Grasping Evil

Chapter 454 Who is the shadow

() Ning Fan let go of Feng Xueyan and didn't mean to molest her.

She is Xu Qiuling's younger sister, and even Ning Fan's younger sister. Although Ning Fan is affectionate, she knows that if she speaks against the wind and snow, it will hurt Xu Qiuling's heart.

For Ning Fan, Xu Qiuling's accommodating and tolerant is a kind of unspoken warmth, and he will not hurt her sister.

Feng Xueyan stood up, quietly distanced himself from Ning Fan, and quickly sorted out his clothes.

When she thought of Ning Fan's unbuttoning of her clothes after she fainted, and she could see everything, she only felt flushed and slightly angry.

Just when she noticed that there was a warm and vast mana flowing in her body, she immediately relaxed her eyebrows.

She Feng Xueyan was taciturn, her cultivation base was low, but she was not a fool.

She naturally saw that the mana in her body was relieving the pain and nourishing her body.

Of course, she also understands that with her tenth-level pulse-breaking cultivation, she will never have such vast mana, and even, even her father, does not have such vast mana...

This mana must have been injected into her body by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was not belittling her just now, but saving her.

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law, I misunderstood you... You are saving me, I should thank you, I shouldn't blame you..." Feng Xueyan moved her lips and apologized to Ning Fan.

For some reason, she seemed a little worried that Ning Fan was angry with her. This brother-in-law who had just met was not only a good person who rescued her, but also the first person to find her, and the first person to talk to her directly.

"You're right, silly girl, what's the matter with the black fire seal on your back?" Ning Fan asked.

"What seal? I don't understand..." Feng Xueyan shook his head.

"Yeah, when I didn't say this... I'll ask you one more question, where did that animal skin scroll come from?"

"It was given by Grandpa..."

"Grandpa? Who is it!" Ning Fan vaguely felt that this so-called grandpa had a lot to do with Feng Xueyan's raising of demon blood in his body.

"Grandpa is... Hey. I forgot..." Feng Xueyan actually forgot who Grandpa was, and was his memory erased by pseudo reincarnation!

Ning Fan's eyes sank,

This troll race is far stranger than he imagined.

Feng Xueyan feeds demon blood and animal skin scrolls. Eight seals. The power of pseudo reincarnation, grandpa, the hidden master of rushing the virtual...

Troll tribe. The water seems to be a little deep!

Feng Xueyan was weak and sickly, and his cultivation base was low, all because of the demon blood in his body. Ordinary troll clansmen may not know about this, but as the father of Feng Xueyan, the giant should know about it, why not deal with it?

The grandpa Feng Xueyan called, so kindly, he was naturally a member of the troll clan. The person who murdered Feng Xueyan was an outsider, or someone inside the troll clan!

Or... simply the hidden master of the troll race. Also unknown!

Ning Fan frowned, the water of the troll race was so deep, should he help Feng Xueyan?

He didn't know who the enemy in the dark was. The only thing he knew was that once he helped Feng Xueyan, he would definitely destroy those people's plans. offend them.

He didn't even know who the enemies were, and it was too unwise to offend these enemies hastily.

Taking Ning Fan's personality and interests first, he would not make such a choice. It was as if he had always had a cold-blooded attitude towards the Six Wings.

But Feng Xueyan is different, she is Xu Qiuling's sister, if she dies, Xu Qiuling will be sad...

Thinking of Xu Qiuling, Ning Fan's eyes gradually became firm.

"I, Ning Fan, have acted all my life. I will do my own thing. I don't seek good or evil. I only seek to have a clear conscience and no regrets... If I abandon this girl, I will make Qiuling sad... I will regret it!"

"This woman needs to be saved, but I also need to distinguish the steps. First, I have to find out who the enemy is, so I know myself and the enemy so that I can be prepared. Second, Juqing's concern for her daughter does not seem to be a fake. Seeking elixir to treat this woman's wounds doesn't seem like a fake. Although people's hearts are sinister and sometimes difficult to guard against, I should compare this time with the Dan Dian. The female concocts pills to cure her illness. Let’s see if that pill can cure this girl, if not…”

Ning Fan's eyes showed a sharp light like cold electricity.

"If you can't, you have to find a way to rescue this woman. As for the behind-the-scenes plotters, we must find out!"

Ning Fan's personality, once he made a decision, he would never go back on it.

