Grasping Evil

Chapter 455 Night Trial Demon Lotus

() Dong Xu gave a detailed introduction to the entire process of the Dan Dian competition.

This time, the alchemy competition was jointly held by the troll clan and Dan Island, and there was a gimmick to ask about the illusory dan, which was an unprecedented grand occasion.

Countless hidden alchemists and old monsters rushed to the Endless Sea to watch the ceremony.

The grand occasion of this alchemy ceremony is almost no less than that of the Zhongzhou alchemy meeting held by the Rain Palace once every 50 years.

All alchemists of any rank are eligible to sign up for the alchemy scripture, but if the rank is lower than rank three, I am afraid that they will be eliminated in the first round.

The Dan Code is divided into three rounds of testing. The first round is the 'Pill Tablet Test'. The so-called alchemy tablet is a treasure provided by Dan Island for this grand ceremony, which can measure the rank of alchemists from one to four turns. Those with less than three turns will be eliminated.

The second round, 'melting elixir'. In this theory, it is the speed of melting the elixir and the degree of purification that are tested.

Generally speaking, alchemy consists of three steps.

The first step is to melt the elixir into medicinal liquid, and purify it continuously;

The second step is to integrate the medicinal power of different elixir;

The third step is to collect fire into pills.

The first step is to melt the elixir. During the process of melting the elixir, the medicinal power will be slightly lost. Therefore, the faster the melting of the elixir, the less the loss of medicinal power.

After melting the elixir, the liquid must be purified to remove impurities. The more times of purification, the purer the quality of the medicinal liquid, and the better the quality of the refined medicinal herbs. Of course, the more times of purification, the more difficult it will be. If one is not careful, the medicine will be destroyed.

For example, a fourth-turn alchemist can purify the thousand-year-old elixir 5 to 10 times, and few fourth-turn alchemists can purify the thousand-year elixir more than 11 times.

And the fifth-turn alchemist can purify the thousand-year-old elixir more than 50 times!

In this second round of testing, all those who did not purify the elixir for the specified number of times within the specified time will be eliminated.

The third round of alchemy test is 'opening the furnace and refining alchemy'. In this step, a reference alchemist can refine the best elixir, and hand it over to an appraiser to evaluate the pros and cons and determine the ranking.

Bigger than the top three. Not only does he have rich rewards, but he is also qualified to accept Juqing's task to refine life-saving elixir for Feng Xueyan.

ranking below the top three.

There are also different levels of rewards. Such as precious pills, treasured elixir and the like. For ordinary alchemists, there is no small temptation.

Naturally, many old monsters came to ask about the virtual core. Want to get the top three spots.

But most alchemists, knowing that they can't compete for the top three, will also fight for other rewards.

The news of the alchemy code was released several years ago, and many alchemists came to the inner sea from the rain world.

For example, Yun Niansu, who had a relationship with Ning Fan before, had invited Ning Fan to stay on Dan Island for a while, but was ignored by Ning Fan. This person is here to participate in the Dan Dian.

The first round of selection is still a month away.

The troll clan hosted a banquet of hundreds of fruits to entertain Ning Fan and his party. After the banquet, Ning Fan took the daughters to say goodbye on the grounds that he was going to attend the Dan Dian. Lived in the guest building of the building in Beiliangdu County.

The two girls, Yue Lingkong and Burning Wing, followed Ning Fan all the way to the troll clan. They were also a little tired and had already rested in their respective rooms.

Feng Xueyan insisted on sleeping with Xu Qiuling on the same bed. The sisters were deeply in love, but they did not give Ning Fan and Xu Qiuling a chance to be gentle.

Ning Fan knew that the troll race was weird. The four peeping puppets were all handed over to Yue Lingkong to be on guard outside the girls' attic.

He sat alone in the west building, cutting the candle, watching the stacks of rice paper under the candlelight, silent.

on every piece of paper. They are all filled with women's graceful handwriting, all written by Feng Xueyan of the past.

She couldn't talk to Xu Qiuling, she needed to write everything she wanted to say, who wanted her to be a little dumb?

In Feng Xueyan's handwriting, there is a kind of loneliness and persistence, but it is like the wind and snow on a cool night, and no one understands it.

She is the daughter of the Seven Inner Seas, but she is frail and sickly, and her cultivation base is low. She is unwilling to bow down, but she cannot rewrite her destiny.

