Grasping Evil

Chapter 474: The Heaven-defying Little Pill Demon

() The guest building where Ning Fan temporarily lived, there were more than ten servants of the gods, including the old man surnamed Qu and the Chiyue Demon Lord, who were all respectful and respectful outside the building.

In the building, there is a mind-separation formation. Ning Fan and Ming Que sat high in the building and asked the latter about his experience over the years.

This little girl, after Ning Fan left the country of Yue, also slipped out of the grave and went to the endless sea alone.

When she left the country of Yue, she was only a little alchemist at the peak of Jindan, but now, she has become an existence in the early days of transformation.

According to Ming Que's self-report, she never did any cultivation along the way. She just took countless elixir and medicinal pills, and she broke through the spirit transformation stage within a few decades.

This kind of evildoer's cultivation physique makes Ning Fan feel ashamed.

Ming Que is a combination of Taikoo Ming Que and Pill Demon. She was born with a keen sense of heaven and earth treasures. She went all the way to the Endless Sea, collected countless elixir, and took them all.

The identity of the ancient Mingque has given the Mingque King blood at the blood level, and has a cultivation speed that ordinary monsters cannot match.

The identity of the pill demon gives Mingque another special physique. The essence of the pill demon is a pill. As a pill demon, it can absorb the medicinal power of other pills to improve the rank of the pill demon body.

Strictly speaking, today's Ming Que is not actually a real early stage cultivator of God Transformation, but should be counted as a rank five low-grade medicine pill.

The grade of the medicine pill is the cultivation base of the medicine pill. The improvement of cultivation base is actually the continuous promotion of medicinal pills.

When she was in the graveyard, Ming Que was a rank five low-grade pill demon, but at that time, she had not absorbed enough elixir power to fully stimulate the full power of the fifth-rank low-grade pill demon.

As a standard little pill demon, Mingque can absorb the medicinal power and improve his cultivation base no matter what pill he takes. Even if it is a poison pill, as long as the poison doesn't kill her, she can improve her cultivation.

As long as it is an elixir. Mingque will not refuse, regardless of the type, what to eat to make up for it

Others take medicine to heal their wounds. She takes the wound medicine to increase the mana.

Others eat Yi Rong Dan Yi Rong, she can still increase mana by eating Yi Rong Dan.

Someone poisoned her. As long as the poisonous erysipelas does not kill her, it will be absorbed by her and used to increase mana.

any elixir,

All can become a medium for her to improve her cultivation.

Coupled with her ability to search for treasures from heaven and earth, she could always find some precious elixir along the way through barren mountains and ridges, after taking them. Also increases mana.

The enchanting dan demon physique has made her work all over the world in just a few decades, and she has completely adapted to the identity of the fifth-rank dan demon. The mana broke through to the initial stage of God Transformation.

Ning Fan could imagine that as long as this little pill demon ate enough pills, it would be a matter of time before he could break through refining and breaking the void in the future.

Of course, with the improvement of Ming Que's cultivation, ordinary medicinal herbs and elixir cannot improve her cultivation.

She is now at the early stage of divine transformation. Rank five low-grade pill demons, only after taking the elixir of ten thousand years or above can continue to improve their cultivation.

She is not an alchemist, so naturally she can't have a lot of five-turn pills to eat, so she can only settle for the next best thing. Eating the elixir raw.

The reason for selling Ming Luo Guo is because this snack guy has no money to buy the elixir of ten thousand years.

"The Pill Demon physique is really a heaven-defying physique. As long as you have enough Rank 6 and Rank 7 pills, it's only a matter of time before you can break through the Shattered Void."

Ning Fan sighed endlessly. He didn't have any physique. If he hadn't experienced countless dangers and fought for countless opportunities, his cultivation speed would definitely not be as fast as Xiao Mingque.

He didn't ask too many questions about his constitution. What Ning Fan was more concerned about was the purpose of Ming Que's coming to the Endless Sea.

He could be sure that Ming Que didn't come to the Endless Sea to find him, it should have another important purpose.

"Speaking of which, why did you come to Endless Sea? That old man surnamed Qu, who is he!"

