Grasping Evil

Chapter 464: Use your Primordial Spirit to make alchemy!

() A strong unwillingness rose in Mo Xiu's heart.

The technique of taking the turn was originally his trump card, and he couldn't believe that Ning Fan would also take the turn.

What he couldn't believe was that Ning Fan's twisting technique was not only complete, but his attainments were even higher than his.

In the face of Ning Fan's twisting technique, Mo Xiu was unable to resist, and could only let the medicinal power of the medicinal pill drain away.

The Liancheng Pill, which had been refined through hard work, actually began to drop in rank!

Huang and Yi were both surprised to find that Ning Fan had used the Seizing and Turning Technique, but he did not steal the medicinal power of the two, only Mo Xiu's medicinal power.

With Ning Fan restraining Mo Xiu, the two of them will no longer lose their pill power, but they can re-form pills and complete the final step of refining.

Naturally, Ning Fan was helping the two of them with a little favor.

The two were almost destroyed by Mo Xiu, and now they have Ning Fan's help, they are naturally grateful to Ning Fan.

Countless cultivators outside the venue were stunned, never expecting the situation to reverse like this.

Mo Xiu, who used the Seduction Technique, was reversed by Ning Fan. To Mo Xiu, this scene was really ironic.

Compared to Mo Xiu's despicableness, Ning Fan, who was a late striker, even though he also used the Seizure Technique, his image seemed tall and righteous.

"You, lost!" Ning Fan's indifferent words were seven-point indifference and three-point disdain. It fell into Mo Xiu's ears, like a thunderbolt from the blue.

Did he lose?

He actually lost to Ning Fan in alchemy?

This is impossible!

But Jean had to admit that if he continued to let Ning Fan take over, his Liancheng Pill would eventually be taken away from him and become a waste pill.

A fierce gleam flashed in Mo Xiu's eyes, he had never been so unwilling.

This unwillingness turned into a sharp thorn in his heart, making him intolerable.

Looking at Ning Fan's eyes, for the first time, there was murderous intent.

"You, you can't win this hall! In the second round,

You seized the spirit fire of this temple, causing the temple to backlash and get injured. Today, the main hall will take revenge for that arrow. Give you some lessons! Soul palm print! "

Mo Xiu and Ning Fan were both at the critical moment of alchemy. Mana and spiritual sense must be tied to the medicinal pill, and there is no way to fight the magic.

However, Mo Xiu's methods were extraordinary. The dark blue medicine soul suddenly turned into a huge palm print, which was photographed by Ning Fan. It turned out to be a powerful medicine soul palm print!

This technique was learned by Mo Xiu stealthily from the Emperor Pill's side. Although he only learned a single palm print, its power is also very important.

When Ning Fan reached the critical moment of alchemy, he suddenly attacked with the technique of the spirit of war, which was enough to destroy Ning Fan by blowing the furnace. He was attacked by the failure of alchemy and was seriously injured by the palm print.

Mo Xiu did not dare to kill Ning Fan. He dare not.

But if he didn't let Ning Fan taste the taste of serious injury, how could he calm his anger.

"A palm print that I learned from stealing, but that's it..."

Ning Fan's eyes flickered coldly, he had been prepared for Mo Xiu's sneak attack.

Countless cultivators saw Mo Xiu's shame and anger, and attacked Ning Fan, who was in the state of alchemy, and despised Mo Xiu's character.

There were also quite a few alchemists who saw Mo Xiu display the battle spirit technique that only ancient cultivators could do. They all looked hot.

When Yue Lingkong, Xu Qiuling, and Fen Chi saw that Ning Fan was attacked, they all stood up in a panic, wanting to rush over to help Ning Fan block the palm print, but it was too late.

Seeing that Ning Fan was about to be hit by Mo Xiu's palm print and received backlash, Xu Qiuling's gentle gaze revealed murderous intent for the first time. She was wearing a black dress, like a black orchid, but this orchid. Also get angry.

And Yue Lingkong was about to go berserk. If Gherkin was injured, she would have to fight with Mo Xiu! Even if you can't beat it, you have to fight hard!

Burning Wing's enchanting eyes were burning with anger, Ning Fan was not mean to her, she was not an ungrateful person.


When the girls were anxious, a thunderous banging sound suddenly came out.

However, Ning Fan's whole body was also exuding a vast dark blue medicine soul, but it turned into a triple palm print, which collided with Mo Xiu's palm print.

