Grasping Evil

Chapter 468: Dark Golden Pagoda

() A team of ghosts and demons, a total of 100 masters, but no one saw how Ning Fan appeared.

However, this group of ghosts and demons has always lived in the secluded sea millions of feet, and they often go on missions, rarely stay in the clan, and they don't know Ning Fan's identity at all.

The ghost-eyed demon cultivator, headed by him, swept his gloomy gaze towards Ning Fan.

Seeing that the young man blocking the road did not show such a tyrannical aura, and the bone age was less than 500, he already had the heart to look down.

He didn't even ask why Ning Fan appeared, he just sneered,

"This kid looks good. If he is caught and sold as a cauldron, he can sell for a lot of money. Come on, take this person!"

Immediately after the God Transformation and Demon Xiu gave the order, more than ten Nascent Souls strode forward, each offering a rope magic weapon and tying them towards Ning Fan.

Seeing more than a dozen Nascent Souls capture Ning Fan together, Qin Ziyu gulped. In his opinion, Ning Fan was probably about to be captured.

He had no friendship with Ning Fan, and had only met him once. That time, at the Qimei auction, Ning Fan, as an appraiser, auctioned off the scabbard to Qin Ziyu.

At first, Qin Ziyu thought that Ning Fan was just a junior at the fifth level of piercing the veins.

In the future, when Ning Fan slaughtered the demons in the first battle, and the shock crossed the country, Qin Ziyu knew that Ning Fan at that time was comparable to Yuan Ying in combat power.

In Qin Ziyu's impression, Ning Fan went to the Endless Sea with a combat power comparable to that of the Nascent Infant. After decades, even if his cultivation improved, he would still be in the early Nascent Infant.

When Ning Fan in the early Nascent Soul was besieged by a dozen or so monks in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul, he could imagine his fate, how could he have the power to resist?

"Don't look at it. No matter how strong Daoist Ning is, he will not be the opponent of this group of demon cultivators. Most of them will be captured and become slaves like this old man."

Qin Ziyu shook his head and sighed, raising a kind of sympathy for Ning Fan.

Next, his sympathetic glance. Suddenly it turned into a horrified expression.

The dozen or so Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators who attacked Ning Fan had just raised the magic weapon when they saw Ning Fan lightly raise his fingers. With a single finger, an endless inky sword light emanated from one finger.

The sword light swept across. He slaughtered more than a dozen Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators into flesh, and even Nascent Soul did not escape, all of them were killed instantly!

"W-what! That's the old monster of Yuan Ying,

It is the old monster of Nascent Soul who can dominate the lower-level cultivation country, how can he die so easily! "

Qin Ziyu couldn't believe it, and the other ghosts and demons also realized that Ning Fan was amazing.

Headed by the transformation of gods and demons. There is no intention to underestimate Ning Fan, only the murderous intention is floating.

"No matter who you are, if you kill my ghost clan, you will surely die!"

Say it. The God Transformation Demon Xiu didn't give Ning Fan any chance to defend himself.

That black palm print was an angry blow from God Transformation Demon Xiu, enough to instantly kill any Nascent Soul. Powerful spell fluctuations. It made Qin Ziyu tremble. This was the first time he had seen the fighting skills of a cultivator. It was really terrifying.

"It can't be stopped, it's impossible to stop it, this is a blow to the gods! The old monsters of the gods. Looking at the higher-level cultivation countries, there are very few existences. This time, Ning Daoyou is afraid that he will die under this attack."

As soon as Qin Ziyu finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

However, he saw that Ning Fan just pointed at the palm of his hand.

The finger was understated, without any fancy, but when the finger was pointed, there was a huge roar.

The seemingly powerful god-turning palm print collapsed and shattered before Ning Fan pointed it.

Ning Fan's finger light immediately turned into thousands of sword lights, sweeping away the gods and demons. In an instant, the gods and demons screamed, and the flesh exploded into countless blood mists.

A primordial spirit riddled with holes, with a look of extreme fear, was captured by Ning Fan.

For a moment, the whole place was dead silent!

Everyone was frightened by the shocking scene of Ning Fan's instant killing of a god.

The next moment, as if instinctively, all the trolls' cultivators tried their best to escape, not even the slaves.