He looked at Feng Xueyan and said solemnly, "Little girl, don't tell anyone what I asked you today, and the fact that you saw your animal skin scroll and you were naked."

"As ordered."

Feng Xueyan smiled very sweetly. She found that at this moment, Ning Fan's eyes were serious, fierce, terrifying, and not gentle at all.

But compared to the gentle gaze before, there was a hint of genuine concern. Really care about her, from the heart, without pretense.

She didn't understand why she couldn't tell outsiders what happened today, but she nodded and kept it in her heart.

Anyway, she's a little dumb, who else can she tell? Brother-in-law is really stupid, is this a careless mess?

"Good, let's go back to the capital and eat delicious food."

"Brother-in-law, you're so kind..." She saw that Ning Fan cared about her, she tiptoed lightly, and kissed him on the side of the cheek, her eyes were pure and no desire.

Ning Fan touched the side of his face, smiled and shook his head. In his eyes, Feng Xueyan was like a snowman made of ice and snow, and it was as clean as paper.

Her kisses are just a child's way of expressing joy.

More thoughts appeared in Ning Fan's heart.

Returning to the capital county today, I will first conceal what I have seen and heard, and then explore the words of Ju Qing.

He didn't believe that a sincere man like Juqing would eat a tiger's poison, but people's hearts were unpredictable, so he had to guard against it.

As for the way to treat Feng Xueyan, further consideration is needed.

If the medicine pill is effective, that's all, if it doesn't work, then Ning Fan needs to find a way by himself.

Ning Fanxiu had the power of reincarnation and could have broken the eight seals on Feng Xueyan's back.

But the strange thing is that Feng Xueyan not only has demon blood in his body, not only does it have a seal, but there is also a hidden 'pseudo-reincarnation power'.

The power of pseudo reincarnation is not comparable to the power of Ning Fan's real reincarnation, but it can offset the dissolution of the power of real reincarnation and prevent Ning Fan from breaking the seal.

It is a little difficult to use the wind and smoke technique to weather the eight seals.

What particularly troubled Ning Fan was that even if he could break the seal, he would not dare to help Feng Xueyan take out the blood of Moruo without authorization.

This demonic blood should have been planted when Feng Xueyan was very young, and it has long been linked to Feng Xueyan's life.

If Feng Xueyan could refine this drop of demon blood by himself, it would be the best policy.

But the blood of Moruo can be refined. Even the current Ning Fan has not been able to completely refine it, let alone Feng Xueyan, who is at the tenth level of the pulse-breaking...

If she forcibly refines the blood of Mora, even if she refines only a trace, her body will not be able to withstand the power of the devil blood. Exploded and died.

perhaps. Ning Fan should first collect the four golem slates, collect the magic texts on the four slates, and gather the magic scriptures of the 'Ancestral Talisman's Blood Refinement Technique'. Only after repairing the ancestral talisman of life, can there be a way to deal with the blood of Moruo.

Specifically how to treat Feng Xueyan, I have to put it aside for the time being...

"Let's go."

He fluttered his sleeves and wanted to leave with Feng Xueyan, but suddenly his eyes were shocked, and he glanced at the snowy sky in the southeast.

"who is it!"

At the moment when Ning Fan snorted coldly, he pointed out at the same time, a sword light stabbed toward the cloud like electricity, it was the Zhan Li Jian.

above the cloud. A dark shadow suddenly appeared, his face was blocked by the magic fog, and he couldn't see it clearly, only his cloudy eyes could see it clearly.

At this moment, there was a hint of surprise in the dark shadow's eyes. He has just arrived here and is still hiding. Obviously he didn't expect Ning Fan to see through his concealment.

Although he was surprised, it was only a trace. The black shadow looked at the sword light that cut away from the sword, with a slightly disdainful color, and scratched with five fingers. Golden light all over.

Judging from the intensity of the golden light, this person is actually a physique practitioner of the second realm of the golden body!

It's just that this person's breath is extremely strange, giving Ning Fan an illusion that he doesn't look like a living person.


Zhanlijian was shaken by his hand, and immediately rolled back, and was taken back by Ning Fan, still trembling.

And when the black shadow took the sword with his bare hands, his fingers were also cut by Jianfeng, and he was greatly surprised. He never expected that a mere low-grade virtual treasure could pierce his fingers, even if it was because he was too careless.

"The two-star god soldier... Hmph! The means are not weak, no wonder they can kill Shi Kun, but they are still too tender. Boy, you are very similar to this old man when you were young, but there are some things that you can't intervene."


