Grasping Evil

Chapter 444 She is the magic concubine

() Three months later, Ning Fan never left the Buddha Tower.

Holding Mu Weiliang's hand, he conveyed a trace of mana, helping her to initially refine seven real Buddha relics.

That's right, it's only a preliminary refining, and only when the seven relics are completely refined will Mu Weiliang be fully resurrected.

Although he was still in a drowsy state, Mu Weiliang could clearly feel the warmth of Ning Fan's palm.

"Light, wait for me..." She was in a dream, talking in her sleep, and she was looking forward to this real reunion.

One hundred and fifty million years of deep sleep, in exchange for only a glimpse of the star palace, is far from enough to comfort Acacia.

She misses Ning Fan, misses...

She knew that only the real Su Sheng was qualified to accompany Ning Fan.

After only three months of deep sleep, Mu Weiliang's sea of ​​consciousness had recovered by 1%. Maybe in another 20 or 30 years, she will wake up completely.

Ning Fan can wait, yes.

For the monks, the time of twenty or thirty years is just a moment of time.

The thirty years Ning Fan had waited for her was too insignificant compared to the 150 million years she had waited for Ning Fan.

He took out the ancient sapphire coffin, which accompanied Mu Weiliang countless lonely days and nights.

From Ning Fan's current vision, it can be seen that this green coffin has the same mystery as the old demon's beloved coffin.

It's not that the materials used in this ancient coffin are so cherished, but that in this coffin, there are variables in the way of heaven, which can shield the heaven's secrets, deceive life and death, and have the magical effect of nourishing health.

In this coffin, there is a hidden divine sense, that divine sense. There is a kind of sad feeling in it, and Ning Fan's current cultivation base can vaguely detect it.

"The breath of this divine slightly cool..."

Ning Fan was silent, he finally understood. Why was Nanyangzi unable to open the blue coffin, but Ning Fan was able to open it directly.

Because when Mu Weiliang was about to die, he lay in the green coffin and sealed himself in the green coffin.

Because Mu Weiliang set a spiritual mind,

Only the person she is waiting for will open the coffin and take her to the next life.

She was waiting for Ning Fan.

This coffin can keep the body of the person lying in it alive, and even after more than 100 million years, the body will not rot.

For Mu Weiliang, who was waiting for his resurrection at the moment. The more vitality of the physical body, the better.

Sleeping in the green coffin. than sleeping outside. Resurrection takes less time.

Ning Fan put Mu Weiliang into the green coffin, closed the lid of the coffin, and carefully stored it in the Yuanyao Realm.

In order to give Mu Weiliang a quiet resurrection environment. Ning Fan even moved the corpse of the world beast that had been broken into two parts from Yuanyao Realm to an idle red fog space in the Ding Furnace Ring.

In the Star Palace, Ning Fan once found the medicine garden of the ancient heaven, and it was a ruined scene, but the female corpse at that time liked the medicine garden very much, and begged Ning Fan to take the medicine garden away.

Ning Fan moved the medicine garden into the Yuanyao Realm, planted all kinds of spiritual medicines in the medicine garden, and placed the green coffin in the center of the medicine garden, where the butterflies were flying.

If one day, when Mu Weiliang wakes up, the first thing he sees will be his favorite medicine garden. Favorite scenery.

Three months later, Ning Fan left the Buddha Tower with all his injuries. If he didn't come out again, I'm afraid Yue Lingkong would be worried.

For three whole months, Ning Fan has been busy with Mu Weiliang's resurrection, and has never dealt with his injuries.

The demonic energy in the primordial spirit has dissipated one by one, and can be demonized again at any time.

The thousands of wounds on his body were also healed one by one under Ning Fan's almost enchanting self-healing ability.

Only on the arm, there was still a row of tiny teeth marks, which were bitten by Mu Weiliang, and Ning Fan was reluctant to erase the scar.