Ning Fan's sword thoughts swept across, and the demon cultivators screamed and died, without any chance to escape.

Immediately, Ning Fan grabbed his five fingers and used the technique of searching for souls and destroying memories, reading the memories of the gods and demons one by one.

After obtaining enough information, he spit out the palm of his hand indifferently, and killed the primordial spirit.

Including Qin Ziyu, all the slaves stared blankly at the terrifying scene of Ning Fan's murder and soul searching, and they didn't dare to catch a breath.

Fools all know that Ning Fan is a powerhouse far beyond God Transformation, and his strength is beyond their imagination!

Especially Qin Ziyu, his heart was even more turbulent. He was sure that he did not admit the wrong person, and the young man in white before him was definitely Ning Fan.

Ning Fan back then left a deep impression on Qin Ziyu, Qin Ziyu could not admit his mistake!

In the past, the juniors who were at the fifth layer of the veins, after decades, became the powerhouses of destroying the gods. This made Qin Ziyu unbelievable, but he had to believe it.

Qin Ziyu could imagine that if the monks from the Yue Kingdom knew that such an earth-shattering figure like Ning Fan appeared in the Yue Kingdom, the whole country would definitely be shocked.

He looked at Ning Fan, his eyes were extremely complicated, he wanted to say something to Ning Fan, but he knew that his status was low, and he was afraid that he would not be able to speak.

Thinking about it again, he is now a slave of the Ghost Eye clan. He and other slaves saw the scene of Ning Fan's murder. I wonder if Ning Fan will kill and kill all the slaves.

He was nervous about whether he would be killed by Ning Fan when he suddenly saw Ning Fan approaching slowly.

There was an indelible suffocating aura on Ning Fan's body, and that suffocating aura made all the slaves including Qin Ziyu shuddered and could not bear any resistance.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, stay safe? You don't become a Jindan ancestor in Yue, why did you come to Endless Sea? Why, you dare not recognize me?"

There was a rare playful smile on Ning Fan's face.

Qin Ziyu is also an old friend of the Yue Kingdom. Although he deducted his salute back then, he gave Ning Fan a scabbard. It was the scabbard that contained an ancient sword aura of the swordsman woman, blocking Nirvana. King blow.

Although Ning Fan kills people like hemp, he will not kill an old friend.

Qin Ziyu's eyes are even more complicated. The juniors who were at the fifth level of the pulse-breaking level in those days have reached the peak level step by step, so he can only look up.

Seeing that Ning Fan took the initiative to talk to him, Qin Ziyu no longer concealed his identity, and smiled awkwardly, "Senior Ning is so powerful, the junior dare not climb high."

In the words, he has called himself a junior. Also a wise man.

"I have something to ask you, answer my question, and you can go with them."

"What!" Qin Ziyu never thought about it. He and these slaves witnessed Ning Fan's murder and were able to leave safely.

Momentarily excited. Some gaffe, and immediately respectfully said,

"If the seniors have any questions, they can ask questions, and the juniors should know everything."

"Tell me about Yueguo, especially Qimei, Ningcheng, Ghost Bird Sect, and Fire Cloud Sect. I can also mention Daoist Jing Zhuo, who has a cultivation of Nascent Soul, and has been unified. Vietnam, right?"

Qin Ziyu heard that Ning Fan was asking about the Yue Kingdom. Immediately speak out.

He had been away from Yue for several years, but naturally he knew more than Ning Fan.

He also understood that what Ning Fan cared about was not Yueguo, but Yueguo's beauties and friends.

Therefore, Qin Ziyu focused on the current situation of Zhihe, Lanmei, Bailu and other women, of course. The current situation of Jing Zhuo, Xue Qing, Guiquezi and others was also mentioned a little bit.

Zhihe was already at the peak of Rongling's cultivation, and now he is also the city lord of Qimei and Ningcheng.

Lanmei has also reached the peak of spiritual fusion, her father, Guiquezi, is in seclusion and has a baby, and she has become the master of Guique.

Egret, has officially become one of the elders of the Ghost Sparrow Sect. Retreat is in retreat.

