Grasping Evil

Chapter 590: Nie Li

() Ning Fan turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the dim night.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared outside a golden palace in Jishui City, which was a palace for cultivators who entered the city to rest.

Ning Fan paid Xianyu and chose a room to rest.

He has reminded the Fusang people to be careful with Baili, and he did his best, but he was unwilling to intervene in the grievances of the Fusang and Baili tribes.

He has a lot of jealousy towards the Baili family, and that jealousy is all due to the omen calculated by divination

Ning Fan sat alone in the room, pondering silently. After a long time, he suddenly clenched his fingers, wrapping his body with the azure third-grade rain intent.

Outside the window is Xiaoxiao Bamboo Forest, with the cool night wind blowing, along with Ning Fan's rain, the night sky outside the window suddenly fell with continuous drizzle at this moment.

This is Ning Fan's peeping into the outside world

He tried to integrate the three-day rain technique to cover the entire Muye country with spiritual sense, secretly peeping at the Baili clan to find out the details of this clan.

If he didn't figure out the source of the bad omen, Ning Fan couldn't feel at ease.

The rain curtain gradually spread, and it has been covering the entire Jishui City, and then with Jishui City as the center, drizzle fell to the extreme distance.

Gradually, within 70,000,000 miles, it was drizzling like Su.

Many monks in Jishuicheng were very surprised. Jishui City has a flash of light to block the wind and rain, why does it rain in the city for no reason?

No one knew that this was Ning Fan's peeping rain technique, the rain moistened things silently, and the technique did not reveal any traces.

At this moment, the dark clouds intertwined in the night sky are his eyes!

At this moment, the continuous drizzle is his thoughts!

Ning Fan's spiritual sense spreads out in the night, and wherever the rain falls, it is the place where the spiritual sense takes root!

One million miles, two million miles, ten million miles, twenty million miles, seventy million miles!

Gradually, within a radius of 70,000,000 miles, from mountains and rivers inside and outside, down to plants, trees, insects and ants. They are all under the peeping of Ning Fan's spiritual sense!

Even if it is a cultivator of Shattering the Void,

It can only make Divine Sense cover a million miles.

But at this moment, Ning Fan's spiritual sense covered a whole 70 million miles of land!

"The rain of the second day, the rain of the sun, the rain of the sun!"

Ning Fan changed his fingertips, and then moved the fingertips of Yangtianzhiyu, and made Yangtian and Haotian's rain merge with each other.

With the fusion of the two rain techniques, the dark clouds fluttered to the extreme distance, and the drizzle extended to the extreme distance, extending to 300 million miles away!

The rain of the lonely sky can make the spiritual sense cover the world of 70 million miles.

The rain of the double sky can make the spiritual sense cover the land of 300 million miles.

Three days of rain. It can make divine sense cover a billion miles of land!

With the power of Ning Fan's third-grade rain intent. Incorporating the Rain of the Second Day is not difficult. And he can make up to three days of rain to merge!

"Three days of rain!"

Ning Fan's finger art changed again, pinching out the finger art of the rain of the scarlet sky, and made the three rain spells completely merged.

The fusion of the three-day rain directly used up all of Ning Fan's mana!

this moment. The rain curtain stretched to a billion miles away, making the entire Muye Country in the moisturizing of the rain.

At this moment, the rain penetrated the entire Muye Kingdom, spying on thousands of large and small tree clans and even the Baili clan, all under the surveillance of Ning Fan!

The Baili people are located in the southern region of Muye Country, in Kuili City.

There was a drizzle in the city of Kuili, and every drop of rain seemed to be Ning Fan's spiritual thoughts.

The drizzle moistens things silently, immersing in Kuili City. Unobstructed views of the entire Kuili City.

In the darkness of the night, the atmosphere of Kuili City was very strange.

The Baili people are like walking corpses, their eyes are blank and blank, and they are guarded in Kuili City, and no one has a primordial spirit and a demon soul in their bodies!

In the center of Queli City. There is a huge palace.

In the palace, King Baili, who is the patriarch of Baili, is sitting alone in the empty palace, like a sculpture, his eyes are open, he is silent, and his face has no expression.

