Grasping Evil

Chapter 465: Innocent and meritorious?

() The old monsters who came to participate in the Dan Dian, there are the right way of the mysterious door, and there are also the magician of the magic door.

Many of these old monsters have also done alchemy with human Yuan Ying, but has anyone ever used the Yuanshen alchemy of the virtual old monster?

Within the Rain Realm, there are only a handful of people who are slaughtered, and there are more than a hundred people.

Among the hundreds of people, Mo Xiu, the master of Chitian Palace, can be described as the top fifty masters. It was a terrifying scene that such a strong man would be killed by Ning Fan, and his Yuanshen concocted pills.

It turns out that the Void Refining Old Monster will also die...

It turns out that there are still demons in the world, who dare to use the primordial spirit of refining the old monster to make alchemy...

The old monsters looked at Ning Fan with fear from their hearts.

Under the fearful gazes of everyone, the Venerable Demon Pill refined by Ning Fan finally became a pill.

Ning Fan successively performed the 'Take Turning Technique' and 'Blood Turning Technique', and successfully raised the level of the Revered Demon Pill by one level, reaching the peak level of Rank 5.

At this moment, the medicinal power is more powerful, and it can be used as a help to break through the golden body realm.

The thunder robbery of the silver thunder in the sky fell, and Ning Fan's eyebrows flickered, with only a cold look in his eyes, he said lightly,


The silver thunder in the sky seemed to be afraid, and it was rolled back to the sky, not to be split!

This scene once again shocked countless monks.

If it is said that Ning Fan's strength is tyrannical, it is enough to resist thunder tribulation or something.

People Ning Fan just glanced at Lei Jie, and Lei Jie would be afraid, which is really incredible.

Huang Tingzi and Yi Yunzi's medicinal pills were also made one after another, and they were stunned by Ning Fan's eyes.

The two tested the pill grade one after another. Huang Tingzi's Mansoul Pill was thrown into the flame bottle, and a 50,000-zhang blue sun phantom appeared.

Yi Yunzi's Zixiao Pill, showing a 55,000-meter blue sun shadow, is now of a slightly higher quality than Huang Tingzi's pill.

Ning Fan did not immediately test the level of the Venerable Demon Pill. He glanced at the fragments of the pill cauldron left by Mo Xiu, one of which was a waste Liancheng Pill, which made him ponder.

Liancheng Pill can greatly improve the level of medicine soul, but the main medicine is scarce. Very hard to find. Mo Xiu was able to gather together a pair of Liancheng Dan's medicinal materials, which was a great blessing.

It's a pity that he met Ning Fan and ruined the Liancheng Pill refining. Otherwise, if Ning Fan took this Liancheng Pill, it would definitely greatly improve the quality of the medicine soul.

For some reason, Ning Fan took away the waste pill Liancheng pill with a flick of his sleeve, and walked up to the flame light bottle.

The sixteen giants of the troll clan guarding the Flame Light Bottle trembled when they saw Ning Fan coming. Instinct fear.

"Please, Venerable Ming, test the pill grade..." Their words trembled, for fear of being a little disrespectful. Ning Fan was dissatisfied.


Ning Fan was accustomed to the fear of everyone and turned a blind eye.

He even slashed Shi Kun and Mo Xiu, the magic power could no longer be suppressed, and there will be countless powerhouses paying attention to him.

You must improve your strength as soon as possible, break through the realm of the golden body as soon as possible, and obtain a cultivation level commensurate with your prestige.

He snapped his fingers. The black-gold Zundan Dan was ejected into the flame bottle.

In an instant, above the sky, an inky blue sun appeared at ninety-nine thousand feet.

The 80,000-zhang blue sun shadow is the pinnacle of the fifth rank medicine.

This sun shadow not only surpassed 80,000 feet, but also had the ink color that only Rank 6 pills had, which undoubtedly showed that the rank of Revered Demon Pill was infinitely close to Rank 6!

"Infinitely close to the 6th rank pill!"

All the old monsters exclaimed, and among them was an old alchemist. Gathering up his courage, he stepped out of the crowd, bowed his hands to Ning Fan, and asked.

"Dare to ask Mingzun, what level your alchemy skills have reached! This old man and countless fellow Daoists want to know..."

"The peak of rank five, close to rank six."

Ning Fan's words were plain, without any intention of concealing.

But these plain words immediately set off scenes of stormy waves.

