Grasping Evil

Chapter 453 Brother-in-law, don't

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The little snowman moved and disappeared in front of Ning Fan's eyes. [;Starting]

Ning Fan was not in a hurry to catch up, his palm moved in the wind and snow, the power of the memory of the mood spread out, and the traces of dissipated breath and footprints gradually became clear and distinct.

Looking in one direction, Ning Fan took a step like a smoke and floated to the top of a snow-capped mountain.

The snow-capped mountain is more than seven thousand feet high, and on top of its peak, as expected, stood a little snowman.

Xiaoxue gasped and gasped, as if the teleportation technique she used just now had put a heavy load on her body.

Seeing Ning Fan chasing after him again, the little snowman fled in a hurry, then moved away.

This time it was too hasty to escape, and she didn't even notice a scroll fell from her and landed on the snow.

Ning Fan evoked a playful smile, this little girl ran very fast, and most people don't say that they can't find her, even if they do, few people can catch up with her.

Instead of chasing it immediately, he casually picked up the scroll, smiled and shook his head.

"I don't know if something fell off..."

After speaking, Ning Fan's eyes suddenly froze. From this scroll, he noticed a very faint demonic energy, but it made his demonic blood tremble.

Not in a hurry to chase the snowman, but propped up the scroll and glanced lightly.

This scroll is made of some kind of monster skin, which is extremely ancient.

In the scroll, there was actually a fragmented magic scripture recorded. The magic scriptures are in Gu Tuo script, the handwriting is delicate but strong, and the writer should be a woman. Since the era of handwriting, the writer is an ancient monk.

For some reason, Ning Fan always felt that the handwriting on this scroll was familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, it was actually the same as the one seen on the stone tablet outside the Muxue Pavilion.

"The one who recorded this magic scripture is the ancestor of the troll..."

Ning Fan took a closer look at the Devil's Book. The Devil's Book was obscure and difficult to understand, but the contents of the records made him feel a little familiar.

As soon as his mind changed, he immediately understood why this sense of familiarity appeared.

content of these verses.

Part of it is actually the same as the rune on the Six-Winged Slate...

"Where did these magic scriptures come from... Why didn't the troll clan, like the three clans, have the same vision as the three clans... There is a connection between the two?"

"If there is a connection. The magic scriptures are of great importance, so how can they be placed on a little girl... What secrets are there in this..."

Ning Fan engraved the magic script on another jade slip. Putting the scroll in his sleeve, he took a step forward and chased after the little snowman.

Thinking carefully in my heart, if the troll clan hides the slate magic scripture and keeps it secret from the outside world, will he take action to snatch it...

Forget it, the trolls have never lost him, if he lost the trolls, it would be against Taoism. Let's put this matter aside for now, it's more important to find the little snowman.


Ning Fan chased after him again, this time, he stopped in a snow valley thousands of miles away.

In the snow valley, there are many snow monkeys, all of them with the strength of Jindan.

After the little snowman broke into the snow valley. Dozens of snow monkeys immediately surrounded her, intending to attack her.

The little snowman seemed a little flustered and never thought that he would be besieged by monsters here.

She was panting, and seemed unable to escape any longer, looking at the approaching monsters. A little scared.

"You know you're afraid?"

Ning Fan unhurriedly walked into the snow valley, and the light words dispersed with a monstrous evil spirit.

He didn't even take action against these low-level snow apes. All the snow apes noticed Ning Fan's arrival, and each and everyone had an extremely frightened expression.

Apes are the most human, these snow apes all felt that Ning Fan was not easy to be provoked, and they all wanted to die, and they fled without life.

Ning Fan didn't chase after him. He wasn't benevolent, he just had some concerns and didn't want this little snowman to see blood.

"If you run away again and encounter danger, I won't save you. I'm here to take you back..."

Gently pointing at the snowman's eyebrows, a soft brilliance spread out, and the layers of ice and snow melted, revealing the girl hidden in the snowman's body.

