Grasping Evil

Chapter 457: Dan Huang, Li Cangtian!

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Ning Fan briefly exchanged a few words with the Demon Guards of the Dead Demon, then left the Demon Guards and purchased medicines on the fifth floor alone. [;Starting]

The Demon Commander clasped his fists and bowed respectfully, until Ning Fan walked away, he straightened up again, and returned to his indifferent expression again, not showing a good face to anyone.

He is arrogant and arrogant, and this kind of arrogance will only convince Ning Fan.

On that day, Ning Fan was born and killed King Shile. With a tyrannical appearance, I don't know how many troll masters have been convinced. There were a lot of people who admired Ning Fan like the Devil.

Ning Fan gradually walked away, thinking about the name of the Death Demon Guard in his heart, thinking a little.

Within the troll clan, there are a total of eight demon guards, named after the eight doors of Qimen Dunjia, namely Kai, Huo, Sheng, Hu, Du, Jing, Death, and Jing.

In the information that Ning Fan stole from Yaolian, the eight doors were also mentioned.

The eight ancestors of trolls, hiding in the small thousand remnants of the world, sitting in the eight gates and six realms...

Many of the troll clan’s exercises and spells are related to the Eight Paths, while the Six Paths… It seems that many of the Six Wings’ cultivation techniques are related to the Six Paths.

Eight doors and six paths, troll six wings, what is the connection among them...

These thoughts were temporarily put aside by Ning Fan.

He purchased medicines from hundreds of temporary drugstores on the fifth floor. After an hour, he looked at two-thirds of the drugstores and found a lot of good medicinal materials.

But unfortunately, after shopping for so long, I have not encountered Wannian Zihe.

On the contrary, I encountered a Zihe car that was several thousand years old, and I bought it for the time being, but I was not satisfied.

If the thousand-year-old purple river cart is used instead of the ten-thousand-year-old, not only will it become more difficult to refine the Revered Demon Pill, but even if it is achieved by luck, the potency of the medicine will certainly be low.

Ning Fan shook his head lightly, if he really couldn't buy the Wannian Zihe car here, he would buy it in the future.

If you can't buy it in the future... just make do with the millennium.

He turned around to leave, but suddenly stopped, his eyes slightly shocked.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt as if he was being swept away by a sharp gaze, and his whole body trembled. The hair on the back stood up.

Dangerous look! Who is looking at themselves? !

The sharpness of this gaze,

Comparable to Shattered Void, and even better than Yun Jinghong and Chu Changan, who had Shattered Void cultivation!

Could it be that there is an old Void Shattering monster inquiring about him? !

Ning Fan turned around abruptly, looked behind him, and landed on a pharmacy.

In that pharmacy. Sitting there is an old man with a dirty robe. He was shaking his palm fan and meditating with a relaxed expression.

He seemed to have closed his eyes for a long time, and hadn't inquired about Ning Fan at all.

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. Quietly exuding spiritual thoughts, I found that this person's cultivation base was in the late Nascent Soul, but it was a little vain.

He urged Fuli and Moruo's eyes to see no sign of this person's hidden cultivation.

Seeing that he was wearing the badge of the third rank of the Rain Palace, Ning Fan frowned slightly.

The badges of the alchemists in the Rain Palace will not be randomly issued, and each badge must be recognized by blood, and one badge will only recognize one master. If the badge is taken away by others. will be broken immediately.

This old man is wearing the Yudian Alchemist badge, which is not only a genuine badge, but also a brand-new thing. Obviously, it has just been received.

It is impossible for the Rain Palace to falsify the alchemy technique of the alchemist. If we infer from various signs, this old Taoist should be a third-turn alchemist. no doubt.

But Ning Fan always felt that the old way was weird. When he inquired about the old way, he became more and more sure that the old way was weird.

Because the moment he looked at Lao Dao, the magic fire in his dantian trembled slightly, exuding a sense of being like a great enemy!

Ning Fan's demonic fire, felt a threat of the same kind from within Lao Dao's body!

Inside the Lao Dao. What kind of flame can make Ning Fan's fire feel jealous!

Ning Fan's magic fire is made up of 16 kinds of sky frost and earth fire and one kind of sixth-grade virtual fire, and its power is not inferior to that of the seventh-grade intermediate immortal virtual fire.

If there is any flame in Lao Dao's body that can make the magic fire fear, it must be at least a flame of rank seven or more.

Can a third-turn alchemist in the late Nascent Soul have this level of flame?

Of course the answer is no!

Ning Fan was almost immediately certain that this old man was the mysterious expert who had just spied on him.

Could this unremarkable old Daoist be a Void Shattering powerhouse...