The mana that she has worked so hard to cultivate will be swallowed up by the demon blood and become the nourishment for raising the demon blood.

Fortunately, she also has a talent for tattooing, so she spent all her efforts on studying tattooing, and made unimaginable efforts to become a famous tattoo artist in the inner sea.

She stabbed the moving magic pattern for herself, and finally obtained the ability to fly. That is a kind of magic pattern of general escape technique, which requires more than 40 stitches.

It was hard for Ning Fan to imagine how a girl with tenth-level pulse penetration could stab her skin with more than forty needles.

Ning Fan stabbed the stone soldier's magic pattern, and naturally knew how painful it would be for more than 40 needles.

"Ling'er and this woman are considered sisters, and they have good eyesight... But it is the troll clan, sacrificing such an excellent daughter of the patriarch, what is he planning..."


Ning Fan extinguished the candle, quietly pushed out the door, and stepped into the snow.

With the bullying cloak on his body, his figure faded and eventually disappeared, and no one knew where he went.

The Snow Lotus Pavilion is where the second elder, Yao Lian, lives.

In the attic where the candles swayed, there was a little sound of water, as if the demon lotus was bathing.

Outside the attic, more than a dozen maids of the Golden Core cultivation base were carefully watching the night, and the wind and snow outside the attic were tight.

Suddenly, a breeze blew past and floated into the attic, and no maid noticed.

The elder Yaolian was at the top of the attic, soaking in a wooden barrel sprinkled with petals, under the steam, his bumpy figure was like a peach, making people want to take a bite.

She has a normal appearance, but her figure is very hot.

Bathed in hot water, a warm feeling enveloped her body.

In Yaolian's eyes, she recalled the Ning Fan she had seen during the day, that handsome and cold young man, she couldn't let go.

Licking her tongue, Yao Lian closed her eyes, imagining a lively spring fragrance with Ning Fan in her mind, but her hand reached into the water, between her legs, and stirred it up.

She imagined that Ning Fan was roughly thrown on the bed and trampled on her.

She imagined Ning Fan tearing up all her clothes and biting her breasts to bleed.

She imagined the appearance of the two of them intertwined and wanting to die.

She groaned softly in the attic, and a trace of heat flowed out of her thighs, making her feel ecstatic and unable to stop.

"Ming, Ming Zun... Brother Ming... I want... I want..."

Yao Lian, who was in the midst of self-destruction, did not notice that in her room, at some point, a young man in white appeared with a black face.

Ning Fan never thought about it. One day he'll be so missed by a slut. He turned out to be the object of the fantasy of the demon lotus when she was blaspheming...

This demon lotus is really coquettish to the core.

Ning Fan shook his head, although he would not despise such a woman who was as good as possible. But can't like it either.

He is just a double-cultivator himself. The body is not necessarily cleaner than Yaolian, so she will not despise Yaolian.

But he wouldn't have an intersection with a woman like Yaolian. Why? No reason.

He doesn't like someone and doesn't need a reason.

"Miss Yaolian. Very interesting..." Ning Fan showed a playful smile and suddenly said, sitting at the wooden table, pouring himself a glass of thin wine, drinking lightly while looking at Yaolian.

Yao Lian didn't even know that there were other people in the room. When she was frightened, she just let out her body like this, her tender body was pink with joy. Still twitching inside the barrel, the aftershock has not receded, it is still impacting.

Yaolian's beautiful eyes glanced at Ning Fan coquettishly, winking like silk, panting and saying,

"It's annoying... When did Ming Zun come in. Why didn't you tell the concubine body, giggle, the living sex palace of the concubine body, does it look good?"

This woman has a lot of shame. Being seen by Ning Fan, she can still be so calm. As a magic cultivator, she is not bad.

"You knew I would come?" Ning Fan was playing with the wine glass, his eyes as deep as the sea.

"Giggle, Bai Ri Mingzun looked at the concubine body as if he was going to eat the concubine body. At that time, the concubine body thought that Mingzun would definitely come and spend the spring night with the concubine body."

Yao Lian got up naked, got out of the wooden bucket, wiped her body dry in front of Ning Fan's face, and immediately tore off a thin piece of silk cloth, wrapped her body slightly, and sat next to Ning Fan.

Her every move has pushed the Charm Gong to the extreme, and the spring light she deliberately leaked is enough to confuse any man.

She is not beautiful, but she has great confidence in her body.

