Grasping Evil

Four hundred and seventieth chapters beautiful woman has an appointment

() The one who shouted the sky-high price of 200 million immortal jade was a gray-clothed monk with a sallow complexion.

Ning Fan's spiritual thoughts swept away, this person has the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, and there is the power of moonlight in the aura of the whole body.

Obviously, this person's practice is related to moonlight.

And the reason why this person is willing to spend the sky-high price to bid for the moon bluegrass is definitely not for the moon bluegrass itself.

As Ning Fan had guessed, this old monster was called the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord, and he was cultivating a kind of magic technique of the Scarlet Moon Demon vein.

The Scarlet Moon Demon Lord had no intention of bidding for the Moon Blue Grass, but the strange stones under the Moon Blue Grass gave him a very special feeling.

He faintly felt that the strange stone contained the inheritance of a strong man's moon power. As long as he swallowed this stone, he could greatly increase the power of moonlight in the demon veins, causing his cultivation base to skyrocket.

How much it can skyrocket depends on how much moonlight power is in the stone.

From the view of Demon Sovereign Scarlet Moon, if this stone is refined and closed for hundreds of years, at least in this lifetime, it is very possible to break through the refining void.

Therefore, for the strange stone under the blue grass this month, the Red Moon Demon Lord is determined to obtain it, and it is impossible to give it to the Mingque Xiaodan Demon.

Seeing that Scarlet Moon Demon Lord purchased Moon Blue Grass at a sky-high price, many old monsters vaguely guessed that the strange stones under Moon Blue Grass are somewhat extraordinary.

There were also several old monsters who wanted to bid with the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord, but when they raised their cards, they were coldly glared at by the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord, and they all gave up the auction angrily.

Half-step refining is the Inner Sea Supreme.

The Red Moon Demon Lord has the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, and is also an invincible master of the same level in the peak of the gods. Under the seven Inner Seas, no one dares to offend this person.

Mo sees the little girl Mingque with more than a dozen servants of the gods, but none of them are at the peak of the gods. In Chiyue's eyes, all these people are rabble. Not worth mentioning at all.

Chiyue's gaze finally swept to Mingque, with a hint of cold threat. The momentum was deterrent, and the shock made Mingque's breath stagnate. As soon as the primordial spirit was injured, his face immediately paled, and a trace of sweet blood spilled out of the corner of his lips.

This coercion and shock is a warning to Mingque not to rob him, otherwise, he does not guarantee whether he will make more extreme revenge.

Although the Lanjiao clan stipulated that they could not kill people and steal treasures at auctions.

But after leaving the Lanjiao Clan, Chiyue had some way of taking revenge on Mingque.

Seeing that Mingque seemed to have offended the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord in order to bid for the bluegrass of the moon, she was injured by Scarlet Moon. The old man surnamed Qu's eyes were startled and angry, but he resisted his anger and immediately said to Ming Que,

"Miss, this old slave knows that you like to eat treasures from heaven and earth. You are willing to bid on this month's bluegrass, which must be very valuable. But if you offend an old monster like the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord for something outside your body, too It’s not worth the sin of people’s hearts, and this Scarlet Moon Demon Lord is not a good generation. If you offend him, there will be endless troubles.”

"Don't worry, Grandpa Qu, I understand."

Mingque pouted, she knew that Grandpa Qu was right. Humans are not as kind as she imagined. It's not that there are no good people. It's just that in the endless sea, there are obviously more bad people.

She saw the preciousness of the Moon Blue Grass, but the Moon Blue Grass was the next best thing. The Moonlight Marble below is the real precious thing. It can also increase her cultivation base a lot.

But for the sake of some moon power inheritance, it is definitely not worth it to have a grudge against the Red Moon Demon Lord.

Besides, she didn't have any extra jade to bid with the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord.

For Mingque, the moon bluegrass and the stone are just a food, and it's just a trivial matter if you can't buy it. However, being shocked by the pressure of the Chiyue Demon King is a great grievance. Mingque never likes to be bullied and swallowed up, but he is no match for Chiyue and cannot fight back.

