Grasping Evil

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-ninth, the sound of the sky reverberates through the source bridge

"What power is preventing me from opening my eyes..."

The sound of the chains hitting gradually disappeared, and Ning Fan groaned slightly.

At the moment when the sound of the chains collided, he actually felt a chill all over his body, like a lonely boat, in the vast ocean, surrounded by surging waves, and if he was not careful, he would be buried in the sea.

In the sound of the chain, there is a will, which is the will of the sky, as if if he violates this will, his Tao and everything he has are being erased by that will!

It is the will of heaven, rejecting his way!

Do it!

The people of the underworld cannot open their eyes because they are not approved by the heavens. The heavens do not allow the people of the underworld to see the scene of the Yang world. Only the lucky people of the underworld who are recognized by the heavens, under the premise of sufficient qualifications, Eyes can be opened.

Ning Fan didn't know this, but at this moment he had a guess.

Could it be that the reason why he couldn't open his eyes was not because of lack of aptitude, but because he was cultivating the Dao, which was not tolerated by the world?

Crossing the truth, letting go of the void, and breaking the thoughts... Every realm of the three realms of the real immortal requires the cultivator to give up his inner attachments. The cultivator needs to abandon the mortal world in order to enter the fairyland. Those who cultivate Buddhism should not have obsessions in their hearts. If they have obsessions, they will enter the demon barrier. In practice, there is no need to put aside obsessions, but Ning Fan is unwilling to give up, but chooses the way of reluctance.

God, ask the monks to let go of their obsessions. Therefore, on the True Illusion River, there is no real bridge belonging to the Taoist monks at all.

If it is said that the people of the underworld are not recognized existences, then the people of the underworld who practice Dao are unprecedentedly unrecognized, and the difficulty of opening their eyes is naturally enormous!

"If this is the case, it's not surprising that I can't open my eyes... God doesn't approve of it..."

In this way, if you want to open your eyes, you first need to get the approval of God as much as possible.

No wonder the Taoist Musong insisted on revising the ancient Buddha. The ancient Buddha was an existence recognized by the heavens, and most of what he asked for was the recognition of the heavens. This reduces the difficulty of opening the eyes.

Ning Fan was silent for a while. He had four cultivations, except for Jie Nian cultivation, the other three cultivations belonged to the power that Heaven and Earth did not recognize.

And his Dao is an outlier that is repelled by heaven and earth. If it is replaced by wood pine, most of them will give up the cultivation of gods, demons, and demons, and give up Dao in order to gain the approval of heaven. Everything is subject to the will of God. In this way, the difficulty of opening eyes can be reduced, and step by step,

From Yin to Yang…

But Ning Fan is not Mu Song, he will not give up his own way to open his eyes.

"God doesn't approve of it, if I must go against the will of God and force my eyes to open!"

Ning Fan flipped his hand and took out Li San's left eye, as before. Turn the carp head into a lotus and swallow it in one bite.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...eight breaths!

With the first experience of swallowing the lotus, Ning Fan only took eight breaths this time to absorb a trace of extreme yang in the white lotus.

In front of his eyes, the world was like a wash, and then another scene appeared. This scene is what Li San saw when he opened his eyes. Left in the left eye, it still survives to this day!

In the picture, it is a village surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the population of the village is not large. By the small river at the head of the village, there was an old man with bald teeth who was fishing by the river.

Beside him, there is a bamboo basket, and in the bamboo basket, several fish have been caught. The old man looked at the river. His eyes are as deep as the stars.

"Today people fish, he fishes me every year... This is the cause and effect!"

The old man suddenly let out a sigh.

When he sighed, two more causes and effects appeared on his body at the same moment, which seemed to guide two completely different paths.

"Today people fish, he fishes me every day..." Ning Fan muttered to himself. This sentence, on the contrary, exhausts the law of causal reincarnation.

Speaking of which, the scene in Li Si's eyes is a man who died of thirst in the desert. Before dying, he longed to be reincarnated as a fish in the next life.

The scene in Li San's left eye is that of an old man fishing... Thinking about it, the scene they see seems to be related to fish...

cause and effect...could it be...

Ning Fan had a guess in his heart, but he wasn't quite sure.

Just like the scene that Fu Lian saw for the first time, the scene this time also only lasted for a short three breaths before disappearing.

