Grasping Evil

Chapter nine hundred and eighty master cheating quasi-sacred wood island

Ning Fan struggled but was seriously injured, and forcibly boarded the Yuanyuan Bridge. On the white clothes, there were bloodstains in large areas, and he was injured by the blood locks on his body. m Lewen Mobile Network

This is still the result of the protection of the shield. If there is no shield, I am afraid that the moment when he forcibly climbed the Yuanyuan Bridge, Ning Fan would have been killed by that soul-blood lock.

Beside his ears, there are the sound of the horns that keep coming and going. As soon as the sound of that day sounded, a white awn suddenly flew out from the first step of the Yuanyuan Bridge under Ning Fan's feet, and turned into a white lotus in front of him.

It is clearly a snow-like lotus, but it has a shocking temperature. That kind of temperature is not hot to the people of the Yang world, but to the people of the Yin world, it is a heat that life cannot touch.

Extremely positive! This is a white lotus full of the power of the extreme sun! It is very similar to the white lotus transformed by the carp, but it contains much more extreme yang power than the carp.

In particular, Ning Fan turned his attention to the fact that there were actually two lotus seeds on top of the white lotus. As soon as the lotus seeds appeared, the entire space experienced slight fluctuations, as if they could not bear the huge energy contained in the lotus seeds.

"The bridge god Gu Jiang said before that if you climb the Yuanyuan Bridge, you will get a reward for every step forward. The 12 Yuanyuan Bridges have different rewards. The reward for the first bridge is the white lotus, and some people are very lucky. The white lotus is long. There are lotus seeds. The extreme yang in the white lotus can help cultivators to open their eyes further and gain the approval of the heavens, while lotus seeds are used for other purposes. This lotus seed has a name in the three real worlds, called, it helps people to cultivate the void of the palm. The magic of…”

"It's just that according to Gu Jiang, the god of the bridge, even the luckiest cultivator in the real world will not reward lotus seeds for every step, and at most will only be rewarded one at a time. Those who can get lotus seeds in the first step of boarding the bridge will not be rewarded with lotus seeds. , and there is no one in ten thousand... I was rewarded with lotus seeds when I first climbed the bridge, and the direct reward was two at a time, but this is why... I am obviously a sin cultivator in the mouth of Gu Jiang. The rewards I have received are actually more than others..."

Ning Fan pondered slightly, but he didn't know it. The so-called sin cultivator is just an insulting title given to the ten types of monks by the Taoist soul clan. Practice. It is the fourth-class cultivator rejected by the Dao Soul Clan.

The Dao Soul Clan is in charge of the sky, and they acted on behalf of the sky, and they were not allowed to approach the Primordial Bridge. In fact, the Primordial Bridge itself does not exclude the cultivation of the bridge, and even welcomes the cultivation of the bridge. The rewards given are far Richer than other monks.

This. I am afraid it is a unique benefit of practicing.

"It turned out to be two lotus seeds in the beginning! Could it be that this son... is actually a cultivator!" The bridge god Gu Jiang, who has rich experience, secretly guessed.

Ning Fan did not immediately take the second step, but took away the white lotus and lotus seeds that Yuanyuan Bridge rewarded him, and refined them on the spot. The white lotus and lotus seeds rewarded by the Yuanyuan Bridge can only exist for a short time. If they are not refined on the spot, they will disappear from the world and be wasted.

refining process,

It lasted about a quarter of an hour.

After refining the extreme sun in the white lotus, Ning Fan was still unable to break free from the chains. Open your eyes. His extreme sun is still far from enough.

On the contrary, those two lotus seeds in the beginning were more helpful to Ning Fan. After consuming the lotus seeds in the beginning, Ning Fan's eyebrows, the rain star, the battle star, the dark star, and the Jupiter point in the right eye, simultaneously felt a burning sensation. After the burning, the power of the palm contained in the four yin and yang. , actually increased the number into more than!

"There are actually four types of palm positions on this child, and each of them has reached 10 Ling Jun after swallowing the lotus seeds. All four palm positions can be regarded as small palm positions!" Qiao Shengujiang was speechless. Four types of monks in the palm position are rare.

Lingjun is a quantifier in the three real worlds, which can be used to divide the amount of power in the palm of a cultivator.