After Ning Fan left the Buddha Tower safely, Yue Lingkong, who had been protecting the Dharma for three months, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Ning Fan walked out alone without Mu Weiliang, Yue Lingkong was a little worried.

"Little Cucumber, is it cool? Is she okay?"

"Put it down, she's fine, even better than I thought. But you, I haven't seen you for three months, you've lost some weight." Ning Fan stroked Yue Lingkong's face, saw the latter's haggard face, and said with pity.

"Let's go, take a rest with me. As for Fellow Daoist Xuan, Zhou knows that you have a lot to ask me, and in three days, Zhou will meet you."

Ning Fan knew that even if Xuan Yi did not dare to be dissatisfied with the destruction of the Buddha Pagoda, he would definitely ask why.

He didn't want to tell Xuanyi about taking the Seven Treasures Relic, but he didn't hide his intention to destroy the Buddha Pagoda.

They took back the four puppets, pulled up Yue Lingkong, and the two of them left in front of the six-winged masters in an open and honest manner, and no one dared to stop them.

Ning Fan did not leave the Six Wings, but just returned to the guest house, which made Xuan Yi feel relieved, and did not give up his plan to rely on Ning Fan.

After going through the death battle in the Buddha Tower, Ning Fan didn't even change his clothes, but he was still covered in blood.

Under the service of Yue Lingkong, Ning Fan bathed and changed clothes, and slept with Yue Lingkong.

With Yue Lingkong's arrogance, she has never served anyone to bathe in her entire life, but when Ning Fan made a request, Yue Lingkong found depressingly that she was increasingly unable to refuse Ning Fan's request.

"Damn, the old lady was eaten to death by the cucumber, this is not normal!"

While cursing, she washed Ning Fan's body while washing her body, which was really awkward.

When she was dragged into bed by Ning Fan, she did not refuse, which made her unbelievable. Could it be that she subconsciously longed for something to happen with Ning Fan?

"Gherkin, I want to sleep alone... I'm tired..." She was duplicitous.

"I know you are tired. You have been protecting the law for me for three months. You have worked so hard for you. Didn't I come to make up for you?" Ning Fan evoked an ambiguous smile.

"Compensation? Humph! I don't need any compensation!" Yue Lingkong frowned, she was very dissatisfied, and she was very dissatisfied with Ning Fan's appearance.

Could it be that in Ning Fan's eyes, Yue Lingkong was an outsider? Need compensation for a little favor? Out of sight?

"You really don't want to compensate?" Ning Fan's eyes darkened.

"No, get out!" If it wasn't for Yue Lingkong sleeping beside the bed, she really wanted to kick Ning Fan out of bed and meet her, but he dared to meet her, he was tired of living!

"You don't want to pay for 'meat'?" Ning Fan bit the word very clearly.

In an instant, all the anger of Yue Lingkong. They were all held back in their stomachs, making their pretty face flush red.

"What, what meat compensation..." She actually wanted this compensation a little bit.

"That's it..." Ning Fan swam around Yue Lingkong's delicate body with a big hand, turned over and pressed down, blocking Yue Lingkong's pale lips.

As if electrocuted. Yue Lingkong's body suddenly softened, and her cheeks were hot as if they were burning.

Although she had done it with Ning Fan once, but that time, it was done with the body of a virgin, leaving only the pain of tearing, and she even fell into a coma in the second half, and she didn't know how to respond to Ning Fan's kiss.

The buttons of her clothes were lost one by one, and the wrinkled skirt was lifted up by Ning Fan, her palms stroking into the wet and tender part between her legs.


Yue Lingkong snorted softly, and his long and narrow eyes seemed to be dripping with water. full of desire.

"Little Cucumber. The old lady said it. If you want to work hard for you, you can't sleep tonight!" Pressing Ning Fan under his body, he actually wanted a female superior.

"...As you like..." Ning Fan was speechless, he felt that he would be raped by Yue Lingkong tonight.

Just a moment later, he felt the heat from his lower body and pierced into a piece of soft and moist soft flesh. Ning Fan suddenly felt, what if he was raped by Yue Lingkong? Anyway, he won't lose.

