Grasping Evil

Chapter 445: Heavenly Demon Wings

() Within the Six Wings, there are joys of the afterlife everywhere.

In exchange for burning wings, Ning Fan accepted the dependence of the Six-Winged Clan, which relieved countless Six-Winged masters and no longer worried about being annexed by other clans.

After accepting the attachment, Ning Fan became the master of the Six Wings, and immediately evacuated the six-wing clan's immortal jade, which amounted to one billion.

The matter of Ning Fan becoming the Lord of Six Wings was deliberately spread by the Six Wings. Ning Fan had a special status, even the Lanling King, Lanjiao Clan, and Guimu Clan would still be a little wary, and would not openly deal with Liuyi.

It's just that this kind of behavior similar to sending a daughter in person is unfair to Fen Wing.

She has a peerless appearance, a spiritual cultivation base, and a bright future. Just because of her status as a 'Magic Concubine', she was given to Ning Fan as a concubine by the Six Wings. Her fate was unfair.

However, in order to keep her relatives alive and the Six Wings immortal, Fen Chi could only nod silently and promise to marry Ning Fan as a concubine, she had no choice.

In the brightly lit night, Burning Wing was dressed in a happy robe, sitting alone in the boudoir, waiting for Ning Fan's arrival and blessing, his eyes were lonely and self-injured.

Although she has some good feelings for Ning Fan, she also has the pride of being a woman of Tianjiao, and she is unwilling to become Ning Fan's concubine in this way.

She was 'sent' to Ning Fan, she was destined to not be respected by Ning Fan, so was she sad?

"Magic concubine... It turns out that I will be a six-winged demon concubine of this generation... No wonder I was born without a slave pattern, no wonder I have the ability to awaken the demon wings to my clan..."

"The magic wings of the six-winged people are not born with them, but they are stabbed with the magic marks on the wings. After a hundred years of practice, they wake up the magic marks on the wings, and finally successfully grow the magic wings. Among the monks of the same level, the six-winged tribe The escaping speed of the master is outstanding. But my ability can directly awaken the magic wings of wings. It makes the clansmen with magic wings of wings instantly possess magic wings."

"A demon concubine can create a demon clan... The first elder married me to Zhou Gongzi. If he followed the jade slips given by the first elder and made good use of my abilities, in time, he could train a man no less than the Six Wing clan. Demons. Everyone who has the Winged Wings can instantly obtain Wings under my power…”

Burning Wing muttered to herself, her mind gradually recalled the figure of Ning Fan.

"He's a ruthless man, he won't love me. I'm just his tool... Maybe for the rest of my life. Not even a tool..."

Burning Wing's eyes show sadness.

She remembered Ning Fan's careful care for the female corpse, and the closeness to Yue Lingkong, but she was the only one. Always indifferent like a passerby.


While she was looking down on her self-pity, Ning Fan pushed open the door and walked into the wedding room. Outside the door, the night was bleak.

"My concubine has seen Zhou Gongzi, no, I have seen my husband." Fen Chi hid the sadness, Yingying stood up and bowed to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan glanced at the wedding room, revealing a playful smile.

This Xuanyi is interesting, not only gave him Burning Wing. He even made a mortal bridal chamber candle.

Tonight, Ning Fan let Yue Lingkong rest alone, but instead came to find Burning Wings, naturally not to find flowers and willows.

But Fen Chi didn't think so, she naturally felt that Ning Fan was here to 'pamper' her. That feeling of waiting for favor is very uncomfortable.

She forced a smile, closed the door, held a glass of wine, and sat with Ning Fan, drinking from each other, trying to brew the atmosphere, trying to make her first night not so desolate and sad.

"Please drink this cup full, this is the precious brew of my Six Wings. Drinking this wine lightly is the best way to cheer up a good night." Burning Wing forced a smile.

"The wine is good, but people don't seem to be very happy. You don't want to be my concubine?" Ning Fan smiled playfully.

"I don't dare to be a concubine!" Fen Chi's eyes panicked, could it be that her resentment was seen by Ning Fan.