If the power of Dao Ze is cultivated to the limit, it will generate the power of Palm Dao Ze. If the power of Palm Dao Ze reaches 10 Ling Jun, it is considered as a small success in the palm position. If it reaches 100 Ling Jun, it can be promoted to the palm position. In the middle realm, 500 Ling Jun can be regarded as the master of the palm. Theoretically, from the beginning of the palm position, the palm position void can be cultivated, and only the great emperor who has the palm position void can be regarded as the palm position great emperor.

In the past, Ning Fan, relying on the technique of Chaos Ring Jue, was barely able to exert a little palm position. The power of a single kind of yin and yang contained in the palm position, I am afraid that even the half-lingjun could not be reached.

One lotus seed in the beginning can increase the power of the palm position by 20 Lingjun, and two are 40 Lingjun, which is divided into four kinds of palm positions, and the power of each palm position has increased by 10 Lingjun.

It's a pity that the Ancient God's Heart Aperture can only increase the spiritual items that increase the cultivation base, and it has no effect on the lotus seeds in the beginning, otherwise Ning Fan can get more increase.

Ning Fan had already heard from Gu Jiang about the three-level division of the palm positions: Xiaocheng, Zhongjing, and Dacheng. Although he didn't have much conception of the quantifier Lingjun, he could roughly estimate that his four palm positions had reached the level of small success!

Ning Fan flipped his hand and summoned the Zhanyi Dao Sword, wrapping the Dao Sword with four palm-position Dao Principles, staring at the Dao Sword carefully, and nodded secretly.

By entangling the four common Dao rules, the power of Dao Sword can be increased by countless numbers. Today, the Taoist sword is wrapped around a more pure palm position, which contains a total of 40 Lingjun's palm power. The power of this sword is at least twice as strong as before!

The increase in the power of the palm did not increase Ning Fan's cultivation, but significantly improved his combat effectiveness!

"Would you like to take the second step..."

Ning Fan only hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind. On the first bridge of the source, he took the second step, and more blood mist erupted all over his body.

The Yuanyuan Bridge itself has a force that prevents those who climb the bridge from advancing, like a test.

At this moment, this power was superimposed with the power of the Dao Soul Blood Chain on Ning Fan's body. In an instant, it severely damaged Ning Fan's Primordial Spirit, causing nearly a third of Ning Fan's Primordial Spirit to immediately fall into In fantasy!

Serious injury, absolutely serious injury! For a cultivator, injuries in the primordial spirit are far more difficult to heal than injuries in the flesh. This is still the result of Ning Fan's possession of the Aegis of Destruction. If there is no Aegis of Destruction, it would be the result of Yuanshen's heavy damage if it is replaced by Musong!

"Five hundred deductions again! How dare this underworld boy take the second step, is he dying! Aren't you afraid of being killed by the Dao Soul Lock!" Gu Jiang, the god of bridges, felt distressed.

If Ning Fan takes one more step on the bridge, he will deduct 500 more merits, can you not feel bad!

"Little friend from the underworld, you have to think twice. Even if you have a blood lock of Dao soul, even if you have a top-quality innate magic weapon to protect your body, you can't completely offset the damage of the blood lock. Every step you take, you will be injured. If the injury is serious To a certain extent, it will damage the foundation of the Dao in light. In the worst case, you will lose your life. Hey, look back, don't go forward. The reward of the source bridge is important, but you must have your life to take it. Listen to the persuasion of the god and turn back. ..." You don't look back. Going forward, the deduction is the merit of this god!

"Thank you for your concern, senior, I have my senses." Ning Fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and took away another reward from the Origin Bridge after taking the second step.

Ning Fan felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he wanted to kill Gu Jiang just now. Gu Jiang, the god of bridges, cared about himself regardless of his previous suspicions. Well, he was a big-hearted person.

"I don't care about you!" I care about my own merits! Gu Jiang, who was inexplicably issued a good person card, was in a gloomy mood. Because Ning Fan took the third step after refining the second step reward!

Another five hundred!

In the second step, Ning Fan was still rewarded with a white lotus and two lotus seeds.

third step. The same is true.

Taking the third step, Ning Fan's Yuanshen's illusory level has reached two-thirds. If the fourth step is taken, it is very likely that the primordial spirit will collapse and die.

The third step is already his current limit. Even with the Aegis of Destruction, he cannot go further.

