Grasping Evil

Four hundred and fiftieth eight chapters ghost kicks the iron plate

() Ning Fan's mind is racing, is Dan Huang trying to teach him the basic usage of the medicine soul?

Using the medicine soul to break the elixir disguise, he had already learned this method from Xi Ran.

Everyone knows this method, so Dan Huang should not only teach this thing.

Ning Fan took a few steps closer, picked up the ten thousand-year-old purple river car to take a closer look, and frowned inadvertently.

No, this one doesn't look like the 10,000-year-old purple river car...

The dark blue medicine soul scattered, Ning Fan's palm trembled, and the 10,000-year-old purple river car slowly turned into a nine secluded orchid in the brilliance.

The original ordinary Ganoderma lucidum is not the real body of the elixir.

The Wannian Zihe Cha is not the real body, but the Nine You Orchid is the real body!

Ning Fan suddenly understood that this shop of elixir was indeed disguised, but it was definitely more than one disguise.

For example, this Jiuyoulan, disguised himself twice... Unless the medicine soul is strong enough, Ning Fan will definitely think that this is a ten thousand year purple river chariot.

Once the medicine is used and the wrong medicine is used, it is unimaginable what the medicinal effect of the refined pill will be, and whether it is poisonous or not.

As an alchemist, one should be cautious in choosing medicines!

Seeing that Ning Fan seemed to be enlightened, Dan Huang nodded with satisfaction and pointed,

"The first use of the medicine soul is to see through the disguise of the elixir. The ants are still alive, not to mention the elixir of heaven and earth. For self-protection, some elixir even have more than one camouflage. Therefore, the elixir that exceeds the ability of your own medicine soul identification, do not For alchemy, you never know whether that spirit medicine is what you need! Go on!"

After the Emperor Pill finished pointing, he suddenly bent a finger, and the dark purple medicine soul turned into a ray of light and shot within Ning Fan's eyebrows.

Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't object. He knew that the Pill Emperor was teaching the Fa. The light dissolved in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and immediately turned into a voice of transmission.

"The divination master repairs the eyes of the sky, and can see the way of heaven. After a thousand years, it is called the 'eye that penetrates the sky'. The master of the array repairs the eyes of the earth, reversing the general trend, moving mountains and filling the sea, which is called 'eyes that penetrate the earth'. The alchemist cultivates the human eye. True and false. The Tao refers to the human heart, which is called 'the eyes of real people'. Without the eyes of heaven, it cannot be called a master of heaven; without eyes of the earth, it cannot be called a master of the land; , counted as the first teaching!"

A little trick,

It turned into the sound of the Great Dao and rang out in the sea of ​​Ning Fan's consciousness.

Ning Fan closed his eyes and devoted himself to the exercise, only to feel a sudden pain between his brows and tore open a vertical eye.

In those vertical eyes, there are bright blue light of medicine flowing in one after another.

Ning Fan was slightly startled. Immediately, it became clear that he cultivated the dharma image of Moruo, and the ghost eyes among the four aspects of Moruo were opened up by the Pill Emperor into the eyes of real people.

As soon as people's eyes are opened, they are slowly hidden and not revealed.

But Ning Fan only felt that after opening the third person. The eyesight of the left and right eyes is greatly increased, and there is a flow of medicine in the two eyes, which can see the authenticity of the medicine.

His eyes swept across the pharmacy lightly, and his eyes shot out two dark blue brilliance, like a thunderbolt. Hit a strain of elixir.

One after another, the elixir has broken its disguise. Among the hundreds of elixir in the entire pharmacy, except for three hundred thousand year elixir, it is impossible to see the authenticity. Even if it is a fifty thousand year elixir, Ning Fan can also see through the disguise.

Ordinary five-turn alchemists hide their eyes with the soul of medicine, and see through the disguise of the elixir, but how can such small tricks be as powerful as human eyes?

Ning Fan took a deep breath, and after breaking through a shop of elixir disguise, Ning Fan found 15 real 10,000-year-old purple river chariots.

"Thank you Senior Li for teaching the Fa!"