It must not be seen, if Ning Fan is dissatisfied with her, I don't know if he will anger the Six Wings, she dare not make jokes with that relative.

However, Ning Fan waved his hand, disapprovingly, drank the wine lightly and said with a smile,

"If you don't want to, don't want to, don't worry, Zhou must believe what he says and promise to protect Liuyi, so he won't go back on it, nor will he take out his anger. If you don't want to call me husband, you can continue to call me son. You don't If I touch you, I will definitely touch you with a finger. You can rest assured on this point. I am not someone who is in a hurry. To be honest, I am more interested in your identity as a magic concubine than your body. According to the jade slip given by fellow Taoist Xuanyi, as a six-winged demon concubine, you have the special ability to awaken the magic pattern on your wings?"

"Yes, concubine does have this ability. Concubine has become Zhou Gongzi's concubine. As long as the son has orders, he will stab his wings with magic tattoos at any time and awaken the magic wings. It must be trained for the son. An army of magic wings. For the son, the status of a concubine as a magic concubine is very useful."

Fen Qi heard Ning Fan's assurance, and at the same time he felt a little disappointed.

She was very glad that Ning Fan didn't take out the Six Wings, and she was very glad that Ning Fan at least respected her and would not brutally abuse or make up for it.

But Ning Fan said that she was not interested in her body... After all, this still made her a little disappointed.

"Wake up the magic wings for me first, let me see your methods. Do you still have tattoo art?" After Ning Fan devoured a slate of magic energy, the magic lines on his back advanced by a quarter, and six lines appeared. Feather pattern.

The pattern of the six wings is the magic pattern of wings. If awakened, six magic wings can grow to increase the speed of escape.

The six wings after awakening are different from the six wings in the demonized state. The six wings in the demonized state only imitate the growth of Mora's demon body, and they are not real demon wings.

In other words, now Ning Fan only has two wings to help the demon, and has not really cultivated the six wings of Moruo.

If he can cultivate the Six Wings of Moruo, and with the help of the two wings, Ning Fan will have eight wings, and the speed of escape will skyrocket. It was precisely because Xuanyi claimed that burning his wings would make Ning Fan soar so quickly, that Ning Fan accepted the dependence of the Six Wings.

"Yes, the concubine can tattoo tattoos, but she is not proficient. She can only tattoo the magic tattoos of wings. Among the four major demon tribes, the most proficient tattoo artist is the first tattoo artist of the four tribes, Feng Feng. What about Miss Xueyan?"

"Feng Xueyan..." Ning Fan remembered that the eldest young lady of the troll clan was called Feng Xueyan. It was said that her health was not very good, and she seemed to be Xu Qiuling's boudoir sister.

"A concubine, as a clan, needs two steps to awaken the magic wings. The first step is to stab the clan with the magic wings of wings, and the second step is to use the 'burning feather technique'. Help the clan's magic marks to wake up and call out the magic wings. The son is not a demon, and he can't summon the magic wings without stabbed the wings, so the first step, the concubine will stab the magic lines for the son... The concubine has little knowledge, and the strongest wing magic pattern that can be stabbed, It’s just a general order… and the tattooing process is extremely painful, so please bear with me for a while…”

Burning Wing took out a jade box. There is a three-inch bone needle in it. It is a high-grade thorn needle.

She took out a jade slip. The jade slips recorded all the magic patterns on the wings of generals, for Ning Fan to choose. What kind of wings Ning Fan wanted to stab, she didn't dare to make her own decisions.

"Ms. Burning Wing's tattooing skills are quite extraordinary. I have met a person who can also practice tattooing. He said that it would take thousands of years to master the magic marks of soldiers. Miss Burning Wing can stab generals with magic marks. The talent is really not low, and it must have suffered a lot." Ning Fan remembered Shi Bing's words.

"Thank you for your praise." Fen Chi's eyes gradually brightened, and being praised by Ning Fan made her sullen mood lessened.

