Grasping Evil

Chapter 456 Weird old way

() After Ning Fan left, Yaolian went to a forbidden place overnight and reported to the Eighth Patriarch what happened tonight.

Yao Lian did not know that Ning Fan just pretended to leave, followed Yao Lian all the way in stealth, and frowned all night outside Xiao Qianjie, where the Eighth Ancestor was hiding.

Ning Fan, you can't enter that little Thousand Realm! Only under the guidance of internal people, outsiders can enter.

Obviously, the Eighth Patriarch would not lead Ning Fan into the interface.

It was a top-secret forbidden area, hidden in a dilapidated little thousand world.

In the small thousand world, it was pitch black, and there was a faint flow of formations, and everything could not be seen.

The only thing that can be seen clearly is that in the darkness, there are eight huge stone pillars scattered with dim light.

On top of each stone pillar, there is a shadow master sitting cross-legged. Everyone has a vast breath, but no one is alive, which is extremely strange.

These eight people are the eight ancestors of the trolls who once fell, but they live in this small thousand world with a strange attitude!

Yaolian's report did not attract the attention of the Eighth Patriarch.

The two questions Ning Fan asked Yao Lian did not threaten the troll clan, and Yao Lian did not reveal anything.

After the Eighth Patriarch was silent, no one held Ning Fan accountable, only the First Patriarch Ju Yan, who was a little puzzled by this matter.

He had met Ning Fan once, and although it was only a quick glance, Ju Yan believed that Ning Fan and him were the same kind of people, broad on the outside and small on the inside, and good at calculating.

According to his understanding of Ning Fan, Ning Fan's behavior to interrogate Yao Lian tonight was very strange and unreasonable. On the other hand, Ning Fan would never do unreasonable things.

Ju Yan had reminded Ning Fan that day not to interfere in Feng Xueyan's affairs.

Ju Yan pondered for a while... Now that Ning Fan was interrogating Yao Lian, he really didn't mention Feng Xueyan at all... That kid, did you really listen to his reminder?

"If it wasn't for Yan'er, why did this son go to Yaolian..." Ju Yan was puzzled, and finally put the matter behind him.

No matter what, he and the other Seven Patriarchs still have important things to deal with.

Anyway, Ning Fan did not touch the highest secret of the troll clan,

And be kind to the trolls. Ju Yan is not enough to murder Ning Fan.

"The matter of Zhou Ming, put it aside, it's not worth mentioning in a mere half-step... Yaolian, you should report the matter of the alchemy..."

Beside Juyan. Another dark shadow old man. The breath is more vast than Ju Yan, the voice is hoarse, and there is a ghostly evil spirit. Make Yaolian extremely uncomfortable.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other seven patriarchs all quieted down, this person seems to be the head of the eight patriarchs.

Yaolian immediately reported many matters concerning Dan Dian, and nothing happened overnight.

Ning Fan returned to the West Building, crossed his knees on the couch, sorting out his thoughts.

From Yaolian's heart, he spied countless secrets.

He knew the power of the Eighth Patriarch. Among the Eighth Patriarch, there were six Wen Xu. Two rushing virtual, Fei Ning Fan can defeat. This is undoubtedly bad news. If Ning Fanxiang saves Feng Xueyan from the Eighth Ancestor, he needs to have stronger strength.

Of course, there is also news, which is good news for Ning Fan.

The blood of Mora in Feng Xueyan's body. There will be at least ten years until the day when it is completely coagulated and blood is drawn.

In other words, within ten years, Feng Xueyan will not be in any danger, even. The Eighth Patriarch will secretly guard him like a treasure.

But ten years later, the Eighth Patriarch will definitely take action against Feng Xueyan. At that time, unless Ning Fan's strength improves greatly, he will not be able to save Feng Xueyan.

"Ten years... Within ten years, blood wine can be made. At that time, taking blood wine, I don't know if I can break through the refining period... Breaking through refining is too difficult, but breaking through the golden body is easier, as long as you look for it again Come to the remaining three slates and get three magic qi, I am confident that I will break through the golden body realm within ten years!"

"In any case, Feng Xueyan's brother-in-law can't shout for nothing. I won't allow the eighth ancestor of the troll clan to move her!"

Ning Fan remembered that the golem slate was now in the hands of the Eighth Ancestor, and he wondered if he could get close to the slate and take away the devilish energy in it...

"I can't enter the small thousand world where the Eighth Patriarch is located. This golem slate of the troll clan needs to be considered in the long run... Now the focus should be on the improvement of the alchemy technique. If you want to improve the realm within ten years, the alchemy technique is absolutely necessary. Don't fall."

Ning Fan knew very well that he was notorious, but he could live for thousands of years because of his strength.