Ning Fan still couldn't open his eyes after taking two extreme yang white lotuses again, but he took four lotus seeds in a row, which made his four palm powers break through to the level of 30 spirits.

The power of the four palm positions is superimposed. It has exceeded 120 spirits, which is more than some immortal emperors in the middle of the palm. Even stronger!

Unfortunately, there is only one palm position. It has not reached the level of the palm position, otherwise, Ning Fan is very likely to initially cultivate the palm position void.

"Little friend from the underworld, you shouldn't take the fourth step, right?" Gu Jiang wanted to cry without tears, he was really afraid that Ning Fan would continue to walk.

"If you don't go forward, the position of the third step is already the limit of the junior." Seeing that Gu Jiang was 'concerning' himself again, Ning Fan's tone was much more gentle.

"This god really doesn't care about you..." Forget it, I won't explain it, anyway, the half-hour arrival time is almost over, and you can take the projection back to the real world.

Projecting to the Fantasy Realm this time was really a painful experience of running a business. Gu Jiang never wanted to come to this realm in his entire life.

The twelve Origin Bridges gradually became illusory, and soon, together with the horn Tianyin, disappeared from the Xuanyin Realm.

The scenery in front of Ning Fan returned to the Xuanyin Realm. The first thing he did was to use a thousand-year-old tower to heal his wounds.

The injury caused by the Dao Soul Blood Chain is really terrifying. There is an almost terrifying will of the heavens, which continues to tear Ning Fan's primordial spirit apart, causing Ning Fan's cultivation to drop temporarily due to the unhealed injury. If there is no thousand years, Ning Fan has no confidence to cure this injury at all, so he can only choose to retreat immediately.

When he walked out of the Millennium Years Tower, Ning Fan's injury had recovered and his cultivation had returned to normal.

He didn't open his eyes, but he was able to lead off the Yuanyuan Bridge and take three steps on the bridge. If you want to lead off the Yuanyuan Bridge again, you can only break free from the shackles of the chains and open your eyes.

open eyes...

I don't know how much more anodes are needed...

Ning Fan shook his head. Extreme Yang is something that only the real world has. In the fantasy world, there are very few things that contain extreme Yang. The carp eyes in the Jintianhei map contain a lot of extreme yang, but it is a pity that he has the experience of entering the picture last time, and he will enter the picture in the future. Keep an eye on it, even if you bring the nine raccoon black cat, you may not be able to retreat...

And he doesn't have a second golden talisman pen. If he wants to enter the golden sky and black map, he can only enter with the primordial spirit, not with a black cat...

Forget it, let's put aside the matter of Jiyang and the matter of opening our eyes for the time being, it's time to leave the wooden island.

There are some things that Ning Fan still hasn't figured out, but because he can only figure it out later. He shook his body and exited the Xuanyin Realm, and when he returned to the outside world, his eyes immediately narrowed.

At this moment, there were a lot of people gathered outside his door, including Daoist Musong, Xiang Mozi, Wu Laoba, and a group of people from Mudaomen. In addition, there was Lu Wen, and a look on his face. The bad red-robed Immortal Venerable.

"Oh? Why are you all gathered outside Ning's door, eh? Is the big brother here too?"

Ning Fan walked out of the Zen courtyard's guest room and smiled at Lu Wen, but his eyes were filled with inquiries.

Lu Wen nodded, seeing this, Ning Fan froze in his heart and understood.

It seems that this red-robed Immortal Venerable is from the Southern Clan!

The last time Ning Fan went to Shenxu Pavilion, he had a deep conversation with Lu Wen. At that time, Lu Wen informed Ning Fan of bad news.

The Nan clan found out that someone pretended to be a member of their clan! It was not Lu Wen's whistle-blower, but a deduction from a powerful ancestor in the clan! This incident happened about ten years after Ning Fan entered the ancient wilderness.

then. Ning Fan stole the Gu order of the Southern clansmen, and this matter is heaven and earth. The next cause and effect can be concealed from the vast majority of people in the world, but it can't be concealed from those old monsters who are proficient in deduction. By chance, it was the old monster who deduced this matter.

Knowing that someone dared to pretend to be a member of the Nan clan, the ancestor of the Nan clan was furious. Following the cause and effect, he found Lu Wen, and used secret techniques to retrieve Lu Wen's memory. Only then did I understand the whole story of Ning Fan pretending to be a monk of the Southern Clan.