The black shadow suddenly threw a black light, shot at Ning Fan's chest, and left immediately. Only when he was leaving, he quietly glanced at Feng Xueyan, seeing that the latter was not serious, his heart was slightly relieved, and his eyes were ashamed and bitter.

"Just now I clearly felt that Yan'er's seal was breaking, so I came to rescue, but I didn't expect that this kid would save her first..."

The black shadow turned into a flash of light and left, and the mana momentum revealed in the flash of light was already... rushing to the void!

The mana realm of rushing into the void, the body refining realm of the golden body double layer, this black shadow is very strong, and it is definitely not something that Ning Fan can defeat today!

Ning Fan didn't go after the shadow, but just pointed at the black light that was shooting towards his chest.

That black light was not a hidden weapon, but a black jade slip.

Ning Fan took the jade slip, and after scanning the contents with his spiritual sense, his eyes were solemn and he remained silent.

In the jade slip, there is only one sentence.

"The kindness of protecting the clan will always be gracious. Never interfere in the matter of Xueyan. The wrath of the Eighth Ancestor is unstoppable."

The fierce aura in these words gave Ning Fan a very shallow sense of familiarity, where should he have seen this aura.

Ning Fan cleared his mind, and he gradually remembered where he had seen this breath.

"Huanmo Immortal Island, outside the secret realm of Shattered World... Killing Monument! The first person to kill Monument, Ming Juyan, is the previous giant, the father of Juqing, and the grandfather of Feng Xueyan!"

"It is rumored that Juyan has already died, why did he appear here at this time... He doesn't seem to be hostile to me, otherwise with his strength, I am not an opponent, unless I use the Sun and Moon Monument to strike..."

"Ju Yan obviously knows the reason for Feng Xueyan's seal, is it Feng Xueyan that he murdered?"

"This person thanked me for protecting the troll clan's kindness, which naturally shows that he is a person who cares deeply. This person asked me not to intervene in Xueyan's affairs, which can be regarded as a kind reminder or a warning. This person claimed, ' The Eighth Patriarch's anger cannot be stopped by me, who is the Eighth Patriarch? Could it be that the Eighth Patriarch is the mastermind behind this..."

"Juyan mentioned the Eighth Patriarch in a respectful tone. It can be seen that most of these Eighth Patriarchs are the ancestors of the troll clan. No matter who is the mastermind, most of the murderers of Feng Xueyan are their own people... What is their purpose..."

Can't figure it out!

But even if he couldn't figure it out, Ning Fan didn't plan to abandon Feng Xueyan. The investigation could only be done step by step, sending Feng Xueyan back first.

Although he didn't know the purpose of the troll clan, Feng Xueyan would definitely not be in any danger until the blood of the demons congealed. It was as if Ju Yan just now came from a thousand miles to rescue Feng Xueyan.

"Grandpa...he's Grandpa...ah, my head hurts..." Feng Xueyan suddenly held his head, regaining some memories that had been erased, a little uncomfortable.

"Don't be afraid, brother-in-law will take you home!"

Ning Fan held Feng Xueyan's wrist. Secretly into the mana, eyes gradually cold.

Although he didn't know the purpose of the troll clan, he would only hurt Feng Xueyan. But in any case, at this moment, Ning Fan looked down on the troll clan.

It's like a six-winged clan. For the safety of the family. Abandon burning wings.

It was like the troll clan, for some unknown purpose, abandoned Feng Xueyan.

The enemy, the persecution of the enemy. Ning Fan can bear it.

But the persecution of the relatives made Ning Fan the most angry.

He had also been harmed by Ning Tian's son. Even though he didn't have much friendship with Ning Tian, ​​it was always a thorn in Ning Fan's heart to be betrayed by his relatives.

Therefore, he has a little concern and tolerance for Fen Wing, who was also abandoned by the Six Wings as a pawn.

so. He also felt a little pity for Feng Xueyan.

Therefore, he understood Lao Mo's chill when he was betrayed by his adopted son.


Ning Fan grabbed Feng Xueyan, turned it into a strand of tobacco, and flew all the way back to the Temple of Sorrow.

He quietly hid all his expressions, as if nothing had happened.

When everyone saw Ning Fan, they could really find the eldest young lady, and the speed was so fast. All were shocked.

Seeing that Ning Fan had really found Feng Xueyan, Xu Qiuling looked grateful, but never said a word of thanks.