If it weren't for the invincible aura of Guiyuan, Ning Fan would almost think that King Baili was a sculpture.

"Is he King Baili?" Ning Fan pondered slightly.

This time, when he used the Peeping Rain Technique to spy on the Baili Clan, Ning Fan found that although King Baili was strong, it was not enough to give him any sense of danger.

Behind the Baili clan, there is a great danger hidden, but this danger is not the king of Baili or the people of the Baili clan.

Ning Fan dispelled the rain, and took back the spiritual sense from the entire Muye Kingdom.

He did not find any dangerous people from the Baili Clan, and could not find out the source of the ominous omen.

But at the moment of withdrawing his spiritual sense, Ning Fan faintly heard a whimpering sound like a sleepy and sad bird from Jishui City.

The wailing only murmured softly, as if it was far and far away from here, and it seemed to be very close, as if whispering in the ear.

That lament seemed to have endured thousands of pains, and it seemed to contain thousands of strands of remorse.

The wailing seemed to want to remind Ning Fan of something, and the wailing seemed to sense Ning Fan's terrifying ancestral blood, so he spoke to remind him of something

With just a cry of grief, the demon blood of Fuli, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly became hot, causing the weak resonance of the demon blood!

"That's Fuli's cry?! No, it's not like it, it's slightly different from Fuli. That's the cry of 'Nie Li'!"

Fuli, Futian leans into the chaotic world! Fuli was the overseer of the Tao of Heaven in ancient times!

Nie Li is a sinner of the Fuli family, but anyone who rebels against the clan will be deprived of their blood, planted with the Nie Li mark, demoted to Nieli, and forever a slave of Fuli

There was a hint of surprise in Ning Fan's eyes. Is there any evil spirit in Jishui City?

He took the medicine pill, adjusted the breath and mana, and after a long time, he once again performed the peeping rain technique, causing the three days of rain to merge.

He wanted to listen carefully to see if there were still Nie Li's chirping in Jishui City, but this time, he couldn't hear any sound again.

"Nie Li in Jishui City, is there any Nie Li hidden?"

Ning Fan's brows were furrowed, and he could no longer hear the second wailing cry.

Nie Li's lament echoed in his mind. This lament made Ning Fan feel a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn't know why.

Sweeping away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Ning Fan quickly made a plan for the next step in his mind.

It would be another month before the Bamboo Emperor ordered the Ancestral Bamboo Tree to be healed.

If the Ancestral Bamboo can be cured, Ning Fan will be rewarded with the Ancestral Tree Fruit, which will raise the Rain Intention to the second rank.

He dug out nine six-turn pill recipes from the storage bag, including low-grade pills and medium-grade pills. There are also top grades.

The medicinal pills recorded in these pill recipes are all medicinal pills that contain the spiritual energy of the wood, which can cure all kinds of injuries, diseases and poisons of the tree demon and the tree demon.

Ning Fan didn't know what kind of disease Zu Zhu had, so naturally he couldn't prescribe the right medicine.

He decided to refine all kinds of medicinal herbs for healing, healing, and detoxification in case of emergency.

Ning Fan retreated for seven consecutive days, refining 4 different types of Rank 6 Healing Pills and Detoxifying Pills in the Xuanyin Realm.

There are also 5 kinds of pill recipes, and the required elixir is not ready.

Ning Fan left the Golden Palace, where he was temporarily a guest, intending to buy the necessary elixir from the Jishuicheng store for alchemy.

The monks he met along the way looked at him. They all showed deep awe.

He turned a blind eye to the awe of these monks. Go directly to the largest shop in the city.

The largest shop in Jishui City is called the Zhaixing Building. It is a shop opened by the Makino Star Cypress family.

The ancestor of the Xingbai clan was the third elder of the Bamboo Palace, a cultivator who had broken the void.

The Xingxing Building is so high that it has dozens of floors. Outside the building were guarded by four giant tree demons who were in the early stage of God Transformation, each with extremely arrogant expressions.