His current strength is already famous in the rain world, but this is not enough, far from enough!

He must have the strength of stepping in the rain world to be able to compete with Emperor Nirvana.

When the morning light entered, Ning Fan found the girls one by one, and after instructing him, Ling Yue Lingkong brought four puppets to take care of the girls' safety. He himself began to prepare for the Dandian Competition.

First of all, he must achieve the top three results in the alchemy script, and become one of the three alchemists who made alchemy for Feng Xueyan.

He was a little worried, he didn't know what the so-called life-saving pill was, so he had to make pills for Feng Xueyan himself to be sure that no one would harm her.

The Northern Liang Kingdom held an alchemy ceremony, and within a country, I do not know how many famous alchemists in the rain world gathered.

In the capital city, in the Yongan Pavilion, countless old monsters gathered here to buy, sell, and exchange many items such as pills and elixir.

Yong'an Pavilion is an industry directly under the troll clan, and the profits from the elixir sold are owned by the troll clan.

In order to meet the needs of many alchemists, the Yongan Pavilion deliberately opened up an extra layer of trading pavilions, allowing alchemists to set up stalls here to buy or sell medicinal pills and spiritual medicines.

Approaching the alchemy scriptures, many alchemists are purchasing elixir to prepare for the alchemy scriptures. Naturally, many old eccentrics have come here to sell elixir, elixir prescriptions, and medicine cauldrons.

Some treasured elixir, no one sold, the alchemist can only trade with each other. Could it be that the elixir that he lacked was just something that other alchemists lacked?

In a few days, Ning Fan traveled 70 million miles across the Northern Liang Kingdom.

A few days later, Ning Fan floated to Yong'an Pavilion, naturally to buy spiritual medicine.

Whether it's preparing for the alchemy script, or to collect the main medicine of the venerable elixir to improve the realm of body refining, he must come here to see it.

In order to break through the golden body state as quickly as possible, Ning Fan not only needed to collect the remaining three golem slates, but also needed to refine the magic pill.

The Revered Demon Pill was a rank five high-grade magic pill, and Ning Fan's pill technique was enough to refine it, but there were still three main medicines missing.

Ten thousand years of ghost aconite, ten thousand years of purple stone ear, ten thousand years of purple river chariot.

That’s all for Guiwutou and Zishier, Ning Fan has also found some, but the year doesn’t meet the requirements.

It's just the ten thousand year Zihe Cha... The so-called Zihe Cha is the placenta. It can be formed by using the secret magic method to kill people and nourish them for ten thousand years. The process is quite vicious.

Eight hundred people in the rain world cultivate the country. The Demon Sect is already weak, and the Wannian Zihe Cha has long since disappeared.

Even in a place where demons like the Endless Sea are rampant, it is rare for the 10,000-year-old purple river to flow out.

As soon as Ning Fan arrived at the Yongan Pavilion, he was immediately received by the Yongan Pavilion Master in person.

The pavilion master of Yong'an is a great cultivator of Yuan Dian, and he is also quite a figure in the troll clan. I have long seen Ning Fan stepping on Shi Kun and rescuing trolls. Great admiration for Ning Fan.

Moreover, he had been instructed by Ju Qing that once Ning Fan came to Yong'an Pavilion to buy treasures, no matter what he saw. All can be taken directly without charge.

Compared to the kindness of rescuing the family, what is the mere baby?

The pavilion master informed Ning Fan of Juqing's kindness. Ning Fan nodded and said nothing. If he saw something he was satisfied with, he would take it directly and would not be polite to the giant demons.

Yongan Pavilion has five floors, and the first floor sells medicinal pills. The second floor sells pill cauldrons, the third floor sells pill recipes, the fourth floor sells elixir, and the fifth floor is a temporary trading pavilion for alchemists for monks to set up their own stalls and trade.

Pavilion Master Yong'an led Ning Fan through the first four floors, and the monks he met along the way. When they saw Ning Fan appear, they all saluted respectfully, and then hurriedly retired with humility and awe.

Ning Fan's vicious name is too terrifying, an ordinary cultivator. How dare you provoke him, or even have the slightest involvement with him.

Ning Fan didn't care about the awe of these monks.

There is nothing in the medicine pill of Yong'an Pavilion that makes him tempted. On the other hand, the quality of Dan Ding is far higher than that of the broken Dan Ding. But as a fifth-turn alchemist, Ning Fan can condense the cauldron, but the cauldron is optional, and he did not buy it.

He was not polite when it came to the pill recipe, and he took a fancy to several four- and five-turn pill recipes. Pavilion Master Yong An didn't say a word, and directly asked someone to engrave it and hand it over to Ning Fan.