If ordinary people knew about Lao Dao's broken imposing manner, most of them would immediately come forward to flatter and ask for a chance.

But Ning Fan took away all the strange colors in an instant. He didn't take another look at the old man, turned around and left, and didn't want to reveal the fact that he recognized the old man's shattering aura.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with this mysterious old man!

God knows why this old man inquired about himself and why he appeared here.

In short, Ning Fan didn't want to get involved in unrelated troubles.

The moment Ning Fan left decisively, the old man's closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of surprise.

"This son feels very keen, and he actually noticed that the old man is carrying a seventh-grade spirit fire, and judged the identity of the old man. And this son clearly judged the identity of the old man, but he didn't look, turned around and left, as if I don't want to get involved with this old man, mostly because I'm afraid of getting into trouble. This is very good, when you stand in the world, you should be cautious... As expected of a person with a black magic flame..."

The old man shook his head and smiled with satisfaction.

He came to the Inner Sea Pill Dian just because he had been in retreat for too long, and he wanted to travel and gain insights, and break through the long-held realm of alchemy in one fell swoop.

But I never expected that I would meet the holder of the Black Demon Flame here, so it seems that I should take this opportunity to fulfill my promise with 'that person'.

"Little friend, stay." The old man said lightly and stopped Ning Fan.

Many people around heard Lao Dao calling Ning Fan a little friend, and they all looked at Lao Dao like a fool.

Who is Ning Fan? It is a ruthless man who can kill Lianxu, even an ordinary cultivator, when he sees Ning Fan, he should call his senior.

This old Taoist is so good, with a mere Nascent Soul cultivation base and the identity of a third-turn alchemist, he dares to call Ning Fan's little friend, is it itchy skin, or is he tired of living?

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, it seemed that trouble had come to him.

Although I don't know why this old man stopped him, but the matter has come to this point, it would be inappropriate to leave.

Ning Fan simply turned back and smiled, and did not leave, he walked towards the old-fashioned medicine garden.

He just didn't want to get into trouble, and he didn't do anything wrong.

He finally has the life-saving charm of the 'non-extinguishing body', and in the rain world, he can be safe and sound.

"Senior, what advice do you have?" Ning Fan stepped outside the shop and clasped his fists in a salute.

This scene stunned the onlookers.

What an amazing character Ning Fan is. Even calling an old Taoist a senior, what is the origin of this old Taoist?

There were several alchemy masters who had cultivated the country with eight hundred people. They carefully looked at Lao Dao's appearance, and after seeing Lao Dao clearly, they all seemed to have seen a ghost.

They finally understand. As Ning Fan dignified. Why would you call an old-fashioned senior?

"It's Dan, Dan..." An alchemist's eyes were fiery, and he was speechless with excitement.

"Fellow Daoist is careful! This lord is the least fond of publicity, and he appeared here in a low-key manner. Naturally, I don't want to attract attention from others. I don't want to make noise, leave quickly, and don't make him dissatisfied." Another alchemist reminded road.

A group of 800 alchemists who cultivated the country did not dare to reveal the identity of the old Taoist.

And some of the endless sea alchemy masters who are on the sidelines are more or less discerning people.

Seeing that Ning Fan is so respectful to Lao Dao. I have seen many alchemy masters who have cultivated the country so much admire this old Tao.

In an instant, outside this pharmacy. Only Lao Dao and Ning Fan were left.

"Little friend's concentration is good." The old man praised sincerely.

"Thanks to 'Senior Li' for the praise, I don't know why the senior called the junior."

From the performance of everyone, Ning Fan became more and more certain that this old man was a Void Shattering old monster.

He can even guess the identity of this person.

The rain world is broken. There are only a handful of them. When someone saw Lao Dao just now, they shouted the word 'Dan'.

Among the broken voids in the rain world, there is only one person whose name begins with Dan...

Emperor Dan, Li Cangtian!

If Ning Fan expected it to be correct, the old man in front of him was the Pill Emperor!

Rumor has it that the pill emperor has been in seclusion for a long time and has been trying to break through the seven-turn pill technique, but unexpectedly, he came to the inner sea. Ning Fan could vaguely guess that Dan Huang came to the Inner Sea for the purpose of traveling and comprehending.

It is rumored that the Emperor Dan is immersed in the Tao of Dan, and does not like to inquire about other mundane matters.

Rumor has it that the Pill Emperor is the leader of the "Four Great Fragmented Voids", with a third-level cultivation base of Void Fragmentation, and the Rank 6 peak alchemy technique, but he never interferes in any battles.

This man has a generous personality, has the style of an elder, and never kills innocent people indiscriminately.

