Grasping Evil

Chapter 452 Snow Doll

() The monks came to Chaodu County and saw a shocking battlefield site.

Within 100,000 miles, all the mountains and rivers were fragmented, and they looked extremely desolate in the white snow. No one could have imagined that this place used to be the powerhouse of the troll clan - Muxue Pavilion.

They didn't have the chance to witness the shocking battle between Ning Fan and Shi Kun, and the only thing they could feel was the residual mana fluctuations here.

This was an epic battle. In this battle, Ning Fan violently killed an old monster who was invincible.

Moreover, this old monster is also the lord of a country of the virtual level, and his status is respected.

But no one could say that Ning Fan killed him wrongly. This time, Ning Fan stood above morality and used the status of the Yudian as an old man.

It was wrong for Shi Kun to murder the trolls, but the crime did not lead to death.

Shi Kun had murderous intentions on Ning Fan, but it was a big mistake, dying 10,000 times was all in vain.

Who was Ning Fan? He was the one who was ordered not to move by Emperor Yu. Not even the King of Lanling dared to move Ning Fan, and even the head of the Chitian Palace didn't dare to move Ning Fan. What kind of thing was Shi Kun who dared to move Ning Fan?

Not to mention that the endless sea is not bound by the law of the world, even if someone pursues it, it is Shi Kun who violated the law of the world and made a move against the elders of the Rain Palace.

Even if Yudian knew about this, they would suppress Shi Kun's younger generation and investigate Shi Kun for offending Ning Fan.

For example, Mo Xiu, the head of the Chitian Temple who was present that day, publicly declared that Ning Fan was innocent of murder!

Anyone with a heart knows that after the Rain Palace, the Chitian Palace and the Juntian Palace are at odds.

With different factions, it was impossible for Mo Xiu to say good things to Ning Fan. But he still said, what does that mean?

It shows that Ning Fan's status in the Rain Palace is not ordinary, and it can make Mo Xiu of different factions dare not provoke it!

Shi Kun is dead, and no one cares about his death. Although there is more to die than death, it really makes many old monsters feel desolate.

No matter how beautiful you are, and your cultivation base is unparalleled, once you take a wrong step on the road, you will end up dead.

Shi Kun has fallen, but Ning Fan's fierce name is on this day, and it will shock the inner sea, the outer sea, and even the eight hundred Xiuguo, the entire rain world!

Many old monsters have claimed,

The first young man of this generation in the rain world. It is none other than 'Zhou Ming'!

All right. Ning Fan once again blamed the unjust kid Zhou Ming. made a name for himself. If the real Zhou Ming Jiuquan knew, I wonder if he would wake up with a smile.

After the war, Ning Fan did not rest. Instead, he followed Ju Qing and others to another forbidden place for trolls.

In this battle, he relied on the thunder armor to protect his body, and he was not injured, but at the last moment, he lost his blood and blood, and forced the seventh order of Huanglong, who was a middle-rank fan, to suppress Shi Kun.

This wound of blood essence may be troublesome for ordinary people, but for Ning Fan, who is protecting the body from Black Star, he is healing by starlight all the time, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Troll tribe. Temple of Sorrow.

Ning Fan, Xu Qiuling, Yue Lingkong, and Burning Wing were all sitting in the first seat of the guest seat. There were many elders of the troll clan around them, standing one by one, thanking Ning Fan frequently.

These troll elders are all grateful from the bottom of their hearts. If it wasn't for Ning Fan's action, the troll clan would definitely be in danger.

Fortunately, Ning Fan made a strong shot and killed Shi Kun, not only hugging the Void Pill, but also deterring many old monsters who peeped at the Void Pill.

Shi Kun was the first old monster to do something to the Void Pill, but he was definitely not the last.

In fact, there are several old ghosts who have come from the Eight Hundred Xiuguo, intending to win the questioning core of the troll clan.

But with Shi Kun's lessons learned, I'm afraid that none of the old ghosts will dare to provoke the trolls.

Ning Fan's fierceness has risen sharply this time, which is also a good thing for the Six-Winged Clan, and it is even more deterrent to the Guimu and Lanjiao Clan.

The power of Huanglong's Seven Commandments is obvious to all, and even a question can be seriously injured.

The strongest of the Lanjiao clan is just a question. The Ghost Eye Clan was stronger than the Lanjiao Clan, but they didn't dare to provoke Ning Fan again.

Ning Fan showed his arrogance and arrogance to countless old monsters, even if he was the leader of a country bestowed by the Rain Palace, he dared to kill him.

He did this blatantly, just to let people with ulterior motives understand how much he valued Ning Fan by the Rain Palace and how he couldn't be provoked.

He wants people to know that he has the support of the Emperor of Rain, and he is innocent of killing the lord of the country. He is already so important to the Rain Palace.

He wants people to know that others can't touch him, but he can kill people, so don't mess with him, or you will be at your own risk.

This is to take advantage of the general trend of the Rain Palace.

