes struggled. The content engraved on the golem slate was extremely ancient and obscure. What was even more strange was that the text would change every once in a while.

With Xuanyi's research, I can only roughly understand that there are methods of 'freeing slave patterns' and 'condensing the residual talismans of ancestors'.

What particularly concerned Xuanyi was that a vast force seemed to be sealed in the slate. I don't know what it was, but it seemed to be the source of power to change the words.

Xuanyi rubbed the text on the slate again and again, and the text was different each time. He deeply understood that without the sealing power in the slate, these obscure and changing words would have no meaning, and they would not be able to remove the slave pattern of the Six Wings. Therefore, he was never willing to hand over the slate unless the secret of the slate was cracked.

With the arrival of King Lanling, Xuan Yi finally had no choice but to take out the slate.

It was an ancient slate of Xuanqing, on which there was a faint breath of ancient demons, and it was heavy with vicissitudes.

Once taken out by Xuanyi, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Many old monsters showed greed and secretly released their spiritual thoughts to find out what the words on the slate were.

However, after the investigation, the expressions of countless old monsters changed. The words on the slate were not only obscure and difficult to understand, but also strangely, the words changed every time they passed.

Even Ning Fan's expression changed slightly, he also couldn't understand what the slate wrote.

But when he saw the slate and the words, Ning Fan suddenly felt that the drop of Moruo's blood in his primordial spirit seemed to boil. The mysterious earth magic pattern behind him was scorching hot, and there was a faint sign of advancing to the rank!

This slate hides the secret of Mora's blood! It also hides the mysterious power to advance the magic pattern!

Ning Fan quietly moved Moruo's eyes, and his heart was immediately surprised. He found that after activating the Eye of Mora, and then looking at the words, the words began to squirm, and finally, they were condensed into clear words, and they would not change.

Only Ning Fan saw such a scene, and what others saw was still changing words.

Even more beyond Ning Fan's expectations, he sensed a vast demonic energy from the slate.

That demonic energy echoed the blood of Moruo in his dantian. It seemed that Ning Fan could take out the demonic energy sealed in the slate with just one thought.

And it is the magic energy that makes the magic pattern appear to be promoted!

Only Ning Fan here can truly understand the slate!

In the rain world, Ning Fan is the only one who can extract the magic energy sealed in the slate!

"That magic energy can make my mysterious earth magic pattern advance to the rank, and it can improve my body refining realm!"

"This slate text, I have written down from memory, as long as I draw out one more magic energy from this slate, I will get the full value of the slate. At that time, it doesn't really matter if I want a slate or not!"

"Draw out the magic energy of the slate and write down the real words of the slate. To me, this slate is equivalent to a chicken rib. But outsiders don't know it, such as the Lanling King, Lanjiao Clan, Ghost Eye Clan, will still break their heads and compete for this. The slate... I just need to get the magic energy, and the slate can be competed for by them!"

A light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes, and a deceiving plan gradually took shape in his heart.

King Lanling asked for the slate, which made Xuanyi surrender, made countless masters dare not fight for it, and made Guijiao and Xunxing two old monsters who saw the void, their teeth itching with anger.

hateful! Lanlingzong kept helping the Ghost Eyes to capture the slate. In the end, he stole his love, intending to swallow the six-winged clan's slate alone!

The two hated Lan Lingzong's 'betrayal', but they dared not speak out. All because the prestige of King Lanling is too powerful. Fortunately, the two clans are not fuel-efficient lamps. They had been on guard against the betrayal of the Lanling Sect. There were also experts who came, but they hadn't arrived yet.

The King of Lanling wanted a slate, and no one here dared to think about it in front of the slate.

Except Ning Fan!

Ning Fan took a step forward, which was beyond everyone's expectations. He stood in front of Xuan Yi and gently took the slate with a playful smile in his eyes.

"Hehe, I didn't expect so many people to compete for this golem slate. Zhou is a little curious. There is only a slate in this area. What's the magic? Can you fight for your life? Elder Xuanyi, let Zhou have a look at the slate, how about you? ?"

Ning Fan grabbed the slate. Immediately mobilized the blood of Moruo, with the power of 'blood', the demonic energy was drawn out and entered Ning Fan's body.

