Grasping Evil

Chapter 588 Jishui City Tower, 6 colors are in the sky

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In Muye Country, the bamboo sea is continuous, Ning Fan turned into a rainbow, flying above the bamboo sea. [;Starting]

He had already noticed that as soon as he entered the border of Muye, there were monks following him.

Although those cultivators concealed their stature, they couldn't hide from Ning Fan's spiritual thoughts at all.

These people are all monks of the Baili family!

There were three people who came, and among the three, there were two Jing Xu and one Wen Xu!

The cultivation base of these three people may not be high, but each of them has a strong evil spirit, and they all have the same level of invincible strength!

These three people are killers carefully cultivated by the Baili family!

After Ning Fan entered Muye Country for a million miles, he immediately stopped the escape light, stepped into the air and stood above the Bamboo Sea.

He turned around, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said to a few clouds behind him, "Why are you following behind Lu Mou!"

Ning Fan finished speaking, but Liu Yun didn't move at all behind him. It seemed that the three hidden killers had no intention of revealing their deeds.

Ning Fan stopped talking, took a step forward, and Ju Li stepped on the sky!

After taking this step, the sky within 500,000 miles was suddenly shaken, and after the cloud, immediately fell out of the shape of three big men.

The three of them were all wearing blood-colored battle armor, each riding an illusory blood tiger under their crotch.

The blood tiger is the unique mount of the Baili clan, and it can change the blood tiger mount with magic, which can greatly improve the speed of the clan's flight.

"I was found, kill him!"

The three were seen by Ning Fan, but they were not surprised at all, and their expressions were always extremely indifferent.

The two phantom killers urged the blood tiger under their crotch, each holding a blood flag, and suddenly shook it, and the sky immediately filled with a bloody light that was extremely fishy.

After releasing the bleed light, the vitality of the two phantom killers quickly disappeared, and their faces grew old rapidly.

Wen Xu killer jumped off the blood tiger and jumped into the blood light. With ten fingers clasped, he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood essence, and then sucked the blood from the sky.

Unlike the two voyeur killers.

The aura of the emptiness killer who swallowed the blood light suddenly rose, and the invincible aura of the emptiness reached the emptiness level at this moment!


Wen Xu killer snorted coldly and took a step forward, and suddenly four blood shadow clones of Wen Xu cultivation base were separated from the whole body, each holding a magic weapon, and at the same time rushing towards Ning Fan!

Ning Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, the magical power of this Assassin Killer is not weak, with this secret technique to improve his cultivation, plus four Ashen avatars. Even ordinary Chong Xu is not its opponent!

Unfortunately. This question illusory killer is still not Ning Fan's opponent!

Ning Fan raised his foot. Immediately, a sea of ​​void emerges under your feet!

He raised his finger a little, and a million small void swords swept the sky, killing all the four blood shadow clones of the ghost killer in one stroke!

Ask Xu killer's eyes were startled, and he found out. The eyes of the assassination this time, the cultivation base does not match the eyes of the intelligence!

According to the information, Ning Fan is just a questioning cultivator!

And the Ning Fan in front of him, with his feet on the sea of ​​emptiness, is very imposing, and he is clearly an old monster of emptiness!

He wanted to escape, but it was too late. The million small void swords fell, and he screamed. Life and death in the void sword rain.

And the other two Void Killers, who had grown old in appearance, also fell under the Small Void Sword...

With Ning Fan's current cultivation base, he can instantly kill and rush into the void by raising his hand!

The blood and sword shadows scattered all over the sky, and the sky gradually became silent.

Ning Fan looked at the empty sky and frowned slightly.

He strikes with great measure. When he cast the small void sword, he avoided the key points of the dantian of the three killers, intending to leave the three souls, the demon soul, to search for the soul and destroy the memory.

However, after the fall of the three killers, there is no primordial spirit, no demon soul, or even a storage bag, which is really weird...

"Is it because I shot too hard and accidentally killed the primordial spirits of these three people under the sword rain..."

Ning Fan pondered for a moment, then turned around to leave, but at this moment, the place where the three killers fell, suddenly gave birth to three floating blood lights.

Three blood lights condensed into one, turned into a bloody battle post...

Ning Fan bent his palm and took the battle post into his hand.

There is only one big character in blood and ink in the battle post...'Death'!

This is the second battle post from Patriarch Baili to Ning Fan!