With a flick of his finger, the wind extinguished the candle, and the room was darkened.

Breathing heavily. A hint of tenderness ignited the night.

Three days later, the radiant Yue Lingkong accompanied Ning Fan to find Xuanyi.

In the three days, Ning Fan re-condensed the Primordial Thunder Armor, wiped out the Swastika Sanskrit seal, and restored the cloak of deceitful invisibility.

For the three days, Ning Fan slept with Yue Lingkong every night, doing his best to serve Yue Lingkong comfortably.

The first time of Yue Lingkong left a huge shadow. This shadow, in the three nights of joy, has long since been erased, and replaced by memories of wanting to die.

"Little Cucumber, it's not bad... You are the most lasting man my mother has ever seen!" Yue Lingkong's tone was not small, as if she had seen a lot of sexual intercourse. In fact, she only had close contact with Ning Fan a few times. Obviously a swollen face and a fat man.

"...I've changed from yin and yang to my cultivation. Harvesting yin is my forte. If you like it to last, I can make it last longer. I'm afraid you won't be able to endure it and shout 'forgive your life'..." Ning Fan evoked a playful smile. During the three nights, Yue Lingkong was also a first-time bearer of rain and dew, but he was not less begging for mercy.

"My mother will beg you for mercy? You must have heard it wrong! You wait, tonight, you will be beautiful!" Yue Ling gritted her teeth in the air, and she was still not convinced. Today, she must do what Ning Fan doesn't want. face.

"Hehe, Zhou Gongzi and Yuezun have such a good relationship, which makes the concubine really envious."

The conversation between the two was just overheard by a woman who interjected.

The woman, wearing a pink dress, came over enchantingly, with an inexplicable smile.

Her long hair was twisted into a bun, the jade hairpin was loosely tied up, and then a golden step was inserted, and the long beadwork hung down, making a light collision sound in the breeze.

Her skin was snow-white, her cheeks had a pink blush, and her beautiful eyes were lustful. On the pretty face on the left side, there was a violet tattoo that extended into her temples, adding a bit of seductiveness to her.

"The girl is..." Ning Fan was a little surprised, he should have never seen this girl in the Six Wings, but this girl's eyes, enchanting and charming, clearly showed awe and admiration for Ning Fan. seen.

A trace of breath, vaguely familiar, Ning Fan thought about it, and immediately understood who the stunning woman in front of him was.

This fairy-like woman turned out to be that woman.

"It turned out to be Girl Burning Wings. I didn't expect that the girl had successfully reshaped her body. She reshaped her body in only three months, and the remodeling was almost flawless. Presumably, the Six Wings paid a huge price for the girl to reshape her body. As a girl, it seems that you should not be treated with such respect, right?"

Ning Fan's brows were relieved, and the woman in front of him was undoubtedly the Primordial God female cultivator who had just rescued before - Burning Wing.

Unexpectedly, Burning Wing in the primordial spirit state is so embarrassed and desolate, after reshaping the body, there is such a stunning face, only half inferior to Yue Lingkong.

For some reason, after Fen Wing remodeled his body, Ning Fan faintly felt that the subtle connection between him and Fen Wing was even closer.

When he burned a lot of wings, the six wing patterns in the magic pattern behind him suddenly scalded.

"My concubine's body is just a remodeling of my body. Unexpectedly, Young Master Zhou doesn't recognize me. It seems that in Young Master's heart, Burning Wing is not worth mentioning..."

Demon women are even more open than demon women.

In the words of burning wings. He actually had some flirting with Ning Fan. But there was a hint of loss in her eyes, but it wasn't a disguise. It seemed that Ning Fan didn't recognize her, which made her a little disappointed.

Thinking of Xuan Yi's orders. Burning Wing calmed down and winked like silk,

"Young master, please come with your concubine. The first elder was waiting for the son in Yulin Hall early in the morning. I have something to tell the son."

