Grasping Evil

Chapter 589 The third battle post...

() Ning Fan sat on the Chenxiang carriage, chatting with the third elder all the way.

The three elders are dignified and broken, and on weekdays, they will not surrender their status and laugh with the cultivators.

But Ning Fan was a rank six senior alchemist, so he naturally wouldn't take it lightly, and his words were very polite.

Chen Xiangran walked all the way to Jishui Palace under the attention of the monks all over the city.

On this day, all the monks in the city learned about Ning Fan's high-profile entry into the city.

People with a heart were shocked when they recognized that Ning Fan was wanted by Emperor Teng.

No one could have imagined that Ning Fan, who was wanted by the Emperor Teng, ran to the East Sea of ​​Trees and came to the Bamboo Palace in a grand manner.

No one could have imagined that Ning Fan, who was wanted by Emperor Teng, was actually a rank six senior alchemist!

Some Chongxu and Taixu old monsters from the West and North Sea of ​​Trees secretly recognized Ning Fan's identity and wanted to kill Ning Fan to receive the reward from Emperor Teng.

But as soon as he knew Ning Fan's identity as a rank six senior alchemist, he could see that Ning Fan was exuding an air of emptiness, and no one dared to act on the bright side.

Some cultivators from the Hancang Country of the East Tree Sea recognized that Ning Fan was a super strong man who alone destroyed the Hancang four clans.

So the story of Ning Fan's single-handed extermination of the Cedar Clan also spread in Jishui City. Many rumors speculate that Ning Fan's real strength is comparable to Guiyuan Taixu

Those old monsters who wanted to kill and assassinate Ning Fan to receive the reward, when they heard that Ning Fan's strength was so terrifying, they all dismissed their plans to assassinate Ning Fan.

The red reward set by Emperor Teng is tempting, but his life is even more precious. There is no need to offend a strong man whose alchemy skills are the highest in the tree world and whose combat power is comparable to that of Guiyuan.

In the Jishui Palace, Emperor Bamboo changed his indifferent expression from the day before, showing a rare smile, and hosted a banquet to entertain Ning Fan.

At this banquet, except for the old fusang demon who was not in Jishui City, all the seven elders from the bamboo hall were present at the banquet.

If Ning Fan was only a rank six low-rank alchemist, the Bamboo Emperor would value him, but he wouldn't be so.

But Ning Fan's alchemy technique reached rank six, which was enough to top the tree world, and even the Bamboo Emperor did not dare to underestimate him.

Among the seven Shattered Void Elders in the Bamboo Palace.

The four of them all expressed their intention to make friends with Ning Fan, but only the three Elder Shattered Void looked bad.

The sixth elder is an old-fashioned Xuanmen cultivator, who cultivates the way of the tree god. He rarely fights in his life, and he doesn't like murderous demons, so he doesn't like Ning Fan.

The fourth elder is a cultivator of the broken void and the first layer of heaven, and has a lot of origins with the Baili clan. At present, the eight Broken Void Elders in the Bamboo Palace all hold three places, and they can recommend Void Refinement cultivators to participate in the election of the Eighth Elder’s successor. Among the three recommended by the four elders, one of them is Patriarch Baili

The fourth elder looked at Ning Fan's gaze. There is a faint three-point hostility.

It's just because of Ning Fan's status as a rank six senior alchemist. It didn't make Ning Fan embarrassed on the spot. Naturally, it was impossible to get along with Ning Fan.

The Great Elder is a cultivator of the third level of Shattering the Void, and he also has bad eyes on Ning Fan.

When he was young, he had received some favors from the ancient patriarch of the Stone Tree Clan.

The Shishu Clan was originally one of the Twelve Han Cang Clan, but was destroyed by Ning Fan, so the Great Elder looked bad at Ning Fan.

The feast is over. The Bamboo Emperor summoned Ning Fan and promised again that if Ning Fan could cure Zu Zhu, he would definitely give Ning Fan enough Tree Ancestor Fruit to break through the second-grade rain.

When Ning Fan left the palace hall, it was already the third watch and the night was dark.

In Jishui City, except for Ning Fan, no other rank six senior alchemists came.

The Bamboo Emperor decided to wait another month. After bringing other alchemy masters to come, let everyone treat Zu Zhu together.

Ning Fan pondered in his heart, it seemed that he could only stay in Jishui City for a month. After a month, cure the disease for Zuzhu and get the reward of the tree ancestor fruit. He can leave the East Sea of ​​Trees

But after that, where to go?