She and him, no need to say thank you...

Just then, she keenly caught a trace of anger in Ning Fan's eyes.

The anger was deeply hidden. No one could notice it, but Xu Qiuling could tell because she knew Ning Fan.

"What happened?" Xu Qiuling asked gently.

"rest assured."

Ning Fan comforted him, but his eyes swept over the elders of the troll clan.

Among the high-level troll clan leaders in the Temple of Sorrow, there are the patriarch Ju Qing, the first elder Fu Bai, and more than ten other elders.

Among the dozen or so elders, only one was a woman, the second elder Yaolian.

Yaolian, the second elder of the troll clan, it is rumored that this watery poplar flower once worked with many magic cultivators and cultivated magic magic. Appearance is only considered to be above average in the repair world, but his bed skills are really good.

Of course, although this woman is wild by nature, she is loyal to the trolls, and she is never ambiguous about right and wrong. Although there is a problem with character, he is not a mean person.

Aside from being a little sassy, ​​he is still kind to the clan.

Human nature is complicated, there is no way.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed. He cultivated whispering skills. If he wanted to inquire about the secrets of the troll clan, he would naturally have to find a high-level female cultivator. This demon lotus was a good candidate.

"Giggle... Fellow Daoist Zhou seems to be very interested in concubine body... Concubine body happens to be free tonight, do you want to come to concubine body boudoir for a drink?"

Yaolian looked at Ning Fan's handsome face and licked her tongue, like a beautiful snake.

Ning Fan happens to be the type she likes, and she is very much like being hit by Ning Fan...

"Yao Lian, you seduce men, don't seduce into the harem of the old lady! This little cucumber is my person!" Yue Lingkong glanced coldly with a domineering look, and immediately, Yao Lian's heart and soul trembled, and she did not dare to charm Ning Fan again.

Yue Lingkong is a female tyrant. She used to be the head of the Seven Inner Seas, surpassing Dong Xu and Ju Qing.

Now that she has broken through Void, or Void Invincible, the Seven Inner Seas, who dares to provoke her?

With Yue Lingkong's personality, if it wasn't for Ning Fan's friendship with the giant demon clan, he would not be polite to Ju Qing and Dong Xu.

As for Yaolian, a woman who can do her best, Yue Lingkong would not allow Ning Fan to sleep with her.

"Even if the cucumbers are to be collected, they cannot accept such crooked melons and cracked dates!" Yue Lingkong thought fiercely, not admitting that he was jealous.

Ning Fan smiled at Yue Lingkong ambiguous, he thought that Yue Lingkong's jealous appearance was cute.

Ju Qing laughed twice, dispelling the awkward atmosphere in the Temple of Sorrow, and suddenly asked Ning Fan,

"I heard Xiaoshanzi say that Zhou Daoyou seems to be an alchemist with a high rank. I wonder if you are interested in participating in this alchemy competition?"

"Hehe, it would be a pity if Zhou did not participate in such a grand event. Besides, if he participated in the alchemy and got the top three in the competition, he would be eligible to accept the task of the patriarch Juqing to refine the life-saving elixir for Miss Xueyan. Successfully refining the medicinal pills needed by the patriarch will not only get the reward of asking the virtual pill, but also save Miss Xueyan's life, it is a great joy, the patriarch thinks Zhou is right?" asked earnestly.

"Friend Daoist said it is very true, if Yan'er can be cured, it will be a great event..." Ju Qing showed hopeful eyes, he wanted to cure Feng Xueyan from the bottom of his heart.

Ning Fan was silent for a while. Could it be that Ju Qing didn't know about Feng Xueyan's murder? His concern and care for Feng Xueyan was not a disguise.

This made Ning Fan feel relieved. If even Feng Xueyan's father betrayed her, it would be such a cruel thing for Feng Xueyan.

With that said, find an opportunity to steal some information from Yaolian.

Whispering is useful.

"Hehe, since Fellow Daoist Zhou is interested in participating in the Dan Dian, the old man will introduce the entire process of the Dan Dian for the Taoist friend, how about that?" Dong Xu stroked his beard, nodded and smiled.

"Alright, there is Taoist Lao Dongxu who will explain to Zhou."

To be honest, Ning Fan is still quite interested in the alchemy script. If it weren't for Feng Xueyan, he would be happy to exchange alchemy skills with countless alchemy masters.

Alchemy, which complements yin and yang transformation, is an important way to improve one's cultivation and must not be left behind.


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