What a rain fairy! Dare to pretend to be a Nan clan, don't you know that this is a taboo for my Nan clan!

Fortunately, at that time, the fact that Ning Fan was a descendant of the chaotic ancient times had almost spread throughout the entire Eastern Heaven. After not showing up in Dongtian for a long time, this matter was temporarily put on hold.

Unexpectedly, after several decades, a major event happened in the wild, and the Nan clan was one of the ten secret clans. Naturally, there are channels to find out the inside story.

In the wild ancient region, there were two ancient overhauls and a battle of life and death!

One of the. The name is Zhao Jian, a mysterious monk with a ghost face and silver hair...

As soon as he heard the news, the entire Nan clan was not calm. Zhao Jian was the name of the Nan clan that Ning Fan pretended to be! And according to the first-hand information obtained by the ancestors of the Southern Clan, Zhao Jian, the ancient overhauler of the ancient wilderness, is clearly the same as Ning Fan!

"Impossible! This son is obviously a descendant of the ancient times, a little-known Mingxian junior, how can he be an ancient overhaul of the savage wilderness!" Many ancestors of the Nan clan did not believe this. But couldn't prove it.

After that, another two years passed. Ning Fan returned to Dongtian with a strong attitude.

A hundred years ago, Ning Fan was just a life immortal. A hundred years later, Ning Fan actually possessed the Immortal Venerable cultivation base. The old monsters of the Nan clan could not believe that Ning Fan only took a hundred years to cultivate from the Immortal Immortal to the Eternal Immortal Venerable Realm. Is it really a Chinese cabbage? If it can be cultivated in a hundred years, how can there be so many old monsters with broken thoughts, and it has taken hundreds of millions of years to cultivate to this level!

Obviously, Ning Fan did not improve his cultivation, but had such cultivation in the first place. The previous life immortal cultivation was just an illusion!

No, it is very likely that even the cultivation of the Immortal Venerable is an illusion... The cultivation of the ancient great cultivator is the cultivation of Ning Fan!

As a result, most of the Nan clan old monsters choose to believe that Ning Fan is an ancient great cultivator who hides his cultivation. The things he did in Dongtian and the reputation he passed on are likely to be false, and even the name Ning Fan is possible. is fake.

However, there are still a small number of Nan clan old monsters who feel that Zhao Jian, Ning Fan, is not the same person as Zhao Jian, the great repairman in the wild. Thinking like this, those old monsters from the Nan clan did not dare to do anything unfavorable to Ning Fan.

What if? In case Ning Fan is really an ancient cultivator, even the Nan clan can't bear his anger!

Even if Ning Fan is not a great cultivator from the ancient times, he is still a descendant of the ancient times. His master from the ancient times is not dead, who would dare to suppress him by force? Even the dark clan who are full of hostility towards Ning Fan would not dare!

The old monsters from the Nan clan were so scruples that they did not dare to touch Ning Fan, but they couldn't take away the matter of Ning Fan pretending to be a member of the Nan clan. After all, it is a dignified and secret clan. Even if the other party is an ancient overhaul, the old monsters of the Nan clan must seek justice. Of course, if the other party is an ancient overhaul, the so-called seeking justice will only be a formality. That's it, let others know that no one can pretend to be a member of the Southern clan, and they won't really have a grudge against Ning Fan.

As soon as Ning Fan went to the tomb of the gods, Lu Wen told him the whole story. It must be said that Lu Wen, a cheap righteous brother, was worth making friends with. Even in the face of inquiries from the ancestors of the Southern Clan, Lu Wen did not utter a single word that was unfavorable to Ning Fan, but unfortunately his memory was searched, otherwise he would not have exposed so many things.

Lu Wen was very worried about Ning Fan's situation. His connections were not comparable to those of the Nan clan, and he didn't know the details of the Wilderness War. He didn't know that Ning Fan's ghost-faced silver-haired image matched that of the Wilderness overhaul.

From the conversations of the old monsters of the Nan clan, Lu Wen heard words such as 'Is this son really an ancient cultivator' and 'Is this son really an ancient cultivator'.

It seems that the old monsters of the Nan clan suspect that their righteous brother is an ancient great cultivator, and they estimate that the chaos of the ancient emperor is approaching the destruction of the Dao, so they dare not use force.