Ning Fan had to figure out the identity of the old man surnamed Qu. If he was harmful to Mingque, he would naturally have to get rid of it.

"Grandpa Qu is the high priest of the 'Sikong Demon Island' in the Inland Sea, and because I can eat it, I was appointed by Grandpa Qu as the 'Tiantian Island Lord' of the Sikong Demon Island. Repair. They are all planted with demons, and they must obey my orders, or I will repair them."

Ming Que raised a small pink fist while eating a 10,000-year-old Ziyang ginseng, and looked at Ning Fan with a smile.

Ning Fan captured Demon Lord Chiyue as her servant, and she was very happy that someone could train her again.

Back then, the simple and paper-like little alchemy demon was infected with the habit of demon cultivation in the endless sea, and it was faintly black.

"The High Priest of Sikong Demon Island"

Ning Fan shook his head and was speechless. He didn't think the old man named Qu appointed Ming Que as the owner of an island because Ming Que could eat it.

With a snap of the storage bag, he took out an ancient book, the name of which was "Hai Guozhi", which was stolen from the Guimu tribe.

The Ghost Eyes were the overlords of the Endless Sea before the Thunder Emperor, and naturally they had information and knowledge of all the islands in the Endless Sea.

In "Hai Guo Zhi", a total of information about the 103,000 islands in the endless sea is recorded, and the 103,000 islands are divided into six island levels.

According to the book, the monks on Sikong Yaodao are all demon cultivators. There is an ancient giant statue enshrined on the island. It is said to be the former owner of Sikong Yaodao and a powerful monk from the real spirit of the demon tribe.

That powerful demon cultivator, named 'Si Cang', is said to be a princess of a certain generation of the Taikoo Mingque clan, with terrifying demon blood of the ancestral blood level.

All the demon cultivators on Sikong Yaodao could be regarded as the descendants of Si Cang's demon slaves, waiting for the return of the princess.

There has always been only a high priest on the island, and no island owner, because only the princess can be the island owner.

After reading this information, Ning Fan's eyebrows sank. Sure enough, Xiao Mingque stupidly became the island owner of Sikong Demon Island. There is another mystery in it.

There is no island owner on Sikong Yaodao, and there is only one explanation for Mingque to become the island owner of Yaodao.

The old man surnamed Qu took Ming Que as the princess Sicang!

"You know Si Cang!"

Ning Fan put away "Hai Guozhi" and asked lightly, these plain words fell in Ming Que's ears, but immediately made her face stunned, stopped eating the elixir of ten thousand years, and said in surprise.

"Brother Bing, how do you know this name? It's strange. Grandpa Qu said that my name was Si Cang in my previous life, but this is a secret. Don't talk nonsense."

"Past life?"

Ning Fan looked at Ming Que in astonishment. Does this little alchemist have a past or present story?

He suddenly remembered the gigantic remains of the ghost bird in the grave. It was just after absorbing the power of the bones, the little alchemist possessed the Mingque bloodline of the king's blood level.

perhaps. The remains of the Mingque were left by Si Cang.

From this perspective, after death, Si Cang put his strength into the pill to form a pill demon, so this little pill demon can also be regarded as the reincarnation of Si Cang.

these secrets. Xiao Mingque has known for a long time. If it wasn't for Ning Fan to ask, she would not take the initiative to explain it.

"You didn't mention Sicang's secrets before, because you couldn't trust me, so you didn't tell me these secrets?" Ning Fan looked at Mingque with a playful look. asked.

"No, no! Of course not! Brother Bing is the most important person in Mingque, how can Mingque not trust him! Grandpa Qu said that the fewer people know this secret, the better. If you tell him, it will put him in danger. So I I don't dare to say it, I'm afraid it will hurt my brother, but my brother can rest assured, Grandpa Qu is my demon slave and won't hurt me, he is a reliable person."

Mingque stuck out his tongue mischievously. Looking at Ning Fan flatteringly, he hurriedly explained, for fear that Ning Fan would be angry.

Ning Fan nodded, indicating that Mingque should not be nervous. Although he didn't know the status of the 'Princess' Sicang in the Taikoo Mingque clan, he also agreed with the old man surnamed Qu's actions to keep secrets. It is true that the less people know about such secrets, the better.

