Grasping Evil

Chapter 981 Junior... Dare

Among the Nan clan, there was a real commotion because of Ning Fan's killing of Quasi-Saint.

On the wooden island, Qun Xiu was also stunned by Ning Fan's almost heaven-defying record.

How could Ning Fan, who has been cultivated for a long time, be able to kill a quasi-sage? What kind of magical power is that golden palm print? It has such terrifying power.

Is Ning Fan's true cultivation really just a calamity, or is he hiding his cultivation?

Including Daoist Musong, everyone had doubts in their hearts, and each had different guesses, but no one spoke up and asked Ning Fan about this.

On the other hand, Xiang Mozi, who had a good relationship with Ning Fan, didn't have so many concerns. He secretly asked about the matter. When Ning Fan gave the answer, he killed the quasi-sage clone of Mandao III, not because of the suppression of his cultivation. , but some kind of supernatural power specializing in the savage tribe of the Nan people.

For Xiang Mozi, Ning Fan sincerely made friends. He didn't hide this kind of thing, but he didn't elaborate.

This is enough to shock Xiang Mozi. Based on his experience as a quasi-sage, he has never heard of any magical powers that can make Ning Fan, who is an immortal cultivator, kill the quasi-sage in seconds.

Ridiculous, this matter is really too absurd. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xiang Mozi would never have believed that there would be such a terrifying magical power in the world. Help him, he also has a way to fight against the dark race...

Wu Laoba was even more excited. Look, what he said, he recognized Ning Fan as the master, it was indeed a right thing to kill the quasi-sage, haha, looking at the scene for four days, how many people can do this? , Seeing that Wu Laoba was a little excited, he was more and more respectful and afraid of Ning Fan.

"Master, are you a second-tier quasi-sage? Are you hiding your cultivation?" Wu Laoba secretly asked Ning Fan once.

"What do you think?" Ning Fan was noncommittal.

"I don't think the master is. The master can kill the second-tier quasi-sage. It must be relied on, but it is definitely not suppressed by the realm... But Xiaoba guessed it?" Wu Laoba asked flatteringly.

"Xiao Ba?" Ning Fan was slightly taken aback, Xiao Ba...

"Xiaoba is small. The small is the master's little eight, in front of outsiders. The small is Wu Laoba, in front of the master, the small is only worthy of being a Wu Xiaoba... Master, master, you are really too strong, The quasi-sage of the palm, hehe, can that kind of supernatural power be passed on to the little one?" Wu Laoba was docile like a pug.

"This magical power. I can't teach it to you... But if you are obedient and follow me faithfully, you will benefit from it in the future.

"Ning Fan said deeply.

"Sure enough... the master killed Quansheng, relying on supernatural powers, not cultivation." Wu Laoba secretly confirmed the matter, and was suddenly shocked, the master seems to be deliberately telling him?

Is this trust? Or beating? Or maybe it's something else...

But the master said that as long as you follow him faithfully, your own benefits will be indispensable in the future...

Wu Laoba's eyes were hot. What if the master is not currently a quasi-sage? With such a heaven-defying aptitude, he won't be worse than Mu Song in the future, and he will teach himself a few heaven-defying supernatural powers in the future. Hey, look at me, black old man, how to run amok for four days

Therefore, after this incident, Wu Laoba's loyalty to Ning Fan has been greatly improved, which is an unexpected gain.

The trip to Mudao has come to an end, after Ning Fan bid farewell to Daoist Musong and made an agreement with him. Return to Dongming Star Territory. With him, only Lu Wenwu Laoba. Xiang Mozi did not return to the Dongming Star Region, but went to other places. It is said that it is rare to go out for a walk, and I have to visit a few other friends.

Until Ning Fan and his party left, Daoist Mu Song didn't figure out whether Ning Fan opened his eyes or not, and how he killed Quansheng...

"I'm old, I'm really old. In the future fantasy world, there will definitely be a place for this son. At this time, this son is facing the threat of the dark tribe. If this old man can help him, he will definitely be able to form a good cause with this son. In the future, there may be The good fruit is unknown..."