Ning Fan's Heavenly Gang Seal was personally taught by the Pill Emperor, and Ning Fan was far ahead of Mo Xiu in terms of the completeness of spells, the level of medicinal souls, and the level of cultivation of the palm seal.

There was no suspense when the palms slammed against each other. Mo Xiu's palm print was crushed by Ning Fan's palm.

The fluctuations spread out, Mo Xiu's eyes were shocked, but Ning Fan was still calm.

The remaining palm force slammed on Mo Xiu mercilessly, as if being hit by Qianshan. In just a moment, Mo Xiu was seriously injured.

Mo Xiu only felt a pain in the soul of the medicine, and all the mana became stagnant, so he couldn't continue alchemy.


Mo Xiu spurted blood and pushed, his palms left the cauldron, the flame in the cauldron went out of control, and there was a smell of burning immediately. The Dan Lei, which was originally brewing in the sky, dissipated on its own.

Mo Xiu didn't have a blast furnace or a pill to destroy, but the Liancheng Pill he refined, because of Ning Fan's interference, failed in the last step and became a scorched waste pill...

And all of Mo Xiu's mind and mana were concentrated on the medicinal pill, and the medicinal pill was destroyed by external forces, and the backlash he received was definitely not light.

Asked about the cultivation of the virtual realm, experienced the injury of the palm print, the pain of backlash, the realm was unstable, and the mana could not be picked up, and fell to see the virtual!

Alchemy backlash is like going into a devil's way with qigong practice, and the consequences are no trivial matter. It is precisely because of this that Dan Huang wears the Ning Fan Heavenly Gang Seal technique, which makes him protect his body and save his life.

Unless Mo Xiu has been in seclusion for decades and cultivated in the realm of asceticism, he will never be able to restore his cultivation base. This is the price of backlash!

He was angry, he was mad, he lost his mind.

The dignified Chitian Palace Master was actually caused by Ning Fan to drop his cultivation, and all his worries were left behind by him.

He doesn't care what kind of background protection Ning Fan has, today, he wants to make Ning Fan pay the price!

"Zhou Ming child, you are courting death!"

He rose into the air, he was brewing a spell, he wanted to hurt Ning Fan in the state of alchemy, so that he would be backlashed together!

"It's you who are looking for death!"

Ning Fan slammed the lid of the cauldron, and a silver thunder struck, and the Venerable Demon Pill was directly completed!

No, to be precise, Ning Fan had already become a pill 10 days ago, and just to wait for this moment, he kept pretending that he didn't have a pill.

He had long calculated that Mo Xiuduo's turning technique would be broken, and he would be mad. This step was still within his calculations.


In the face of Dan Lei, a rank five high-grade medicinal pill, Ning Fan opened his mouth and swallowed all the silver thunder directly.

He has a complete Taisu Thunder Star, a mere thunderbolt, what a shame!

In the face of Mo Xiu's approach, Ning Fan stepped into the sky with one step, and punched him in the face.

The power of one punch, mixed with the whistling of mountains and rivers, made Mo Xiu unexpected, and he couldn't imagine how Ning Fan would suddenly become a pill. Ability to resume activity.

Hastily received a punch from Ning Fan. Mo Xiu's eyes were suddenly startled, and the fist bones that collided with Ning Fan were directly smashed, and they couldn't compete with Ning Fan's physical strength!


The loud bang spread, and Mo Xiu's fist was stained with blood, and was blasted away by Ning Fan!

He is seriously injured at the moment, his cultivation has fallen, and his physical body is far inferior to Ning Fan, how could he be the enemy of Ning Fan Yihe?

I regret it in my heart. If he had known that Ning Fan would be able to take the turn, he would never have tried to use an axe. If I had known that Ning Fan would know the Heavenly Gang Seal. He would never sneak attack. If he had known that Ning Fan had become a pill, he would never have rashly fought with him.

He was the one who attacked Ning Fan first. Even if Ning Fan kills him today, I'm afraid it is Ning Fan's reason, no one in the Rain Palace can stand up for him, and he will die in vain!

Without the protection of King Lanling today, he was more seriously injured than in the second round, how could he be Ning Fan's opponent today!

Unwilling, he is unwilling!

But he gradually calmed down. The situation at the moment is not good for him, he doesn't want to fight anymore, he just wants to escape today and seek revenge in the future.

"Hurry up and stop! For today's offense, this temple will definitely give Ming Zun a satisfactory compensation. We are both from the Rain Palace, how can we kill each other!"

"That's nice! You still remember the bet you made with Zhou!"