After watching the second scene, the mysterious dripping sound sounded again, followed by the call of the woman, as if in the ear. After that, it was the sound of the chains hitting, trying to stop Ning Fan from opening his eyes.

Still unable to open his eyes, but this time, following the sound of the chain, Ning Fan actually heard other sounds. It seems to be the voice of two boys talking...

Obviously, his constant consumption of carp eyes is not useless, but it is still useful.

"This woman's heart is strong, but Dao is ruthless. I'm afraid she will have to wait for nothing. I have been waiting for the Holy Sect Daoist, and I have been guarding Xuegu here for countless years. It is forty-two reincarnations, the flesh turns into ashes, the thoughts turn into blue smoke, but the obsession is not extinguished, I really don’t know what kind of person makes her think so deeply…” This was the voice of one of the boys.

"The deceased are hard to survive, let alone the deceased who have no foundation in the immortal family. This snow valley is an ordinary person. The owner of this coffin is an ordinary person. If you want to return to the real world, it is difficult, difficult, difficult. Listening to the master, this coffin seals the living beings, It is not a human, but a butterfly in the mortal world. This butterfly has no cultivation, but the master said that this butterfly once committed a serious crime with a mortal body and angered the existence of the ancient mountain. Killing, tsk tsk, mere Fan Die, actually attracted the Immortal Emperor to take action, and was even cut by the Desolate Sword of the Third Yang. Do you believe this? Master also said that in the end, even the one from Zishan Douhai took action. In the third sun of the ancient times, I took back the body of this butterfly flying ash, if not, this butterfly would not even have the flying ash left..." This was the voice of another boy.

"Master is really confused. What qualifications does a mortal butterfly have to let the fourth step Immortal Sovereign personally kill? What qualifications are there to let another Immortal Sovereign come to the rescue! If it is replaced by the legendary vastness Nine butterflies, it's still possible, a mortal butterfly, hehe..."

"This is all about forty-two rounds ago. It's too long ago, who knows if it's true or not. And since this is what Master said, it's even more unbelievable. Most of it is false. Who knows, our Master, He is the cultivator of the Hongjun Sect who loves nonsense. If he is not too fond of nonsense and offends this generation of Hongjun, he will not be punished to go to Xuegu to think about it... After following such a master, even with us, we are all in the teacher. I can't lift my head up in front of my brother."

"Yeah, I really regret worshipping such a master. Just the day before yesterday, Master said, 'There is a kind of creature in this world. Its power lies in the ordinary, in the ordinary, because the ordinary and the ordinary are the negative side of the fairy family. If everything can reach yin, although yang cannot be rejected, everything can kill immortals! Yin and yang, who is superior to the other'... Hey, Master is hopeless. Anything that can kill immortals... Kekekeke. Ordinary people can't cultivate Why, why do you kill immortals, I want to say, Master has read too much in his life, and reading has ruined his brain... Master also said..."

The sound ends here. The two children seemed to be still talking about their master, but Ning Fan couldn't hear the rest.

Ning Fan sucked in a breath of cold air, what he heard this time seems to be... a bit of a big deal!

Hongjun Holy Sect... Snow Valley... Women... Forty-two Reincarnations... Butterflies... Barren Ancient Mountains... Desolate Sword Third Sun... Zishan Douhai...

Conversation between the two boys. It seems to involve a very terrifying secret! Even if he didn't understand the specific meaning of it, Ning Fan could guess that these words were no trivial matter, and they were definitely not something that a cultivator in the Dream Realm could say.

Is this the dialogue of the people of the real world!

That butterfly, could it be referring to himself? Or something else...

Snow Valley, where is it? Hongjun Shengzong, what is it referring to?

Ning Fan, why did he hear these secrets again? Could it be that the conversation between the two boys was part of what he saw when he opened his eyes?

cause and effect

In particular, Ning Fan cared about it. It was the last sentence of the two boys.

'Master also said that there is a kind of creature in this world, and its greatness lies in the ordinary, in the ordinary. Because the ordinary and the ordinary are the yin side of the fairy family. If anyone can reach the yin, although the yang cannot be rejected, anyone can kill the fairy! ’

Mortals are yin, immortals are yang. This is also the correspondence of one yin and one yang.