If you don't have the background of virtual refining power, or you are a virtual refining cultivator, you are not allowed to enter the star picking building, and you will be blocked by the tree demon.

Ning Fan would never be blocked, the four guards of the transformation of God saw Ning Fan, and immediately swept away their arrogance, showing extremely respectful expressions.

"May I ask Master Lu, do you want to buy elixir for alchemy, or to buy elixir. Or do you want to buy finished elixir? My Zhaixinglou is the No. 1 business in Jishui, and there are all kinds of elixir, elixir, and elixir, no matter what the master has. Whatever you need, you must be able to satisfy the master!"

"Oh? No matter what I need, do you have it in the Xingxing Building? I wonder if there is a rank seven high-grade healing pill in the Xingxing Building?" Ning Fan's eyes were slightly smiling. Looking towards the top floor of Zhaixing Building.

His words were purely a joke, and he did not think that there could be a Rank 7 top-rank healing medicine in the Xingxing Building.

His joke was not aimed at the four guards of the gods, but at an old monster on the top floor of the Xingxing Building.

The reason why he mentioned the rank seven high-grade medicinal pills was because he did not forget to help Xiao Mink find medicinal pills to heal his injuries.

As soon as Ning Fan opened his mouth to ask for a rank seven high-grade medicinal pill, the four God Transformation guards immediately showed wry smiles.

Although they have all kinds of medicinal herbs and spiritual medicines in the star-picking building, they only have everything for the cultivators.

Rank 7 top-grade healing elixir, not to mention that Zhaixinglou does not have it, even if there is, this level of healing elixir is a life-saving thing for Void Shattering cultivators, who would be willing to sell it?

"Master Lu is joking. I don't have any healing pills of the seventh rank, and I don't have it in the Xingxinglou, and neither will the entire tree world. However, I still have one of the seventh-rank low-rank healing pills, which has always been my life-saving medicine. If fellow Daoist really needs this thing, this old man will give up his love to fellow Daoist, what's the harm!"

After Ning Fan said and laughed, an old but hearty response sounded from the top floor of Zhaixing Building.

The one who spoke out was the third elder of the Bamboo Palace.

Ning Fan shook his head and smiled, he just said it casually, knowing that there would be no healing medicine of this level in the Star-Zhiking Building.

He didn't plan to buy the life-saving medicine pill of the third elder, and the healing medicine pill of the seventh rank low-grade, which would not help Xiao Xiao's injury.

A beam of azure light shot down from the bottom floor of the Xingxing Building and turned into an old man with azure eyes, who was the third elder of the Bamboo Palace.

The old man with green eyes clenched his fists towards Ning Fan, his body exuding the imposing aura of Shattering the Void, and said with a smile, "I don't know if Master Lu is here today to pick up the stars, what do you want to buy?"

"I want to buy some elixir for alchemy, but I wonder if your company has these elixir that Lu needs?" Ning Fan folded his fist and returned the salute, slapped the storage bag, took out a jade slip and handed it to the old man with green eyes.

In the jade slip, various fifty thousand year elixir needed for alchemy are recorded.

The old man with green eyes swept away the jade slip, nodded and said, "All the elixir that the master needs are in stock in this firm. The master may as well follow the old man into the building to get the medicine. But before that, the old man has a question to ask Lu Lu. Master, I don't know if Master buys these elixir, but wants to refine the elixir to cure Zuzhu?"


"If this is the case, the master may have bought the wrong elixir. Although the old man is not good at alchemy, he has a good understanding of the medicinal properties of various elixir because of the establishment of a business. All elixir that the master needs can heal and detoxify the tree demon and the tree demon. Most of the medicinal pills made are healing and detoxifying medicinal pills, and there is no way to cure Zu Zhu's illness."

Thinking of Zu Zhu's strange illness, the old man with green eyes looked worried.

The ancestral bamboo is the treasure of the bamboo hall. It can not only bear the ancestral fruit of the tree, but also cultivate the spirit of the tree itself.

The dryad has the cultivation of the Shattering Void Triple Heaven. When necessary, the tree spirit can leave the ancestral bamboo tree and fight to protect the bamboo temple.