Ning Fan's reminder brought back Mo Xiu's memory.

yes. He had made a bet with Ning Fan. Now that he failed in alchemy, and Ning Fan succeeded in alchemy, he naturally lost to Ning Fan. According to the bet, Ning Fan could take anything from him.

"What do you want, this hall will give you everything!" Mo Xiu said hurriedly.

"I want your life!"

boom! boom!

Ning Fan swung out his fists, his black hair danced wildly, his majesty was like a god, and the sky above the snowy sky was full of black dragons and dragons.

The fists slammed out, directly smashing Mo Xiu's arms, without giving him any chance to cast spells.

He kicked it out and kicked it on top of Mo Xiu's dantian, causing his soul to almost collapse.

As soon as he pointed it out, the third collapse of the Bengtian sword finger turned into countless sword beams, slicing Mo Xiu's body to pieces.

Everyone was shocked by this overwhelming battle situation!

The afflicted Phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken, and the fallen Mo Xiu, who is seriously injured, is far less powerful than the tyrannical Lord Shile.

King Shile was invincible, but he was still ravaged by Ning Fan.

Mo Xiu, who was seriously injured, was not put into Ning Fan's eyes at all.

Even the prosperous Mo Xiu is only the strength of the Dragon King Ying, but Ning Fan... even the Dragon King Ying can be killed!

And Mo Xiu's temperament is far inferior to Ying Longwang and Shi Kun's. The reason why Mo Xiu is powerful is because he was born in the Rain Palace.

boom! boom! boom!

Mo Xiu was beaten by Ning Fan, his mana was weak, his energy was sluggish, and he had no strength to fight back.

Ning Fan seemed to be dragging a dead dog onto the distant ice field, punching and punching, knocking down the snow-capped mountains.

Mo Xiu's eyes were filled with resentment and fear. Ning Fan's body was too powerful, so powerful that it made him shudder and asked him to beg for mercy.

He felt that if Ning Fan continued to fight, he would really die!

"You... can't kill me... I am the Seventh Emperor... The Seventh Prince's henchman..."

"So what if I kill you, I'm not afraid to tell you, I will use your Primordial Spirit to use the 'Blood Turning Technique' to advance for my Venerable Demon Pill!"

"What, what!"

Mo Xiu's eyes were terrified. The blood-turning technique, like the Seizing-turning technique, was a secret technique for raising the level of medicine pills.

The difference is that the Seizure Zhuan technique is to use the medicinal power of other medicinal herbs to upgrade the medicinal herbs, while the blood transfer technique uses the cultivator's Nascent Soul and Primordial Spirit to concoct pills, which is a cruel medicinal pill promotion and transfer technique!

He couldn't imagine that Ning Fan was going to use his Primordial Spirit to concoct alchemy, this... this is terrifying!

It is impossible for him to know that Ning Fan chose to refine the Venerable Demon Pill today, and he had already planned to kill Mo Xiu and take the Primordial Spirit to refine the pill.

Ning Fan has never been a loser. If someone gets in the way, just kill him!


Ning Fan stepped down and stomped Mo Xiu's body into blood mud.

With a finger, he stopped Mo Xiu's primordial spirit, caught him, and returned to the Danding Jade Terrace in one step.

He was full of suffocation, dyed red with blizzards.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Xiu was overcast, and Mo Xiu was beheaded. This tyrannical method made countless cultivators shudder.

How long did it take, Ning Fan actually killed two illusory old monsters in Beiliang country!

Shocking, this is so shocking!

Especially Mo Xiu, this person is higher in realm than the Lord Shile, and his identity is more respected than that of the Lord Shile, but Ning Fan is not wrong to kill, he is really bold!

Everyone looked at the primordial spirit in Ning Fan's palm, and they were all guessing how Ning Fan would deal with Mo Xiu.

Immediately. Ning Fan did something that shocked countless cultivators.

He put the warm Zunmo Dan into the Danding. After sealing the half-dead Mo Xiu Yuanshen, he threw it into the Dan Ding.

Then, ignoring the screams of Mo Xiu, he directly activated the black fire and burned it with all his might.

He was actually going to use Mo Xiu's Primordial Spirit to make alchemy!

"What! This, this! There are people in the world who actually use the primordial spirit of the virtual powerhouse to concoct alchemy, the devil, this is the behavior of the devil!"

"Silence! You don't want to die! You scolded Mingzun, be careful Mingzun takes your Nascent Soul to concoct alchemy!"