On the fourth floor, Ning Fan found Wannian Guiwutou and Wannian Zishi Er.

It is a good thing for Ning Fan to be able to find the two main medicines of the Revered Demon Pill.

The two elixir of ten thousand years in the Yongan Pavilion were all requested by Ning Fan. There were 14 strains of Aconite and 17 strains of Zi Shi Er.

These elixir are of great value, but Yongan Pavilion would not dare to collect money from Ning Fan.

After walking through the first four floors, Ning Fan still wanted to go to the fifth floor. The fifth floor was the place where the monks traded on their own. Even if Pavilion Master Yongan followed him, it would not be of any help, so he retired first.

Ning Fan walked up to the fifth floor alone. Above the fifth floor was an extremely spacious hall.

The main hall can accommodate 10,000 people, and there are hundreds of shops on all sides. In each shop, there is an alchemist sitting in charge, or there are wooden signs hanging outside the shop, buying some elixir. Or fill the shop with elixir and pill recipes, waiting for a deal.

On the fifth floor, there is a team of troll demon guards, with more than a hundred people, each with a long and vast breath.

The leader of the Demon Guard is a big man in the late stage of God Transformation. His vast aura shocks the alchemists who are trading here, and does not allow anyone to take treasure and kill here.

The old monsters in the late stage of God Transformation are all peak masters when looking at the endless sea.

The leader of the Demon Guard swept all around with arrogance and cold light in his eyes. Even if the alchemists with eyes higher than the top were caught by his gaze, their breaths were sluggish, and they dared not look at them.

"This person has sharp eyes! Who is this person!" An alchemist from the Eight Hundred Xiu Kingdom asked in a low voice.

"Fellow Daoist does not know, this is the commander of the strongest demon guard 'Death Demon Guard' among the troll clan's 'Eight Demon Guards', the leader of the Death Demon... It is rumored that this person is extremely powerful, and he has killed a demon of the same level. Late stage of God..." Another old monster explained.

"What, what! This person can be killed even in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. I am waiting to sell the elixir here. Don't offend this person. The cultivation of the late stage of the transformation of the gods is a rare existence in the rain world!"

Many alchemists looked at the Death Demon Commander with instinctive awe.

The leader of the Death Demon has a very strong cultivation base, is ruthless and bloodthirsty, and no one dares to provoke him.

Many alchemists greeted the leader of the dead demon with greetings, but they were all coldly driven away by this person, rejecting people thousands of miles away, and being inhumane.

But when Ning Fan appeared on the fifth floor, the stern-faced Death Demon Commander suddenly showed a respectful look, and bowed down to Ning Fan, showing respect from the bottom of his heart.

"Dead Demon Guard leads the Demon, and I have seen Ming Zun! Thank you Ming Zun for rescuing the troll!"

As soon as he knelt down, the hundred demon guards behind him all knelt down and gave Ning Fan a big gift.

"No need to be polite." Ning Fan nodded with a calm expression.

The old monster in the late stage of the dignified God Transformation, kneeling and salute to people, this scene shocked countless people.

After many people's eyes fell on Ning Fan, they were immediately shocked, and they immediately understood why the always stern Death Demon would be respectful to Ning Fan.

Some young alchemists who had just entered Beiliang and did not know Ning Fan's appearance were all shocked and asked their companions,

"Who is this young man in white? He can actually make a late-stage cultivator kneel down!"

"What? You don't even know him! He's Zhou Ming, the one who killed the Shile King!"

"What! He is Zhou Ming, so young, only five hundred bones old, he can kill Jing Xu!"

A series of shocking voices spread throughout the fifth floor.

Some alchemists who didn't know Ning Fan also remembered Ning Fan's appearance at this moment, and told themselves in their hearts not to provoke this person.

In a certain elixir shop, an old Taoist with a tattered robe, at this moment, has a playful look in his eyes.

His whole body was dirty, his white beard and white hair were messy, and he seemed to be a sloppy person. He had a badge of the third rank of the Rain Palace on his chest, which seemed to be from the Eight Hundred Xiu Kingdom.

His cultivation base looks like the late Nascent Soul, and he is a little vain. The elixir he sells is good and bad, but all of them are extremely expensive and no one cares about them.

"Is this child a body that doesn't put out fire? Well... Medicine Soul is not weak, he is a rank 5 superior, but Dan Dao seems to be quite complicated. But it's still a lot…”

Lao Dao said to himself and shook his head, as if Ning Fan's Dan Dao was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

But the turbid eyes suddenly trembled, as if he sensed some aura from Ning Fan, and then there was a flash of light.

The momentum of the moment is almost not weaker than that of the Taixu old monster, but no one notices it!

"This is... Black Demon Flame!"


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