Whether the old man surnamed Qu had any bad intentions towards Ming Que, Ning Fan would naturally find out when he went to Sikong Island in the future.

Ning Fan is also willing to believe that the monks on Sikong Yaodao are just a group of demon slaves waiting for their master to return. They are the loyal servants of Mingque, and they have no second thoughts. This is the best.

But if the people from Sikong Island have ulterior motives towards Ming Que, Ning Fan doesn't mind making Sikong Island pay the price in blood.

Knowing the cause and effect of Ming Que's coming to the Endless Sea, Ning Fan was silent for a while, sorting out his thoughts, and thinking to himself, now that he encounters Ming Que by chance, he will take Ming Que by his side in the future and take care of her, so that this little girl will not be caught by others. Harmful.

Xiao Mingque was chewing on a 60,000-year-old bluegrass, the one that Ning Fan had just bought.

Although this month's bluegrass has a high age, it can only refine the medicinal pills in the realm of the gods. It is useless to Ning Fan, so he will let Mingque eat it.

What Ning Fan cared about was the moonlight marble that accompanied the moon bluegrass. The palm-sized stone shone with a breathtaking luster.

This is not an ordinary stone, it seals the life-long inheritance of a strong man's moon power, and the energy is no trivial matter.

This time, if Ming Que hadn't recognized the extraordinary stone and bid 100 million for the Moon Blue Grass, Ning Fan might not have noticed the mystery of this stone, and would have missed this good thing.

With his eyesight, he can probably estimate that the sum of the power of moonlight inherited in this stone is equivalent to the entire mana of an old monster rushing through the void!

If a cultivator who has practiced moonlight-type exercises absorbs the moon energy in the stone and refines it into his own mana, he can completely obtain the mana of the rushing level!

If it were Ming Que's little Pill Demon that devoured this stone, although she did not practice the Moonlight Technique, she could absorb nearly 1% of the Moon's power due to the metamorphosis of the Pill Demon's physique, which was enough for her to break through the middle stage of God Transformation.

If it was an ordinary monk like Ning Fan, he would not be able to get any benefit from the stone.

After recognizing the purpose of this stone, Ning Fan has almost confirmed the purpose of the stone.

It would be a waste to let Ming Que eat this stone, but if it was eaten by Yue Lingkong, the effect would be extremely significant.

Ning Fan activated the black fire, calcined the stone, extracted the moon energy one by one, and finally extracted a moonlight gem the size of a fingernail from the stone.

The power contained in this small piece of moonlight gem is equivalent to the sum of the mana of an old monster!

Take Yue Lingkong of Asking Void Pill, and breaking through Void is just around the corner. If you take this Moonlight Gem later, I wonder if there is a chance to break through Void!

Participating in the auction this time, being able to get such a moonlight gem is really an unexpected gain.

Mingque looked at the crystal clear moonlight gem, swallowed her saliva, and really wanted to eat this gem in one bite.

Ning Fan looked at her naive appearance, lightly flicked her forehead, and said indulgently, "This is for you, it is only equivalent to the medicinal power of dozens of rank five pills, some are overkill, I have something else for this. Use. You can eat these pills for now, and you can break through the middle stage of God Transformation. As compensation for me taking this moonlight gem."

With a tap of the storage bag, he took out several bottles of Wuzhuan elixir and handed them to Mingque.

Even through the jade bottle. Ming Que could still smell the fragrance of the medicinal herbs sealed in the bottle, and immediately showed a cute expression of gluttony.

"Wow, so many Dan cakes! Are they all for me?" Happiness came too suddenly. Ming Que couldn't believe it.

"Well, these Dandan cakes are all for you. In the future, follow me and stop running around. I will give you pills from time to time, okay?" Ning Fan played with the pill bottle and seduced the little pill demon.

"Okay! I'll follow Brother Bing, and I won't run around again! But my brother is wrong. This is not Dandan Cake, it should be Dan Cake."

Ning Fan didn't care what kind of cake it was, whether it was black or white, he was able to appease the little pill demon and keep her from running around. It's a good cake!

