Grasping Evil

Chapter 469 The third slate!

() If Guanxin City is subdivided, it can be divided into twelve cities on the fifth floor, each of which is heavily fortified. After all, it is the main city of the Demon Kingdom of the Ghost Eyes. How can people sneak in casually?

It's a pity that such a strict defense is almost useless when encountering an alternative like Ning Fan.

But seeing an ethereal purple-golden wind and smoke blowing gently, there was no other movement.

The ghost-eye demon cultivator guarding the 12th city on the fifth floor had no idea that Ning Fan had sneaked into the highest forbidden area of ​​the ghost-eye clan long before no one noticed.

While sneaking, Ning Fan identified a direction and ran without stopping.

The moment he stepped into Guanxin City, there was a faint sense of heart and soul in his heart.

This kind of induction has appeared in Fen Wing and Feng Xueyan before.

Ning Fan knew that at the end of this induction, there must be a ghost concubine hidden!

And if you find the magic concubine, the golem slate is at your fingertips.

In the Weiyang Building, there is a beautiful woman in a black dress, with seductive eyeshadow on her brows, with a seductive beauty that seduces people.

This is a standard demon woman, with all kinds of amorous feelings all over her body.

She sat quietly in the attic, and the bookshelves in the boudoir were filled with ancient jade slips, all of which were recorded with magical patterns related to pupil spells.

She is the Demon Concubine of the Ghost Eye Clan, and her name is Gu Shiniang. She is good at stabbing Demon Eye-like magic patterns. Almost one-third of the experts in the Ghost Eye Clan once asked her to tattoo.

She is better at awakening the magic eye type magic pattern, and many masters have asked her to awaken the magic pattern.

But she has never been happy. Her eyes not only have loneliness and loneliness, but also have a trace of hidden deep hatred. That hatred, hatred is the ghosts, she and the ghosts. There is an eternal hatred.

Outside the window, there were four long-breathing demon female guards, each of whom had a terrifying cultivation base above the peak of Yuan Ying.

As a demon concubine, Gu Shiniang was restricted from all freedom. All her value exists for the tattoo of the ghost monk.

Suddenly. There was a rustling sound outside the window, and immediately, it was the sound of the four ghost-eyed female guards being knocked out and abducted.

"who is it!"

Gu Shiniang hurriedly opened the door,

She found that the large formation outside the door did not move at all, but the four female guards guarding the building were all missing.

She was amazed. Turning back and not entering the room, I suddenly found that I don't know when it started, next to the tea table in the room. A young man in white was sitting.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to me?"

Gu Shiniang was instinctively afraid of this young man in white. She understood that a person who could sneak into the forbidden area of ​​ghosts and unknowingly kidnap four ghost-eyed and demonic cultivators was definitely not what she could imagine.

But in the dark, Gu Shiniang had an instinctive sense of dependence on Ning Fan. That is surrender from the bloodline.

"I want to take you away. Of course, the slate you are guarding is also what I need." Ning Fan's tone was flat, and he easily broke into the highest forbidden area of ​​the Ghost Eye Clan. He kidnapped four ghost-eyed female cultivators at random to serve as a cauldron.

He appeared here only for the Golem Slate, and this Demon Concubine could also be taken away.

If Gu Shiniang didn't want to leave with Ning Fan, Ning Fan could use force.

"Okay, I'll go with you. If you do one thing for me, I will not only give you the golem slate, but also make a big oath to serve you as your master and be your concubine for the rest of your life."

Contrary to Ning Fan's expectations, Gu Shiniang seemed willing to leave with him.

"Oh, you want to be my demon concubine? If it was another man who came to kidnap you tonight, would you also be willing to be his demon concubine?" Ning Fan asked with a half-smile.

"No." The reason why Gu Shiniang was willing to go with Ning Fan was because she realized that Ning Fan had the ability to avenge her, and second, her bloodline had a natural affection for Ning Fan.