She was wearing a plain white dress and looked like a 14- or 15-year-old girl. She looked at Ning Fan who was close at hand. The girl said that she was not afraid of being deceived. The vicious beast can be imagined.

But she acted very calm, did not say a word, quietly raised her head and stared at Ning Fan, but she was a little daring.

Her long hair was as white as snowflakes, and a large snow-white down was pinned to her snow-white hair.

The little face was slightly pale, and the right foot was still bare.

Seeing that the girl could not hide or escape, Ning Fan nodded and smiled. This girl is not high in cultivation and has good courage. She is also qualified to be the sister of a strange woman like Xu Qiuling.

"Are you Feng Xueyan?"

"..." The girl nodded.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"..." The girl wanted to nod her head, but hesitated and shook her head.

"You can't speak?"

"..." The girl nodded, her eyes hurt a little, but she hid it lightly.

"It's a poor man."

It's really pitiful. He has ten levels of pulse penetration, no spiritual sense, and he can't speak, so he basically can't communicate with people.

Although this woman was pitiful, Ning Fan's concern for her was also based on Xu Qiuling's request.

He stretched out his hand to pull Feng Xueyan, intending to take her back to the capital, but she gently backed away and shook his head, the meaning was obvious, she didn't want to go back.

"Are you worried that the son of Lord Shile will bully you?"

Ning Fan's light words fell into Feng Xueyan's ears, and immediately turned into a strange color.

Feng Xueyan was very surprised, the young man in front of him didn't look much older than her, how could he be so powerful, he knew everything.

That night, Lord Shile's son sneaked into her room with a scheming plan. She found someone outside and ran away in panic. Ning Fan wasn't there at the time, how could he know?

Although Ning Fan was unable to communicate directly with the girl, he could speak secretly. The girl couldn't speak, but he could see what she was thinking.

"Don't worry, everything is over, you can rest assured to follow me home."

"..." The girl instinctively took a step back and looked at Ning Fan with some fear.

She instinctively had some good feelings for this gentle-speaking young man, but after all, she was a stranger, so she couldn't believe it casually, saying that she would go with him.

"I'm Qiu Ling's husband. I'm here this time, but she asked me to pick you up. I'm afraid you'll be hungry."

Ning Fan took out a small shoe from his sleeve, bent down, and said with a smile, "Lift your feet, I'll put them on for you."

As soon as Ning Fan mentioned Xu Qiuling, she even had her embroidered shoes as a token. Feng Xueyan couldn't help but believe Ning Fan a bit, but there was still a bit of vigilance in the depths of his eyes.

She looked at Ning Fan carefully, more and more she felt that Ning Fan was familiar, it seemed very similar to the portrait Xu Qiuling showed her.

In the days when Xu Qiuling was with Feng Xueyan, he always talked about Ning Fan to Feng Xueyan. He also showed Feng Xueyan the true face of Ning Fan.

Originally, there was a trace of defense against Ning Fan. It also gradually faded, and he lifted his bright right foot, and Ren Ningfan put on a small shoe for it.

"Thank you..." She pursed her lips. But he couldn't make a sound, his eyes darkened slightly, and he turned to show a calm color.

That calm, as if Xu Qiuling was terminally ill, looked down on life and death.

There are similarities between the two women's personalities, so it is no wonder that they become sisters.

"Don't worry, I can hear you. You're saying 'thank you,' aren't you?"

"How do you know..." Feng Xueyan was still unable to make a sound, only her lips moved. But Ning Fan could hear her thoughts.

"This is a secret. When there is a chance in the future, I will tell you slowly. Let's go, it's time to go back."

"Brother-in-law, wait... I lost my things..."

Feng Xueyan bit her lip anxiously, only then did she find out. The scroll in the sleeve is gone.

Ning Fan's body was slightly startled. It was the first time he heard someone call his brother-in-law, even if Feng Xueyan called it in his heart.

Looking at Feng Xueyan, his eyes softened and he smiled slightly. He took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Feng Xueyan.