If she was accompanied by Grandpa Shu or Brother Bing, she would definitely not watch her being bullied.

"Grandpa Shu is still in the grave, and he will definitely not care about me, and where is Brother Bing?"

Ming Que sighed faintly, and there was a hint of girlish melancholy in the sigh. As soon as her mana turned around, the paleness on her face became lighter, and she stabilized her injury a little, but she was still angry.

Ahem, what is the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord, isn't it the pinnacle of spiritual transformation, wait for this lady to take more medicine baby, break through to a higher cultivation level, and then repair you well, abolish your primordial spirit, let you know this. Great lady!

"This month's bluegrass, I don't want it anymore!" Ming Que gently sat back in his seat, the expression of the old man surnamed Qu relaxed, fortunately there was no trouble.

The Scarlet Moon Demon Lord smiled coldly, Ming Que was only an early stage spirit transformation after all, it was only normal for an early stage spirit transformation to be so frightened that he would not dare to bid for elixir with him.

The reason why he hurt Ming Que was not only because he wanted to threaten her, but also because he guessed that Ming Que had seen that the strange stone contained a very strong inheritance of moon power. It hurt her, and it also meant to warn her not to talk too much. If Mingque was talking nonsense, other old ghosts would bid for this thing, and Chiyue would not be able to get this thing.

"This moon bluegrass belongs to me!"

He took a big step and was about to go to the auction platform to pay for the medicine. Suddenly, another bidding sound came from behind, a little cold, the voice of a young man.

"Twenty-one million."

This voice was very clear in the silent auction venue, and it was obvious that someone was bidding against Chiyue for Moon Bluegrass.

Chiyue was startled, stopped her steps, her eyes became gloomy, and she laughed in anger.

He really wanted to know, who is so bold, knowing that his Scarlet Moon Demon Sovereign is determined to win the Moon Blue Grass, yet dares to compete with him for this Moon Blue Grass.

He turned his head coldly, preparing to teach the bidder a lesson, if he dared not sell his face of Chiyue, he would have to pay the price!

But when the other party saw the direction of the bidder, his knees went soft immediately, and he was so terrified that he almost fell to the ground in fright.

The bidder was a young man in white on the fourth floor.

As an old monster who has been in the Endless Sea for countless years, Demon Sovereign Chiyue has heard the reputation of this young man countless times, and it is absolutely impossible for him not to know this person.

"Ming, Venerable Ming!"

Chiyue raised her head and met Ning Fan's icy gaze, with only one gaze, but with a deep sense of evil spirit that could not be erased.

With just one gaze, Demon Sovereign Chiyue was in turmoil, and many illusions appeared in front of him. Every illusion was a scene of blood and blood. In that sea of ​​blood, Ning Fan slashed countless gods and emptiness, fierce and unparalleled!

All the evil spirits are like a sharp sword. It was stabbed on the dantian primordial spirit of the Red Moon Demon Lord.

A piercing pain spread throughout the entire body of the Chiyue Demon Lord, that pain. It was as if the primordial spirit was torn in half!


Chiyue spat out a mouthful of blood and took a few steps back. Just now, he stabilized his body, and his heart became more and more horrified.

He couldn't believe that, with his invincible cultivation level under the Seven Inner Seas, he couldn't stop the fierce look in Ning Fan's eyes!

It seems that if Ning Fan is willing, he can directly use the shocking aura to shred the primordial spirit of Chiyue and make him buried here!

"This moon bluegrass. The deity wants it, Chiyue, do you want to bid with the deity?"

Ning Fan floated out of the fourth floor and landed on the third floor beside Mingque. Indifferent tone.

Chiyue was in a panic, and immediately clasped her fists and bowed, her tone trembling, "If Mingzun wants Moon Bluegrass, how dare a villain bid with Mingzun?"