"Daoist Fellow Xuan is going to tell me the secret I mentioned earlier? I'm curious, what secrets fellow Dao Xuan holds, so I can be sure to impress Zhou and accept the attachment of the Six Wings."

"My concubine doesn't know what the first elder told me, but I'm sure I won't disappoint the young master." Fen Chi shook his head. She didn't know the mind of the elder.

talking room. The three have already walked to Yulin Hall. This place has always been the top secret place of the Six Wings. Today, there is no one to defend it, and all the guards have been removed by Xuanyi. Maybe it's because I'm afraid others will hear the secret.

Xuan Yi trusted Ning Fan and was not afraid of being beheaded by Ning Fan alone.

That's right, Xuanyi is only half-stepped at the moment. If Ning Fan really hurts people's hearts, even if he adds a few more guards, how can he stop Ning Fan's harm?

The three of them were standing outside Yulin Hall, and they were about to retire after burning their wings in a salute. They glanced at Ning Fan quietly. Some inexplicable feelings flow,

"The Yulin Palace has arrived, and Zhou Gongzi and Yuezun are invited in. The concubine is only responsible for leading the way, and I am not qualified to observe, so I will retire first."

"Wait a minute, Fen Wing, you also come in, the matter discussed today is related to you!" Xuan Yi sighed in the Yulin Hall, as if he had made a difficult decision.

"Yes." Fen Chi didn't dare to disobey the order of the first elder, and followed Ning Fan and Yue Lingkong to push the door into the hall, but relying on his identity, he took a few steps back and did not dare to walk side by side with the two of them.

Ning Fan pondered with his eyes open, guessing what the secret news that Xuan Yi was referring to was, and how it was related to Burning Wing...

Xuan Yi didn't speak in a hurry, as if he was still making up his mind, serving the small red clay stove, cooking spirit tea, and drinking it one by one for everyone.

After three cooking and three drinking, Ning Fan still had a calm expression, and Yue Lingkong drank the spirit tea lightly, while Xuan Yi gave a wry smile.

"Dare to ask fellow Daoist Zhou, what happened in the Buddha Tower, why...the tower was destroyed..."

"I don't know." Ning Fan smiled and sipped the tea, only to reply that he didn't know, pushing all the ties away.

Ning Fan believed that Xuan Yi had investigated the ruins of the Buddha Tower after the incident, but he must not have found any clues about the destruction of the tower.

Ning Fan also believed that even if he didn't say anything, Xuan Yi would not continue to pursue the matter of the Buddha Pagoda. Xuanyi is a smart person, the Buddha tower has been destroyed, and the Six Wings family has declined, so there is no reason to offend Ning Fan, the terrifying enemy, for a destroyed tower.

What makes Xuanyi indecisive is not about the Buddha Pagoda. Ning Fan didn't say anything, and he was happy not to ask. What he said next was the real question.

"Fellow Daoist doesn't know why the Buddha Tower was destroyed, presumably the destruction of the Buddha Tower, like the collapse of the golem, was just an accident and has nothing to do with fellow Taoist. In fact, what this old man wants to talk to fellow Taoist today, It’s not the Buddha Tower either. Now the Six Wings are in danger, and they are in danger of being divided up by the Lanjiao and Guimu clans at any time. This old man urges fellow Daoist Zhou to consider it and accept the attachment of my Six Wings.”

"What's in it for me to accept Liuyi's attachment?" Ning Fan put down the teacup and stared blankly. Whether he accepts the Liuyi clan's attachment or not depends on whether Xuanyi's next words can move his heart.

"Have you heard of the Great Emperor Moruo, one of the Nine Ancestors of Ancient Demons?"

"I heard some."

"That fellow Daoist may have heard that Emperor Moruo has four major servants, the trolls, the six wings, the ghost eyes, and the horns..."

"I've never heard of it." Ning Fan lied. The four major slave clans are the great secrets. I have never heard of them before, so it is in line with human nature.