All yin and yang things in the world. Both are mutually reversible, this is what Ning Fan has learned from cultivating the Yin-Yang Dao for many years. Fire can dry up water, and water can also extinguish fire. Yin side and yang side are not necessarily superior to each other. This boy's master said something very reasonable, if ordinary people live in Yin, immortals live in Yang, and even the most yin ordinary people can kill Yang. This is theoretically true, but at first glance, it makes people feel absurd.

Mortals can kill immortals... Can mortals really kill immortals?

For some reason, when he thought of this question, Ning Fan remembered the scene in the ancient heaven where the butterfly body and the burning wings of the previous life crashed into the palm of the eye.

If everything can reach yin, although yang cannot be rejected, everything can kill immortals...

If anything can go to the dark...

This sentence kept echoing in Ning Fan's mind, completely swept away the slight shake in his Dao Xin after he met Mu Song.

He can open his eyes when he sees Mu Song and Sen Luo, but he can't. It's not that he has doubts about his aptitude.

Seeing that Mu Song can open his eyes and take a peek at the scene of the Yangjie, but he can't, it's not that he has no regrets.

Seeing that God's will obstructed him and did not allow him to open his eyes, he was not without resentment in his heart and wanted to fight against the sky.

But this resentment was extinguished when he heard this sentence.

If anything can go to the dark...

Ning Fan seemed to have seen a brand new path of cultivation, a path of cultivation that was different from all monks in the Dream Realm.

The fantasy world is the negative side of the three real worlds. The practitioners of the fantasy world are the citizens of the real world. The only way out is to cultivate from yin to yang step by step according to the will of heaven. If you want to step into the third step, this must be the road that the people of the underworld must take.

But what if Ning Fan didn't go this way?

If he insists on walking in the underworld, living in the underworld, if he goes all the way to the underworld on this road... What will happen?

What would happen if he insisted on not opening his eyes and insisting on walking with his eyes closed?

Open your eyes, there is a way.

Closing your eyes seems to be the way to go.

"I really want to know what kind of master the master said by those two boys. Just a few words can give me a sense of relief, and it will definitely not be a generalist." Ning Fan secretly said.

"The sound of dripping water, the woman's calling, the conversation between the two boys, these are most likely part of the background of my eyes opening. Although I haven't opened my eyes yet, I hear more and more voices. Does this mean that, The more carp-eye polar sun I swallow, the closer I can open my eyes? Well, let’s see what effect it will have after taking the third carp-eye.”

Ning Fan, as before, took the third carp, the right eye of the third carp.

This time, what appeared in front of him was still the scene of the old man fishing. The scene contained in the left and right eyes of the three carps turned out to be the same. However, the perspective is different!

Koi San's left eye, the angle of view is that of the fishing old man, and the right eye's angle of view is the fish in the river.

Watch this old man fishing again, and once again listen to the old man saying "I fish today, he fishes me every day". Ning Fan's feelings were different from before.

Ning Fan's eyes were dazed for a moment, and for a moment, he actually felt that he was integrated into this scene and became the old man who was fishing. Looking at the fish in the river with extremely complicated eyes; it seems that he has become the fish caught by the old man, struggling desperately on the hook...

In just three short breaths, he seemed to have realized the life of the fishing old man in an instant. It seemed that in an instant, he realized the life of a fish.

After three breaths, the scene had disappeared, but Ning Fan was still sitting in a daze, with a green light shining in his eyes!

He seemed to be in a daze, as if he was about to be confused, whether he was the fisherman, the fish, or... both!

That sense of enlightenment is getting stronger and stronger, at a certain moment. Ning Fan suddenly woke up from the daze and woke up. I was sweating profusely, and my heart was still pounding!

What happened to him... just now. Wait, why are there... carp scales on the back of his hand!

Ning Fan sucked in a breath of cold air, and only then did he realize that in just a few short breaths when he fell into a daze, there was a little more power in his body!

As soon as he thought about it, fish scales appeared on his body. If you think about it again, the fish scales will all be retracted into the body.

"Why do I have more power from the carp lineage in my body!"

Ning Fan's expression was extremely solemn, he found out. This extra dao carp power is merging with the demon blood in his body, so that a new kind of demon carp blood gradually appeared in his demon blood. The blood of this demon carp is very thin, but it really exists!