Ning Fan's eyes showed a look of thought. This jade slip was made of three blood lights, and the three blood lights were planted in the bodies of the three killers. Only when all three of them fell, the blood lights would condense into the second battle post. ...

Could it be that Patriarch Baili knew that Ning Fan had the strength to kill three killers?

So Patriarch Baili planted three rays of blood in the bodies of the three killers and left the second post?

But there are places where it doesn't make sense.

Since the Baili Clan sent three killers to assassinate Ning Fan, they naturally had the will to kill Ning Fan.

If Patriarch Baili had known that Ning Fan would not be killed by the three killers, why would he have sent three people to die. The wise move is to send more powerful cultivators to kill Ning Fan, instead of leaving a second battle post unnecessarily...

What's the point of this second post? Could it be that he told Ning Fan once again that my Baili clan is going to kill you, so wash your neck and wait until you die?

As the head of a clan, would Baili clan head do such a brainless thing?

Patriarch Baili's actions are very unreasonable...

Ning Fan put away the second battle post and narrowed his eyes slightly. This Baili family has weird...

The Baili clan did not seem to have a simple killing intent towards him, but had other plans...

Patriarch Baili sent out unreasonable battle posts twice, as if he wanted to deliberately arouse Ning Fan's suspicion... Not so much to threaten Ning Fan, but to imply something...

"Interesting, I want to see what the Baili clan is planning to do with me!"

The corner of Ning Fan's mouth twitched, not at all afraid of the Baili family.

Armed with the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation puppet, with Luo You and Teng Xianrou to help each other, and even using the Xia Emperor Sword... In the tree world, except for the three tree emperors, Ning Fan is not afraid of any monks!


Ning Fan's figure flickered and turned into a rainbow, escaping towards the capital of Muye Kingdom.

The Muye Country is several times the size of the ordinary imaginary-level Xiuguo.

Among them, there are a total of 23 tree clans with Lianxu in charge. And there are 7 tree clans with Taixu sitting in town.

The Baili clan is the strongest tree clan in Muye Kingdom. Of course, the more powerful force than the Baili clan is the Bamboo Palace!

In the bamboo hall. In addition to the Bamboo Emperor, there are also the Eight Old Bamboo Forests. The Eight Old Ones are all the old monsters of Shattering the Void, and the old monster Fusang is one of the Eight Old Ones!

The main hall of the Bamboo Palace is located in Jishui Castle in Muye Country!

Ning Fan flew all the way, crossed countless repaired cities, and finally stopped the light outside Jishui City.

This is a rare water city in the world of trees. There are blue waters in a radius of millions of miles. It is called Jishui!

There are countless giant Xiangfei Bamboos towering to the sky in the waters. According to legend, this Jishui is the place where the ancestors of Bamboos sat. And these Xiangfei bamboos that grow in the water. They are all transformed by the soul of Zhuzu.

over water. There is a floating city in the sky surrounded by blue air, it is Jishui City!

At this moment, the Emperor Bamboo had already issued an edict in the entire tree world, calling for alchemists from all over the world to come to Muye Kingdom to treat the ancestral bamboo tree.

Above the sky can be seen at any time the light of escape flying towards Jishui City. Most of them are well-known alchemy masters in the tree world, who came to respond to the edict to treat the ancestral bamboo.

Most of these alchemists belong to the East Sea of ​​Trees, and of course there are also alchemists from the three seas of trees in the north, west, and south.

During the recent period of time, the inspection of Jishui City has been extremely strict. Except for alchemists above rank five who have the qualification to directly enter Jishui City, even Taixu cultivators have to undergo strict inspection before they can be released into Jishui City.

Ning Fan pondered secretly in his heart, so Dongshuhai recruited alchemists from all over the world to enter, and many other cultivators from the sea of ​​​​trees entered Dongshuhai.

I don't know if Emperor Fuji's men have followed the crowd. Chased into the East Sea of ​​Trees and came to assassinate him.

Maybe even, Emperor Teng's men had already sneaked into Jishui City, waiting to kill him.

So, this trip to Jishui. A little more caution is required.

Ning Fan stepped into the light and flew towards the city in the sky.

Fang Yi flew outside the city gate, and immediately a team of guards in bamboo armor blocked the way.

"Stop here! Except for alchemists above rank five, who can directly enter the city, any monks who enter the city must be inspected by my bamboo hall to verify their identity!"