Once the magic energy entered the body, it immediately merged into the magic pattern behind Ning Fan, and began to blend with the magic pattern.

In an instant, the magic energy of the slate was exhausted, and the changes in the text began to slow down, but from the surface, it was impossible to see that the slate had changed.

No one thought of it. Ning Fan would 'take away' the slate in front of King Lanling. This was hitting King Lanling in the face.

Everyone noticed that the moment Ning Fan grabbed the slate to watch, the eyes of King Lanling showed murderous intent.

"Stupid! King Lanling wants to decide on this thing, but Zhou Ming went to fight for it. It's a dead end!" Lu Jiefen sneered in his heart. He knew that Ning Fan was daring, but he didn't expect that Ning Fan would dare to fight for treasure with King Lanling.

Lu Jiefen also wanted to fight for the slate, but he didn't have the courage to fight in front of King Lanling, that would be courting death.

"How can Little Cucumber be so reckless! Although he has always acted lawlessly, he always knows how to be careful. Now he knows that King Lanling is determined to win this thing, but he goes to grab this hot potato. There must be some deep meaning in it... No matter what, even if If you offend King Lanling, I will also help him, prepare to open the Moon Gate and run away!" Yue Lingkong secretly pinched his fingers, ready to call out the Moon Gate at any time to lead Ning Fan and the female corpse to run away.

Everyone was guessing that if Ning Fan snatched the slate, he would offend King Lanling to death, and he might even be killed directly by King Lanling.

But no one expected that even though the murderous intentions lingered in the eyes of King Lanling, he still did not kill people, but he was patiently enduring the murderous intentions.

There are times when he, King Lanling, would not dare to kill anyone, but Ning Fan was the one who had been warned by the Rain Palace and would not allow King Lanling to hurt him!

"You are the newly promoted senior in Juntian Temple, Zhou Ming? You are not a fire extinguisher, and you still have a use for the Emperor Rain. Even if you are this king, you have been instructed by the Emperor Rain to not touch you for the time being. However, you can't kill yourself. , does not mean that this king cannot kill your woman or close relative. If you anger me, your woman will pay the price for your stupidity. Hand over the slate and get out!"

King Lanling's words were all threats. In his eyes, Ning Fan was just an ant. The reason why he couldn't kill Ning Fan was because Ning Fan's 'non-extinguishing body' was of great use to the Rain Emperor.

He is a young man of Yun Tianjue's generation, and now he is half-step Shainxu, and he has great hope of breaking through Shainxu in this life.

He is the supreme master, while Ning Fan is just a humble weakling.

King Lanling's threat made Ning Fan clench his fist and his eyes turned cold.

The most intolerable thing for him is that others threaten his woman.

He took great pains to get the protection of the Rain Palace and the Zhou family, in order to make others dare not touch his woman.

It is a pity that neither the deterrence of the Rain Palace nor the deterrence of the Zhou family are far from being enough to frighten the masters of the Lanling King series.

In the eyes of the half-step-shattering old monster, Ning Fan was still just an ant, only slightly larger than the other ants.

You must recognize your own strength and become stronger!

The murderous intention in Ning Fan's heart was already moving, but the murderous intention was dissipated immediately, his face remained unchanged, and he was planning something.

The plan to harm Lanlingzong will not change.

It is true that with Ning Fan's current strength, it is far from enough to compete with King Lanling, but cheating is not directly related to strength.

If Lan Lingzong, Guimu and Lanjiao don't bite the dog today, and both of them will suffer, then Ning Fan will be considered to have cultivated the devil's way in vain!

Glancing into the distance, Ning Fan felt two tyrannical auras rushing towards this place from that direction.

Two questioning old monsters! Judging from the breath, one is the Ghost Eye family, and the other is the Lanjiao family. I don't think much, it is definitely coming to compete for the slate!

Lan Lingzong wanted to swallow the slate for himself, and the other two clans were not fools and had the same plan.

very good. Everyone wanted to grab the Six Wings' slate, but no one knew that this slate had been manipulated by Ning Fan, and it was a piece of trash.