The Taoist clan and the demon clan. It is a corresponding relationship between one yang and one yin. The power of the two can devour and merge with each other under certain conditions. This extra Dao carp bloodline, because its strength is too weak, was assimilated into demon blood by Ning Fan's demon blood.

"This carp blood is very thin, but it actually contains a trace of palm power!"

Ning Fan carefully felt the extra carp blood in his body. It was true that there was indeed the power of the palm in this blood.

Taking the carp eyes and seeing the scene after opening his eyes can actually make Ning Fan cultivate a bit of palm power, this matter really makes Ning Fan feel incredible!

It seems that the method of opening the eyes that Taoist Musong said is true. This method can really help the cultivator to cultivate the void of the palm...

But there was one thing that Ning Fan couldn't understand.

He swallowed a single eyeball of Li Si, but did not gain any benefit.

He swallowed Li San's left eye, and he didn't get any benefit, but after swallowing his right eye, he got a benefit. Why is this?

Could it be that it takes two eyeballs to be swallowed together to gain benefits? No, that must not be the case. If I didn't see Musong getting a single carp, I was very happy. From this, it can be seen that even if there is only a single carp, it can still benefit.

"After swallowing the three left eyes of the carp, the scene I see is from the angle of the old fishing man, and the scene in the right eye is from the angle of the fish... the old man and the fish... two cause and effect..."

Ning Fan closed his eyes slightly, recalling the scene in Li San's eyes, as if he had once again become an old fisherman, and once again he had become a fish...

Today people fish, he fishes me every year... This sentence kept echoing in Ning Fan's ears. Suddenly, Ning Fan opened his eyes and seemed to understand something.

That old man, he is not catching fish!

He's fishing for himself!

This strange thought suddenly appeared in Ning Fan's mind, and he couldn't take it away.

This old man is fishing for himself, fishing for his future life as a fish, using this life to meet the next life...

This scene seems to contain Mo Dao's enlightenment, but unfortunately, for a moment, Ning Fan couldn't think it through, so he could only give up.

But there is one thing that Ning Fan can be sure of. The benefit of his blood from a carp is inseparable from the feeling of being a fisherman and a fish at that time.

"Swallowing carp eyes is to look at other people's scenery. If you understand it, you can get benefits from it, but this kind of benefit is not comparable to the benefits of opening your eyes and looking at your own scenery. I want to rely on the scenery in the eyes of others to cultivate To get out of the void of your own palm is as difficult as going to the sky."

"I'm a cultivator, and it's more difficult to open my eyes than others. Fortunately, I swallowed the extreme sun in the three carp eyes, and I'm already a lot closer to opening my eyes. If the extreme sun is enough, even if the sound of the chain stops me, I will I also have the confidence to forcibly open my eyes... I just don’t know how many polar suns are needed to really open my eyes.”

Ning Fan turned his hand and took out the fourth eyeball and swallowed it according to the previous method. This is Li Er's left eye. Then, he swallowed Koiji's right eye.

The scene in the left eye of the second carp is a temple, with a water tank in the temple, and a monk is feeding the carp in the water tank.

The scene in the right eye of Koi Er. It is the same as the left eye, but the perspective is different, one is the perspective of a monk, the other is the perspective of a monk. It is the perspective of the carp in the tank.

At a certain moment, the monk even glanced at the carp in the tank. At that moment, Ning Fan had a very strong feeling.

This monk is not looking at fish, but himself!

Sure enough, I experienced the perspectives of monks and carp respectively. Ning Fan once again cultivated a trace of carp demon blood in his body. Although the bloodline was thin, it finally contained a trace of palm power, and it should not be underestimated.

Anyway, Ning Fan can cultivate nine kinds of demon yin and yang. In the future, when conditions permit, he can cultivate one carp yin and yang. At this moment, he doesn't need to care about the carp race's demon blood.

There is only one thing that he values ​​most at the moment, and that is...Open your eyes!

After absorbing the extreme sun in the fourth carp, Ning Fan didn't hear any more sound. But for the first time, I saw the existence of chains!

All the surrounding scenery seemed to have turned into nothingness and no longer existed. Ning Fan was clearly still in the Xuanyin Realm, but he seemed to be standing in the barren nothingness. Above the void, in front of him, stood twelve illusory stone bridges.

After absorbing the fifth carp-eye polar sun, those illusory stone bridges, in front of his eyes... solidified!