"Hehe, Ruzi can be taught. If you hadn't cultivated the ghost eyes of the ghost family, this old man wouldn't be able to easily open the human mind for you. After opening the human mind, with the strength of your current medicine soul, it is enough to distinguish fifty thousand year old elixir. Now, take these 10,000-year-old purple river chariots. Later, the old man will teach you a 'war spirit technique', which the old man found by chance from an ancient book. Later, the old man will give you one The chance to…”

The Pill Emperor nodded slightly, indicating that Ning Fan could go to get the medicine.

Ning Fan knew that the Pill Emperor wanted to give him the elixir, and he did not refuse. He really needed the Wannian Zihe Cha and went to get it.

Just turned around, and before taking the Wannian Zihe Cha, a domineering young voice suddenly came from outside the pharmacy.

"Oh? I can't think of a medicine shop opened by a third-turn alchemist, and there are so many ten thousand years, fifty thousand years, and one hundred thousand years of elixir! Good, good, good! All the spiritual medicines in this medicine shop, this The young master will buy them all! You can clear the field!"


Outside the store, a black-robed youth with evil eyes gave an order, as if he wanted to buy the entire medicine store, and no one was allowed to buy the medicine in this store.

This young man has a cultivation base in the early stage of God Transformation, and there is medicinal energy flowing all over his body.

Following his order, a two-foot-tall evil spirit in black armor walked out immediately behind him. His feet were dragging heavy chains. With a promise, he strode into the pharmacy and grabbed Ning Fan with his ghost hand, as if he was about to kill Ning Fan. Throw it straight out of the pharmacy.

That grasping power is already at the level of the first realm of the golden body, comparable to a peeping blow!

"Boy, you can get out! All the medicines in this pharmacy have been bought by my young master of the Guimu clan, you can't touch it!"

Ning Fan looked at the ghost claw that was caught in the face, and his eyes sank.

Obviously, this so-called young master of the Ghost Eye clan, and the evil ghost in black armor he brought, did not know Ning Fan.

Otherwise, with Ning Fan's fierce name today, how could they dare to attack Ning Fan.

Before the ghost claws could catch him, Ning Fan shot like lightning, grabbed the devil's wrist with his backhand, and mercilessly tore it apart with a huge force, tearing off a ghost hand of the devil.

The evil ghost's pain was incomprehensible, and in horror, he jumped out of the pharmacy and looked at Ning Fan with chills in his eyes.

This scene deeply shocked the young man in black!

He is the young master of the dignified ghost-eye clan, and this evil ghost, Han Yan, is a personal guard sent to him by the ghost-eye clan leader. Even if it is an old monster who is peeking into the void, he can still be undefeated.

With the strength of its physical body and the power of a single blow from the ghost claw, it can shred any half-stepped body.

The black-clothed youth clearly saw that Ning Fan was a half-step cultivator, so he should have been beaten by a dagger and thrown out of the pharmacy.

Unexpectedly, Ning Fan was far more powerful than the young man in black imagined.

The black-clothed youth couldn't believe it, could it be that Ning Fan's body refining realm was more powerful than the first realm of the golden body?

"Damn! Who is this person, who is only five hundred years old, and has such a shocking strength! This young master has been in seclusion in the clan's traditional medicine tower for a hundred years. Regardless of world affairs, this is the first time he has left the clan, how can he be so tyrannical? The enemy! Humph, let's find out the details of this person!"

As soon as the black clothed youth gritted his teeth, he immediately took a few steps back with the evil ghost. He looked at Ning Fan deeply with fear.

Although there is resentment in his eyes. Hate that Ning Fan hurt the guard, but he didn't dare to show it too much, he just clasped his fists and said coldly.

"Young Master of the Ghost Eye Clan, Gui Han, Your Excellency's strength is astonishing, destroying my guard, aren't you going to give an explanation!"

"Young Master Ghost Eye..." Ning Fan frowned, he naturally knew how powerful the Ghost Eye Clan was. The Ghost Eyes are no weaker than the Zhou family, and should not be underestimated.

Ghost Han ordered the guards to attack Ning Fan, which really made Ning Fan unhappy. However, everyone here is watching, if you kill the young master of ghost eyes in public. There will definitely be a deadly revenge with the ghost clan.