She is good at observing men, and from the time she met Ning Fan's eyes during the day, she could see that Ning Fan had all her intentions.

Naturally, she couldn't guess that Ning Fan wanted to pry a secret from her mouth, only that Ning Fan, like other men, looked at her body.

With an affectionate expression on her face, Yaolian's heart is full of disdain and self-satisfaction.

No matter how powerful Ning Fan is, isn't he just like other men, obsessed with lust, and hooked when he is seduced?

No matter how powerful Yue Lingkong is, isn't her man dazed by the temptation of Yaolian?

"Ming Zun, my concubine is so uncomfortable..."

She leaned halfway and fell into Ning Fan's arms. Two groups of soft white rabbits deliberately rubbed against Ning Fan's chest.

Two lotus arms hooked onto Ning Fan's neck.

When she touched Ning Fan's body, Yaolian's lust came again.

She was only wrapped in a thin layer of silk cloth, but there were no strands on her lower body, and the moistness continued to overflow between the two pieces of tender meat.

" can my body be so shouldn't be! When I was masturbating just now, I deliberately made my body excited, in order to reach the peak. Now I want to seduce Mingzun, and I have secretly activated the charm, no Makes the body sensitive... Why does the body lose control as soon as I touch Mingzun's body..."

Yao Lian was shocked, and then she remembered that according to the rumors, Ning Fan was not only a murderous devil, but also a double-cultivator who cultivated the yin and yang devil veins.

She was quite sure that Ning Fan did not take the initiative to cast charm on her. Just an unintentional touch can make her body respond... What level of charm art is this!

The realm of Ning Fan's Charm Art is far beyond Yaolian's understanding!

She raised her head again and was startled again when she met Ning Fan's indifferent eyes.

"How, how is it possible, my seduction is of no use to him at all?"

At this moment, Yao Lian realized that the man in front of her was different from the ones she had met before, he was a ruthless man.

Such a calm gaze, without a trace of desire, not only shows that Ning Fan is a man with a cold heart, but also shows that Ning Fan's visit to her tonight has absolutely nothing to do with turning the clouds over the rain.

"Ming Zun came to look for his concubine late at night, and I don't know why?"

Yao Lian bit her tongue, dissipated her desires, sat up straight, and stopped seducing Ning Fan.

She is not stupid, if Ning Fan didn't come to have sex with her, she dared to seduce Ning Fan, she might anger Ning Fan and be smashed into scum by Ning Fan.

In the beautiful eyes, there is a strong sense of frustration.

She had always thought that she could play with the world's men with her body, but today she found out that there are some people she can't play with or can't afford to play with.

"Zhou Mou has some questions, and wants to ask the second elder. If the question asked involves the secrets of the nobles, the second elder can leave it alone, and treat it as if I didn't ask it. The second elder can rest assured that I have a good relationship with the troll clan. Ask these The problem. I just heard some rumors from other Youhai clan, and I feel a little curious. Even if the second elder does not tell the truth, Zhou will never dare to hate the troll clan."

"Giggle. It turns out that Mingzun came to visit late at night, and he had something to talk about. If Mingzun has any doubts, you can raise it. As long as Yaolian can say, he must tell the truth, and if he can't say it, even if Mingzun forces him, his concubine will not. Dare to say it, even if Ming Zun searches his soul and destroys his memories, he will not be able to find true memories."

Yao Lian knew Ning Fan's personality. Killing and searching for souls was not common to Ning Fan. She was very sensible. As long as she could say something, she would say it. She couldn't say it if she wanted to, she would die if she said it.

"Dare to ask the second elder, there is a magic concubine in the troll clan!"

Ning Fan's first question stopped Yaolian.

She looked troubled. There was a trace of seal in the sea of ​​consciousness, like a warning, causing her sea of ​​consciousness to suffer severe pain.

She naturally knew that a demon concubine was born in the troll clan, and that demon concubine was Feng Xueyan, the daughter of the patriarch.

It's just that this matter was forbidden by the Eighth Patriarch, and the seal of the sea of ​​​​knowledge was set.

If Yaolian leaks the slightest hint, the sea of ​​consciousness will immediately shatter and fall directly.

"..." She remained silent, but her embarrassed eyes explained everything.

Naturally, she didn't know that Ning Fan had the art of whispering, and when she was thinking in her mind, she could see all her thoughts.