It's troublesome, isn't it troublesome now! His righteous brother Ning Fan, how could it be an ancient great cultivator! If the Southern Clan finds out the truth, Chaos Gu will die again. No one can protect Ning Fan.

Lu Wen, who was born in the Nan clan, naturally knew the terrifying nature of the Nan clan. It is enough to make any immortal king and immortal emperor shudder, not to mention Ning Fan, who is not an immortal king.

True. When he first learned that Ning Fan was not from the Nan clan, Lu Wen felt a little deceived. He initially had a relationship with Ning Fan, and he really had the idea of ​​utilitarianism, but later, Ning Fan directed him to make his cultivation base recover quickly. He was abolished by Sen Luo, and he has repaired more than half of it in just a hundred years!

Today's Lu Wen. He really treats Ning Fan as a brother. He is not a good person, but he is very simple. Others treat him well, he is good to others, and others treat him badly. He can kill the whole family and slaughter people. Ning Fan was kind to him, he naturally regarded Ning Fan as his adopted brother, and learned that Ning Fan stood on the opposite side of the Nan clan. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he actually stood on Ning Fan's side.

"Brother Ning, do you really have a way to deal with the Nan clan?" Lu Wen thought for a while. He still asked a question.

"Don't worry, eldest brother, this matter is not difficult." Ning Fan also replied through voice transmission.

Ning Fan still has a way to make the Nan clan mistakenly think that he is an ancient overhauler. As long as he uses the Aegis Destroyer, a heaven-opening tool, and a little bit of layout, he should be able to convince some Nan clan old monsters that he is an ancient overhauler. .

This was Ning Fan's initial thought, and seeing the people from the Nan clan at this moment strengthened his belief.

In the eyes of the red-robed Immortal Venerable, the hostility was undisguised. If it wasn't for the fact that he was exposed to the great repair of the ancient times, there would be people in the Nan clan who were so hostile to him. Absolutely not in the minority! Pretending to be a member of the Nan clan is a taboo of the Nan clan. There is no shortage of stubborn and stubborn among the Nan clan, and it is entirely possible to kill Ning Fan for this taboo!

He has already had a bad relationship with the dark clan, if there is another southern clan...

Ning Fan is not afraid of trouble, but if there is less trouble, who wants to trouble himself?

"Xiaoyou Ning, you..." Mu Song and Xiang Mozi both wanted to ask Ning Fan. Naturally, the question was about the horn Tianyin.

Unfortunately, before the two quasi-sages finished speaking, the red-robed Immortal Venerable of the Southern Clan couldn't wait, and said to Ning Fan arrogantly,

"You are Ning Fan? Hmph, I'm the second young emperor of the barbarian tribe of the Nan clan, you, come back to the Nan clan with me! Don't resist, otherwise don't blame the ruthlessness of Benjun's subordinates!"

Isn't this kid mentally ill?

Including Wu Laoba, everyone looked at the young man in red with the eyes of a fool.

Even if you are the Immortal Venerable of the Southern Clan, you can't rush to talk to the two quasi-sages, let alone Musong, just say Xiang Mozi, any secret clan first-order quasi-sage who sees him, don't say it politely. Friends, you are good, you are just a Nanzu Immortal Venerable, you dare to grab the words of a quasi-sage, is it true that the Nanzu is covering the sky in Dongtian?

The people of Mudao are not afraid of the Nan clan. They know their master's sturdy achievements. They once fought against three quasi-sages of the dark clan alone, how domineering.

Wu Laoba is not afraid of the Nan clan, the Nan clan? As soon as he squatted at the door, they had to pay him to go...

Ning Fan was also speechless.

Didn't the Nanzu suspect that he was an ancient overhaul? An old monster whose cultivation base has reached the Eternal Realm, which one is not cautious, but if Ning Fan has the possibility of a major repair in the ancient times, there will be no one who is inconspicuous to look for Ning Fan's bad luck, right? Even if you really invite Ning Fan to go to the Nan clan, you should be extremely polite. You are so impolite when you speak, and you are not afraid of accidents?

The red-clothed Immortal Venerable in front of him, shouldn't he be the kind of cultivator who cultivated in the family? I haven't experienced a lot of life, I haven't experienced the intrigues in the world of self-cultivation, and I've been taking pills to practice since I was born, so I'm so mentally incompetent?