Ning Fan was silent for a while, and then took a deep look at Gu Shiniang, seemingly seeing through the hatred in her eyes.

"What do you need me to do for you so that you are willing to surrender to me wholeheartedly?" Ning Fan asked lightly.

"I want you to kill someone. He is the fourth elder of the Guimu clan. He has a peeping cultivation. He is my father-killer enemy."

Gu Shiniang didn't talk much about her past, there was a touch of sentimentality in her eyes.

Ning Fan can guess that this woman became the Demon Concubine of the Ghost Eyes and was placed under house arrest. She must have a entanglement and past with the Ghost Eyes. Perhaps her father was killed by the Ghost Eyes at that time.

"I don't ask about your past. Golem slate, in your hand?"

"Yes." Gu Shiniang nodded, took out a golem slate from the storage bag, and handed it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan lightly swept the slate, saw through all the magic scriptures, secretly memorized them in his heart, and did not carefully study the content of the magic scriptures.

At the same time, the third demonic energy was swallowed and merged into the magic pattern. Instead of refining it immediately, she suddenly hugged Gu Shiniang's slender waist like a snake, drew out the cloak of bullying, and disappeared without a trace.

Gu Shiniang's beauty changed slightly, surprised by the cloak's stealth ability, but she obediently didn't ask any further questions.

"You lead the way, I'll kill you." Ning Fan's tone was extremely flat, no matter which master Gu Shiniang asked him to kill tonight, he wouldn't say a word of nonsense.

"This way" Gu Shiniang took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Suddenly, she met someone who was willing to take her away and avenge her. She was very grateful, but she felt that all this was too unreal, like a dream. generally.

She dreamed of breaking free from the cage of the ghost clan, and the environment here made her breathless.

Nestled in Ning Fan's arms, it was the first time she was touched by a man, but she was not disgusted, probably because of the dependence in her blood.

The smell of rouge and gouache that blows from the face cannot hide the faint fragrance of virginity, like a poppy, which can tempt all men in the world.

However, Ning Fan was not moved by her fragrance. He quietly opened the black fire eight wings behind him. He was already escaping extremely fast. He crossed most of the ghost-eye clan in the direction pointed by Gu Shiniang, and reached another garrison. A fortified palace.

Outside the palace, there are countless guards guarding them, all of them with arrogant expressions. Obviously, those who live in the palace are by no means idle people.

Inside the palace, in the middle of the stone gate, in a space of a magic treasure in the sky, the fourth elder of the Guimu clan is retreating, sprinting with all his strength to ask the virtual bottleneck!

His strength was slightly inferior to that of King Shile, but he was not far behind.

He did have a questioning illusory core, and with the power of the questioning illusory core, he almost broke through the questioning illusory realm.

The fourth elder just finished running one mana Zhoutian, and exhaled slightly.

Recalling the graceful figure of a woman in a black dress, she licked her tongue. Showing a wicked look.

"Gu Shiniang, hehe, you. You are destined to be unable to escape from the hands of this old man, even if you are a concubine!"

"The ghost ancestor has made a promise to the old man. Once the old man breaks through the realm of questioning and ignorance, he can take you in a grand manner! When your father obstructed him, he should be damned. If you still don't know how to praise you, this time, after the old man doesn't mind playing with you, he will You have rewarded many of your subordinates, and let them all have a taste of you."

These four elders. She has always had the evil intention of possessing Gu Shiniang, but because of Gu Shiniang's status as a demon concubine, she didn't dare to touch her easily, and she hasn't touched a finger so far. Only lust alone.

If the fourth elder breaks through the question, his status in the Guimu clan will definitely rise. At that time, he will be of great value to the Guimu clan, and he is qualified to truly possess Gu Shiniang!

Four elders never expected. After today, he will no longer have the opportunity to break through and ask questions in this life, and he will never have the opportunity to kiss Shi Niang Xiangze in person.

In the cave space, there was a slight trembling and slight fluctuations.

