Grasping Evil

Chapter 446: Black Fire 8 Wings, Ask Void Escape Speed

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After a long time, the pressure of Ning Fan's wings gradually subsided. [;Starting]

Awakening the Void Wing-level Demon Wing, combining the Demon Wing and the Demon Wing into one, forming the Heavenly Demon Wing and the Heavenly Demon Wing-level Eight Wings, which greatly increased Ning Fan's escape speed.

Ning Fan was silent for a while, then suddenly stopped Burning Wing, and the eight black fire wings fluttered, and the two disappeared from the Six Wings in an instant, appearing in the sea 200,000 miles away.

One escape, 200,000 miles, this kind of escape speed is comparable to asking the old monster!

"So fast! Young master, you are so fast! Really fast!" Burning Wing was shocked and joyful, and his words were incoherent.

That joy was only because of seeing the magic wings awakened by him, reaching such a terrifying speed.

"..." Ning Fan was quite speechless, "Young Master is so fast", this is not a compliment for a man.

He was silent for a while, and was very satisfied with the eight black fire wings fused with the demon wings and demon wings.


"What?" Fen Wing snuggled into Ning Fan's arms, and some couldn't believe his ears. She just awakened the magic wings for Ning Fan, and she actually made Ning Fan thank him.

"In the future, you will be my magic concubine. I am very satisfied with your ability to awaken the magic wings."

"Magic Concubine..." Fen Wing lowered his head, his eyes worried about gains and losses, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Eight black wings, flowing with black fire, are strange and gorgeous.

Ning Fan flicked the black fire eight wings, turned into a shadow of black fire, and returned to the six-winged clan in an instant.

Showing this wing to Yue Lingkong, Yue Lingkong was naturally very surprised. This was the first time she had seen a cultivator cultivate wings at the level of Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Demon.

Three days later, Ning Fan and Xuan Yi negotiated many matters concerning the attachment of Six Wings. He retains the autonomy of the Six Wings, and only serves as the nominal Lord of the Six Wings, but he can use the six-winged elixir and fairy jade at any time.

With the Six Wings over, Ning Fan has no intention of staying any longer. Carrying Yue Lingkong and Burning Wings, they flew towards the troll clan.

Burning Wing was a demon concubine, but she was already Ning Fan's demon concubine, so naturally she no longer belonged to the Six Wings.

Don't hurry on the road, and you don't need to use the immortal jade in vain to open the moon gate,

Ning Fan only hurried on the road with eight wings of black fire, which was considered to be able to adapt to the skyrocketing speed.

Before leaving, Xuanyi God mysteriously handed Ning Fan a jade slip, which recorded the suspected demon concubine among the other three demon races.

For the Four Great Demon Races. If every clan is born a magic concubine. All will be the ZTE hope of the family.

Xuanyi also sent numerous spies. I have inquired about the information of the other three clans.

According to the information, no concubine was born in this generation of the troll clan, and female nuns who were suspected to be concubines were born in the Lanjiao clan and the Guimu clan. There are several candidates who are suspected to be Demon Concubine. If Ning Fan needs it, he can check it himself.

The content of the jade slip made Ning Fan think deeply.

Xuanyi gave Burning Wing to Ning Fan, do you still expect Ning Fan to rob the demon concubine of the other two clans?

Ning Fan had a guess in his heart that Fen Chi, as a six-winged demon concubine, could awaken the wings, and most of the other two clan demon concubines also had magical powers that matched their bloodline, which could help Ning Fan improve his strength.

The only thing that makes him weird. Is the troll tribe.

The troll clan has no demon concubine. When the three clans had the phenomenon of demon blood dyeing the blue sky, only the vision of the troll clan appeared for a moment, and then disappeared immediately.

"There is no golem slate in the troll clan? There is no demon concubine of this clan... Is it because they once surrendered to the Thunder Emperor, or is the troll clan different from the other three clans, and there is another mystery..."

Ning Fan vaguely felt that the so-called troll clan was not as simple as he imagined.

"There are rumors in the endless sea that the ancestor of the troll clan died in battle, and the clan declined, becoming the weakest of the four clans in the sea, but, is that really the case..."

Galloping all the way, Ning Fan pushed the speed to the limit, flying over two billion miles for more than a month.

Black Fire Eight Wings, inheriting the advantages of Fuli Demon Wing, possessing a "spirit", Fei Dun does not consume any mana.