It is precisely because of this that after guessing the identity of this person, Ning Fan is a little relieved about this person, not worried that this person will plot against him.

After guessing the identity of this person, Ning Fan did not call him Dan Huang, but praised his predecessors. Naturally, he wanted to help Dan Huang act in a low-key manner and not reveal his identity.

Pill Emperor nodded with satisfaction to Ning Fan's name.

The first is that he is satisfied with Ning Fan's mind. He can guess his identity in just a few breaths, and he knows how to figure out his own mind, and his name is very appropriate.

The second is to be satisfied with Ning Fan's calmness. This kind of calmness is definitely not something ordinary people can have.

Pill Emperor noticed that Ning Fan was only slightly surprised when he noticed that others were spying.

After that, even if he guessed the identity of the Pill Emperor, Ning Fan didn't show any expression, his eyes were like a pool of water, he couldn't see any fluctuations, and his mood remained calm.

This kind of calmness must be possessed by a cultivator who has seen countless big scenes and experienced countless great dangers.

The Pill Emperor was already convinced that this son of Ning Fan was a man with a firm mind.

As expected of that person's disciple, there is no shame for that person.

"Little friend, don't worry, the old man didn't have any malicious intentions when he called you here, but there is a bit of good fortune. The old man once benefited from an old friend, and made an agreement with him to instruct you on alchemy three times. We meet in Beiliang country today. , is also a predestined method, the old man wants to instruct you on alchemy, I wonder if you would like to learn it?"

Pill Emperor smiled slightly. Although he was dressed in a sloppy manner, he had an ethereal aura around him, ethereal like a fairy.

This is the air of an alchemy master, like the green lotus in the mud, the temperament does not change.

Ning Fan's eyes were taken aback, he expected that Dan Huang had no ill intentions to stop him, but he only knew that Dan Huang had something to ask him.

But I never thought that the Dan Emperor was actually going to open his mouth to instruct him on his alchemy!

Ning Fan has been practicing alchemy all the way, and he has never had any mentors. Although he has an old demon as his master, the old demon himself is not proficient in alchemy, so it is naturally impossible to teach Ning Fan how to concoct alchemy.

From the heart, Ning Fan is very willing to accept the advice of the Pill Emperor. Although he is arrogant, he is not arrogant. At least he knows that his current alchemy skills are compared to the alchemy emperor, but the firefly is only a bright moon, and it is not worth mentioning.

Pill Emperor is the number one alchemist in the Rain Realm, and in the Nine Realms, he is a famous figure all over the world.

Not only are there many alchemists, they are eager for a word of advice from the Pill Emperor. However, even though the Pill Emperor has an easy-going personality, he seldom instructs others on Pill Techniques.

The Pill Emperor is willing to give advice to Ning Fan, and he also gave advice to Ning Fan three times.

But Ning Fan had a question. before this question is resolved. He couldn't accept Dan Huang's kindness rashly.

"Dare to ask Senior Li, who is asking you to give guidance to this junior?" Ning Fan felt nervous, he wanted to know. Who cares about him, and even invited Dan Huang to be his temporary teacher.

Ning Fan was in the rain world, with countless beauties, but few relatives.

Who would be willing to care about him and still have the ability to invite Dan Huang...

"I can't say... He has a special status. As a person from the Rain Palace, I can't have too much friendship with him. Otherwise, it will violate the four-day rule."

Dan Huang smiled and shook his head.

"Then, let's ask the question in a different way. How can we be sure that the junior is the one who asked the senior for help?"

"Black Demon Flame, a Black Demon Flame with a hint of his breath."

As soon as the Emperor Pill's words fell, a warm current flowed through Ning Fan's body.

Ning Fan closed his eyes slightly. Smile.

Black Demon Flame... Sure enough, it was the old demon who cared about him.

The old demon took Ning Fan as his disciple, and he rarely taught spells, but he continued to practice and taught Ning Fan the way of survival.

Because the old devil thinks. Compared with learning spells, learning to be a human being, and being a correct demon, it is more important...

Emperor Nirvana has learned the magic well, but he has never learned to be a correct person, so he goes astray, which is the regret of the old demon in his life.

The old demon and Ning Fan spent a short time together, but he passed all his magic to Ning Fan.

But the old demon still felt ashamed of Ning Fan, he hurried to the sword world, and had no chance to guide Ning Fan's spells.

He knew that Ning Fan's alchemy talent was astonishing, when he was in Qimei, he was the fourth rank.

The old demon didn't want to miss Ning Fan's talent, so he paid a lot of money to invite the Dan Emperor to be Ning Fan's alchemy teacher.

"Master...Thank you..."

Ning Fan opened his eyes, and the warmth in his heart lingered for a long time.