But since ten thousand years ago, Zu Zhu did not know what happened, and the tree spirit never left the tree body.

Since ten thousand years ago, the bamboo leaves of the ancestral bamboo have withered day by day.

Recently, this withering has begun to intensify, as if the entire ancestral bamboo will wither and die.

At this juncture, the tree spirit in the ancestral bamboo suddenly left the tree and appeared in the bamboo hall. It's like being in a trance. slaughter

Just a few breaths. The tree spirit relied on the cultivation of the Shattering Void Triple Heaven and killed 7 Bamboo Hall Refining Void

If the Bamboo Emperor hadn't acted in time to quell the rampant Ancestral Bamboo Tree Spirit, I'm afraid that Tree Spirit would have killed more Bamboo Palace powerhouses.

The Bamboo Emperor sealed the tree spirit and ancestral tree in the forbidden area. Do not allow any Bamboo Temple cultivator to approach to avoid being killed by the crazy dryad.

The Emperor Zhu announced to the outside world that Zu Zhu had a strange disease, but he did not talk about the madness of the tree spirit.

The reason why the Bamboo Emperor summoned the world's alchemists is not only to cure the withered disease of the ancestral bamboo, but also to make the ancestral bamboo rejuvenate.

More importantly, the Bamboo Emperor wanted to cure the tree spirit's madness.

It's not an injury, it's not a disease, it's not poisoning

It was a strange disease that the Bamboo Emperor had never seen before, and the tree spirit had this strange disease. He has completely forgotten the mission of guarding the bamboo temple, and he has become ignorant of his six relatives and will kill anyone he sees.

The old man with green eyes knew that the medicinal pill that Ning Fan wanted to refine was not symptomatic. There is no cure for the madness of the Ancestral Bamboo Tree Spirit.

"Lu has never met Zu Zhu, so he doesn't know what kind of strange disease it has. Naturally, he can't take medicine for the symptoms and dare to ask the third elder, what kind of strange disease does Zu Zhu have?"

"The Bamboo Emperor has an order that all information related to Zuzhu belongs to the highest secret of the Bamboo Palace, and must not be leaked. However, Daoist friend is not an outsider, but an alchemist who made a special trip to treat Zuzhu. I want to come even if this old man will tell you the secret. , there is nothing wrong with the Taoist friend, let's look at this jade slip, which records all the information about Zuzhu."

The old man with green eyes took out a jade slip and handed it to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan took the jade slip, scanned the contents, and looked slightly surprised.

It turns out that the strange disease of Zuzhu refers to the madness of the tree spirit.

If you want to cure the dryad's madness, you must first find out the reason for its madness

Ning Fan's spiritual sense glanced at the message in the jade slip, and suddenly his mind moved.

All the information of Zu Zhu was recorded in the jade slip, and two of them made Ning Fan a little concerned.

First, the ancestral bamboo grows in the small forbidden area of ​​the bamboo hall. It is a sacred bamboo planted by a certain generation of bamboo emperors. It is said that the Bamboo Emperor once used the power of Zuzhu to suppress a fierce beast called 'Nie Li' in the forbidden area.

This news was related to Nie Li, which made Ning Fan very concerned.

The cry of grief he heard that day may have come from the forbidden area of ​​​​the Ancestral Bamboo.

Second, ten thousand years ago, the tree clan responsible for guarding the ancestral bamboo in the bamboo hall was the Baili clan of Muye Kingdom.

So Ning Fan paid close attention to the Baili Clan, and when he saw this message, his eyes immediately froze.

Bai Li again

Zuzhu suffered from the disease ten thousand years ago, and the Baili clan who guarded Zuzhu ten thousand years ago

Bailey, Bailey

This Baili family is by no means good

"Could it be that Zuzhu's illness and the madness of the tree spirit are related to the Baili family?"

"Is there any connection between the huge crisis hidden after the Baili family and the strange disease of Zuzhu!"

"Is that ominous omen related to the nieli suppressed by Zuzhu?"