Ning Fan doesn't like waves of trouble, so he chooses to be stronger, once and for all.

In the Temple of Sorrow, Ning Fan, in front of Ju Qing and others, searched Shi Kun's son and five national masters for souls and memories on the spot, and then wiped out the six people and cut the grass and roots.

From the memories of Shi Kun's son, Ning Fan learned of Shi Kun's entire conspiracy and informed the trolls.

The purpose of Shi Kun's visit to the trolls was to ask the illusory core.

But he not only wanted to ask Xu Dan, but also boldly planned one thing, that is to kidnap Feng Xueyan!

Shi Kun's plan was to have his son approach Feng Xueyan and secretly kidnap him the day before the tattoo. Then, on the grounds that Feng Xueyan refused the tattoo, he blackmailed the trolls.

In this way, Shi Kun can not only obtain the questioning illusory core, but also obtain Feng Xueyan, the famous tattoo artist in the world.

It's a pity that Shi Kun's son just broke into Feng Xueyan's boudoir, and was discovered by the maidservant, and Feng Xueyan gave a whistle and disappeared from the eyes of Shi Kun's son, very strange.

Feng Xueyan's tattooing technique definitely reached the level of the absolute rain world.

Any body cultivator who is stabbed by Feng Xueyan's magic marks can greatly improve the realm of body refinement.

Shi Kun's ambition is not small, and he wants to break through the question with the emptiness, and use the wind and snow to create a group of body repair troops.

If it wasn't for Ning Fan intervening in this matter, he might have succeeded in his conspiracy.

Hearing of all Shi Kun's conspiracy, Ju Qing was furious, so angry that he burst into the crown.

His troll family has always been low-key, just to realize the wishes of the eight ancestors, however, the result of being too low-key is to make others feel weak and easy to bully!

Ju Qing really wanted to announce the strength of the troll clan to the whole world, and let the whole world know that the strongest clan of the four clans in the secluded sea is not a ghost, but a troll!

Unfortunately, he can't do this, he can only endure it again and again. Endure all this. All just to complete the redemption of the ancestors.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, back then, Xiaoshanzi highly recommended you and praised you so much, but I still don't believe it. Now that I see you with my own eyes, I know that Xiaoshanzi's vision is very good, very good! Qiu Ling has found a good home! She is willing to take care of the mess of my troll clan, even killing the lord of a country, I troll clan, owe you a favor, if you are in trouble, the troll clan is willing to devote all the power of the family. Report back to friends!"

Ju Qing solemnly clasped his fists. I am grateful to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan nodded. Returning the salute with fists clasped, the trolls obviously value affection much more than the six-winged six-wings.

At least Ning Fan believed it. The trolls would not sell their daughters for glory for the sake of a clan, but the six-winged tribe did.

The members of the troll clan still have straight backs, they are upright demon cultivators.

He quietly glanced at the three women. Among the three women, Burning Wing sat quietly and sipped tea alone.

And Xu Qiuling was taking the initiative to talk with Yue Lingkong, secretly voice transmission, not knowing what to say.

Between the two women, the atmosphere was a little subtle. Not too close, but not to the point of being jealous.

What Xu Qiuling asked Yue Lingkong was whether he had been doing well since she and Ning Fan parted ways, and whether he had risked himself.

What ordinary people see is that Ning Fan's strength has skyrocketed again and again, and he has been beautiful again and again.

What Xu Qiuling felt distressed was Ning Fan's hard work and risk.

She knew him, and she knew that every ounce of his strength was in exchange for his life.

She knew that he had never been calm and cultivated, and he kept killing and looting, just to have the meager strength to protect the people behind him.

"You're very special. I'm so close to Gherkin, aren't you jealous? To be honest, I'm a little jealous when I see him fighting for you. I want to kick him... it's better to kick him if he doesn't want it." Yue Lingkong is very sturdy and dares to say anything bluntly.

"Jealous? Sister Yue, do you know... I just hope that he can live in peace and continue to live until the era when he doesn't have to kill, until the day when he has no competition with the world... At that time, I might be in the mood for He's jealous, and now..."

Xu Qiuling paused for a moment and smiled lightly, "Now, I only look forward to living with him... Living is difficult, very difficult, to be able to live in this world is already a luxury happiness, because you don't know, that one The sun will die suddenly... My promise is the promise of life and death..."

"My encounter with him is just like your encounter with him, and they become each other's scenery... But there is no eternal scenery in the world... Maybe one day I will die under the catastrophe, maybe one day, he will die in chaos In the siege of the enemy...we are precarious, we have no qualifications to be leisure to talk about love, no rest to sleep, we can only go all the way...happy life, no regrets in death..."

Xu Qiuling's words made Yue Lingkong fall into silence.

Happy life, no regrets in death... Yes, I don't know when Gherkin will be finished, why be jealous for him...

It's just why the thought of Gherkin's death makes the old lady's heart hurt.