Yue Lingkong was surprised by Ning Fan's speed, while Burning Wing was surprised by Ning Fan's persistence.

"Young Master Zhou, it's incredible! You have been flying for a month without losing any mana. It's really long-lasting, and it makes my concubine look impressive!"

She has an almost obsessive hobby of magic wings, and the magic of Ning Fan's magic wings is enough for her to study for a lifetime.

"You also know that gherkins last?" Yue Lingkong's long-lasting words were obviously not the same topic as Burning Wings. Burning Wings was still a virgin.

Ning Fan was not interested in interjecting such a nutritious topic.

In the pitch-black water, Ning Fan was like an arrow from the string, and he galloped between the waves with his two daughters.

In a month, he has mastered the speed of the Black Fire Eight Wings to a level of sophistication.

The distance from the troll clan is getting closer and closer, and it has reached the magic ice sea area. Where the sea and the sky meet, there is a climate of wind and snow.

Occasionally, icebergs floated between the sea water, and there were many fierce beasts hidden in the sea, and there were even many wild beasts, but none of them dared to stop Ning Fan's escape.

The continuous snowstorm seems to have a lot of shielding effect on the spiritual sense. It is very easy to get lost in the boundless snow sea.

In the wind and snow, there were occasionally monks coming and going, and it was impossible to see the faces of Ning Fan and the others through the heavy wind and snow.

Just seeing the terrifying speed of Ning Fan's Black Fire Eight Wings, all the famous people of Jindan and Nascent Soul were shocked and did not dare to provoke Ning Fan.

Even some old monsters who can't hide in the world, seeing Ning Fan's escaping speed, they are very frightened, only that Ning Fan is a certain senior.

"This person... This person must be a well-known senior in the rain world! It's a pity that I can't see the senior's demeanor despite the heavy wind and snow..." Many experts sighed because they passed by Ning Fan. .

Yue Lingkong used to traverse the endless sea and was very familiar with the sea route. With her guidance, Ning Fan would never lose his way.

In the magic ice sea area, there are several areas where sea beasts gather, which is a dangerous place for ordinary monks and needs to take a detour.

However, Ning Fan and his party were extremely strong, and since they didn't need to avoid the mere beasts, they moved straight ahead.

In the blizzard, the sound of fighting could be heard in the distance. As soon as Ning Fan disappeared, his spiritual sense swept away. This sea area was the habitat of some kind of whale dragon.

The sound of fighting from the heavy snowstorm, mixed with the screams of the monks, and the roar of the whale dragon group, there is no doubt that a monk was attacked by the whale dragon group.

This group of whale dragons has the highest cultivation base. It's just two wild beasts. And the group of monks under siege, the highest cultivation base is only the peak of Nascent Soul.

It seems that he was attacked by the whale dragon in the process of passing through the sea.

This kind of fighting can be seen everywhere in the cultivation world. With Ning Fan's indifferent personality, he never bothered to intervene.

But since he had kept the escape light, he planned to intervene this time, because that team of cultivators had the troll clan emblem on top of everyone's clothes.

"Little Cucumber, is from the troll clan, do you want to take action?" Yue Lingkong asked.

"With my friendship with the trolls, a little effort can help. The two of you. Wait here. I'll come when I go."


Ning Fan escaped in a flash. Disappeared.

Above the Black Sea in the distance, it is densely covered with broken ice, on top of the broken ice. There are more than one hundred monks fighting with the whale dragon group. More than 100 monks, 70 golden pills, and 30 Nascent Souls, the leader is a big man at the peak of Nascent Souls.

That big man is at the peak of Yuan Ying's cultivation base, but with a jade-colored astral spirit floating around his body, he looks like a monk in the first realm of jade life, who can fight wild beasts with his physical body!

He carried a human-sized ginseng-like elixir on his shoulders, and fought among the whales and dragons with a single fist. Bleeding all over.

In the whale dragon group, only fifty whale dragons were dispatched.

Of the fifty whale dragons, except for the two initial wild beasts, the rest were all infant beasts.

The whale dragons of Yuan Ying cultivation base are thousands of feet in size, far larger than other monsters of the same level.

The desolate beast-level whale dragons are tens of thousands of feet huge, with snow-white whale bodies, like an iceberg that moves everywhere.

Although Yuan Dian Dahan is in the realm of jade life, but the whale dragon's skin is too thick, the single unit baby peak whale dragon, the animal body defense can block the attack of the gods.