"Hmph, the old man hasn't spoken yet, is it your turn to speak!" Mu Song's expression turned cold, he was originally a withdrawn person, and it was rare to give Ning Fan a good face, how could he give a good face to any cat or dog.

"You...that's all, what the seniors taught me." Immortal Venerable Hongpao gritted his teeth, but he softened with Mu Song, but his tone was very reluctant.

Sure enough, he is a brainless person, even a Nan clan person should not be so rude to Mu Song...

Since it's a brain-dead, let's abuse it!

If Ning Fan wants to convince the Nan clan that he is an ancient great cultivator, he must do something to intimidate the Nan clan a little, let's use this red-robed Immortal Venerable to act!

As an ancient overhaul, what should I do? Being so threatened by this red-robed Immortal Venerable, if you don't teach this Immortal Venerable junior, you will not be in line with the status of an ancient great cultivator!

Ning Fan was planning to summon the God-destroying Giant, smash this unfortunate child directly, and shock the Nan clan, but suddenly hesitated.

This hesitation is not because of soft-heartedness, but from the body of the red-robed Immortal Venerable. I sensed a breath.

Pretty good vibe!

This red-robed Immortal Venerable is actually quite a cultivator! After four days, why is there a cultivator?

I heard that the Nanzu has four divisions. For witch, gu, savage, war. This red-robed Immortal Venerable was born in one of the southern tribes, could it be. The barbarians of the southern tribe are all barbarians? It is also possible that the entire Nan clan cultivated barbarians, and it is also possible that the Nan clan cultivators are only a few, and this person may be the only savage cultivator of the Nan clan...

It should not be everyone who cultivates barbarism. Lu Wen was a member of the Nan tribe, but there is no barbarian cultivation in his body...

In just a split second, Ning Fan experienced all kinds of speculations in his heart. But could not confirm. However, if the red-robed Immortal Venerable was a savage cultivator, he wouldn't have to summon the Aegis of Destruction, and Ning Fan would be able to give him a more terrifying shock.

Barbaric cultivator, oh, if you are arrogant, what should you do when facing barbarian gods!

"If I don't go back to the Southern Clan with you, you will be ruthless towards my subordinates, right?" Ning Fan turned to the Red-robed Immortal Venerable. asked blankly.

"That's right! If you follow me back to the Southern Clan, I'll be polite to you, but if you dare to disobey the orders of this monarch. I'll let you know that in my eyes, the descendants of the ancients are not even farts!" Hong Pao Xianzun said proudly.

"Then look at you, how ruthless you are to my subordinates, get out!"

Ning Fan suddenly turned towards the red-robed youth, coldly shouting a word. A simple word, but it seems to carry Tianwei, as if at this moment, Ning Fan's will. It has actually replaced the sky, and it has replaced the avenues of the heavens. Became the ruler of all savage cultivation in the world!


roll! !

roll! ! !

No cultivation base was used, no magic power was used. There was a golden light rising from the sky, like a gust of wind, and rolled towards the red-robed Immortal Venerable in an instant. As it approached, it turned into a man-high golden palm print and re-printed it towards the red-robed immortal.

The supreme power entrained in the golden light shook everyone's heart, and the power of destroying the rotten, even in an instant, destroyed all the protective magic weapons and spiritual equipment of the Red-robed Immortal Venerable, which even included An Innate Treasure Armor!

It is no wonder that this person is so arrogant, and even has innate spiritual costumes. It can be seen that among the Nan clan, he must be a highly valued existence.

However, even the Innate Treasure Armor could not protect the red-robed Immortal Venerable, and was shattered by the golden palm print in an instant, and then even the body of the Red-robed Immortal Venerable was shattered into blood under the palm of the golden palm. Fog, his primordial spirit, was even more astonished to the extreme, his little face looked pale at the golden palm print hitting his body, the feeling of imminent death was approaching unprecedentedly!

will die, will die, will die!

What magic is this! This Yujun clearly did not use any mana, how did he issue such a terrifying golden palm print!

Unable to contend, unstoppable, I have only experienced this feeling in the most forbidden place in the clan, only the Antarctic ancestor of my clan retreated and healed, with such a cultivation base!

This is definitely the cultivation base of ancient overhaul!