"I already have the magic pattern of wings, as for the rank... I don't know whether it is suitable for the general rank or the handsome rank... The first step of the tattoo can be omitted. Miss Burning Wing awakens this magic pattern for me and helps me grow six wings. That's it."


After Ning Fan finished speaking, he abruptly tore off his white robe, revealing his upper body completely.

Burning Wing's "Yah", I didn't expect Ning Fan to take off his clothes so calmly, and when he saw Ning Fan's upper body naked, a hint of shame rose in his enchanting eyes.

Even if she is an old monster, even if she is a demon concubine, she is just a woman who has not left the cabinet.

The eyes lingered on Ning Fan's body, and Fen Wing was slightly surprised. Ning Fan's strength was strong, and his fists could kill Lu Jie Fen, but his body was so thin.

When her eyes gradually shifted to Ning Fan's back, she suddenly showed shock.

"Xuan, Xuan soil magic pattern! No, it's not... this is, this is..."

The mysterious earth magic pattern is a powerful general-level magic pattern, and this magic pattern has another special meaning for the four major demon races.

Slave pattern!

However, the Profound Earth Demon Mark is different from the inferior slave pattern of the four major slave tribes. It is the top slave pattern of Emperor Moruo, and few people can cultivate it.

In the history of the four major slave clans, only a few masters, including the ancestors of the four clans, have cultivated it.

Ning Fan can cultivate this kind of magic pattern. In terms of talent alone, he has surpassed too many demons.

Moreover, the Profound Earth Demon Mark has an extremely important meaning for the four slave clans.

The practitioners of the Profound Earth Demon Mark will eventually become the most senior servants of Moruo. But according to legend, if someone can resist Moruo's devouring, he will not become a slave of Moruo, and can help the four slave tribes to break the slave pattern.

Burning Wing stared deeply at Ning Fan, in disbelief, is the person who can remove the Six-Winged Clan's slave pattern right in front of him?

Ning Fan owns the Profound Earth Demon Mark, and he seems to be the hope of the four major slave tribes to break the slave mark and gain freedom.

And when Fen Wing found out that the Profound Earth Demon Mark had reached a quarter of the rank, she was even more shocked, her mouth couldn't close.

Ning Fan has completed a quarter of the promotion of the Profound Earth Demon Mark, which means that he blocked the swallowing of the Great Emperor Moruo and was not enslaved!

As long as Ning Fan completely completes the promotion of the Profound Earth Demon Mark, he will most likely have the ability to break the slave mark of the four clans!

"You saw the magic pattern on my back, what do you think?" Ning Fan asked.

"Concubine will never dare to tell this secret, concubine is willing to make a big oath!" Fen Chi was a little flustered, she suddenly realized that Ning Fan's magic pattern is very important.

Once known by the Guimu and Lanjiao clans, Ning Fan is expected to decipher the slave pattern for the four clans.

Such a great secret was seen by Burning Wing. She hurriedly expressed her position to Ning Fan and would not leak the secret, for fear that Ning Fan would be displeased.

"I'm asking you, how is the magic pattern on my back?"

It doesn't matter to Ning Fan, it's just a magic pattern, so what if it is known by Ghost Eyes and Lanjiao Clan? With his current strength, he is enough to protect himself in the rain world, not afraid of two demons.

"This..." Fen Chi calmed down, stretched out his soft palm, and rubbed it on Ning Fan's back, feeling the veins of the magic pattern.

"Mysterious soil magic pattern is about to advance, and a quarter has been completed. In the direction of advancement, the concubine cannot see through it, and it is impossible to determine what pattern will appear when the magic pattern completes the remaining three-quarters of the advancement. This six-winged The pattern is somewhat similar to the wings of my six-winged clan, but the rank is much higher, perhaps, this is a powerful magic pattern that has not been recorded... Once it is completely advanced, it is absolutely no trivial matter!"

"Really. Using the six winged magic patterns, help me wake up the magic wings. Can you do it?"

"I can do it!" Fen Wing was very confident in his ability to awaken the Demon Wing.

