Grasping Evil

Chapter 441 Golden body, 1/4!

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For the Six Wings, the siege of the four major forces and the arrival of King Lanling were all shocking events. [;Starting]

But after the three major forces left, Ning Fan once again shocked the Six Wings.

With just one move, he killed Lu Jiefen!

How to not shock the heart with one move to kill and see the virtual!

When Lu Jiefen was at the end of the road, merging with the puppet and breaking through the refining void was a nightmare for any Six-winged cultivator.

Lu Jie Fen, who had broken through the refinement, relied on the tyranny of his puppet body, and every punch had the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, making countless Six Wings people fear. Even the Great Elder Xuanyi was deeply afraid of Lu Jiefen at this moment.

But this kind of Lu Jiefen had just been stunned for a short while before being smashed to death by Ning Fan's fists. The scene was absolutely shocking, making countless experts stunned and unexpected.

"What level of physique is this? The shadow of the two dragons can be smashed by the fist, and the world can be shattered, the mountains and rivers can be calmed, and the black dragon will fall with one punch.

"It's scary, really scary! Isn't Mingzun really a golden body physique? All incorporeal techniques can only be performed by a golden body physique! If it wasn't for when Mingzun punched, there was no golden light to protect his body, the old man would definitely Will think that Mingzun is a real golden body cultivator!"

"Even if Ming Zun is not in the golden body realm, this punch is definitely stronger than ordinary golden body monks."

"What! Mingzun is so powerful, his physical body is comparable to Jin's body repair! This person is already so powerful, after this battle, he will have four peeping puppets, and there will be an invincible rosy face like Yuezun to follow. Mingzun can't be provoked, he alone has the strength to pacify my Six Wings!"

"Hey... No wonder the Great Elder attaches great importance to this person. I would like to use the Resurrection Platform for its use. Before I waited, I was planning to conspire to harm Ming Zun. I really wanted to kill myself..."

One after another, the voices of sighing, amazement, and unbelievable discussions spread one after another in the Six Wings. Everyone was shocked by Ning Fan's powerful ability to kill Lu Jiefen.

One of the six elders of the six-wing clan, the black wing of the peak of the gods. At this moment, the little primordial spirit was floating in the crowd, looking up at Ning Fan with a bitter smile.

On that day, he offended Ning Fan on Tianqi Island, was destroyed by Ning Fan, and was finally brought back into the clan by the elder Xuanyi.

He once thought that although Ning Fan was stronger than him,

But it was only a small realm higher than that. I only learned today that Ning Fan's strength. far beyond his imagination. Enough to make him look up.

Burning Wing sat on Ning Fan's shoulder. There was a burst of shock in the beautiful eyes.

She had never imagined that Ning Fan, who was not astonishing in appearance, could be so powerful. Even if it is the Great Elder in its heyday. He couldn't kill Lu JieFen with one move, but Ning Fan could kill Lu JieFen with just one move. This kind of strength was almost infinitely close to the old monster Wenxu.

"Ming Zun, it's really amazing..." Fen Chi has always looked above the top and looked down on any man, but he truly admired Ning Fan.

And Burning Wing didn't understand. She had an unexplained sense of dependence on Ning Fan.

Yes, it is indeed a sense of dependence! This dependence is very strange, not from the heart, but from the blood!

It was a trace of friendly demonic energy in Ning Fan's body that made Fen Chi become dependent on Ning Fan. That dependence is like a slave's dependence on his master.

She didn't know why, and she didn't think about it.

The elder Xuanyi's expression was calm, but his heart was shocked and difficult to understand.

On that day, he had compared a move with Ning Fan and suffered a small loss. At that time, he had already shocked Ning Fan's strength.

But Xuan Yi never thought that Ning Fan would have the strength to kill Jing Xu. Ning Fan can easily kill the desperate Lu Jiefen, and naturally he can easily kill the seriously injured Xuanyi.

"Unexpectedly, Mingzun is so powerful. He wants to use my Six-Winged Clan's Resurrection Platform, and who can stop it... My clan is in a catastrophe, and there are countless deaths and injuries. If I can't provoke Mingzun, I can't offend Mingzun. If it wasn't for Mingzun's action this time, the old man would have died under siege, and Liuyi would have exterminated the family. From the point of view of kindness, Mingzun should not be offended. Today, the three forces of Lanling, Lanjiao and Guimu have retreated, and Liuyi was lucky. In order to survive, we must be careful step by step in the future, not only can my Six Wings not provoke Mingzun, I can’t say, but also rely on Mingzun’s protection in order to survive…cough,cough…”

Xuan Yi muttered to himself in his heart, and suddenly coughed violently. It turned out that the time for self-destruction of the secret technique had passed, and the injury aggravated.