"I found it by accident. It's all right now, can I go back?"

"Well, thank you brother-in-law, I'm so hungry..."

Feng Xueyan's stomach growled, confirming her heart.

Ning Fan laughed, this little girl doesn't look like a cultivator at all, wouldn't she starve to death if she didn't go to bed for a year and a half?

That's all, people call him brother-in-law. If there is a chance, he can help her with alchemy and treatment. No matter what, he must have a spiritual cultivation level, he can practice inedia, and he can transmit his spiritual sense. Otherwise, he will be a little dumb. Self-isolation all day, how boring.

Holding the girl, Ning Fan turned into smoke in one step, and was about to return when Feng Xueyan collapsed on the snow, his whole body shrunk into a ball, his face was covered in fine sweat, and his body was scorching hot.

"Brother-in-law, it hurts, it hurts..." Feng Xueyan shouted helplessly in her heart, making Ning Fan's eyes narrow.

Shen Nian took a look at Feng Xueyan's whole body, and immediately, his usual calm eyes showed a slight anger.

"This is!"

Ning Fan squatted down, took Feng Xueyan into his arms, turned her back to him, and ripped off her clothes abruptly, revealing that her clean tube top had not been taken off, and only stared at her back, the coldness in her eyes deepened.

On Feng Xueyan's pure and flawless back, there were eight black fire pattern seals burning on his back.

These eight seals, each of which was planted by the Void Refinement cultivator with all his might, and the eight seals combined into one, even if it is the Void Shattering old monster, it may not be able to break it!

Those eight seals were planted to seal something in Feng Xueyan's body!

The seal can block all exploration, and no one knows what Feng Xueyan is hiding in his body.

But Ning Fan noticed... that what was sealed was a drop of demon blood that burned like fire!

It is almost the same as the blood of Moruo in his primordial spirit, only slightly inferior in strength, and has some flaws, not pure.

Feng Xueyan was different from Ning Fan. She was only a pulse-breaking cultivator, and without Ning Fan's profound mana, how could she endure the torment of Moruo's blood.

Could it be that all of this woman's pain and suffering were caused by this drop of Mora's blood?

Ning Fan probed carefully, his eyes became colder and colder, and he finally understood the viciousness of these eight seals.

The person who seals the blood of the devil is not hiding blood, but nourishing blood!

This Moruo blood, at the beginning of being sealed, was not a complete drop of blood, perhaps just a strand of blood.

Some people seal the blood threads in Feng Xueyan's body, and use Feng Xueyan to feed the demon blood, so that the demon blood gradually grows to achieve its purpose.

After the devil blood is fully developed, he will sacrifice Feng Xueyan's life to complete the final step, remove the devil blood flaws, and take out the devil blood.

Those who planted a seal for Feng Xueyan and raised demon blood were really vicious.

But who would do such a thing?

What is their purpose?

Why did they choose Feng Xueyan?

Ning Fan held Feng Xueyan's little hand, closed her shirt, and continued to input mana, which gradually calmed her breath.

At the moment when the two of them touched their palms, a feeling of being connected to each other suddenly appeared in their hearts.

This kind of feeling, Ning Fan only felt it on Fen Wing.

For a moment, Ning Fan seemed to understand why Feng Xueyan was being targeted and raised demon blood in his body.

"She is this generation's concubine of the troll clan!"

Ning Fan's thoughts turned around, but the mana in his hand continued to be input.

The pain in Feng Xueyan gradually dissipated and he slowly woke up.

When he saw himself lying in Ning Fan's arms, his clothes were half unraveled, the spring light was full of light, and a hint of fear flashed in his clear eyes.

"Brother-in-law, don't...don't insult me..."

Her lips twitched, and her little hands were on her chest, a little scared.

Ning Fan couldn't help laughing, did he look like a bad guy? Don't even let your sister-in-law let go?

Maybe, it's very similar... He himself is not sure, because he is indeed notorious now, people are afraid of people, and beasts run away when they see beasts...


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