God damn it! Why should I be rude to an ancient great cultivator, why don't I believe that he is an ancient great cultivator! This Yujun is definitely an ancient overhaul with a hidden cultivation base! This golden palm print, I can't take it, even the first-order and second-order quasi-sages in the clan, no one can take it! Only the first ancestor, only the first ancestor...

When he was about to die, an ice and snow jade pendant worn on the neck of Yuanshen Bo, Immortal Venerable Red Robe, suddenly shattered into two pieces, and then an old figure burst out from the jade pendant, slamming a huge bone stick in his hand, and The golden palm prints slammed into one place.

"Fellow Daoist! It's definitely a misunderstanding at this time. I, the Southern Clan, have absolutely no intention of being evil with fellow Daoists!"

The old man who suddenly sprang out had the powerful aura of a first-order quasi-saint all over his body, but it was not the main body, but a clone. However, the cultivation base of this person's quasi-sacred clone could not prevent the golden palm print from coming. Its bone rod was crushed by the golden palm, and then its figure was directly smashed under the golden palm, turning into a light spot and dissipating.

Destroying an innate magic weapon and an immortal body with one palm is not shocking, but destroying a quasi-sage's clone with one palm is definitely shocking!

"It's the avatar of Mandao III, and it was destroyed by this son's palm!" Mu Song and Xiang Mozi were both shocked.

Others can't recognize the quasi-sage clone that was killed in seconds, how could the two of them not recognize, that barbarian third, but the quasi-sage of the southern tribe, the deity's cultivation base has almost stood at the peak of the first-order quasi-sage, even A clone that has been cultivating for many years can rival an ordinary first-order quasi-sage.

Is this scene just now for real! Ning Fan...killed the quasi-sage clone of Man Dao San with one palm! ! !

"Even the ancestor's clone is destroyed, I will die, I will die..." Immortal Venerable Red Robe was already desperate, and he was frightened by Ning Fan's power.

However, the expected death did not come. The golden palm hit his primordial spirit and suddenly turned into a gust of wind. Blow him down and blow out the distance of hundreds of star fields of Kishima!

The group repair was astonished!

"I won't kill you, but. There is no next time, your status as the young emperor of the barbarian ministry. Not enough! Next time, it's your barbarian quasi-sage who speaks to me!"

Ning Fan's words were clearly said at Mudao, but through the rain technique, the words just reached the ears of the Red-robed Immortal Venerable.

"Thank you for the grace of not killing the seniors. This time I return to the clan to convey the decrees of the seniors to the ancestors of the barbarian tribe!"

Immortal Venerable Red Robe was terrified, Yuanshen's little hand clasped his fist in the general direction of Mu Dao, and then ran away in despair.

It's over. I don't know if his actions have angered this ancient major repairman... Let's see how the elders in the clan deal with this matter.


Within the Nan clan, in the Antarctic Hall, five quasi-sages of the Nan clan sat in line, closing their eyes and waiting for something.

Suddenly, one of the quasi-sages vomited blood for no reason, and then received the memory of the clone, showing a shocked face.

This person who vomited blood is the deity of that savage Dao San!

"What happened!" The other quasi-sages were shocked when they saw the savage three vomiting blood.

the entire southern tribe. In addition to the Great Elder Antarctic Ancestor who is still healing, only the second elder is a second-order quasi-sage, and the third is the third master of the Nan clan. Why did he suddenly vomit blood!

"It's Yujun, this person is unfathomable, and I can destroy my clone with just one palm... I can't provoke this person, this person must not provoke me!" As soon as Mandao San's words came out, all the other quasi-sages were not surprised.

Destroying the quasi-saint avatar of Mandao III with one palm... What a terrifying cultivation base!

Ancient overhaul!

Yujun Ningfan, is actually that wild cultivator!

"My avatar is nothing, I have to pay some price. I can still rebuild it, but..." Man Dao San smiled bitterly.

Ruonan clan because of today's temptation. Having a bad relationship with this person attracted the wrath of an ancient great cultivator. That is really difficult to end.

Not to mention that the Great Elder was seriously injured and difficult to heal. Even when the Great Elder was in its prime, he would not allow the Southern Clan to offend an ancient great cultivator.

So, if the other party is really angry, should I bow my head to this person...