Do you want to follow the rain emperor's order and go to the Huoshu clan in the West Tree Sea?

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, he had completely offended the Emperor Teng, and it was very dangerous to go to the West Tree Sea now.

Perhaps the Zhurong Spring Water of the Huoshu Clan is a big opportunity, but this opportunity is located in a dangerous place, it is better not to.

Do you want to go to the South Sea of ​​Trees and meet the Snow Willow Demon Emperor?

After Ning Fan pondered, he still shook his head. He and Liu Haoyue were just friends by chance, and it was not necessary to go to the South Sea of ​​Trees.

So, should we stay in the tree world for a while, or will we return directly to the rain world after obtaining the tree ancestor fruit?

Ning Fan sighed softly. He had just entered Jishui City, but he was hostile to the three bamboo halls, and Dongshuhai was not a place to stay for a long time.

"Whether staying in the tree world or returning to the rain world, the most urgent task is to find a method for the first grade of rain intent. I don't know my rain intent, when will I be able to break through the first grade."

Ning Fan was walking alone in the darkness of the long street. I don't know when it started, and there was no cultivator beside him.

He suddenly stopped his footsteps, his eyes sank, and he flicked his sleeves violently. A gust of wind blew in all directions, and the long street in front of him turned into phantoms and shattered!

"This is the cave space!" Ning Fan frowned.

The moment before, he was still walking on the Great Street of Jishui City, and the moment after, he had been taken into this cave space.

There is no doubt that someone in Jishui City is plotting against him, even knowing that his alchemy skills are the best in the tree world, they still dare to plot against him!

In the cave space, blood suddenly appeared, and the figures of two tiger-riding elders emerged, both of them being Taixu cultivators.

The eyes of the two old men looking at Ning Fan were hollow, but they contained a fierce murderous intent!

They are killers sent by the Baili clan! He intends to assassinate Ning Fan on his way out of Jishui Palace!

Behind the two old men, there were also seven assassins who asked Xu and Chong Xu, all riding on blood tigers with gloomy eyes.

The seven Assassin and Chongxu killers all took out the blood banner, shook it violently, and immediately the blood glowed in the air.

Just like the assassination of the Baili Clan that day, all the seven killers lost their vitality and began to age rapidly.

And the two old men in the Taixu realm, one by one, used secret techniques and absorbed blood light, and within a short period of time, their breaths were all raised to the Yuanyuan Taixu realm!


All the killers rode blood tigers and attacked Ning Fan in all directions.

Ning Fan was very sure that the person who came was undoubtedly the killer of the Baili tribe, so naturally he didn't need to show mercy.

Turning into black clothes in one step, raising his hand to pump his soul, Ning Fan's whole body was full of imperial energy, golden light appeared, and at the same time, he activated the three-layer technique of shattering the void, and began to kill in the cave.

After ten breaths, in the cave, except for Ning Fan. There was no one else, and the air was filled with a thick smell of blood.

Among the nine Baili killers, Ning Fan directly killed eight of them. The strange thing is that the eight people do not have primordial spirits or demon souls in their bodies. Ning Fan has not caught the primordial spirits and demon souls of any of the killers, so he cannot search for souls and destroy memories.

Fortunately, he deliberately left an Assassin killer unkilled and captured him alive.

He tried to use the soul-searching technique on this person to see why the Baili people were hostile to him and what were their plans.

But when Fang Yi searched his soul, the killer's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly exploded, and even his entire body exploded.

"Can't search for souls?"

Ning Fan was silent. The monks of the Baili tribe do not have primordial spirits or demon souls. It's kind of weird

As the ninth killer blew himself up. All the nine killers died, and nine streaks of blood suddenly appeared in the silent sky, forming a battle post.

There is only one word 'die' in the battle post!

This is the third battle post sent by Patriarch Baili!

Ning Fan's eyes showed a strange color. The Baili Patriarch actually gave him the third battle post

Patriarch Baili set up nine blood lights in the bodies of the nine killers sent this time. Once the nine people fell, the blood lights would condense into battle posts.

Did Patriarch Baili expect the assassination to fail again? So he passed the death of nine killers and gave Ning Fan the third battle post?

If you knew that the assassination would fail, why did you send these killers to die?

wait, die!

Ning Fan seemed to have thought of something, patted the storage bag and took out the first two battle posts. Looking at the dead words on the three battle posts, he thought deeply.