Why is this stinky cucumber so desperate, where is the danger going, isn't it afraid of death!

Yue Lingkong suddenly felt a sense of pity towards Ning Fan.

She found that she hadn't really understood Gherkin's heart, and she didn't even know why Gherkin was so desperate.

"Little Cucumber, don't risk your life in the future, don't die! Hide behind the old lady, and the old lady will protect you!" Yue Lingkong suddenly spoke domineeringly, just like his confession, stunned the troll monks present.

"...I'm not going to die..." Ning Fan couldn't help laughing, how could Lingkong suddenly become maternity this month and protect him like this?

He looked at Xu Qiuling and seemed to want to explore what Xu Qiuling and Yue Lingkong said.

Xu Qiuling blinked and smiled, but there was a hint of slyness in her bright eyes. That means, why should we tell you the words of our daughter's boudoir?

Ning Fan laughed and shook his head. He didn't use the whispering technique to explore the two people's minds. It was a blasphemy to the two women.

But he believed that Xu Qiuling would not be jealous of Yue Lingkong... At least, not now.

Passionate is also a hassle...

Ning Fan rubbed his forehead and suddenly asked Ju Qing,

"Patriarch Juqing, the matter of Shi Kun has finally been resolved, but Ling Ai is still 'missing', is there really no need to look for it?"

"That girl, she wants to hide, but no one can find her. When she is hungry, she will go home to eat..." Ju Qing laughed, and seemed to know his daughter very well.

Her daughter is only ten layers of pulse, and her body is weak, so she can't really fast, she will go home if she has no food to eat.

"Brother, why don't you go find sister Xueyan, she is weak, don't let her go hungry..." Xu Qiuling suddenly pleaded, her eyes were full of worry, she was really worried about that little sister.

"I'm going? You are so sure that I can find her? Even the troll family can't find her... Well, I'll go!"

Ning Fan wanted to shake his head, but his heart softened when he saw Xu Qiuling's pleading gaze.

If you find someone, just find someone, quickly find that little girl and bring it home to feed, so that Xu Qiuling will not worry.

"Please give me a personal item of the eldest young lady, the patriarch of Juqing, and I can use my breath to search for one or two."

"It's useless, once that girl is invisible, her aura can be completely dissipated, and you can't find it..." With that said, Ju Qing also hoped that Ning Fan would try and find Feng Xueyan earlier.

After thinking about it, he ordered the maid to fetch a small soft shoe and give it to Ning Fan.

This little shoe was lost in the room when Feng Xueyan escaped in stealth that day.

At this moment, Feng Xueyan, no matter where he fled to Beiliang Kingdom, would definitely have one foot bare.

If Ning Fan finds her, he will just send the shoes there.


Ning Fan was speechless. He was so dignified that the big devil Ning actually wanted to give shoes to a little girl and spread it out. It is estimated that no one believed that he would do such a thing.

On the small shoes, there was a very faint female incense.

That faint scent, extremely ethereal, disappeared suddenly after entering Ning Fan's nose.

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly startled, trying to recall the smell, but he couldn't remember it.

Smell, erased by something...

This scene seems familiar, as if the words on the white paper were erased by the power of reincarnation.

"The reason why Feng Xueyan is strangely invisible seems to be related to the power of reincarnation..."

Ning Fan closed his eyes, mobilized the power of recalling the mood, borrowed a trace of the power of reincarnation, and smelled Feng Xueyan's breath again.

Then, after finding a trace of breath, he suddenly took a step forward and galloped in a certain direction, as if there was a clue.

The masters of the troll clan were secretly surprised when they saw Ning Fan's seemingly obtained expression.

I thought to myself, could it be that Ning Fan really has supernatural powers and found the whereabouts of the young lady? No one could find it, but Ning Fan was able to find it. It was amazing!

Ning Fan flew all the way, moving like smoke.

Following a trace of breath, he drifted out of the capital for millions of miles, and suddenly stopped in a barren snow forest.

Breath, here we go!

The power of memories spread out, and small footprints that should have disappeared suddenly appeared on the surrounding snow.

The left foot is the footprint of a woman's embroidered shoe, but the right foot is a bare footprint.

Following the footprints, Ning Fan stepped into the depths of the snow forest. At the end of the snow forest, there was a little snowman.

He was obviously just an ordinary snowman, with a nose made of wild ginseng and eyes made of stones.

But when Ning Fan arrived, the little snowman's stone eyes suddenly showed a panicked look, and it turned out to be alive.


The little snowman suddenly stood up, took a light step, moved like a smoke, and disappeared without a trace!

The snowman exuded a trace of wind and snow, and all the breath and footprints that remained in this place were completely erased.

"Interesting, the tenth level of the vein creation, but he can move the art, and he knows how to use a little 'pseudo-reincarnation power'... No wonder he can run out of the capital for a million miles... Do you want to hide and seek with me..."

Just a little snowman, trying to hide and seek with Ning Fan is too tender.


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