There are only seven alchemists in the rain world.

Ning Fan's alchemy technique is close to rank 6, and breaking through rank 6 is just around the corner. Once he breaks through rank 6 alchemy, he will be the eighth rank 6 alchemist in the rain world!

This identity is too honorable!

This time, the results of the Dan Dian competition had no suspense. Ning Fan was the first, Yi Yunzi was the second, and Huang Tingzi was the third.

Originally, if Mo Xiu didn't die, An An would be able to take the second place in alchemy, but unfortunately, he provoked Ning Fan, so he died.

Ning Fan beheaded the head of the Chitian Palace, which was no trivial matter. Many people speculated how the Rain Palace would deal with Ning Fan.

Some people speculate that the Rain Palace will punish Ning Fan according to the boundary law.

There are also speculations that the Rain Palace will send someone to summon Ning Fan Ru Zhongzhou to inquire.

Ten days have passed since the end of the alchemy, and the door outside Ning Fan's building is very busy, and there are not many old monsters who dare to come and have a relationship with him.

These old monsters couldn't figure out how the Rain Palace would deal with Ning Fan, so they didn't dare to get involved with Ning Fan without authorization.

But something surprising happened to them.

Ten days later, a news that shocked the rain world came out.

All of Mo Xiu's family in Zhongzhou were severely punished by Emperor Yu.

The Rain Emperor claimed that Mo Xiu would attack Ning Fan first, he was dead and deserved it!

The Rain Emperor even claimed that if one day, Ning Fan breaks through the Void Refinement period, he can be given the title of prince and the title of Lord Chitian!

No one expected that Ning Fan would be so taken seriously in the eyes of Emperor Yu, and he would not take responsibility for killing the first hall master!

No one expected that Ning Fan killed Mo Xiu and took over from Mo Xiu.

As long as Ning Fan breaks through the Void Refinement, in the future, he will be the Lord of the Chitian Palace!

This is simply to say that Ning Fan's beheading of Mo Xiu was innocent and meritorious.

God-defying! Demon! Murder even has a reward!

For a time, countless old monsters found out how favored Ning Fan was in the Rain Palace, and began to curry favor with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was too lazy to meet these flamboyant villains. With his strength, he didn't need to give these people any good looks.

For ten days, he was in the building, recalling the alchemy process of Dan Dian, and he benefited a lot.

Juqing told Ning Fan that the official alchemy for Feng Xueyan would be arranged in half a month. Before that, Juqing would arrange for Ning Fan to meet with 'a few troll ancestors'.

The reason for the meeting was that several old ancestors had heard about Ning Fan's unprecedented alchemy technique and wanted to request to refine some elixirs.

Several ancestors claimed that if Ningfan promised to help them make pills, any request could be negotiated.

"Any request..."

Ning Fan naturally knew that the 'several ancestors' Juqing referred to was the Eighth Ancestor.

The Eighth Patriarch would ask him for medicine, and his natural attitude was respectful, but Ning Fan had nothing to say about the Eighth Patriarch.

He shares a position with Feng Xueyan and is destined to be hostile to the Eighth Patriarch.

But alchemy for the Eighth Patriarch. Not impossible. You can make any request, I don’t know if you can directly take a look at the golem slate and take the opportunity to draw away the magic energy of the slate.

As for the medicinal pills refined for them... If you use some hands and feet in the medicinal pills, I don't know if you can directly poison the Eighth Ancestor...

Ning Fan was a little worried because he hadn't seen Feng Xueyan these days.

Without Feng Xueyan's interruption, he spent several nights with Yue Lingkong and Xu Qiuling respectively.

Ning Fan still hasn't touched Fen Wing's body, he will not force this woman.

He didn't know that Fen Wing was not unwilling, just watching Ning Fan's doting on Yue Lingkong and Xu Qiuling. Faintly reluctant to recommend a pillow seat.

Everything seemed to be calm, but Ning Fan was not at all relaxed.

Because of today. Juqing will take him to meet the Eighth Ancestor.

The meeting place was naturally the Small Thousand Remnants Realm where the Eighth Patriarch was located.

Having rashly entered other people's territory, and there were eight strong men watching, Ning Fan was not worried about safety.

He had a hit from the Sun and Moon Stele, and he was in a hurry. One stele could instantly kill a Chongxu ancestor.

Although he could not find the entrance to the Troll Remnant Realm, but if he entered the Remnant Realm. If you want to escape, it is very easy, and you can directly use the wind and smoke to weather an exit.