"Really." A cold light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes. All the momentum was released, and in an instant, the entire Lanjiao clan within 100,000 miles, the situation changed.

All the momentum, like a mountain. Head towards Chiyue as a town.

There was a smashing sound from Chiyue's knees, and with a thud, the knees shattered and fell to the ground. In the dantian, the primordial spirit was about to collapse, and in an instant, the cultivation base was on the verge of falling to the realm of transformation, and blood spattered several feet!

Countless cultivators were all stunned, but Ning Fan almost abolished the Crimson Moon Demon Lord's cultivation with just his fierce aura!

The Demon Lord Chiyue was crawling on the ground, vomiting blood, and looked at Ning Fan in awe, not understanding why Ning Fan attacked him, and why he offended Ning Fan.

He raised his head, facing Ning Fan's healing action for Mingque.

Ning Fan didn't even look at Chiyue, stretched out his hand, held Mingque's little hand, and absorbed the healing power of Black Star, which made all her injuries heal in an instant.

Mingque was stunned, she stared at Ning Fan, rubbed her eyes, she couldn't believe it, the young man in white in front of her was not her brother Bing, how could he appear here? Also, why is Brother Bing's breath so strong, and why do people call Brother Bing the Venerable Ming?

Chiyue was dumbfounded, and finally understood where Ning Fan was offended.

Ning Fan is healing Ming Que, even a fool can see that Ning Fan definitely knows Ming Que, and his relationship with Ming Que is definitely not ordinary. Rumor has it that Ning Fan is showing mercy everywhere, so this little girl, she must be one of Ning Fan's beauties!

"I have spent eight lifetimes of blood mold! If I hurt a little girl, it will be the woman of Venerable Ming! I really want to die!"

Chiyue almost had the urge to curse her mother, how could he be so unlucky! He knew that Ning Fan was cold-blooded and ruthless, killing people like hemp. He hurt Ning Fan's woman, and Ning Fan couldn't let him go.

"Brother Pan, what are you doing?"

Mingque had a lot of questions and wanted to ask Ning Fan, but before she could speak, Ning Fan gently pressed her lips.

"Don't reveal my identity, the current me, alias Zhou Ming."

Although Ning Fan stopped Ming Que's words, Ming Que's words "Brother Cake" undoubtedly confirmed the guesses of countless old monsters.

Sure enough, Ming Que and Ning Fan know each other, and their relationship is not ordinary.

The old monsters looked at the Chiyue Demon Lord with indifference, ridicule, or sympathy.

It's pitiful for this Demon Lord Chiyue to offend anyone, but the woman who offends the big devil Ning, don't look at it, he is dead.

When Ning Fan came forward, only fools would bid on Moon Bluegrass with Ning Fan.

All the cultivators looked like they were watching the show. The Demon Sovereign of Chiyue was almost abolished, but he didn't know if Ning Fan would ignore the Lanjiao clan's 'no murder' order and start killing at the auction.

Su Yan frowned slightly, but she did not expect that Ning Fan would cause trouble at the end of the auction.

Although she saw the whole story, it was Chiyue who hurt people first, but if Ning Fan really wanted to kill Chiyue in the Lanjiao clan, as the Lanjiao clan chief, she could not ignore it.

Su Yan doesn't care about the life and death of the Chiyue Demon Lord, but she has already stated that killings are prohibited in the auction. If Chiyue is killed by Ning Fan in the Lanjiao clan, it will definitely damage the Lanjiao clan's reputation.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, you promised your concubine that you won't kill people in our clan," she reminded softly, with a hint of pleading in her tone. The implication is that as long as Ning Fan doesn't kill the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord, he can be dealt with whatever he wants. of.

"Don't worry, Miss Su, Zhou will believe what she says and won't kill anyone in the Lanjiao clan."

Hearing Ning Fan's assurance, Su Yan felt relieved, and her goodwill towards Ning Fan could not help but increase a little.

"Chiyue, this deity gives you a chance to be her servant from today onwards. For today's affairs, this deity can spare you from dying."