Ning Fan put away all the miscellaneous thoughts, and did not buy the previous elixir, but found several elixir prescriptions for insanity, and bought the elixir needed for these elixir in the Xingxing Building.

I don't know if these kinds of medicinal herbs can cure Zuzhu's madness

He bid farewell to the three elders and left the Star Picking Building.

On the way back to the Golden Palace, he was suddenly stopped by a girl in red angrily.

"Lu Bei, it's all your fault, it's all your fault! In the Bamboo Palace today, the first round of the competition for the successors of the eight elders was held. My father Tang Xiong was seriously injured by the slap of King Baili, and he lost his qualification for the selection. Know!"

"If you agreed to Grandpa Zu's request that day to help me, the Fusang clan, to run for the Bamboo Palace Eighth Elder, Dad would not have participated in the competition, and he would not have been seriously injured by King Baili! It's all your fault, it's you who hurt Dad. Yes! How are you responsible for me!"

Standing in front of Ning Fan was the little princess of the Fusang clan, Tang Yuan.

At this moment, this woman cried so much that it was raining with pear blossoms, with an unreasonable tone, she stopped in front of Ning Fan, blocked Ning Fan's way, and stared at Ning Fan angrily.

Ning Fan's eyes showed a bit of impatience, this little princess of the Fusang clan was so troublesome, and today she came to the door again to make trouble for no reason.

Ning Fan didn't know that the first round of selection for the Eighth Elder had begun, nor did he know that Tang Xiong was disqualified and injured by King Baili.

This matter has nothing to do with him at all, and he and the Fusang family are also as shallow as water.

Tang Xiong was injured by King Baili, what did it have to do with him?

It is really inexplicable that Tang Yuan Pi Dian Dian came to ask the guilt!

This is the first time Ning Fan has seen such a brainless woman.

Ning Fan was neither in the mood to coax this crying woman, nor was he in the mood to be 'responsible' for this woman.

She is not his furnace, why should he be responsible for her?

Ning Fan didn't seem to see Tang Yuan, just walked around her and left her there.

Seeing that Ning Fan was ignoring her, Tang Yuan quickly chased after her, grabbed Ning Fan's sleeve, and insisted, "You haven't been responsible to me yet, so you can't go!"


Under Ning Fan's instructions, he used the technique of fixing the sky to fix Tang Yuan in place.

He is a Taixu cultivation base, Tang Yuan is a Yuanying cultivation base, and it is estimated that Tang Yuan can be fixed for a lifetime by performing the technique of setting the sky.

Of course, if the Fusang clan's illusory masters come forward, they will be able to crack this technique after a lot of trouble.

"I, why can't I move! What have you done to me! Let me go!" Tang Yuan was a little scared.

Ning Fan pulled out his sleeve, patted the dust on it, and said indifferently to Tang Yuan, "Last time you came to ask for trouble, I will spare you once. This time you came to ask for trouble, I just stopped you, it is a small punishment. If there is another time, I will directly throw you into the lair of the Void Refining Fierce Beast and let you fend for yourself."

After Ning Fan finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Tang Yuan with the technique of setting the sky, and was locked on the long street, unable to move.

Tang Yuan almost cried because she had never been bullied by anyone, but today she was bullied by Ning Fan.

She wanted to break free from the technique of setting the sky, but found that this technique was not something she could break free at all.

She looked at Ning Fan's back, obviously wanted to scold two words, but when the words came to her lips, they turned into begging for mercy. She was so disrespectful.

"Master Lu, Master Lu, let me go, please!"

"Master, please let me go, I will never provoke you again!"

"Master, why are you walking farther and farther, Master, don't go!"

"Master, if you let me go, I will promise you, I promise!"

Tang Yuan's plea for mercy could not impress Ning Fan at all, and Ning Fan soon disappeared.

She was like a statue, standing on the long street in embarrassment, until the four female guards who arrived late to carry her back.

After Tang Yuan left in embarrassment, Ning Fan flickered and suddenly reappeared in place, saying to himself,

"The selection of the eighth elder has already begun. If there is no accident, King Baili should succeed the eighth elder. Baili"

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