With the art of wind and smoke, the cloak of bullying, the world is big, and Ning Fan can go there. Under the shattered void, no one could hurt him.

Even if the deity of King Lanling came, Ning Fan would not be afraid!

Yun Niansu gave Ning Fan a piece of information, claiming that the Rain Emperor had sent Lanling King's second primordial spirit to 'a little lesson' on Ning Fan.

Ning Fan didn't take it to heart at all, the second primordial spirit of King Lanling. What is it?

Before, he devoted himself to participating in the Dan Dian, and was too lazy to have a relationship with this person.

If this person is stubborn and dares to 'teach' him, he doesn't mind directly killing the second primordial spirit of King Lanling with the Sun and Moon Stele.

Besides, Ning Fan didn't think Lanling King would come to teach him a lesson.

King Lanling was seriously wounded by the Eighth Patriarch, and he may not know where to heal his wounds.

King Lanling was determined to seize the slate, but if he could not get the troll clan, he would definitely seize the slate of the other two clans.

Prince Lanling was determined to snatch the slate, so he had no intention to deal with Ning Fan.

He was not worried at all about King Lanling coming, but he was more worried about Feng Xueyan.

dong dong dong-

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ning Fan fluttered his sleeves and opened the door. A worried and haggard white-haired girl stood outside the door. It was Feng Xueyan who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Brother-in-law, don't go to see Grandpa, they want, want to eat you!" Feng Xueyan spoke her lips, unable to make a sound.

She was so worried that she even forgot the etiquette and begged Ning Fan like a child.

"Brother-in-law, don't go, they are bad people..."

"Silly girl…"

Ning Fan looked at Feng Xueyan like his sister, felt pity, and patted her white hair as a sign of comfort.

His heart was cold, and he murdered the Eighth Ancestor.

It's interesting that the Eighth Patriarch still wants to eat him... This Eighth Patriarch is really tired of living!

It seems that if you don't scare the Eighth Ancestor, it won't make them feel safe!

Inland sea, an uninhabited island.

In a hidden cave mansion, the Second Primordial Spirit of King Lanling was bruised and was retreating to heal his wounds.

Beside him, there is a jade slip with Yun Jinghong's request in it.

Ask the King of Lanling to teach Ning Fan some lessons.

Lanling King glanced at the jade slip, and snorted, dissatisfied.

"Humph! Yun Jinghong dares to call this king, when this king is his subordinate!"

"Teach Zhou Ming? Why should this king listen to Yudian's words and teach Zhou Ming a lesson! Besides, a mere Zhou Ming is really worthy of this king's shot!"

Speaking of this, King Lanling suddenly fell silent.

He met Ning Fan twice, and he was extremely arrogant, but Ning Fan, always like a pool of quiet water, never got angry, like a weak person.

He also once thought that Ning Fan was weak, but if Ning Fan could even kill Shi Kun and Mo Xiu, was he really weak?

Lanling King faintly felt that he had underestimated Ning Fan from beginning to end.

But the pride in his heart did not want him to admit Ning Fan's strength.

Scenes of memories will suddenly emerge in front of you. When King Lanling was young, he provoked Yuntianjue twice, but Yuntianjue was unmoved, like a stone, which made King Lanling feel that Yuntianjue was weak and could be bullied.

But the third time, when King Lanling provoked Yuntianjue, he directly exchanged Yuntianjue's anger to draw his sword and defeat him like a dead dog with just one move.

It was the humiliation of his life!

Only then did King Lanling feel that the reason why he disdained Ning Fan was not because Ning Fan was too weak, but because Ning Fan and Yun Tianjue were too the point of disgusting him.

"If this king provokes this son for the third time, will he... draw his sword in anger at this king!"

"Hmph, that's all, if this king gathers the slate and breaks the secret of the slate, I can have a meeting with this person for a while. Now, I have no time to deal with him!"

"If you don't get the slate quickly, the body left by the deity's failure to smash the void will be severely damaged, and it will be difficult to heal the body if you get the devil energy. Humph! If this king is fully intact, and the deity comes directly to the inner sea and sweeps the world, how happy it would be. , how could he be injured by the eight undead monsters of the troll clan... Humph!"

Lanling King's eyes were even colder, and he was going to speed up to get the slate.

Compared with the golem slate, other things can be ignored for the time being, including Ning Fan!

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