Each of these three battle posts is unreasonable.

At first Ning Fan was puzzled, why Patriarch Baili sent someone to assassinate him every time, and after the assassination failed, he would send a battle post.

At this moment, he vaguely guessed the intention of Patriarch Baili.

among these three battle posts. They are full of Baili Patriarch's deep, undead killing intent!

At first, Ning Fan was habitually thinking that Patriarch Baili made three battle posts in a row because he wanted to kill him, so he was confused by Patriarch Baili's self-contradictory behavior.

Patriarch Baili knew that the assassins he sent could not kill Ning Fan, but he still sent someone to kill him.

Patriarch Baili knew that the behavior of issuing battle posts was very arrogant and mindless, but he still posted battle posts again and again.

Now, he understands!

The endless killing intent in this battle post is not aimed at Ning Fan, but at the Baili people!

The word "death" does not mean to let Ning Fan die, but to let the Baili people die!

Let every Baili people who came to assassinate Ning Fan die at the hands of Ning Fan!

The reason why Patriarch Baili sent Ning Fan three battle posts in a row was to ask Ning Fan to kill all the Baili people!

Thinking about it in this way, Patriarch Baili's bizarre move to send out the battle post is clear.

But what is the purpose of Patriarch Baili? As the head of a clan, why did he deliberately send his clan to die?

Ning Fan frowned, he always felt that Patriarch Baili's behavior revealed a thick and strange aura

With a flash of light in his head, he suddenly recalled that there was no Primordial Spirit demon soul in Baili Killer's body.

These two things are equally bizarre and seem to be related in some way.

Ning Fan pondered over and over again, but only felt that his train of thought was gradually convoluted.

"Patriarch Baili, what is the plan to send the clan to die, and what is the benefit to him?"

"Could it be that this person has a deep hatred with the Baili Clan even though he is the Patriarch of Baili?"

Ning Fan raised his palm and smashed the cave, and returned to the long street of Jishui City outside.

On the long street, the cultivators passed by, but no one noticed that Ning Fan was put into the cave and started a massacre in the cave.

He was walking on the long street, and after entering the tree world, a trace of unease rose in his heart for the first time.

He stopped his steps, took out the tortoise shell, borrowed three battle posts for divination, and figured out a secret.

With Ning Fan's divination technique, it is impossible to calculate the true motive of Baili Patriarch.

What he predicted was only the word good and bad.

He wanted to know whether the confrontation with the Baili people was good or bad.

After some divination, the tortoise shell suddenly shattered, which was a great omen!

Ning Fan's eyes suddenly froze.

Baili's clan said that Potian is only a power of refining the void, but Ning Fan has broken void puppets and thugs.

Ning Fan asked himself, even if he was defeated by the Emperor Bamboo, he would probably be able to escape, and he would not be a big murderer.

Could it be that there is a monstrous danger hidden behind the strange behavior of Patriarch Baili. Is that dangerous, even more terrifying than the Bamboo Emperor?

Ning Fan was contemplating himself when, on the long street, in the darkness of the night, a arrogant girl's voice suddenly came.

This arrogant voice made Ning Fan's eyes slightly cold.

"Hmph, are you Lu Bei of the Mingluo clan! Taixu's cultivation base, rank six advanced alchemy skills, is really amazing. Even my grandfather surrendered his status and asked you to help my Fusang clan in person. You dare to refuse directly. Do you look down on my Fusang clan? Or do you know that your strength is low. You can't be elected as the Eighth Elder of the Bamboo Palace! Or, are you afraid of the Baili clan and dare not confront the Baili King? What a coward! "

Ning Fan glanced sideways.

The speaker was a girl in red. She looks like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, with a beautiful appearance, but there is a bit of undisguised arrogance in her eyebrows.

The girl in red was only a Nascent Soul cultivator, but the four female guards who followed behind her were all at the spiritual level.

When they saw that their young lady dared to speak rudely to Ning Fan, the four female guards all turned pale, guarded in front of the girl in red, and apologized to Ning Fan.

"Master Lu, forgive me! My young lady is young and ignorant, and she speaks recklessly. But she has no malicious intentions! Master, please don't have the same knowledge as the juniors like me!"

"My lady is the daughter of the Fusang patriarch Tang Xiong, Tang Yuan. I heard that Master Lu has friendship with our ancestors and patriarchs. Please also look at the faces of our ancestors and patriarchs, don't blame my lady for slipping words. sin!"