Ning Fan hasn't solved the troubles of the troll clan yet, so he doesn't want to get into trouble with the ghost clan at this moment.

But Ning Fan was never afraid of the ghost eyes. If the young master of the ghost eyes was ignorant, Ning Fan wouldn't mind giving him some lessons.

"My deity, Zhou Ming, I have nothing to say to you, get out!"

A 'roll' word. With a shocking evil spirit, it shocked all the monks on the fifth floor of Yong'an Pavilion.

Under Ning Fan's suffocating power, both Gui Han and Han Xing had a stagnant breath, their minds were confused, and their eyes were shocking and hard to understand.

Not only was he shocked by the fierceness of Ning Fan. Even more shocking is the name of Ning Fan.

"What! He is Zhou Ming, who his father has told me to never offend!" Gui Han gritted his teeth, and after learning of Ning Fan's name, his arrogance couldn't help weakening.

Guihan is respected in the Guimu clan, how could anyone dare to tell him to get out?

But at this moment, he was afraid of Ning Fan's fierce might, but he didn't dare to leave. He has an intuition, if he is a little ignorant, Ning Fan will directly kill him!

Damn, damn it! Could it be that one arm of the dry man was broken in vain today? This breath, just swallow it in vain?

"Young Master, the situation is not as good as others, just be patient, and if there is a chance in the future, I will try to take revenge!" Han Yan said gloomily.

"it is good!"

The ghost snorted coldly, turned around and left with the scorpion.

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't put him in his eyes at all. If he dared to provoke him again, he would definitely die next time.

Although Ning Fan didn't do anything, it didn't mean that the two of Gui Han could leave whenever they wanted.

Emperor Dan's eyes were slightly cold, and although he has always been generous, he would not sit idly by if someone took action against his old friend.

"Does the old man allow you to leave? Make trouble at the old man's drugstore, without paying a price, just like leaving like this?"


The two of Gui Han stopped their steps, turned their heads coldly, looked at Dan Huang, and their murderous intentions floated.

"Interesting, interesting! That's all for Zhou Ming. A mere Nascent Soul alchemist dares to be rude to this young master! You are also worthy of making this young master pay the price. Hmph, courting death! Dry, kill him!"


Han Yan's eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to vent the anger that was hurt by Ning Fan on Lao Dao in front of him.

In his eyes, a mere Nascent Soul old man, he can crush countless numbers with one finger, and he will never put it in his eyes.

Han Yan didn't realize that the person he offended this time was even more terrifying than Ning Fan!

Dan Huang glanced at Ning Fan and said lightly,

"Now, pass on your battle soul technique... Soul handprint!"

In an instant, the power of countless dark purple medicinal souls emanated from the Dan Emperor's body like a gust of wind, turning into a huge dark purple palm print, which was slapped with a palm toward the dry scorpion.


With the power of one palm, it is as light as a feather in front of the palm, and as heavy as a mountain when it falls, it directly smashes the scorpion into flesh, killing it.

The power of a palm is extremely delicate, and there is not a single waste. After killing the drought, the palm print immediately dissipated, and no grass or tree in the Yongan Pavilion was injured.

The palm of Dan Huang shocked countless cultivators, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the power of this palm was extremely terrifying, and it was clearly the power of a shattering blow!

The knowledgeable cultivator also saw that this palm did not use the power of mana or spiritual sense, but condensed the palm print with the unique medicine soul of alchemists, killing bloodless, which is unique to the Pill Emperor of the Rain Realm. The art of battle spirit!

Fighting spirit! Fighting with a medicine soul is a battle soul!

The cloud and the wind, who slaughtered and peered into the void, and the dark purple rank six peak medicine soul, none of them explained the identity of the Pill Emperor.

Even a cultivator like Gui Han, who has been hidden for hundreds of years, can't recognize who Lao Dao is.

"Dan, Pill Emperor! This old Taoist is actually the Pill Emperor of the Rain World! It's enough for this young master to offend Zhou Ming, but he has offended such a big man today! I have caused a huge disaster for the Ghost Eye Clan!"