Just use this waste slate to make the Lanling Sect, Lanjiao Clan, and Ghost Eye Clan go and bite the dog!

muddy the water. It is impossible to say that in the future, Ning Fan will still be able to sneak into the Lanjiao and Guimu clans, steal the golem slates of the two clans together, and move his hands and feet.

"Is that King Lanling, Zhou, remember you!"

There was a cold light in Ning Fan's eyes, and suddenly, he waved his hand and threw the waste slate to King Lanling, and immediately pulled up the female corpse, Yue Lingkong, and said,

"It's none of our business here. Next. Play!"

Lanling King Gujing's unwavering gaze. When he touched Ning Fan's cold eyes, he was moved for the first time. For some reason, facing Ning Fan's smile. King Lanling felt a chill in his heart.

That is a kind of instinctive anticipation of danger! His dignified King Lanling felt a hint of danger from Ning Fan's sneer... But how is this possible?

"Maybe it's an illusion... This son is just a god-turning junior. It's unknown whether he can refine the void in this life, and it's not worth mentioning. Even if he is given a thousand years, he is lucky to refine the void. You ants. How can such ants make me feel dangerous?"

King Lanling still despised Ning Fan, but he never imagined it. His threat today has touched Ning Fan's bottom line, and he will pay the price in the future.

He put away the slate, and looked coldly at the two figures galloping in the distance, and the two figures were getting closer and closer.

"Lanling! You really have bad intentions, you dare to take the treasure of the four tribes of the Youhai! Courting death!" The Lanjiao and Guimu two clans rushed to help Xu Xu and roared.

"A few demons who were suppressed by Lei Huang, dare to speak so to this king? Looking for death? Let's see who is courting death!"

Lan Ling stepped forward, raised his hand and slammed the two men into the air. The strength of the battle was shocking.

The expressions of the two Wen Xu changed greatly, they did not dare to neglect, they tried their best, used all their secret techniques, and joined forces to fight against Lanling, and finally managed to stay out of the way.

The three fought to one place, and the battlefield became farther and farther away, farther and farther away from the Six Wings.

At this juncture, the life and death of the Six Wings have no one to pay attention to, and all focus is on the competition for the slate.

The masters of the three major forces, Lanjiao, Guimu, and Lanlingzong, also followed the escape of the three old monsters.

Without permanent friends, a single stone tablet can turn the three major forces against each other.

Above the ruins of the Six Wings, only the people from the Sealed Demon Hall remained unable to evacuate.

The three major forces have left, but Lu Jiefen wanted to leave, but was surrounded by people from the Six Wings.

Feng Yao Hall killed countless people in the Six Wings, and without the other three major forces to follow, the Great Elder Xuanyi did not take Lu Jiefen into his eyes at all.

The humiliation and hatred before, it is time to pay back.


Following Xuanyi's order, the masters of the Six Wings came out of their nests, and rushed towards the people in the Sealing Demon Hall with fearless death.

In just a moment, the monks of Feng Yao Temple suffered heavy casualties and were powerless to contend.

Lu Jiefen took out a teleportation disk, and he was about to run away.

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"I want to leave, it's too late."


Ning Fan pointed out that a huge force slammed into Lu Jie's vest.

Lu Jiefen has been cautious all his life. This time he came to the Six Wings to cause trouble, but his vest had more than a dozen heart protection talismans on it.

All the talismans were triggered one by one under Ning Fan's sneak attack.

However, these dozen or so layers of defenses collapsed one by one in the face of Ning Fan's fingertips, and they were no match.

Lu Jiefen's complexion changed greatly. He was sure that Ning Fan did not break through the golden body, but now he felt Ning Fan's finger light up close, but he clearly felt that Ning Fan's finger light was no weaker than any golden body cultivator...

One finger shattered his nails, and the other finger still had spare strength, and slammed into Lu Jie's vest, causing his body to collapse in an instant, leaving only the half-dead spirit. He rolled up his storage bag and hurriedly retreated, coughing up blood all the way.

As for the teleportation array, it had already been smashed with one blow, and Lu Jiefen had no chance to escape at all.

"Zhou Ming!"

Lu Jiefen looked at Ning Fan, gnashing his teeth in anger.