For a while, there was an eerie silence outside the venue. Shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere.

Countless cultivators looked at Ning Fan with deep fear.

Inside Ning Fan's Dan Cauldron. The blood is shining, and the suffocation is shocking. After a scream, Mo Xiu Yuanshen all merged into the Venerable Demon Pill.

At this moment, the high-rank Rank 5 Venerable Demon Pill has a sign of breaking through the peak of Rank 5!

Especially after the Venerable Demon Pill broke through the peak of Rank 5, Ning Fan was still a skillful alchemist, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it. Ning Fan's alchemy skills have definitely reached the peak of rank five!

This practice is another few days.

"'Murder to kill, Yuanshen concocts alchemy'... It's actually a blood-turning technique that was lost in ancient times!" an old man exclaimed.

"Rank 5 peak! Ming Zun is actually a rank 5 peak alchemist!" Another old monster exclaimed in shock.

At the same time, an atmosphere of mountain rain loomed over the Zhongzhou Rain Palace.

A shocking news made everyone in the Rain Palace conjecture.

"How can it be, how can it happen! The dignified Chitian Palace Master, why is the life card broken!" An old man in the Rain Palace said angrily.

"Check, speed check! We people in Chitian Temple. We can't let the hall master die in vain!" Another respected old voice said in solidarity.

The Rain Emperor's eyes were gloomy, and he didn't have any words. He could only judge from his expression. He must be extremely angry at this moment, because someone dared to kill the nine masters of the Rain Palace.

In the main hall, Venerable Ming, who lost his heavenly eye, worked hard to fortune, but it was difficult to calculate the secret of the murderer.

In the end, the Yu Palace chess piece buried in the endless sea sent information to the Rain Palace at a huge price, and everyone knew why Mo Xiu fell.

The murderer was Ning Fan!

The reason for the murder was that Mo Xiu repeatedly provoked Ning Fan, and even intended to kill Ning Fan...

"Mo Xiu! Dare to disobey this emperor's orders, die well, and die!" Yu Huang's anger seemed to be transferred to Mo Xiu.

If someone else killed Mo Xiu, the Emperor Yu would definitely hold him accountable, but Ning Fan still had a lot of use for him, and he would not allow anyone to touch Ning Fan.

Even if you want to move Ning Fan, you should use it after you use it!

"Royal Father! Mo Xiu is my subordinate, is it just so vain!" Yun Jinghong's eyes showed murderous intent, wishing to tear Ning Fan apart.

"That's right, he just died in vain! His death can just teach the other hall masters a lesson. Disobeying the emperor's orders and attacking Zhou Ming, this is the end! Besides, you really dare to kill him? He is Li Cangtian now. Half a disciple!"

The Emperor Yu was displeased, Yun Jinghong was his son, and he should be the same as him. He knew what was more important, but because a subordinate was angry and wanted to kill a useful chess piece, his temperament was really worrying.

"Li Cangtian..." As soon as the name of the Dan Emperor was mentioned, even if Yun Jinghong was arrogant and arrogant, he had to restrain himself.

Covered by the Rain Emperor and the Pill Emperor, no one dared to move Ning Fan today.

"However, you can't let this Zhou Ming go too far. You can kill Shi Kun and Mo Xiu in less than five hundred bones... Huang'er, you and King Lanling are very close?" Yu Huang asked, unable to see Mood.

"Yes. The deity of King Lanling is in retreat, and his second primordial spirit is in the endless sea, collecting the golem slates of the four tribes of Youhai." Yun Jinghong did not dare to hide it.

"Really. If there is a chance, let him teach Zhou Ming a little lesson, without hurting his life, let him know some advantages and disadvantages of honor and inferiority. This child has not yet been refined, and he is already so fierce. If he breaks through refining and breaking... This child cannot be allowed to become the next Yuntian Art!"

Ning Fan's record of killing Shi Kun and Mo Xiu in a row made Yu Huang pay attention to a junior for the first time.

For some reason, Emperor Yu always felt that Ning Fan, this junior, gave him a very uneasy feeling.

If a genius like Ning Fan was born on another interface, I'm afraid that the god emperor would compete to win over.

Unfortunately, there is only one god emperor in the rain world, and the result of dictatorship is to suppress Yingjie and prevent the imperial power from being replaced.

"Zhou Ming..." Emperor Yu was silent, his brows furrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Even the Emperor Yu himself did not understand why he would be afraid of an ant that has not yet been refined.

Under the broken void are all ants, under the refining void... ants are not as good.


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