As soon as Ning Fan left, Mu Song retreated again and began to prepare for the possible confrontation with the dark clan in the future.

Swallowing the carp eyes, seeing more scenery, and then trying to take the fifteenth step of the Yuanyuan Bridge... If he succeeds, his strength will definitely improve again...

Returning to the Dongming Star Region once again, Ning Fan was to fulfill his promise with the Luo family and rescue the King of War.

Although others are in Mudao, the rain falls on the East Sea with a thought, and the Luo family's situation is perceived. The preparations of the Luo family have been completed, and it is almost done.

Along the way, Lu Wen and Ning Fan talked very happily. This Lu Wen is a character who will repay his kindness and repay his hatred, but he has different things in common with Ning Fan, which can be regarded as similar in temperament. And after this incident, Lu Wen chose to stand on Ning Fan's side to deal with the troubles of the Nan clan, and he could be regarded as sharing weal and woe with Ning Fan. Even if they only dated for a hundred years, they could be regarded as close friends.

"The threat of the Nan clan has finally subsided. Even if a quasi-sage of the Nan clan comes to you in the future, most of them will be polite to you because of jealousy, and will not make things difficult for you too much. However, you must not be arrogant because of this. I looked at the Nan clan and listened to my old brother's advice. The Xiu of the Nan clan has the most stubborn personality. In mortal terms, he is a donkey. They are afraid of you and will be polite to you, but if you force them to Too ruthless, they will turn into mad dogs, and they will try their best to fight with you. And there is an ancient overhauler who is seriously injured in the highest forbidden area of ​​the Nan clan... If the Nan clan comes again, don't force the Nan clan too hard." Lu Wen advise.

"Don't worry, eldest brother, I have my senses."

"Well, you are here to save the Luo family's war king, right? In recent years, the Luo family's war king's injury has become more and more unfavorable. The Luo family is forced to do nothing. And I heard that many famous old monsters responded to the invitation of the Luo family, trying to save the King of War with various secret techniques, instead of using the Luo family's God of War technique. As a result, those who use secret techniques to save people. The old monster, most of them returned with serious injuries... I don't know the inside story, but I have heard a few. The battle king of the Luo family seems to have a monster born in his body, and there is a lot of danger in rescuing the battle king... If the virtuous brother is with the Luo family If the friendship is not deep, then go and don't go to this muddy water, even the Immortal King, a few people have been severely injured by the monsters in the War King's body..."

"Oh? A monster was born in the War King's body?" Ning Fan was slightly surprised, but it was only a surprise, and he would not change the original plan.

He was a man of great promise, and he promised the Luo family's affairs, and he would definitely do it, no matter how powerful the monster was. This trip, he will not miss the appointment

"That monster is said to have the cultivation level of the peak immortal king, and I also heard that the ancestors of the Luo family were also abandoned by the Nan clan. But after many generations, the Luo family's Nan clan bloodline has long been thin and seems to be nothing. It is very likely that he was born in the war department of the four southern tribes. If this is the case, then the monster is most likely the ferocious creature in the legend of the southern tribe, the witch god..." Lu Wen added what he knew. Some specific information was given to Ning Fan.

"Witch God?"

Ning Fan was slightly startled. It was the first time he had heard that the Luo family might have been born in the Southern Clan War Department, but he would not doubt the authenticity of the news. Lu Wen dared to say so, he must have some confidence.

The monster of the peak immortal king cultivation base is very likely to be the ferocious creature in the legend of the Southern Clan War Department, the witch god... Unfortunately, Lu Wen also does not know much about the witch god, after all, it is a legendary thing. I am afraid that only the senior officials of the Nan clan know the details.

Ning Fan pondered slightly, the pinnacle Immortal King. It's definitely not something he can defeat, whether he kills the quasi-sage or kills Dao Li, in fact, it doesn't depend on his own cultivation. be limited.