"Is that so? I don't know what fellow Daoists do. My ancestors of the Six-winged tribe used to be the slaves of Emperor Moruo. Of course, the process of becoming a slave is a bit unbearable, but since the ancestors became slaves, my Six-winged tribe has been born from generation to generation. The people of the tribe are all born with the Moruo pattern, and they are the slaves of Moro. Moro can decide their life and death. The old man was reluctant to hand over the golem slate, just because there may be a way to crack the slave pattern in the slate... No Thinking of it, I can't keep the slate in the end..."

Xuanyi sighed, but Ning Fan was unmoved and said indifferently,

"In the cultivation world, the strong survive and the weak die, and there is a battle, and naturally there will be victory and defeat. Although Fellow Daoist Xuan loses the slate, at least the six wings are kept without the need for death, which is also a blessing."

"What the Taoist friend said is very true, the stone slab has been lost, and the old man is now ashamed of cracking the slave pattern. Although the Six Wings relied on the reputation of the Taoist friend, they were lucky enough to survive, but once the Taoist friend left Six Wings, I don't know how many People are willing to carve up my six-winged clan. My six-winged clan really needs the protection of fellow Daoists…”

"Ming people don't speak secretly, so fellow Daoist Xuan would just say it directly. If you are willing to show any secrets, let's exchange Zhou Mou for sheltering the six wings." Ning Fan shook his head and said bluntly.

"If Fellow Daoist Zhou is willing to accept the attachment of the Six Wings, the old man can order that Elder Burning Wing be betrothed to fellow Daoist as his concubine!"


Both Ning Fan and Yue Lingkong looked surprised. Xuan Yi was planning to give Ning Fan's protection just for a beautiful woman.

No, not right.

Ning Fan recalled the strange connection between him and Fen Wing, and suddenly realized that Fen Wing's cultivation base is not high, but his identity must be somewhat special.

"Elder, I, I..."

Fen Wing's cheeks were flushed, and she stood up immediately, a little overwhelmed, never expected that the Great Elder would betroth her to someone.

Xuan Yi waved his hand and interrupted Fen Wing's words. Seeing Ning Fan's calm eyes, he was noncommittal and nodded.

The calm eyes showed that Ning Fan was not bewitched by beauty. If Fen Chi was just a beautiful woman, he would not be able to impress Ning Fan.

Noncommittal, it means that Ning Fan more or less, saw or guessed that Burning Wing's identity is special, so he did not immediately refuse to be attached.

Ning Fan was waiting for Xuanyi's explanation, which was naturally the identity of Burning Wing.

If Ning Fan expected it well, the secret that Xuan Yi was going to talk about today—the secret that would help improve Ning Fan’s strength, was definitely related to Burning Wing.

"Fellow Daoist knows that among my four major slave clans, all people are born with slave marks, except for one woman... Every few generations, the four clans will give birth to a woman, who will not be invaded by slave marks, and will not be affected by slave marks. He is born with special abilities that can help the demons improve their strength, and is the key to the prosperity of the four slave tribes."

"In the days when Emperor Moruo was alive, once such a woman appeared, she would be canonized as...'Magic Concubine'!"

"When a demon concubine falls, the next demon concubine may be born. There is no direct connection between the two generations of demon concubines. In the same era, the four major slave clans can be born, and the four demon concubines!"

"Burning Wing is the devil concubine born in my Six-Winged Clan. This secret is known only by the old man in the entire Six-Winged Clan!"

After Xuan Yi finished speaking, he looked at Fen Wing deeply and sighed helplessly. It seemed that offering Fen Wing to Ning Fan would be a huge loss for the Six Wings.

"Magic concubine?"

Ning Fan's eyes swept over Fen Wing, revealing a surprised look.

The identity of Burning Wing was beyond Ning Fan's expectations.

And Ning Fan also wanted to know, what the benefits of Burning Wing's status as a demon concubine would be to him, and how it could make his strength skyrocket.


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