Twelve stone bridges. Each exudes a different divine splendor, giving people a vast, untouchable sense of holiness.

"You, can you see these stone bridges?"

Ning Fan asked the void beside him.

There, it's not actually a void. But the place where the black cat is lying is the Xuanyin Realm.

"The black devil doesn't understand, how can there be any stone bridge?" The black cat yawned lazily, but she didn't see any stone bridge here.

It was another dimension of scenery, she couldn't see it, but Ning Fan could.

"Is this a scenery that only I can see..." Ning Fan secretly asked.

bang. bang, bang...

The twelve stone bridges were connected end to end. Ning Fan tried to fly towards the first stone bridge. As soon as Fang moved, there was the sound of chains hitting, and dark red chains gradually appeared on his body. On the body.

The closer you got to the stone bridge, the closer the chains were bound, and they almost fell into flesh and blood.

One hundred feet, ninety feet, eighty feet...

With Ning Fan's cultivation level comparable to that of Immortal Venerable Eternals, he could only fly seventy feet away from the stone bridge and could not continue to approach. If you get closer, the flesh will be shattered by the chains, causing injuries. This chain is not an entity, but an image of the will of the sky, and Ning Fan is not allowed to approach the stone bridge.

"Get out!"


"Get out!!!"

"People of the underworld, El's body is guilty, and he is not qualified to board!"

On the top of the first stone bridge, a stone eye suddenly opened and looked at Ning Fan indifferently. It is the guardian bridge god of the Yuanyuan Bridge. The deity exists in the three real worlds, and what appears in front of Ning Fan is just a projection.

If a monk opens his eyes and summons the bridge, the bridge will appear in the form of a projection. Climbing the original source bridge is a unique benefit for the people of the Yangjie. By climbing the bridge, you can get the gift of heaven. The monk who opened his eyes for the first time could also see the projection of the Yuanyuan Bridge.

The bridge god Gu Jiang felt very depressed, where is this fantasy world? do not know. There are hundreds of billions of fantasy worlds, who can remember where it is.

Who is this underworld monk in front of him? do not know. He is the bridge god Gu Jiang, so he will not know a Yin Xiu in the Dream Realm.

This son doesn't seem to have opened his eyes yet, how can there be so many polar suns on his body? So that the upper realm has a sense, so that this god mistakenly thinks that someone in this realm has opened his eyes again, so he will drop the projection.

This son didn't really open his eyes, so he couldn't be wrong. If he opened his eyes, the extreme yang in his body would gradually transform into that of a true monk. Even after opening his eyes for the first time, there will be a small amount of polar yang to complete the transformation, but this child has no breath of the real world at all! Hmph, this time, it's really a big oolong!

A monk who had never opened his eyes actually tricked him into lowering the projection! The bridge god Gu Jiang felt that his IQ was greatly insulted.

And this son is bound with the blood of the soul of the Tao, it is not wrong, this is the monk who committed the ten sins, and the blood of the soul of the Tao can only be bound, and it is the disgust of the sky. Judging from the number of blood locks, this son committed at least the fourth, fifth, and sixth sins of the ten sins. The Taoist clan has a law of heaven, cultivation is the fourth crime, the demon is the fifth crime, and the refusal to accept the mandate of heaven is the sixth crime.

Huh, sinner. Can not put the source bridge!

The bridge god Gu Jiang looked at Ning Fan coldly, as if warning. He mistakenly lowered the projection of the Yuanyuan Bridge, and it has already caused a big oolong. If the sinners are allowed to climb the bridge again. Once this matter comes out, it will be punished by the upper three Taoist soul clans.

"Original Bridge, what is it? What does it mean to be guilty?"

Ning Fan was not angry at the warning from the bridge god Gu Jiang. asked very calmly.

"Hmph, I am the God of Bridge and Bridge of the Source. What kind of identity are you? Are you qualified to ask questions to the God!" Gu Jiang said angrily.

Ning Fan's eyes turned slightly cold, the bridge god seemed to be a little too arrogant.

The source bridge and the bridge god in front of them are just projections, the product of the condensed power of the source, not the entity. It is somewhat similar to the Yin Feng in the Sifang Seal of the Two Instruments.