"What a joke! My ancestors of the Southern Clan were the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Nantian Gate in the era. There were only cultivators who died in battle, not cultivators who bowed their heads. If this Ning Fan doesn't provoke us, we are willing to resolve this dispute peacefully. , it is okay to give in a little bit, but if this person deceives people too much, we will fight the whole clan to die, and we will make this person pay the price! It's a pity to die!"

Of course, it's better if you don't mess with Ning Fan, no one intends to be a terrifying enemy...

Kill a quasi-sage with one palm...

Several Nan clan old monsters shuddered secretly, and after the red-robed Immortal Venerable ran back to the Nan clan and sent back Ning Fan's words, they began to blame each other again.

Ning Fan said that next time, at least a barbarian quasi-sage must pass over to be qualified to talk to him...

Yes, sending an Eternal Immortal Venerable over to find Ning Fan was a bit out of character.

So the question is, who is going to talk to Ning Fan...

Fourth Elder Nan Tianhua picked up the tea cup as if nothing had happened, and it took half an hour to drink it. He just didn't finish the cup of tea, and it seemed that he was more energetic than his tea bowl. He is a quasi-sage of the Gu tribe, and there is no barbarian cultivation in his body.

The fifth elder, Prince Zhao, was constantly pinching his fingers to deduce something, as if deducing good and bad luck, as if it had nothing to do with negotiating with Ning Fan, and wanted to stay out of it.

The sixth elder, Tashi, and the third elder savagely looked at each other, and did not take the initiative to ask Ying to talk to Ning Fan.

Just kidding, talk to Ning Fan, what if the talk breaks down? Killed by Ning Fan again? This is risky, whoever is stronger is the top!

In the end, it was the Second Elder Wushan Ancestor who spoke.

"Friend Ning said, let the quasi-sage of the barbarian department talk... So, the third, the sixth, the two of you, choose one to talk to him."

"Cough, cough, Lao Liu, my clone has just been destroyed, and the injury has not healed, so..." Mandao Sanyi thought of Ning Fan's terrifying, and his heart lingered, pleadingly looking at Lao Liu Pagoda Stone.

When he saw the third brother who never asked for help in his life, he looked at himself with this kind of eyes, and Ta Shi sighed and said,

"Forget it, I'm a quasi-sage of the barbarian department, I'm going to talk to him! The big deal is death, I'm a Nanzu man, but there's no coward, I..."

Ta Shi was about to say a few words of righteousness and awe, but a lingering female voice came in from outside the hall.

"Grandpa Liu, why don't you let Weiyu go for you on this trip, okay?"

A woman in a feather cloak holding an umbrella, moved her lotus step lightly, and stepped into the Antarctic Hall.

This woman was the first saint of the Southern Clan, and her name, Tantai Weiyu, was the same as a woman Ning Fan had seen before.

It's just that this woman is different from the Tantai Weiyu that Ning Fan has encountered, regardless of her appearance, cultivation, or bone age.

And that Tantai Weiyu, who was born in the Zifu Academy in Nantian, this Tantai Weiyu, but the dignified Nan clan saint, seems to be two completely different beings.

"You? No! My Nan clan is in trouble, how can I let you go to the top with a baby girl, don't say it, the third grandpa goes, you are not allowed to go!" Mandao San is not afraid anymore, he decided to meet Ning Fan for a while, in short , I can't let the little girl Weiyu die! That Ning Fan is a vicious person who dares to destroy a person's body and avatar if he doesn't agree with one word. He is definitely not a good person!

"I go!"

"No, let me go!"

"Let me go!"

The situation that originally shied away from each other was changed because of Weiyu's suggestion.

Tantai Weiyu's heart warmed, but he shook his head and said, "No, let Weiyu go. You don't know this person, I should know something..." Speaking of which, Weiyu seems to have reminiscences The color, a shallow smile.

"Have you seen Yujun? When? Since you were born, you haven't traveled 100,000 miles from the Nanzu clan. How could you have seen this person?"


Tantai Weiyu smiled slyly.

I have indeed seen it, then Ning Fan, I have seen her witch-gu villain... This matter, several quasi-sage grandpas do not know.

That talk back then still made her remember it deeply...

What a cunning person, he actually pretended to be an ancient overhaul, scaring several quasi-sage grandpas. What is the Immortal Monarch of Rain... Others don't know that you came from the rain world, but I know (to be continued.)

... ()

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