Jing Zhuo returned to the Yue Kingdom with his Yuan Ying cultivation base, and united the Yue Kingdom with a strong force, which was unmatched. But he has the self-knowledge that he will never touch Ning Fan's power, and he still has the heart of protection, just like helping Ning Fan to watch the house.

As for Ning Fan's other cheap disciple, Xue Qing, he has now broken through the four-turn alchemy technique and has become a famous figure in a country.

It is said that the reason why Zhihe and other women have rapidly improved their cultivation base is that they have asked Xue Qing for a lot of precious medicine pills because of their status as a mistress.

With Jingzhuo and Xue Qing present, Yue Kingdom is about to be awarded as an intermediate-level cultivation country by the Rain Palace, and there are god-turning old monsters who personally reinforce Yue Kingdom's national lock-up formation to improve Yue Kingdom's defense and at the same time improve Yue Kingdom's spiritual energy. concentration.

In short, Qin Ziyu's information reassured Ning Fan. Yue Guo is very good, they are all safe and happy, and he has no worries.

Knowing all the information, Ning Fan activated the power of memory, shrouding the hundreds of slaves present in the memory mood.

With the help of the power of recalling the mood, it was like erasing black and white words, erasing the memories of all slaves, and then left floating.

No one remembers who killed the ghost-eye monks and saved them.

Even Qin Ziyu suddenly woke up from a dream, slapped his forehead, not understanding why he was in a daze.

"Strange, the old man always feels that it seems that he has talked with an old friend for a long time, er, is it a dream?"

Shaking his head, Qin Ziyu had no memory of meeting Ning Fan at all.

Looking at the corpse of the ghost-eyed cultivator on the ground again, Qin Ziyu was almost scared to pee.

Dear, every one of the ghost-eyed monks who died on the ground is a cultivation base above the Nascent Soul, and even the ancestors of the gods!

Oh my God, who is so perverted that even the gods were killed?

Since that person killed Huashen, why did he let them slaves instead?

Can't figure it out, and Qin Ziyu didn't have the heart to figure it out.

He and the other slaves almost acted in the same way. They found the key to the shackles in the sea of ​​​​corpses, opened the shackles, and escaped separately.

Ghost eyes, watch the city of heaven.

Ning Fan was standing invisibly outside Guantian City. According to the information from the God Transformation and Demon Cultivator, Guantian City was the main city of the Ghost Eye Demon Kingdom. hide here.

Even, from the memory of that cultivator, Ning Fan also learned that there is a devil concubine in the ghost clan.

It's just that this Demon Concubine is under house arrest by the Ghost Eyes, and she has no freedom. All her powers must be dedicated to the Ghost Eyes.

In order to cover up the existence of this demon concubine, the Ghost Eye Clan also cultivated dozens of demon cultivators, who were also placed under house arrest in the clan to confuse the public and hide their eyes and ears.

"Ghost Concubine"

Ning Fan frowned slightly. In the memory of the cultivator, the golem slate of the Ghost Eye clan was not held by You Guihou, the strongest in the clan, but was given to the Ghost Eye Demon Concubine, who was deciphered by the Demon Concubine. .

Youguihou has self-knowledge, knowing that it is absolutely impossible to crack the secret of the slate by himself, and wants to use the magical power of the devil to break the secret of the slate.

"In this way, I only need to sneak into the Guantian City, find the ghost and demon concubine, and take her away with the slate. The third slate can be obtained."

It seemed that this trip was smoother than Ning Fan had imagined.

He leaned forward. Just as he was about to sneak into Guantian City, his eyes suddenly sank.

However, I saw the figure of a flamboyant young emperor suddenly appearing in the sky above Guantian City. It attracts orchids to fall from the sky, and the fragrance rises to the sky.

And all the ghost-eyed monks. At the moment when the young emperor appeared, he became nervous.

In a hidden cave in Guantian City, a gloomy voice suddenly floated out.

Er, turned into a ghostly old man with a ghostly face, blocking in front of the young emperor.

"Lanling King Wanjin's body is coming to my Ghost Eye Clan. I don't know what advice you have!" The old ghost-faced Taoist said solemnly, with an aura that seemed to be in the realm of rushing to the void.

"Ming people don't speak secretly, You Guihou! This time this king came to the ghost eyes. It's just for the golem slate!" King Lanling said bluntly.