Rest in peace. It couldn't hurt the Yuanyuan Bridge, nor could it hurt the projection of the bridge god Gu Jiang, because Gu Jiang dared to be arrogant when he saw that Ning Fan's cultivation base was not high.

After making a big oolong, Gu Jiang was in a bad mood, so he could not wait to return to the real world immediately. It happens that the projection is dropped once, and it takes half an hour to retract the projection. If there is an open-eyed cultivator who climbs the bridge within half an hour, he will be considered a bad person, and he will be able to get some merits when he goes back. Unfortunate, lead to the source bridge projection

. An innocent sinner...

It was a mistake to cast a projection on a monk who didn't open his eyes. When he returned, he would have to deduct at least 500 merits. That's five hundred merits! Gu Jiang's heart dripped with blood.

If the sinners are allowed to climb the bridge again. It is not as simple as deducting five hundred, at least two thousand merits! Hmph, this sinner must not be allowed to climb the bridge!

Gu Jiang didn't have the slightest affection for Ning Fan, and his tone was naturally so bad. It was expected that Ning Fan would not be able to hurt himself, so naturally he did not take Ning Fan in his eyes.

I was about to spend half an hour and withdraw the projection. Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling came, causing Gu Jiang's stone eyes to suddenly have a look of horror.

At this moment, Ning Fan took out the Zhanyi Dao Sword, and slightly raised the sword's edge in the direction of the stone bridge.

It stands to reason that the sword is not high-level, but Gu Jiang sensed a sense of crisis from the sword.

You can't be wrong, this sinner boy is using some kind of extremely terrifying sword skill, and he can endanger his own source of Dao projection with the cultivation of the eternal immortal!

"Are you sure, I'm not qualified to ask you questions?"

Ning Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the bridge god, if the bridge god was still arrogant, he would simply kill the bridge god with one sword.

Gu Jiang was stunned by Ning Fan's neat style! It was the first time he had seen such an arrogant cultivator in the underworld, who would swing his sword at the bridge god of the real world so naturally!

Speaking of which, what Gu Jiang dropped was just a projection. If the projection was destroyed, it would at most cause the body to suffer some injuries, and it would not endanger his life.

But there are regulations above. As a high-ranking bridge god, if he is injured by a monk in the underworld, he will be regarded as humiliating the prestige of the Taoist family, and at least five thousand merits will be deducted!

No, how is this possible! Merit is his lifeblood, how can he be deducted!

As a result, the bridge god Gu Jiang was condescending, and his tone instantly became amiable, as intimate as seeing his own father.

"Sinner boy, ah no, little friend of the underworld, there is something to say, hehe, don't use a knife or a gun, it hurts and anger. Isn't it just a few questions, easy to say, I will answer, I will answer."

So the bridge god Gujiang Balabala said a lot and told Ning Fan all the information about the source bridge. Of course, Gu Jiang didn't mention anything about the secrets of the real world. He always followed the above rules.

Seeing Gu Jiang's acquaintance, Ning Fan took the Dao sword and listened carefully. It was the first time he had heard that there was such a thing as the Origin Bridge in this world.

Opening one's eyes is the path that must be taken for sanctification. The monks who open their eyes are all qualified to lead the projection of the Origin Bridge, but even a saint may not be able to complete the twelve Origin Bridges!

Opening his eyes, there are actually twelve grades. Daoist like Musong has actually boarded the first Yuanyuan Bridge. The reason why he is so eager for the eyes of the Yang Realm is to absorb the extreme sun and board the first bridge as soon as possible. The second source bridge.

Because, only by boarding the first source bridge can one break through the second-order quasi-sage. Only by climbing the second source bridge can we break through the third-order quasi-sage!

Even if it is a non-holy cultivator, climbing the Yuanyuan Bridge has great benefits. For example, the advantage of climbing the first bridge is to help the monks and build their own palm position little by little! If you can go to the end of the first bridge, the position of the seventy-seventh step, you can open the bottleneck of the second-order quasi-sage...

"Unexpectedly, I didn't open my eyes, but I led the projection of the source bridge... What kind of luck against the sky can I make the bridge god drop the wrong projection..."

Ning Fan was slightly speechless. I always feel that after conquering Wu Laoba, his luck has improved by more than a star and a half.

Wu Laoba is a calamity star of ten thousand years, and if others approach him, they will definitely get bad luck. Ning Fan is close to him... Could it be that his luck will increase instead of decreasing? Because he is Fuli?