In order to save the clan, Xuanyi burned the blood of demons, burned the primordial spirit, suppressed the injuries, and killed the Quartet. At this moment, Xuanyi paid the price, and became a half-step virtual master.

I don't know if there is still a chance in this life and this world to re-advance into Lianxu.

"Elder! Mingzun, I beg you to save the elder, please!" Fen Chi's petite Yuanshen knelt on Ning Fan's shoulders and begged bitterly.

"Don't worry, Xuan Yi is still useful to me and won't die."

Ning Fan squinted at Fen Wing, his eyes were cold, but his heart was strange.

He always felt that after swallowing the magic energy of the slate, before he and Burning Wing, there seemed to be one more connection, similar to the master-slave.

He popped a pill with his fingers and gave it to Xuanyi. It was a rank five mid-rank divine creation pill.

Xuan Yi took the medicine pill, showing gratitude, took the medicine pill, and slightly suppressed the injury. Although the cultivation base has fallen, at least his life is safe.

He hesitated slightly in his eyes, but immediately firmed up, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists towards Ning Fandao,

"Today, my Liuyi clan is in a big catastrophe. If it wasn't for Mingzun's action, my clan would be destroyed. Mingzun's kindness to my Liuyi clan is like a mountain. From today onwards, Mingzun can tell my Liuyi clan what he wants to say. .As long as I can do anything within my power, my six-wing family will never refuse, and I will definitely fulfill the instructions of Mingzun!"

As soon as Xuanyi's words fell, the Six Wings family was silent, but anyone with a little intelligence could hear the meaning of Xuanyi's words.

Ning Fan was not too surprised by Xuan Yi's words. Today's Six Wings, the clansmen suffered heavy casualties, the Great Elder fell into the void, and it was when their strength was declining. If they didn't find a backer, they might be divided and annexed by the Guimu and Lanjiao clans in a while.

Xuanyi chose to rely on Ning Fan, firstly because of Ning Fan's greatness, and secondly because of Ning Fan's special status, even the King of Lanling was afraid of Ning Fan's status and did not dare to do anything casually.

But dependency matters. It is naturally impossible to decide in a few words about the survival of a family. Moreover, Xuan Yi could only express his position to Ning Fan first. Whether or not to accept the dependence of the Six Wings was still in Ning Fan's hands.

Ning Fan's answer. is not acceptable.

"Hehe, Xuan Dao's friend is serious, Zhou is only here to borrow the resurrection platform, and the reason why he took a little shot is just to use the resurrection platform, so that the Six Wings can't be wiped out. As for the kindness that is as heavy as a mountain, there is no need to mention it again. Zhou Someone is not interested in giving orders to the Six Wings."

Ning Fan smiled back and politely declined Xuan Yi's attachment.

To Ning Fan, the current Six Wings was useless, it was just a trouble, and the ethnic group was weakened. It may be annexed by the Ghost Eyes and Lanjiao Clan at any time.

Ning Fan would not have a six-wing just for the sake of it. provoke the enemy. He doesn't like trouble, and he's not a bad guy.

Xuan Yi laughed at himself, no wonder Ning Fan refused to accept Six Wing's attachment. Strong time. They still have grievances and grievances with each other. After they are down and down, who would be willing to pick up this mess?

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Zhou, don't be in a hurry to refuse, and after my clan has been lingering for a while, after our clan has been rebuilt a little, we will open a resurrection platform for fellow Daoists to use. After that, the old man has a secret. I will tell the truth. Friend. Daoist is a body cultivator, and maybe his strength will increase greatly because of this secret news. At that time, Daoist may change his mind and accept our clan's attachment."

"Oh? The secret that can make Zhou's strength soar? Daoist Xuan said that, Zhou is somewhat interested in the secret. Well, if the secret of the Daoist is really useful to me, it is not that I can't accept the dependence of the Six Wings. Yes. Let’s talk about the resurrection platform first, how long will it take to open?”