Gui Han thumped, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Although he is arrogant, he deeply understands that the Emperor Pill is not something he can offend... Regarding the matter of Emperor Pill's palming and killing the dry dagger. He didn't dare to complain at all.

This time, he really mentioned the iron plate

"Tell You Guihou! Zhou Ming is half a disciple of my Li Cangtian. The grievance between Guimu and the Zhou family, I don't ask about it, but if the ghost dares to hurt my disciple... This old man will wash the ghost with blood!"


A cold drink from Emperor Dan spread across the country of Beiliang, which is 70 million miles away. Powerful shattering aura. Cover the entire northern cool.

this moment. Countless monks suddenly raised their heads, unbelievable!

What did they hear? Pill Emperor Li Cangtian actually appeared in the country of Beiliang, and even issued a death order to the Guimu clan. To protect Ning Fan?

In the troll remnant world, the eight ancestors of trolls are all shocking and difficult to understand.

"Dan Huang! How could he come to my troll clan!"

In one sentence, it revealed the determination of the Pill Emperor to protect Ning Fan.

This determination is different from Yudian's use of Ning Fan, and it is different from a friend of the Zhou family. This sentence is to treat Ning Fan as an anti-scale.

No one is allowed to move Ning Fan!

This command was even more terrifying than Yun Tianjue. Yun Tianjue just showed some kindness towards Ning Fan, and Dan Huang. On the other hand, he directly called Ning Fan a half-disciple.

Emperor Dan's disciple, whoever gets hurt, whoever dies!

From today onwards, even if the rain world is broken, he will not dare to touch Ning Fan casually.

Of course, there are also those who are interested in the words of Dan Huang. I heard the name 'You Guihou'.

Youguihou, isn't this the Shattered Void that was suppressed by the Thunder Emperor ten thousand years ago... Could it be that this person is not dead?

Countless cultivators flocked to Yong'an Pavilion, hoping to have a glimpse of Dan Huang's demeanor, and to discuss friendship with Dan Huang.

Pill Emperor frowned slightly, he didn't like these cultivators who were chaotic.

A roll of sleeves. The dark purple medicine soul scattered, rolled up Ning Fan and a shop of spirit medicine, and disappeared without a trace.

In the same place, there were only countless onlookers and Guihan kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, Gui Han was terrified, and he was not proud of his usual young master at all.

It's over, he's over... He offended Ning Fan, and he offended Pill Emperor...

If my father knew, he would definitely have skinned him!

"Why! Why is Zhou Ming so lucky this time, he can become half of the emperor's apprentice, get the protection and preaching of the emperor, what is he!"

At this moment, Gui Han felt resentment and jealousy towards Ning Fan, but he didn't dare to offend Ning Fan, let alone take revenge.

Even if he died, he wouldn't dare to touch Ning Fan, otherwise, the Pill Emperor would pacify the Guimu clan!

On the top of a desolate snow-capped mountain, the dark purple brilliance flashed, and Dan Huang and Ning Fan appeared one after another.

"Thank you for your help, senior!"

Ning Fan's gratitude to the Emperor Pill came from the bottom of his heart.

He has been seeking various shades, not to protect himself, but only to protect the woman behind him.

With an order from the Pill Emperor today, not to mention the Ghost Eye Clan, even the entire rain world, no one would dare to be hostile to Ning Fan.

Yun Tianjue's fierce reputation may be higher than that of the Pill Emperor, but don't forget that the Pill Emperor is an alchemist, an alchemist who is close to rank seven.

Not to mention the shattered void of the rain world, even if it is the shattered void of the other nine realms, I don’t know how many have to sell the face of the Pill Emperor. Dan Huang was furious, but he could invite countless thugs to do his best.

"Hehe, it's just a trivial matter..." Dan Huang waved his hand, disapprovingly, but suddenly his face became solemn, and he asked the school, "Can you see that old man's soul-remembering handprint?"

"I see clearly." Ning Fan nodded, and the dark blue medicine soul in his body suddenly brilliance, turned into a huge dark blue palm print, and slapped fiercely towards a snowy mountain in the distance.

Just one palm is equivalent to a blow in the late stage of God Transformation, and one palm leveled a mountain.