Ning Fan's magic pattern is not weak, Burning Wing not only wants to awaken Ning Fan's magic wings, but also makes Ning Fan's magic wings extraordinary. Only then can she show her talent.

Many of the demon cultivators in the Seven Realms of Cultivation have wings. And the grade of wings can be divided into three levels. Mortal Wings, Spirit Wings, Void Wings.

Rank is not directly related to Escape Speed, it symbolizes Feather's cultivation aptitude.

Pulse-breaking, spiritual fusion, and golden elixir, if born with wings, most of them are ordinary wings. Nascent Soul and Divine Transformation Wings are mostly spiritual wings. Void refining and Void Fragmentation Wings are mostly Void Wings.

Ning Fan's wing magic pattern is quite extraordinary, and the awakened magic wings can never be lower than the spiritual wings. If you want to show your ability, Burn Wing must at least awaken Void Wing for Ning Fan.

She bit her tongue lightly. Give up a drop of blood. Reciting the ancient mantra. A strange power came from her body, like a whisper, like a call. It actually resonated with the six-winged pattern in Ning Fan's magic pattern.

With a pinch of her finger, she summoned six fiery red wings, and above the wings were densely fiery red feathers.

Among the countless fiery red feathers, there are more than a hundred feathers, the most crimson in color, and possessing mysterious abilities.

Burning Wing endured the slight pain, and pulled out six crimson feathers from the wings. Immediately, a feeling of weakness spread throughout his body.

This crimson feather. It is the fire ling of her life, which is connected to her primordial spirit. She has just remodeled her body, and her body is still very weak.

"Burning Wings, Burning Wings, when did you become so cowardly? It's just pulling out the six root flames, can't you bear it... If you can't satisfy Zhou Gongzi today, the Six Wings may die because of you! Burning Wings, you must grit your teeth and stand firm!"

She muttered to herself, hiding a trace of paleness on her face, gritted her teeth, raised her hands, and the six feather feathers turned into six crimson fires, jumping in her palm.

With a flick of his finger, six demonic fires shot into Ning Fan's demon pattern. In an instant, the magic pattern of the six wings, on each of the lines of the wings, was burning with magic fire.

Ning Fan only felt that his back was hot and burning, and then, six huge phantom magic wings were born from behind, and the magic fire burned with magic fire.

This is an experience of rebirth from ashes.

With the burning of the flame, traces of flesh and blood are being derived from the flame!

There is a very mysterious reason in this.

"No wonder your name is Burning Wing, I understand. Burning Wings in exchange for a new life is a very good name, with infinite ingenuity."

Feeling the six wings gradually solidify, Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction, these six wings were still illusory, and they had reached the level of virtual wings.

Burning Wing is really capable, and has an outstanding wing-calling ability. With her here, maybe in the future, he might be able to train an army of magic wings for Ning Fan.

"Thank you for your praise." Fen Wing was sweating on his forehead, activating the magic fire and helping Ning Fan burn the magic wings. Seeing that the magic wing has reached the virtual wing level, he shows a relieved smile.

It's just that with the calcination of the magic fire, Ning Fan's magic wings became more and more solid, but the magic fire became weaker and weaker. In the end, the flames went out, and the magic wings did not wake up successfully in one fell swoop, only one-tenth of it solidified.

The other nine-tenths are still in an illusory state.

Burning Wing was greatly surprised. She awakened the wings for ordinary demons. Often, she only folded down the basic life fire, and then she could turn into enough demonic fire to help the clansmen cultivate demonic wings.

The stronger the magic wings, the more magic fire consumed, but even if it is the owner of the virtual wings of the Six Wings, Burning Wing only needs to spend at most five vital fire feathers to help people condense the virtual wings.

She had overestimated Ning Fan's magic wings and used six fire feathers on Ning Fan, but she never thought that the magic fire produced by the six fire feathers was only enough to solidify one tenth of the magic wings...

Fen Wing was a little stunned, what a powerful magic wing this must be, to be so difficult to solidify, more powerful than Void Wing!

Could it be that she has to consume 60 fire feathers to help Ning Fan completely consolidate the magic wings?