As soon as Ning Fan pointed the bird, the words could not be rejected. In an instant, the whole place was dead silent.

He did not kill anyone, but asked the Red Moon Demon Lord to be Mingque's servant. Since Mingque Xiaodan is so fond of subduing the masters of the gods as servants, he is also willing to send the Red Moon Demon Lord as a servant to Mingque.

The Scarlet Moon Demon Lord is a hero after all, and under normal circumstances, he would not be willing to be a slave to anyone.

But Ning Fan's words made Chiyue have no courage to refuse.

Demon Lord Chiyue was no fool, of course he knew what would happen if he refused Ning Fan's "good intentions".

He smiled wryly, who made him unlucky, hurt Mingque, and served Mingque as a servant, it could be considered retribution.

"The Venerable Ming has an order, and the villain will not dare to obey." He confessed that it was better to be a servant than to die.

Let Mingque plant a ban on him, that is the imperial blood demon ban of the ancient Mingque, which can easily control the life and death of Chiyue.

Mingque looked at Ning Fan, surprised and didn't know what to say.

Since she entered the Endless Sea, she only knew how to find spiritual medicine to eat. She was a standard foodie, indifferent to outside rumors, and had no idea how fierce Ning Fan was.

Her impression of Ning Fan is still in the past. In her memory, Ning Fan seems to be just a spiritual practice.

In those days, Ning Fan, who was a spiritual practitioner, had not seen him for a few decades, but he was so powerful that he could scare his urine into a god with a single sentence. This was really incredible.

Thinking again that Ning Fan came out to punish the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord today, just to help her vent her anger, she suddenly felt some unknown joy in her heart.

Sure enough, Brother Bing treated her the best, not only to help her vent her anger, but also to help her catch a servant who was at the peak of God Transformation.

Ming Que looked at the Red Moon Demon Lord with a smile. From today onwards, she will take care of this new servant.

The Chiyue Demon Lord's vest froze, met Ming Que's gaze, laughed dryly, and complained in his heart. From today onwards, he is afraid of being guilty.

"Let's go, the auction has come to an end, and the next auction will not impress me. You come with me, and tell me why you came to Endless Sea."

Ning Fan glanced at the old man surnamed Qu, and immediately, the old man surnamed Qu lowered his head and saluted respectfully.

This old man surnamed Qu had a very faint aura of the ancient ghost in his demon blood, which could not hide from Ning Fan's perception.

Ning Fan guessed in his heart that Ming Que appeared in the Endless Sea, there may be other reasons, out of concern for Ming Que, these reasons must be asked clearly.


When Ning Fan and the others left, Su Yan thought for a while, and then lightly opened her lips, as if she was entering a secret through sound transmission.

A secret voice was transmitted into Ning Fan's ears, and others didn't know what Su Yan said.

"My concubine has something in her body and mind that I don't understand, and I want to ask the Taoist friend for help. If the Taoist friend has time, three days later, in the middle of the night, by the Suqing Lake, Su Yan is waiting for the Taoist friend to come."


Ning Fan also transmitted the voice, and agreed to Su Yan's invitation.

He knew in his heart that Su Yan invited him, naturally, the purpose had nothing to do with Fengyue. He must have sensed the soul-to-heart connection between the two and wanted to ask.

Anyway, Ning Fan is still going to use the whispering technique to find out the whereabouts of the golem slate. It's okay to meet Su Yan in three days.

The reason why Su Yan was not kidnapped directly was because of Su Yan's identity as a demon concubine, Ning Fan was connected to her soul and soul, and had a trace of tolerance towards her.

The second is because Ning Fan didn't understand the background of the Lanjiao clan. God knows whether the Lanjiao clan has the same immortality as the troll clan.

Taking Su Yan as an entry point, obtaining information, and stealing the golem slate of the Lanjiao clan is the most secure.

"If nothing else, after three days, I will get the fourth slate"



I'm out of town, sorry for the late update

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