Ning Fan even discovered that all the masterminds were the Eighth Patriarch!

"Feng Xueyan, it really is the devil concubine of the troll clan!" Ning Fan did not change his face, but he became more and more sure of the conjectures in his heart.

He can't wait to ask Yaolian directly, who is the Eighth Patriarch, and what is going on with the power of pseudo-reincarnation.

But asking questions takes skill. When he asked the Demon Concubine, he didn't ask if Feng Xueyan was a Demon Concubine, but asked if the Troll Clan had a Demon Concubine.

In this case, even if Ning Fan's conversation with Yao Lian was passed to the Eighth Patriarch tonight, it would not reveal the fact that Ning Fan knew that Feng Xueyan was the Demon Concubine.

"Who planted your Sea of ​​Consciousness seal!"

Ning Fan didn't ask the Eighth Patriarch directly, but asking such a question, Yaolian would definitely recall everything about the Eighth Patriarch in her heart.

Even if the Eighth Patriarch knew that Ning Fan asked Yaolian questions, he would only assume that Ning Fan cared about Yaolian and asked about the seal.

No one could have imagined that Ning Fan had discovered the information of the Eighth Patriarch.

"Shu Yaolian can't tell me..." Yaolian smiled bitterly. All the questions Ning Fan asked were related to the supreme secret of the troll clan. She couldn't say it at all, as soon as she said it, she would shatter the sea of ​​consciousness and die.

The Eighth Ancestor... Those are the eight ancestors of the troll clan, and each of them has a cultivation base above Wenxu.

Among the eight patriarchs, there is not only Juyan, the father of the contemporary patriarch, but also the seven generations of clan masters before Juyan.

The Eighth Patriarch sits in the 'eight gates and six realms, the endless sea of ​​evil'.

At the expense of Feng Xueyan, the Eighth Patriarch wanted to wash away the slave pattern of the clan, and wash away the shame of the slave clan of the troll clan.

The Eighth Patriarch has already taken out the golem slate from the golem and is studying the magic scriptures on it. Of the eight ancestors, no one can penetrate the Devil's Book, but within the troll clan, the original copy of the Devil's Book on the slate has long been circulated.

The strongest among the Eight Patriarchs is not Ju Yan, but another Chongxu Patriarch. This Patriarch imitated Samsara and created the 'Power of Pseudo Reincarnation' with extraordinary means.

These are the great secrets of the troll clan. As the second elder of the trolls, how could Yao Lian tell Ning Fan to an outsider?

Even within the clan, only Fubai, Yaolian and other elders knew about this.

Even the patriarch Juqing, who had been wiped out by the Eighth Patriarch, did not know the reason for his daughter's victimization, and he dedicated himself to serving the Eighth Patriarch.

All these, Yaolian will not tell Ning Fan.

But Ning Fan, just one question, caused Yaolian to think, and then he understood everything.

His eyes were deep, and he couldn't see his expression, but his heart was even colder.

very good!

Now, finally figure out who the enemy is.

Eight ancestors, eight ancestors of the troll race. In order to wash away the slave lines of the troll race, they gave everything, perhaps respectfully.

But they intended to sacrifice Feng Xueyan, which Ning Fan would not allow.

Sacrificing one person in exchange for the interests of a family may be worthwhile.

But if the person who sacrificed was you and your relatives, would you agree?

At least Ning Fan would not agree.

He suddenly stood up, nodded to Yaolian, and said coldly, "Farewell."

He only asked two questions and got all the information.

And even if the Eighth Patriarch knew that he asked Yaolian two questions, he must not know that he knew everything.


The door was pushed open and closed, and Ning Fan was gone.

His departure loosened Yao Lian's tense body. Ning Fan's aura was really terrifying, and the Yaolian who had seen countless worlds couldn't bear it.

"What a terrible man, this kind of man is not something I can get... If I touch it, I will definitely die... Luck, but I have to admit, this man is the best person I have ever met in my life, really Impressive..."

"Aren't you sitting in a mess..."

Yao Lian suddenly laughed at herself, if she hadn't been absurd, if she was a virgin, would she have a chance to get Ning Fan?

Thinking of this, Yao Lian suddenly felt that her life was really unbearable...

Are you going to change your lifestyle...

(3/3 make up yesterday)


This chapter is yesterday's update, and then the third update on the 19th, staying up late, you don't have to wait for the update, get up tomorrow to read.

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