This girl in red is the little princess of the Fusang clan.

Now the selection of the successor of the eight elders is about to begin. As one of the three candidates recommended by the old demon Fusang, Tang Xiong has come all the way from Beishuhai Gumang country to Dongshuhai.

This red-clothed girl was named Tang Yuan, the daughter of Tang Xiong, who had been in Jishui City with her father for several days.

She heard her father tell about Ning Fan's refusal to help the Fusang tribe, and she was very dissatisfied.

She is covered by the grandfather of an old phantom-shattering monster. She has always been used to being arrogant. Although she is a Nascent Soul cultivation base, when she encounters an illusory-refining old monster on weekdays, she dares to bluntly contradict her without fear at all.

She is not afraid of Ning Fan, she dares to speak rudely, but the female guards behind her can sense the horror of Ning Fan

It seems that just one look from Ning Fan can make all of them smash their souls and die!

When the four female guards faced Ning Fan, they felt a heavy pressure from Ning Fan. The pressure was not inferior to that of the old fusang demon.

What's more, the four female guards also knew that Ning Fan was a Rank 6 senior alchemist.

The four female guards were not the arrogant Tang Yuan, they knew that Ning Fan was not someone the Fusang clan could afford!

Therefore, the moment Tang Yuan humiliated Ning Fan, the four female guards pleaded for Tang Yuan.

Ning Fan's eyes flashed, and the chill was put away.

If this woman is another cultivator who doesn't have eyes, he doesn't mind teaching her a lesson.

But this woman is the little princess of the Fusang family, and Ning Fan owes the Fusang family more or less a favor, so she is unwilling to take action against Tang Yuan.

He tickled the corner of his mouth lightly, and said with a slight mocking smile, "Your name is delicious. What about glutinous rice balls? I haven't eaten them in a long time."

It's not nice, it's delicious

He didn't take action against this woman, he just teased him in words, as a counter-attack, that's all.

Then, Ning Fan walked past the five women in front of him and walked towards the end of the long street.

Tang Yuan's pretty face bloomed like a peach, and she was extremely ashamed and angry!

Her name was Tang Yuan, not Tang Yuan, but Ning Fan was so bold that she dared to make fun of her name!

"Lu Bei, you coward! You dare not accept my grandfather's request, dare not fight for the position of the eight elders, dare not fight with the Baili patriarch, I despise you!"

Ning Fan suddenly stopped his footsteps and turned his head with a cold gaze.

In an instant, the four female guards were about to cry without tears, secretly blaming their eldest for being reckless.

People don't care about you, let you go once, and you even put it on the door to find trouble, you're killing it!

Now your father Tang Xiong has something to deal with and is not in Jishui City.

Although your grandfather Fusang old monster is an old monster of broken void, but it is far away in the North Sea of ​​Trees, and it is even more impossible to protect you.

You are eager to provoke others, and in case they are annoyed, who can protect your life?

"Master Lu, calm down." The four female guards still wanted to intercede, but Ning Fan shook his head, indicating that he didn't mean to blame.

It's just that the tone is no longer meant to be teasing, and it begins to be a little cold.

Those icy words, like the blade of ice under the Nine Serenities, entered Tang Yuan's ears, making her tender body chill, and she looked at Ning Fan with some fear.

"I just said a few words to you, what do you want to do to me! You don't want to have the same knowledge as a little girl like me, aren't you a big hero? If you take action against me, all the cultivators in the tree world will laugh at you. "

Tang Yuan had called Ning Fan a coward a moment ago, but now she saw that Ning Fan was not easy to mess with, so she changed her name to Ning Fan as a hero.

This woman has absolutely no morals at all, and as soon as she sees the situation is not good, she immediately relents.

"Tell Senior Fusang to be careful with Baili!"

Ning Fan gave Tang Yuan and the other women the last word of advice.

Even in the face of the Fusang clan, Ning Fan would not care about a yellow-haired girl.

He owed the Fusang a favor, so he gave the Fusang a piece of advice.

There is a huge danger hidden behind the Baili Clan. This danger is something that even Ning Fan is very afraid of and does not want to touch it easily.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Ning Fan faintly felt that there was a sense of tranquility in the air of the East Sea of ​​Trees.

Maybe after the Baili clan, there is a major crisis hidden

And this crisis may cause a catastrophe in the entire East Sea of ​​Trees

Maybe all this is just an illusion.

I hope the sense of crisis the Baili family gave him was just an illusion

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