"The opening of the resurrection platform requires a lot of preparations for magic sacrifices and formations. Because of this catastrophe, many magic sacrifices have died, and we need to find suitable magic sacrifices again. A few formations have been destroyed and need to be re-prepared, but the general formation is It's still there. At most half a month, the old man can prepare a resurrection platform for fellow Daoists to use."

"Half a month?" Ning Fan nodded, this half month, he can temporarily stay in the Six Wings.

The deceased members of the Six Wings needed to be buried, and the clan-guarding formation, residences and other buildings needed to be rebuilt. Xuanyi arranged a lot of things and needed to recuperate. He also ordered someone to take Ning Fan to rest.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, Xuanyi sent to take care of Ning Fan and the others, but it was so badly injured that only the Primordial Spirit Burning Wing remained.

Speaking of taking care of him, it was just to let Fen Wing take Ning Fan to the guest house, settle down properly, and convey all of Ning Fan's requests on his behalf.

Burning Wing has enough healing time and doesn't need to see Ning Fan all the time.

Ning Fan also did not have the habit of using outsiders, so he took everyone away, set up a formation of separation in the guest house, and began to deal with the spoils of this battle.

Liuyue Lingkong and the female corpse rested in the guest house, while he himself escaped into the Xuanyin Realm.

This time in the Six Wings Clan, Ning Fan didn't start a killing spree, but the loot he got must not be underestimated.

The peeping puppet was slightly repaired by Ning Fan and immediately put away. This was not the trophy that Ning Fan cared about the most.

What he cared about most was the words on the golem slate and the magic energy that merged into the magic pattern behind it.

Those words are the words actually recorded on the slate, hidden under the illusion, only Ning Fan can see through the words with the blood of Moruo.

That text is a kind of devil language, called 'Gu Tuo Wen'. It is rumored that it was created by Gu Tuo, one of the nine ancestors of ancient demons, and every stroke has great power.

The Gu Tuo script is widely circulated in the Demon Race. Although Ning Fan is not a Demon Race, he also knows a few words. He generally knows that these words record the secrets related to the blood of Moruo. The method of transforming the blood of Mora.

It also mentioned the four slave tribes of Moruo, and the method of deciphering the slave pattern.

Consistent with what Ning Fan had learned before, the four clans including the Six Wings and the Trolls were indeed the servants of Moruo and had been enslaved.

The four tribes that have been enslaved have been slaves of Mara for generations. If Mara is distracted, only one divine thought can take the lives of all the servants. Back then, Ning Fan was almost enslaved, so he naturally knew that enslavement was terrible.

That’s all for the Six Wings. The trolls have a close relationship with Ning Fan. It is also a beautiful thing to know how to break the slave pattern and help the trolls break the slave pattern.

However, if you want to fully understand the content of the text, most of them have to go to the library of the Six Wings to learn all the Gu Tuo scripts.

And that magic energy is extremely pure, assuming that this magic energy can be swallowed and refined, at least it can increase Ning Fan's million armor mana!

That is to say, this pure magic energy. The power contained is enough to create a Void Refining Demon Race!

It was a pity to Ning Fan that this magic energy had been refined into the magic pattern and could not be swallowed by normal means. Can no longer be turned into mana.

That magical energy was slowly swallowed by the mysterious earth magic lines, and there was a faint trend of making the magic lines advance.

Ning Fan did not perceive wrong, the magic energy hidden in the slate can indeed help the mysterious soil magic pattern to advance. Once the magic pattern is promoted to the handsome rank, Ning Fan has great confidence to break through the golden body realm in one go!

As soon as you enter the golden body, you are comparable to the existence of refining the virtual, and you have the strength to really run wild in the rain world!


Ning Fan activated the magic pattern, speeding up to devour the vast magic energy.

Three days in a row. Ning Fan did not move like Zen.

It has a hundred times the refining speed of the Xuanyin Realm. The vast magic energy was refined into the magic pattern. The magic pattern on Ning Fan's back was burning with tiny black flames on every stroke.

Devour this magic energy. The improvement of Ning Fan's physical body is not trivial, and the physical body is infinitely close to the realm of the golden body.

The mysterious earth magic pattern on the back, with a quarter of the magic mountain pattern, was erased and turned into six black wing patterns on both sides of Ning Fan's back.

The magic pattern, one quarter of the promotion!

Ning Fan was greatly surprised that the magic energy that was comparable to a million armor's mana was refined into the mysterious earth magic pattern, and the magic pattern could only complete a quarter of the promotion.