It was Ning Fan who ruined his good deeds again! Without Ning Fan's intervention, with Lu Jiefen's scheming, he would never have ended up like this. Even if he won the Golem Slate, it is very possible!

Once the golem slate is obtained, Lu Jiefen can escape from the endless sea, find a hidden place, and concentrate on studying the secrets of the slate.

Heaven and earth are big, who can capture it?

Thousands of years later, when Lu Jie burns and breaks the slate to be secretive, he will definitely become a master of the Megatron Rain Realm!

"Zhou Ming! This hall can't bear it anymore, this hall is fighting with you!"

Lu Jie burned the little demon soul, and suddenly took out an ancient puppet in the illusory realm from the storage bag. It was slightly damaged, and I didn't know where to find it.

His eyes showed resentment, this was his last hole card, and he never wanted to use it, but today, he wants to use it! Otherwise, he would never be able to survive from Ning Fan's hands!

"The art of fusion!"

At the prompt of the secret technique, Lu Jiefen's demon soul turned into a streamer and shot into the phantom puppet.

He originally had a phantom cultivation base. After refining the phantom puppet, one person and one puppet became one, and the cultivation level broke through the last bottleneck and was promoted to illusory refining!

From this moment on, he is no longer Lu Jiefen, he has become a puppet of the Void peeping at the early stage of Void Refinement!

After merging with the puppet, Lu Jiefen's lifespan is only one tenth left, and he will die in a hundred years.

He is no longer qualified to pursue longevity!

"Zhou Ming! You caused this temple to miss the chance many times. You caused this temple to lose your body and become a half-dead puppet. This temple will make you pay the price!"

Lu Jie's angry fists smashed to death pieces of six-winged tribesmen. With one punch, he slammed down the huge boulders in the sea like mountains.

Xuanyi's eyes were slightly startled, and Lu Jiefen, who merged with the puppet, was almost no weaker than Xuanyi.

Yue Lingkong's beautiful eyes showed murderous intent, she blamed herself for being too weak to help Ning Fan and King Lanling snatch the slate.

But no matter how weak she was, she was not weak enough to tolerate Lu Jiefen attacking Ning Fan.

As soon as Lianbu stepped on, Yue Lingkong wanted to shoot, and directly used the technique of burying the moon to destroy Lu Jiefen, but was gently pulled behind by Ning Fan.

"I'll come... Anyway, it's a puppet that sees the void, don't break it. Illusion, Shuanglong!"

Ning Fan took a step forward, his fists wrapped around the shadow of the black dragon, and his fists blasted out.

His physical body is comparable to the first realm of the golden body, and the double dragon technique is the proud body technique of the Dragon King.

Even though Lu Jie's self-inflicted depravity has become a puppet, his strength is still far from Ning Fan's!


Two black dragon fist shadows slammed on the body of Lu Jiefen's puppet, shaking violently, breaking all its fists in an instant.

Lu Jiefen couldn't believe it, he gave up everything in exchange for his strength, but he was still no match for Ning Fan. Ning Fan was so powerful!

He couldn't believe until his death that the difference in strength between him and Ning Fan was so big...

Unwilling, unwilling!

The shadow of the double dragon fist slammed into the puppet's body, and the puppet's body was seriously injured, while Lu Jiefen directly destroyed the demon soul and was killed by the fist force.

With the death of Lu Jiefen, this peeping puppet lost all wisdom and became an ownerless thing.

The illusory puppet, because Lu Jiefen fused with it, broke through the emptiness.

Peeking into the virtual puppet, because Ning Fan punched him, he destroyed Lu Jiefen, and once again became an ownerless thing.

Although this puppet was seriously injured, after spending some fairy jade to repair it, it will be a puppet that is as good as new.

"Lu Jiefen, I accept your gift."

Ning Fan felt a little relieved, and forgot the unhappiness caused by King Lanling before.

Lu Jie burned this person, speculatively digging into the camp, like a fly, wherever there was a chance, he would have to mix it up.

This kind of person must not be let go again and again, otherwise, one day, he will become a confidant from a clown.

To be able to kill Lu Jiefen today can be considered a hidden danger.


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