The four elders with keen sense. Suddenly startled, he got up immediately, and slapped the space fluctuation with his palm.

At first, the palm print was only the size of a palm, but suddenly it grew long against the wind, and finally it was almost ten thousand feet in size, which could kill all transformational spirits.

"Oh? It doesn't feel dull."

Ning Fan made a faint voice, and embraced Gu Shiniang and appeared in the cave space, no longer invisible.

In the face of the huge palm print oncoming, there is not much expression, only the shadow of the black dragon emerges with a single fist, and a punch blows out, the space vibrates violently, and it is about to be shattered!


The fist prints collided with the palm prints, and the palm prints were smashed by Ning Fan with one punch.

The four elders looked startled, and the fists that were intuitionally poured out of the mountains slammed down the whole body. There were black dragon shadows in all directions, and there were countless escapes.

Layers of heavy armor were smashed by fist shadows, and they were all smashed.

The fourth elder felt like he had been hit hard on his chest. Under the severe pain, he was blown away like a kite with a broken string.

It was easy for Haosheng to stabilize his footsteps, and although he was not seriously injured, he was not seriously injured.

The fourth elder showed a shocked expression. He finally saw the face of the visitor and recognized who broke into the cave.

"Zhou, Zhou Ming! My ghost clan and your well water don't violate the river water, why did you sneak into my ghost clan and break into this old man's cave space, do you want to kill the old man? You do this, not afraid of marrying my ghost clan. An endless hatred!"


Ning Fan's eyes flashed with a hint of disdain, he hugged Gu Shiniang, fluttered his wings, appeared in front of the fourth elder at an unimaginable speed, and punched the dragon shadow with another punch.

"I behead you, it's easy, no one knows, how can there be hatred?"


This punch directly slammed into the chest of the fourth elder. The punch was too fast, making him unable to dodge at all. He only turned slightly and was finally punched by Ning Fan on the right shoulder bone.

With just one punch, the fourth elder felt as if he had been smashed on the shoulder by a giant mountain, and the pain was difficult to understand.

The shoulder bones were instantly shattered, and a good arm was directly blasted into blood mist.

The fourth elder was in pain, but his heart was horrified, and he tried desperately to distance himself from Ning Fan.

He couldn't understand, he clearly didn't know Ning Fan, and he didn't have any grudges. Why did Ning Fan suddenly appear in his retreat, and he looked like he was killing him!

When his eyes fell on Gu Shiniang, he was immediately shocked.

"How dare you kidnap the demon concubine of my ghost family, if the ghost ancestor knows, you will be smashed to pieces!"

"Yes, I understand! The reason why you killed me was instigated by this slut! Haha, if you want to kill me, you have to pay the price! Magic pupil technique, cover the sky!"

The fourth elder was not a fool. He instantly guessed that Ning Fan's killing intent towards him came from Gu Shiniang's request.

He knew in his heart that he was by no means an opponent of Ning Fan, and only by taking a desperate blow and hurting Ning Fan would he have a chance to escape from the cave.

As long as he has to escape from the cave, he can call in countless ghost-eye experts to help him, and he can escape a death catastrophe. This desperate blow, he must not hold back at all!

Circles of mana fluctuations scattered from the body of the four elders, turning into a strange sound of demons chanting sutras. His slightly fat body suddenly shriveled, all the flesh and blood disappeared somewhere, and it was almost skin and bones.

And the palm of his single arm suddenly cracked a bloody mouth, and a bloody eyeball grew out of the bloody mouth.

The eyeball shot a black light towards Ning Fan. The black light was the darkness that devoured all the senses. At the moment of shooting, wherever the eyeball could reach, all the sky turned into darkness.

Standing in the dark night, Ning Fan knew that the dark night was actually an illusion that could seal the five senses of a monk. Once the five senses are lost and all attacks cannot be sensed, the cultivator in the fight will undoubtedly fall into danger.