In this way, I want to make the magic pattern completely advanced. At least get three more tyrannical magical energy like this?

Ning Fan never thought that it would be so difficult to advance to the handsome rank with the mysterious earth magic pattern. If other magic patterns obtain a million armor of magic energy, they will definitely be able to advance!

Standing in the Mysterious Yin Realm, Ning Fan tried to throw a fist, but he was stunned for a moment, and his fist was solid and silent.

Although only a quarter of the magic pattern promotion was completed, when he waved his fist, his right arm was instantly golden, as if he had not damaged his golden body.

After only a quarter of the promotion, Ning Fan felt his strength soaring. At this moment, his strength was better than that of an ordinary golden cultivator.

It is difficult to advance to the mysterious soil magic pattern, but a quarter of the promotion is more powerful than some handsome magic patterns.

If it is two-quarters, three-quarters, and a complete that time, even if Ning Fan's body is placed among the golden monks of the same level, he will definitely be invincible at the same level!


Ning Fan exhaled a turbid breath. Although it was a pity that he did not completely advance to the magic mark, his strength did improve a lot.

With his current physical strength, even an ordinary punch, without performing any physical skills, can seriously injure an old monster of the Xuanyi level.

Three days have come, and Ning Fan has to leave the Xuanyin Realm.

After instructing Yue Lingkong and the female corpse a little, Ning Fan went to Fen Wing's building and made a request to Fen Wing, hoping to see the troll clan's collection of books.

Burning Wing didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately reported to Xuanyi. The answer was yes, Xuanyi ordered it to go on. Within the Six Wings, Ning Fan can casually watch any manuals and secret records of ancient scrolls, even if it is rubbed, it is not allowed. anyone to block.

That night, Ning Fan went to the Liuyi tribe's book collection place, returned the Zhuchen Bow Technique jade slips borrowed before, and rubbed a copy of all the Liuyi tribe's books, brought it back to the guest house, and watched it carefully. .

The Six Wings are demons, and they are naturally good at body refining. Not only do they have a lot of magic inscriptions, but they also have many rare magic skills, and even several kinds of magic skills.

Even if Ning Fan doesn't use these exercises, he doesn't mind taking a copy away, so don't give it up in vain.

And what Ning Fan cared about the most was actually the magic tome of Gu Tuowen.

With Ning Fan's ingenuity, he learned all the Gu Tuo script in just one night, at least he can basically recognize it all.

The slate characters were engraved on the jade slip by Ning Fan long ago. After translating the slate characters one by one, Ning Fan's eyes gradually became solemn.

"Ancient Demon Dao, 'The Art of Refining Blood with Ancestral Talismans'! This is the secret technique of the ancient demons cultivating 'blood'! Before ancient times, all demons were born, each holding a magic talisman and refining blood with the talisman. The stronger the blood, the stronger the demon body. Among the ten thousand talismans, there are nine great ancestral demon talismans, whose power is unparalleled in the world, and their name is the ancestral talisman. The nine ancient demons who hold the ancestral talisman eventually become the nine great ancestors , are all invincible powerhouses at the same level!"

"This technique records the cultivation technique of Emperor Moruo's 'Moruo Ancestral Talisman', but this slate is only a quarter of the entire secret technique. If you want to collect the secret technique, you need to find other Three Golem Tablets."

"After mastering the complete secret technique, I can condense the ancestral talisman and refine that drop of Mora's blood with the ancestral talisman. With the ancestral talisman, as long as I collect enough potions to refine magic pills, I can even keep going. Cultivating the second and third drops of demonic blood. With this technique, you only need to cultivate the 'ancestral talisman' step by step, condense the demonic blood, wait until the demonic blood is enough, and you can become an ancestor of the nine demons in one fell swoop. Demon King!"

"Moruo Ancestral Talisman!"

Ning Fan's eyes gradually became hot, 'blood' and 'magic talisman' were both magical means of the ancient demons.

Blood is the body-refining talent of the demons that far surpasses that of other clans, and the magic talisman is a means to improve the aptitude of blood.

If the Ancestral Talisman of Moruo can be completely condensed, Ning Fan will one day be able to defeat Moruo with his physical body alone!

A body refining avenue leading to the peak has been paved at the feet of Ning Fan!



1 update today, I owe 4 updates now, I remember all the ink, try to make up

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