After the fire ling of the life is lost, through cultivation, it can regenerate after a period of time, which can continuously awaken the magic wings for the monks.

But if you pull out 60 fire feathers in one breath, it will definitely be difficult to cultivate back.

And with Burning Wing's current weak body, pulling out six fire feathers will weaken the primordial spirit.

Burning Wing's eyes were mournful, but it was decided after a while.

At this moment, the important thing is important, in order to consolidate Ning Fan's magic wings and make Ning Fan satisfied, she naturally can't take care of her body.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he wanted to pull out Huo Ling again, but was stopped by Ning Fan holding Hao's wrist.

"You have already helped me to call out the magic wings. Next, the task of burning the wings and condensing the magic wings, just leave it to me. This divine creation pill, you take it!"

Ning Fan didn't wait for Fen Wing to refuse, and directly stuffed an elixir into Fen Wing's cherry lips.

Burning Wing Huarong was startled, is he caring about her? Are you afraid she will get hurt?

The soft lips were touched by Ning Fan's fingers, her face was reddish, she stopped speaking, and refined the medicinal power of the medicine pill.

She didn't ask more, and Ning Fan didn't answer.

However, he saw Ning Fan suddenly stand up, and on the six illusory magic wings behind him, a terrifying magic fire suddenly burned.

That magic fire is the fusion of countless frost and fire.

That magic fire, the rank is comparable to the spirit fire of the immortal virtual middle grade!

That demonic fire gave Fenwing a suffocating feeling. She had never seen such a powerful demonic fire in her entire life!

Under this tyrannical demonic fire, Ning Fan's six wings were reborn from the ashes at an astonishing speed!

The coercion of the virtual wings, under the nourishment of the magic fire, increased rapidly!

And at a certain moment, Ning Fan suddenly summoned Fuli Demon Wing, eight wings, and at the same time burned in the magic fire, gradually burning the dark color of the magic fire!

"This is, this is a demon wing! This demon wing is also a virtual wing level!" Fen Chi has a lot of research on feather wings, she can see at a glance that Ning Fan has both demon wings and magic wings.

She couldn't understand, the demon wings and the magic wings were two completely different wings, and they couldn't coexist. How could they exist in Ning Fan's body at the same time.

She couldn't understand that Ning Fan actually had a pair of virtual wings!

She didn't understand all of this, but she could feel more and more pressure from Ning Fan's wings.

The Void Wing-level Fuli Demon Wing and the Void Wing-level Six-Wing Demon Wing actually showed signs of fusion, and the coercion of the wings began to break through the limit of the Void Wing.

"Eight Demon Wings... Condense the deity!"

A tyrannical aura suddenly spread from Ning Fan's body and swept the entire Six-Winged Clan.

At this moment, behind Ning Fan, there were eight demon wings burning with black demonic fire, and a shocking pressure was heard.

At this moment, all the clansmen of the Six Wings with wings felt their magic wings trembling and fear.

It seems that all the magic wings in the world are not as powerful as Ning Fan.

That is a kind of coercion from the wings, stronger than all the spiritual wings and virtual wings of the seven realms of cultivation.

The power of this kind of wings has exceeded the virtual wings too much, and it is impossible to appear on the monks in the seven realms of cultivation. Generally, it will only appear on the wings of heavenly demons and heavenly demons.

This coercion has reached a higher rank than Void Wing!

Xuanyi's complexion changed drastically, looking at the direction of Ning Fan's new house in disbelief. You can't be wrong, the power of the wings that makes Xuan Yi's mind chaotic is definitely from Ning Fan.

Could it be that tonight, instead of spending a night with Fen Chi, Ning Fan ordered Fen Chi to wake up the Devil Wing for him?

"Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Demon Wings! You can't go wrong! The magical wings condensed by Daoyou Zhou have reached this level!"

"If Fellow Daoist Zhou devotes himself to cultivating this magic wing and increasing the speed of the magic wing step by step, one day, the speed of this magic wing will be comparable to that of the heavenly demon! This is a treasured wing with a promising future!"


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