This team of armored guards has the lowest level of cultivation, and the leader is an old monster.

This person's eyes are extremely arrogant, and his status is not low in the Bamboo Palace. He is a descendant of the third elder of the Bamboo Palace.

He was sitting high above Jishui City Tower, and he didn't even want to go down to the city to receive Ning Fan himself, so arrogant!

Although he felt Ning Fan's hidden aura, he didn't mean to be accommodating, and he didn't mean to let Ning Fan enter the city directly.

This time the Bamboo Emperor recruited the world's alchemists, and many Taixu old monsters went to Jishui City to join in the fun, and Taixu old monsters came to Jishui every day.

The more advanced the old monsters are, the more strictly they must examine their identities, so as to prevent these people from sneaking into Jishui City to cause trouble... This is what the third elder of the Bamboo Palace meant!

"Your cultivation base is not weak, but as long as you are not an alchemist, you must accept the identity verification of the old man and others!" Commander Taixu said indifferently.

"Lu Mou is an alchemist, and he came to Ji Shui this time to treat Zuzhu." Ning Fan replied indifferently.

"Oh? Your Excellency is an alchemist? So, let's test the level of alchemy on this soul tablet. If your alchemy reaches rank five, you can directly enter Jishui City, and the old man will not stop it."

Commander Taixu heard that Ning Fan was an alchemist, standing on top of the city tower, pointing downwards to a huge six-color ancient monument outside the city gate.

This six-color ancient tablet can measure one to six turns of alchemy, and it can measure up to six turns of intermediate alchemy.

Ning Fan didn't say much, he slowly approached the ancient six-colored monument, pressed his palm on the ancient monument, and immediately felt a mysterious feeling of medicine soul melting into the monument.

Entering Jishui City this time, he is not going to hide the alchemy of a rank six superior.

Although he is a Taixu cultivator, in the eyes of Zhu Huang and other shattered emptiness old monsters, Taixu cultivator is still just an ant.

But if the Void Shattering Old Monster in the Bamboo Palace learns that his alchemy technique has reached rank six, and he is still a senior of rank six, no one would dare to underestimate him!

A rank six lower level alchemist has the status of making a broken void cultivator meet!

And if it was a rank six advanced alchemist, even Bamboo Emperor would not dare to underestimate it!

When he was in the Siluo Bamboo Sea that day, the reason why the Emperor Bamboo was polite to Ning Fan was because he could vaguely see that Ning Fan was carrying the six-turn alchemy technique.

However, in the eyes of the Emperor Zhu, Ning Fan Ding Potian was only a rank six low-level alchemist, so although he was polite to Ning Fan, his words were still very indifferent...

Even the promise to Ning Fan's tree ancestor fruit was used in a casual tone.

"Although there are not enough Tree Ancestor Fruits in the Bamboo Palace for me to break through the First Grade Rain Intent, the more Tree Ancestral Fruits I can get, the less distance I will be from the First Grade Rain Intent... I want to get more from the Bamboo Emperor. The tree ancestor fruit, the first thing to do is to get enough attention from the Bamboo Emperor!"

"If the Emperor Bamboo knew that my alchemy skills had reached Rank 6, he would no longer underestimate me! If I asked the Emperor Bamboo for more tree ancestral fruit, the Emperor Bamboo would probably not refuse!"


Ning Fan's body suddenly flew with a powerful spirit of medicine!

In the sky outside Jishui City, countless black butterflies suddenly appeared!

Many alchemists who had just arrived outside Jishui City were shocked when they saw the black butterflies coiling around Ning Fan.

The previously arrogant Commander Taixu also showed a shocked expression when he saw the black butterflies in the sky.

"This black butterfly is transformed by the power of the soul of medicine... Could this person be a rank six alchemist!"

As if to confirm everyone's guess, on the six-color ancient monument, layers of colors lit up one after another.

One color, two colors, three colors. Four colors. multicolored. Six colors!

When six colors light up, it means that the visitor is a rank six alchemist!

"The old man's tone was not good before, please forgive me, Master! Master is a sixth-rank alchemist, and he can directly enter Jishui City..."

Commander Taixu immediately walked down the tower. No more arrogance, he clenched his fists in the direction of Ning Fan, showing a rare polite expression.

He can be too arrogant to his peers, but he dare not be arrogant to a rank six alchemist!

Every rank six alchemist is enough to be a guest of the Void Shattering Old Monster!