"Yes, it's really good, your talent is really good. Old man Han's eyes are always three points more vicious than ordinary people..."

The Pill Emperor sighed softly, as if it was a pity that he could not accept Ning Fan as his apprentice.

Shaking his head, he continued,

"The old man once obtained an ancient book, which recorded thirty-six soul handprints, called 'Tiangang Seal'.

"You have a lot of spells, and you don't lack the art of battle spirit. The reason why the old man passed on you this art is not for killing, but for self-protection. When an alchemist is concocting alchemy, he must use his mana and spiritual sense, and his body cannot easily move. This battle spirit technique was created by some alchemists in ancient times. It is used to distract and protect yourself during alchemy, so as not to be hurt by the enemy taking advantage of the emptiness. When you alchemy, if someone sneaks up, you can directly use the medicine soul to condense your palms. , slap it with a palm, and you can protect yourself for one or two."

"Thank you, senior, for spreading the power!"

Ning Fan nodded, just as the Pill Emperor said, how to protect oneself is a major issue when an alchemist is concocting pills.

It is impossible for Ning Fan to hide in no one's place every time he concocts alchemy, and it is also impossible for puppets to protect him from time to time.

For example, in this alchemy scripture, alchemy will be made in public. There are a lot of people who are idle. Once someone takes advantage of Ning Fan's alchemy, Ning Fan doesn't have to divide his mana and spiritual sense to resist the attack, he can just use the medicine soul to condense his palms for defense.

This is a means of self-preservation, and it is most suitable for use during alchemy.

Today, Dan Huang not only helped Ning Fan to open his eyes, but also improved his ability to identify elixir.

It is also said that Ning Fan's palm print of Tiangang can protect himself during alchemy.

In addition to these, Dan Huang also gave Ning Fan a chance.

Dan Huang grasped with his five fingers, and a trace of the vicissitudes of life and the tenderness of wood slowly condensed into a giant green wooden cauldron, located on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

This giant blue-wood cauldron was condensed by the divine will of the Pill Emperor.

This giant cauldron has accompanied the Dan Emperor through countless years of alchemy, and has been contaminated with heavy medicinal aura.

"Ning Fan, this old man promised your master that he would instruct you three times on alchemy techniques. All the teachings today will only be counted once. The old man will help you open your eyes, pass on your Heavenly Astral Seal, and give you a fortune... Distance dan The first round of tests is still less than a month away. During this time, the old man will pave the way for you to the sixth-turn alchemy technique! Hehe, you are willing to accept the kindness of the old man..."

"Junior is willing!" Ning Fan said bluntly without being pretentious.

"Okay! This 'Sacred Wood King Ding' is the cauldron of divine will condensed by the old man. Accompanying the old man alchemy again and again, he has accumulated a lot of medicinal energy. You can absorb the medicinal qi and nourish the medicinal soul. How much medicinal qi can be absorbed? , how much the medicine soul can improve."

"Of course, the old man not only wants you to absorb the medicinal energy, but also hopes that you can realize your own 'birth-life cauldron' from the old man's cauldron. The old man can see that you haven't really condensed the natal cauldron, because you never A famous teacher taught you. You can rely on your own exploration to get to this point, the old man is really surprised."

"The old man still has two 'Mingluo Guo' here, which can add up to a hundred years of dreaming. Later, in the dream, the old man will guide you to practice for a hundred years."

"This is the first time that this old man has seriously instructed a junior. I hope you can cherish this opportunity."

Dan Huang's language is sincere.

"The younger generation must live up to the expectations of the predecessors."

Ning Fan clenched his fists and thanked him, walked towards the giant green wood cauldron, and heard the advice from the Pill Emperor.

"Put your palm on the body of the cauldron, open the medicinal spirit, and absorb the medicinal qi in the cauldron. With the strength of your rank five superior medicinal spirit, if you can absorb one-tenth of the medicinal qi in the cauldron, you can be considered an outstanding person."

"One-tenth..." Ning Fan's eyes showed fighting intent, he wanted to absorb more, in one fell swoop, make the Rank 5 superior's medicine soul break through the peak of Rank 5!


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