It was getting late, he patted Ming Que's little head, ready to leave and let her rest earlier.

It's just that he hadn't walked out of the door when he was suddenly stopped by Ming Que.

"Brother Pancake. There's a bad pancake in here"

"Bad pie?"

Ning Fan could guess that the bad cake that Ming Que was referring to was a broken medicine pill.

Following Ming Que's finger, a slightly burnt medicinal pill was quietly placed in one of the jade bottles. Little Mingque can smell the variety and quality of the medicinal herbs inside without opening the seal of the jade bottle. The sense of smell is really insane.

The scorched elixir was the Liancheng elixir that Mo Xiu failed to refine in the third round of the elixir that day.

This time, I took out the medicinal pill for Ming Que to eat, and accidentally confused the pill bottle of the waste pill, and took out the Liancheng pill by mistake.

"This is a waste pill, you can't eat it. The main medicine of Liancheng Pill is quite rare, and its efficacy is even more mysterious. It can increase the strength of an alchemist's medicine soul. It's a pity that Mo Xiu made it into a waste pill, otherwise if I take this pill , it will be of great benefit to breaking through the six-turn alchemy technique."

Ning Fan stretched out his hand to retrieve the pill bottle, but Mingque's soft and smooth little hand held down his big hand.

Mingque's bright big eyes flickered with a mysterious smile.

"Does my brother really want to eat this cake? I have a way to turn this bad cake into a good one."

"It became a good cake? Seriously?" Ning Fan can speculate that the so-called good cakes mostly refer to intact medicinal pills.

What Mingque meant was that she had a way to turn a waste pill into a perfect pill?

As long as it is an alchemist, there will always be a time when he misses and refines waste pills. Refined and discarded medicinal pills are more toxic than medicinal properties and are worthless.

It is rumored that in ancient times, some pill demons had the magical ability to purify waste pills, which could purify waste pills into perfect pills.

But pill demons are rare, and it is said that there may not be one out of a million people who can purify waste pills.

If Xiao Mingque can really purify the waste elixir into a perfect elixir, it will be really against the sky.

"of course it's true!"

Ming Que puffed out a small face and was very dissatisfied with Ning Fan's questioning.

She unsealed the elixir bottle, took out the burnt waste elixir, and placed it in her tender palm.

He raised his little hand, and above his palm, wisps of clear silver starlight immediately rose.

The starlight raises a mysterious vortex, drawing out the poison and flaws in the waste pill.

Under the starlight, the scorched color on the waste pill gradually disappeared, replaced by a round luster.

After a stick of incense, the scorched elixir turned into an intact Liancheng elixir!

"Here!" Xiao Mingque handed Liancheng Pill to Ning Fan with an expression of waiting for praise.

Ning Fan looked at the Liancheng Pill and sighed.

This Liancheng Pill was purified from waste pills, and its medicinal power was naturally inferior to that of the perfectly refined Liancheng Pill, which was only about 70% of its original medicinal power.

That's the case, this magical power to purify the waste pill can be regarded as an eye-opener for Ning Fan. He has only heard of this magical power in ancient books, and this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

In my heart, I feel more and more that the physique of Xiaodan Demon is a bit against the sky.

The ancient Mingque bloodline of the king blood level, if there is a chance, may even break through the ancestor blood level and become the ancestor of the Mingque family.

The physique of the pill demon who eats what to make up is not only powerful, but also invincible at the same level, but also has the magical power to purify waste pills.

This snack food is really outrageous.

If this foodie grows up, the future is limitless

"Praise me!" Seeing that Ning Fan didn't praise her, Xiao Mingque puffed up her face, expressing her dissatisfaction.


Ning Fan patted Mingque's little head, and Xiao Mingque showed a sweet smile with a very useful expression.

She had decided that she would follow Ning Fan and not leave.

The news that Ning Fan was about to break through the six-turn alchemy technique did not conceal Mingque.

Thinking that Ning Fan was about to become a 'sixth rank baker', Xiao Mingque showed a greedy expression and couldn't stop swallowing.

If you can eat the pill cakes made by Ning Fan every day, it must be the happiest thing in Xiao Mingque's life.


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