He was about to personally lead the way and lead Ning Fan into the city to rest when suddenly, the six-color ancient monument suddenly changed!

But I saw that the sixth color on the ancient monument was getting brighter and brighter, and it came to the end. The entire ancient monument is like a six-color rainbow, emitting a dazzling light that soars into the sky.

This kind of vision will only appear when the sixth-rank intermediate alchemist tests the alchemy technique!

"What, this master is not only a rank six alchemist, but also an intermediate rank six alchemist!"

Commander Taixu's gaze was even more shocking.

Among the four seas of trees. There are 15 rank-6 alchemists in total, of which 7 are rank-6 low-level alchemy, 5 are middle-rank rank-6 alchemy, and 3 are high-rank rank-6 alchemy...

This Taixu commander secretly guessed that Ning Fan was one of the five rank six intermediate alchemists in the tree world?

He had not seen all rank six alchemists, and he did not know which one of the five Ning Fan was.

While he was thinking about it, the six-color ancient monument was regenerated and changed!

However, on the ancient monument, huge cracks suddenly appeared one after another, and at the end, the entire ancient monument suddenly exploded and shattered into countless rubble!

The six-color ancient monument is broken!

And over the entire Jishui City, six colorful clouds suddenly appeared, and all the monks in the city saw the colorful clouds!

There is only one explanation for this... Ning Fan's alchemy technique exceeds the highest limit that the ancient tablet can test!

"This master turned out to be a rank six senior alchemist!"

There are only three alchemists of this level in the tree world!

An alchemist of this level, even the Bamboo Emperor would not dare to neglect!

Outside the Jishui City Gate, all the monks who witnessed the shattering of the ancient monument showed shocked expressions.

Everyone looked at Ning Fan with deep awe, as if in awe of an old Void Shattering Monster!

"Now, Lu Mou may enter Jishui City?"

Ning Fan gave Commander Taixu a meaningful look, Commander Taixu burst into a smile and said politely, "Master's alchemy skills are excellent, he can naturally enter and leave Jishui City at will... It's just the old man who dared to ask, I don't know what Master's surname is. Who is the name, which one of the three rank six high-rank alchemists in the tree world?"

Ning Fan always used the surname Lu, and this was the only place where Commander Taixu was puzzled.

Among the rank six low-rank and middle-rank alchemists in the tree world, there are people with the surname Lu, who are a pair of brothers.

But among the three rank six high-rank alchemists, there is no one with the surname Lu...

"I'm from the Mingluo family, and my name is Lu Bei."

After Ning Fan finished speaking, he walked straight into Jishui City, leaving behind the monks who were full of astonishment outside the city.

"Lu Bei... and also from the declining Ming Luo clan... This master is not any one of the three rank six high-grade alchemists! He is the fourth alchemist in the tree world with a high-rank rank six alchemy technique. division!"

"The name of this master sounds familiar... Lu Bei, Lu Bei, wait, the old man remembers it! The name and appearance of this person are clearly the demon cultivator that Emperor Teng chased and killed! I came from Beishuhai , I have seen this person's arrest warrant with my own eyes!"

"What! This master turned out to be the demon cultivator who was hunted down by Emperor Teng?!"

Ning Fan ignored everyone's discussion and walked into Jishui City alone.

The moment he stepped into Jishui City, he immediately felt countless obscure spiritual thoughts swept across the city. Obviously, the fluctuations in his alchemy test shocked many old monsters in the city.

Above the sky, an agarwood chariot approached from far and near. It was pulled by two blue divine oxen. Twelve boys stood in the chariot, and an old man with blue eyes sat in the center.

The old man's aura was very restrained, and he vaguely had the aura of Shattering the Void.

The chariot landed in front of Ning Fan, and the old man smiled and got out of the car, clasping his fists politely to Ning Fan,

"This old man is the third elder of the Bamboo Palace. On the order of the Bamboo Emperor, I have come here to welcome fellow Daoists and go to the Bamboo Palace to meet the Bamboo Emperor!"

This time, Emperor Zhu had seen Ning Fan's alchemy technique, and his attitude was not as indifferent as before.

The Bamboo Emperor even sent three elders with broken emptiness to personally welcome Ning Fan into the Bamboo Palace!

His respect for Ning Fan was evident!

This is the status of a rank six high-rank alchemist, and even the Emperor Bamboo should be treated as a guest!

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