And that wild beast-level whale dragon, the physical defense is even more terrifying. Yuan Dian Dahan used the low-grade physical techniques again and again, but he was unable to break the defense of the wild beast whale dragon.

"Damn it! This 30,000-year-old ice ginseng is used to treat the eldest lady. You bastards dare to steal the eldest lady's medicine. I will fight with you!"

boom! boom! boom!

The big man ignited Nascent Soul, his eyes showed madness, and his fists floated a jade color.

But even with such a powerful attack, it was still unable to inflict wounds on the two wild beasts.

Seeing that the fellow monks kept dying in the mouth of the whale dragon, the eyes of the big man were blood red, these are all brothers who were born and died all the way to find medicine. I was stared at by this group of whale dragons, hateful!

"Brothers, fight with the group of whales and dragons, and make a bloody path! Whoever survives in the end will be responsible for bringing the 30,000-year-old ice ginseng back to the clan!"


The monks of the troll race ignited the Nascent Soul and shattered the golden core one after another, as if they were about to fight the whales and dragons to the death.

Many monks have transformed into giant bodies, each of which is huge, but such a huge body, placed in front of the whale dragon, is really not worth mentioning, and it is still as small as an ant.


A scream came, and there were constantly troll monks being swallowed by the whale dragon.

Even the big man at the peak of Nascent Soul was hit by two desolate beasts, whales and dragons, as if he was hit by an iceberg of tens of thousands of meters, he vomited blood and was seriously injured, and his eyes showed despair.

"Damn it, it looks like this life is going to be handed over here today... Who is it!"

When the big man in Yuan Dian was almost in despair, a figure in white clothes like snow suddenly appeared in the wind and snow, without any warning, no one knew how he came here!

The young man's escaping speed far exceeded the understanding of these Nascent Soul and Jindan troll monks.

The young man's eyes did not have any emotional fluctuations. He looked at the whale dragon and the troll monk as if he were looking at the wind and snow, like looking at the scenery.

Only Yuan Dian Dahan has the highest vision, and when he sees a trace of young people moving tobacco, he immediately looks overjoyed.

"Spiritual Transformation cultivator! This friend is a God Transformation cultivator! Lao Tzu Zhao Shuai, I implore my friend to bring the 30,000-year-old ice ginseng back to the troll clan. Zhao promises you that if you take this ice ginseng If you send it back, the trolls will not only give you ten times the reward for ice ginseng, but also treat you as a guest!"

The man named Zhao Shuai was already in a panic.

He thought to himself that he would not be able to escape from being surrounded by the whale dragon, and the young man in white who suddenly appeared would not be able to help a group of strangers. He might even help the whale dragon kill people and hunt for treasures.

Zhao Shuai could only hope that the Youth Association would be willing to help and send the ice ginseng back to the troll clan. This ice ginseng is of great significance to the trolls. If you send the medicine back, the reward can be at least ten times the value of the ice ginseng, and you can also gain the favor of the trolls.

If you want to come to this unfamiliar young man in white, he will not refuse such a good thing.

Zhao Shuai could not see the young man's face clearly through the wind and snow, otherwise he would have recognized the young man's identity as Ning Fan, who shook the endless sea.

Ning Fan glanced at Zhao Shuai lightly, without saying a word.

The next moment, Jian Nian swept across, and a drop of thick ink spread out on the glacier.

In just a moment, fifty whale dragons, no matter what their cultivation, were all smashed into pieces by Jian Nian, blood-stained on the glaciers!

A tyrannical evil spirit emanated from Ning Fan's body. Under this evil spirit, the troll monks only felt that Jin Dan and Nascent Soul would be shattered, and they couldn't resist the pressure of Ning Fan's gaze!

All the troll clansmen who were lucky enough to survive were all stunned.

Especially Zhao Shuai, looking at the desolate beast whale corpse that had been broken into countless pieces, he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

Killing all the whale dragons in one blow, including two wild beasts, can't compete!

What power is this! In the endless sea, is there a master of this level?

"Who is this person...?"

Zhao Shuai tried his best to identify Ning Fan's face through the heavy wind and snow.

When he vaguely saw Ning Fan's face, Zhao Shuai was a tough guy, almost paralyzed with fright.

"It's him! He is the Ming Zun who punches and refines the virtual, Zhou Ming!"

Punching and refining the virtual!

In this endless sea where gods are revered, in this rare rain world, what a terrifying concept is punching and refining the virtual!


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