The road to self-cultivation is cruel and lonely, but these fetters will be Ning Fan's blood-stained world, without losing his heart.

"Since it is the meaning of the master, the juniors dare not refuse to obey, please pass on my alchemy skills!"

"Hehe, Ruzi can be taught." Dan Huang nodded with satisfaction, he could see the gratitude to the old demon in Ning Fan's eyes.

These two have a master-disciple relationship like father and son, which is really rare in the indifferent cultivation world. How many masters and apprentices turned against each other and killed each other for the sake of their own interests, so cold-blooded.

Emperor Dan had no disciples, how he wanted to have a disciple like Ning Fan, who sincerely served the master as a father.

It's a pity, Ning Fan has already worshipped the old demon as his teacher, and even if the Dan Emperor taught Ning Fan's alchemy technique, he could only be regarded as half a master.

"That old man Han, from the 'Pure Yang Coffin', peeled off a quarter of the 'Pure Yang Fire' and gave it to the old man, and the old man agreed to teach you. The country of Yue was looking for you, but I never thought that I would meet you in the Inner Sea. I can't imagine that the famous Zhou Ming devil is the little friend Ning Fan that old man Han cares about."

This sentence, Dan Huang told Ning Fan through a sound transmission, he did not have a deep friendship with the old demon, but the two were both good-natured people, and they were sympathetic to each other.

What's more, the old demon gave Pill Emperor a quarter of pure yang fire. It should be noted that pure yang fire is immortal fire. Even if it is only a quarter, its power is more powerful than that of ordinary seventh-grade intermediate immortal fire.

It's no wonder that Ning Fan's flames are afraid of Dan Emperor's flames. Who told Dan Emperor to be pregnant with a quarter of the Immortal Fire?

"Master actually consumed a quarter of the pure Yang coffin flame for me!"

Ning Fan's eyes were shocked, and his heart was a little sad.

That pure yang coffin is the coffin where the old demon holds the body of his beloved wife, and it is the treasure of the pure yang world!

The pure Yang coffin lost a quarter of the immortal fire, and the power will lose a lot. Although it may not have a big impact on his wife's 'sleeping', it will also have some small effects.

The old devil is sacrificing the small interests of his beloved wife and striving for the great interests of Ning Fan.

He was telling Ning Fan that he really wanted Ning Fan to save his wife, but in his heart, Ning Fan was equally important, and he would not sell Ning Fan's life for his wife.

This is the principle of the old devil!

Ning Fan is more and more determined, he must have the strength to sweep the rain world, kill Emperor Nirvana, and avenge his teacher!

After being silent for a while, Ning Fan calmed down, returned to normal, and respectfully said to the Pill Emperor,

"Dare to ask Senior Li, what alchemy technique is taught to this junior today?"

"Hehe, don't worry, come and see, what's so strange about the elixir I'm selling? Take a look at it, there's the Wannian Zihe Cha you're looking for."

Ning Fan followed the instructions of the Pill Emperor, and looked at the elixir in the medicine garden.

One by one elixir, some of them are expensive, and some are inferior medicines, but no matter what elixir, the price is ridiculously expensive.

And when Ning Fan looked around, he didn't find that there was a 10,000-year-old Zihe chariot in the shop, not even a thousand-year-old or 100-year-old Zihe chariot.

"Reporting to the predecessors, there is no Wannian Zihe car in the shop."

"Really not?" Pill Emperor withdrew his smile for a moment and became extremely serious.

The next moment, a mysterious purple medicine soul swept the entire medicine store!

This dark purple medicine soul is infinitely close to the Rank 7 medicine soul, and it is so powerful that it gives Ning Fan a suffocating feeling!

What's weird is that when he used the medicine soul technique, it was rumored that the Pill Emperor, who had the third-level cultivation of the broken void, only revealed the cultivation of the Taixu level.

This medicine spirit and momentum were deliberately controlled by the pill emperor. Except for Ning Fan, no one on the fifth floor of the Yongan Pavilion knew that the pill emperor had opened the medicine spirit.

As the medicinal soul of the Pill Emperor disperses, an ordinary Ganoderma lucidum suddenly shuddered, faded its camouflage, and changed back to the appearance of a ten thousand-year-old Zihe Cha!

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed, he finally knew that there was something strange in this pharmacy.

In this pharmacy, whether it is good medicine or bad medicine, it has been disguised to hide the truth!

Among them, there is even the Ten Thousand Years Purple River Car that Ning Fan needs!

Pill Emperor wants to teach Ning Fan the first lesson, is it the use of medicine soul?



I only wrote 4900 words in one night, ashamed, continue to code

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