This technique of covering the sky is enough to cover the five senses of any cultivator of the Void. If the fourth elder wants to perform this technique, the price paid is definitely not small, almost draining his blood essence.

Seeing that the technique of covering the sky covered Ning Fan's five senses, and Ning Fan stood still like a wooden sculpture in the sky, the fourth elder knew that this was the best chance to sneak attack on Ning Fan, but he gritted his teeth fiercely, fearing Ning Fan's methods, and did not dare to. He hurriedly approached the sneak attack, only to turn around immediately, intending to escape from the cave space, and then call someone to deal with Ning Fan.

The moment he turned around, Zhou Tian Dark suddenly shattered like glass.

In the shattered darkness, Ning Fan's left eye was lifted away, his right eye was Mo Luo, and there was even a raised eye between his eyebrows.

Open all three eyes, you can pierce through all questions about illusory art, and peep at illusory art in a mere way, what a way!

Easily smashing the sky-covering illusion, Ning Fan fluttered his wings and appeared behind the fourth elder like a ghost.

The Fourth Elder, who was choking with one hand, never imagined that Ning Fan would destroy his proud illusion in an instant.

He only felt a tearing pain from his one arm, and in the next moment, his one arm was torn off by Ning Fan, and crushed with a palm.


The arms of the fourth elder were destroyed, the blood was severely damaged, and the injuries were not minor. Ning Fan was entangled in it, and he felt that Ning Fan was like a maggot in the tarsus, which could not be shaken off.

He wanted to use other means to escape, but Ning Fan didn't give him another chance. He pointed out that in the cave space, Qianshan collapsed, the sky and the black sun collapsed, the void dead bones collapsed, and all the power of collapse turned into a bright light. Jianmang.

With the help of the finger force of the Immortal Emperor's phalanx, a sword was pointed out, and immediately turned into hundreds of millions of sword shadows, and the sword light instantly drowned the four elders.

Collapse the sword finger, the third collapse!

The powerful flesh of the fourth elders, but without the power to resist, was chopped into flesh.

His severely injured Yuanshen avoided the sword light, and his words were extremely fearful.

"What kind of spell is this! Such a powerful formidable power is absolutely no less than a blow! Ah!"

While escaping in a hurry, he was inadvertently stopped by some strange magical power, and then captured by Ning Fan who suddenly appeared behind him.

The little primordial spirit was held in the palm of Ning Fan's hand, the fourth elder trembled all over, and he felt an indifferent killing intent from Ning Fan's eyes.

"No don't kill me"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being. Puppet, now!"

Ning Fan summoned a puppet, sealed the Fourth Elder Yuanshen, made him seriously injured and unconscious, and threw it into the puppet's mouth.

Once they leave the ghost clan, they will make the puppet eat the primordial spirit.

The reason why he didn't kill the Fourth Elder immediately was because he didn't want the Fourth Elder's life card to be shattered at this time, which would alarm the Ghost Eyes.

His work in the Ghost Eye Clan has not been finished yet. The ghost medicine storehouse, Immortal Jade, and the Dark Golden Pagoda of the Ghost Eye Clan are all what he wants to steal.

Gu Shiniang, who was in her arms, couldn't close her mouth in shock.

She was under house arrest all day long and did not know Ning Fan's prestige.

She did beg Ning Fan to kill the Fourth Elder, but neither did she expect Ning Fan to readily agree, nor did she expect that it would be so easy for Ning Fan to kill the cultivator.

"From today onwards, you are my Demon Concubine." Ning Fan's indifferent tone seemed to be an order that could not be refused.

Gu Shiniang's eyes flickered slightly, Ning Fan helped her to avenge her, she was willing to follow Ning Fan.

The ghosts have long chilled her heart.

"Yes, from now on, Shi Niang is the master's devil concubine, and she will never give up."

In the Guimu clan, neither the Lanling King nor the Youguihou knew that a great accident had already happened.

Their negotiation is about to be destroyed by Ning Fan, and the Dark Golden Pagoda will definitely change hands.


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