"Beiyuan Bridge, each bridge is seventy-seven steps long. Every step has great benefits. Others must open their eyes to see the original source bridge. I haven't opened my eyes, but I have the opportunity to climb the bridge..."

The only trouble is that Ning Fan is bound with chains one after another. He seems to be a sinner, and he is not allowed to approach the Yuanyuan Bridge by Dao Dao.

At this moment, seventy feet away from the first bridge of the source, it is already the limit of Ning Fan. If it is replaced by wood pine, relying on the second-order quasi-sage cultivation base and wearing a chain, it may not be close to the first bridge of the source. Dead words. I should be able to wear a chain and take a few steps on the first bridge...

"The source bridge projection will not be wrong every time. Next time, I don't know if there is such a chance. If there is no such chain, with my current cultivation base, it is enough to walk the last seventy feet distance and become the first source of the source. The bridge, how far you can walk on the bridge is unknown..."

It would be nice without these chains.

But without these chains. With Ning Fan's aptitude, most of the time he opened his eyes when he entered the painting world. This bridge is not a rare opportunity.

Forget it, bring a chain with a chain, there is an Aegis Destroyer shield, which should be able to offset the damage of the chain...

Seeing what Ning Fan was saying to himself, Gu Jiang, the bridge god, muttered to himself.

"Uh. This kid is rambling, doesn't he want to climb the bridge? No, it's impossible, he has a lot of Dao Soul blood locks on his body, and this number is enough to restrain a weaker second-order quasi-sage from climbing the Yuanyuan Bridge. This kid, definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, something happened that made him drop his jaw.

However, he saw that Ning Fan's body suddenly burst into bursts of golden light, which was actually hurt by the blood lock of the Dao Soul, forcibly breaking into the Origin Bridge within 60 meters.

"What a powerful body protection magic weapon! At least it is a mid-grade innate magic weapon! Otherwise, with this sub-cultivation level, you will definitely not be able to reach 60 feet!"

Mid-grade innate magic weapons, even if they are placed in the three real worlds, are not particularly numerous.

Gu Jiang was greatly surprised. With Ning Fan's cultivation base, it was really rare to have a middle-grade innate magic weapon.

But sixty feet should be the limit of this child, right? Gu Jiang thought so, but found that Ning Fan walked into the fifty, forty, thirty...

"Thirty zhang! This son is using a high-grade innate magic weapon!"

Gu Jiang was moved.

He didn't even own a high-grade innate magic weapon, but he was jealous of Ning Fan's net worth.

But even if there is a high-grade innate magic weapon, it will definitely stop at thirty feet...

Numb rub, Ning Fan kept getting closer to the Yuanyuan Bridge, twenty feet, fifteen feet, ten feet...

Although the Aegis of Destruction is a device for opening the sky, it is not a complete device for opening the sky after all. When it is ten feet away from the Yuanyuan Bridge, it can no longer completely offset the damage of the Dao Soul Blood Lock.

If you keep going, you will be seriously injured...

"Shizhang! What this son uses must be a top-quality innate magic weapon!"

Gu Jiang's eyes became hot.

The best innate magic weapon, but a good thing that the saints all yearn for. I can't think of the mere Illusory Dream Realm Immortal Venerable to have such a treasure, which is really enviable.

It's a pity that he is a projection, he can't kill people and steal treasures, otherwise he can... hey! such a pity!

That's all, even if this son has the best innate magic weapon, so what, after all, his cultivation base is not high, and if he wants to climb the first bridge of the source, he must be seriously injured.

This is a sinner, don't climb the Yuanyuan Bridge, otherwise, 2,000 merits will be deducted!

"Little friend, stay! If you go further, you will be seriously injured. The Dao Soul Blood Lock is a torture tool condensed by the will of heaven and earth. It will not cause any harm at ordinary times. Only sins are not allowed to open their eyes and get close to the Origin Bridge. So you must not..."

Gu Jiang was still trying to persuade him, but Ning Fan directly ignored his advice. He jumped over the last ten meters and stepped onto the first bridge of the source, standing at the first step!


It was the sound of a large blood mist bursting out of Ning Fan's body, and he was seriously injured!


A sound like a horn suddenly sounded around the Yuanyuan Bridge!