"Golem slate? Hmph, Lanling! I heard that you hit a nail in the troll clan, and you were seriously injured by the eighth ancestor of trolls, why? Now you want to use a broken body to snatch the golem slate of my ghost clan? I In your eyes, You Guihou is such a weak and deceptive person!"

The ghost-faced Laodao's eyes floated with murderous intent. If King Lanling really came to snatch the slate, Laodao wouldn't mind giving him a lesson!

Prince Lanling's eyes sank. He didn't like the tone of Youguihou, but after the failure of the troll clan. King Lanling had already realized that the four Youhai clans were more powerful than he imagined, and not every clan was as weak as Liuyi.

It is not easy to rely on the second primordial divine power to overwhelm the four clans.

This time, when King Lanling came to the Guimu Clan, he did not have the intention of grabbing the slate, but took a treasure and came to exchange the golem slate.

He didn't talk nonsense with Youguihou, he directly took out a treasure and showed it to Youguihou.

"This king is willing to use this treasure in exchange for the golem slate!" King Lanling's tone was flat, but he had a sense of self-confidence.

As he expected, the originally murderous You Guihou was shocked when he saw King Lanling take out this treasure and exchange it for the golem stone slab.

"This is"

Youguihou felt at a loss for words. He never imagined that the Lanling Royal House could exchange such a heavy treasure for a golem slate.

It is true that the golem slate is very precious, but You Guihou can't decipher the secret even after racking his brains. If he can exchange the slate for such a treasure, it will be of great benefit to himself and the Ghost Eyes!

It was a dark golden pagoda, standing quietly on the palm of King Lanling.

The shape of the pagoda is somewhat similar to that of the Relics Pagoda. It seems to be a treasure in the cave. It is imitated from the Relics Pagoda and can be practiced by changing the time flow within the treasure.

With the eyesight of Youguihou, you can see at a glance that this dark treasure tower can at least slow down the flow of time by 16 times!

If You Guihou obtains this pagoda, not only can he practice infinitely in the pagoda, but all the Guimu clan can cultivate in the pagoda.

With this pagoda, You Guihou can completely open another leftover pagoda to practice in the Guimu clan.

His eyes were full of emotion, and he almost agreed to exchange the unbreakable slate for this pagoda.

However, after thinking about it carefully, You Guihou still felt that this matter was of great importance and needed to be discussed with the elders of the clan.

"This matter is of great importance, and this lord needs to discuss with his subordinates. King Lanling might as well go to the clan to rest and wait for the outcome of the discussion. Once the negotiation is over, this lord will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Alright." King Lanling frowned, but didn't say much.

Ning Fan, who was hiding in the dark, witnessed the transaction between the Prince of Lanling and the Marquis of Yougui with his own eyes.

A calculating expression gradually emerged in his eyes.

"In the past few days, I must be unable to complete the transaction between King Lanling and Youguihou. If I stole the golem slate of the Guimu clan within these few days, I am afraid Youguihou will be the first to suspect that it is the thief of Lanling King. Taking the so-called negotiation, I wonder if it will turn into a dog-eat-dog fight.”

"As for the dark golden pagoda, if I read it correctly, this pagoda should be a magic weapon made by a powerful monk who imitated the pagoda. And this pagoda is not a seven-story silver pagoda, but an eight-story gold pagoda. It's just that this tower seems to have a lot of defects, and it can't achieve the time flow rate that the eight-story gold tower should have."

Ning Fan's eyes moved slightly, thinking in his heart, this time he came to the Ghost Eyes, should he steal this golden pagoda together.

Even if the tower is only slowed down by 16 times, it is still a treasure, and even the old ghost-shattering old monster, You Guihou, will be tempted.

Anyway, to Ning Fan, the Ghost Eyes and the Lanling King were all enemies.

If there is an opportunity to steal the enemy's treasure, why not steal it?


Ning Fan sneaked stealthily and entered the Ghost Eye Clan Guanxin City without anyone noticing.

Only in a claustrophobic boudoir, a familiar and beautiful woman in a black dress suddenly felt a strange sensation from her body.

"Why is there a sudden feeling of connection between my heart and soul in my body, who is the other end of my heart and soul?"


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