It was Gu Jiang's heartbroken voice. The sinner climbed the bridge, ah ah ah, two thousand merits flew!

Don't walk on the bridge, don't do it!

Uncle, you are a sinner. If you climb the bridge, I will deduct 2,000. For every step you take, I will deduct 500!

Gu Jiang regretted it a little, and had a faint sense of bad things.

This sinner boy should not be able to take the second step on the bridge. Should... can't...


Above the wooden island, a whimper-like horn sound suddenly sounded, ancient and pathetic, echoing in the heaven and earth, as if it were everywhere, and people couldn't even realize where the sound came from.

As soon as the horn sounded, the entire wooden island suddenly began to snow, and the temperature plummeted, as if it was in the middle of winter.

"Huh? Where did the horn sound come from?" Wu Laoba and other weaker powerhouses did not understand why it was snowing suddenly.

The recent astronomical phenomenon is really strange, it rains for a while, and snows for a while...

Xiang Mozi was slightly startled, this flying snow is so amazing, and there is a power that is enough to freeze the power of the source in his body.

Fortunately, this horn sound is not malicious, otherwise, even if he is a first-order quasi-sage, he will freeze into an ice sculpture in this horn sound!

"What kind of horn is this, such a terrible power! Could it be an old monster from the East, who has newly acquired a magic weapon and is testing the power of the magic weapon!" Xiang Mozi said in awe.

"No, the sound of the horn is not made by others, but the voice of heaven!" Mu Song said excitedly.

"What does the voice of the sky mean?" Xiang Mozi was puzzled.

"It literally means." Mu Song didn't intend to explain more, but a storm surged in his heart.

It was the sound of the frozen horn! Who opened his eyes, led to the vision of the source bridge, and boarded the first bridge of the source!

Tianyin was in the area of ​​the wooden island, and the person who led the vision was fixed nearby. Could it be that it was actually...

No, not possible! This child clearly didn't open his eyes, and he didn't even have the breath of the real world in his body, but, outside of him, who else...

"Looking away! Although Sen Luo opened his eyes, he didn't have the ability to climb the Yuanyuan Bridge. The old man also went through many twists and turns before he boarded the first bridge of Yuanyuan. After countless years, he was only on the first bridge and left. 14 steps away."

The first bridge of 77 steps only took 14 steps, which is the gap between Musong and the third-order quasi-sage.

If the person who climbed the bridge was really Ning Fan, then this child's qualifications... unimaginable!


The mournful sound of the horn, like the cold winter wind, suddenly blew across the sea of ​​stars around the wooden island, instantly freezing the sea of ​​stars into ice.

At this moment, two monks, an old man and a young man, were approaching Mu Dao. When they saw the cold wind, their expressions changed slightly.

The old one was the King of Plagues, Lu Wen. His cultivation was not as high as Musong and Xiang Mozi, but he couldn't personally feel the horror of the cold wind that was enough to freeze the power of Daoyuan.

The young man, in a red robe, with cold brows and eagle eyes, and slightly mean thin lips, was now rounded, as if he was speechless for a while because of shock.

"On the wooden island, why is there the Tianyin of the frozen horn! The ancestor once said that only the cultivation of eyes can lead to the Tianyin, could it be... it is a vision led by the Taoist Musong!"

This young man in red robe is the second young emperor of the four barbarian tribes of the Nan clan. As a member of the Nan clan, he has heard such secrets.

"Sure enough, this wood pine is hidden and should not be underestimated. If you can get on the Yuanyuan Bridge, most of you are a second-order quasi-sage. This trip must not offend this person. As for that Ning Fan, hum, if he is really an ancient great cultivator , I will politely invite him to go to the Nan clan, but if he is not..." The young man in red robe sneered, if Ning Fan was not an ancient great cultivator, he would be rude and pretend to be a cultivator of the Nan clan, but it is a big sin and must not be Take it easy!

Lu Wen, who was on the side, saw the cold light on the face of the young man in red robe, and couldn't help but sweat for Ning Fan.

Inwardly, I prayed secretly, "Brother, righteous brother, I have asked you, you said that you have a way to deal with the people from the Nan clan, you, shouldn't you really be a great cultivator of the ancient times, if not... Hey, these are really troublesome. , it's really troublesome..." (To be continued.)

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