Fortunately, he has the shield of destruction, so he is facing the Immortal Emperor of Eight Tribulations. You can also protect yourself, but you are not afraid of any monster witch gods. under the premise of self-protection. It shouldn't be too dangerous to use the God of War Art to save people...

Ning Fan and his party. They are all people with advanced cultivation, and they flew with all their strength. After a while, they returned to the Dongming Star Region.

Tianhaixing, the cultivation star where the Battle King Luo family is located.

In the main hall of the Luo family, the patriarch Luo Shi was smiling at several guests at the moment. There were three guests in total, all of whom were old monsters from Dongtian who had been famous for a long time. In addition to Luo Shi, the master family also has several more famous juniors of the Luo family, such as Luo Xuan and Luo Xiao.

Among the three guests, two of them are in the late stage of Shainian, and the strongest person is an old man who has stepped into the peak of Shainian with half a step. In terms of cultivation, he is much higher than Luo Shi. Under such circumstances, Luo Xuan, Luo Xiao and other juniors are not qualified to speak.

Once, Ning Fan didn't show up in Dongtian for a long time, and Luo Shi begged for help from the Battle King. These three guests were the alchemy masters that the Luo family had asked for. The names of the three elders of the magic pill. And the three of them are brothers and sisters. With their combined efforts, they can even try to refine them.

It's a pity that the three people's alchemy skills are extremely high, but they can't make enough pills to wake up the war king, and when they saved people for the last time, they were severely injured by the monsters in the war king's body. Go save the King of War.

As the saying goes, it is easy to ask God to send God, but these three people are so afraid of the monster, they repeatedly shirk and refuse to rescue the King of War, but they are reluctant to leave the Luo family.

Hello Luo Family, those cultivators who came to save the King of War, in the Luo Family almost everything they need, the medicine pot, whatever they need, just open their mouths, and the Luo Family will hand over them. The three old magic pills are loose cultivators and have no family supply resources. If they stay in the Luo family, they can eat and drink, use the resources of the Luo family to cultivate, and use the medicinal materials of the Luo family to improve alchemy. After tasting the sweetness, they were reluctant to leave Luo's house.

Luo Shi found three people today, just to send these three great gods away.

Ning Fan has returned to the East, and his Luo family can just rely on Ning Fan, no need to rely on these moths.

At the thought of these moths only taking things and not saving people, Luo Shi was furious. Because the Luo family is eager to save people, and the conditions they offer are generous, so in the East, there are cats and dogs who want to come to the Luo family for some good, but stay with the Luo family. Most of them are not keen on saving people. , I just want to practice with the resources of the Luo family.

Like the Roshan cultivator who attacked Ning Fan before, and the three elders of the magic pill in front of him, the Luo family now has all kinds of messy people. Before, there was no way to keep these people. Now, hehe...

"The three fellow Daoists have spent a lot of time and effort over the decades in order to save my ancestors. It's a reward from my Luo family to the three fellow Daoists."

Luo Shi waved his sleeves, and on the wooden table beside the three old magic pills, there was an extra jade box. Although the jade box was sealed, there was still a trace of medicinal fragrance inside, which showed that the seal inside was not ordinary.

Offering delicious food and drink, and giving a gift when he left, his Luo family never treated anyone badly.

It's a pity that the three elders of the magic pill did not appreciate it, the second child, the spirit child, the third one, the third one, the cultivator, all turned cold and asked in a cold voice.

"What do you mean by fellow Daoist? Do you want to drive our brothers away?"

"It's too ugly to talk about rushing. Over the years, how have you been in my Luo family and how much you have done to save the King of War? I don't mention it, but I just want to save some face for a few. Let's go. This way, I can still save some face, I, the Luo Family War King, don't bother you all." Luo Shi's eyes were also slightly cold. He is the head of the Luo family and the elder of Shenxu Pavilion. Kindness is to give these people face, not to be afraid of these people

"Okay, Luo Shi, a war king, when Luo used our brothers, he would just talk flattery. We didn't need our brothers, just crossed the river and demolished three five-million-year-old Lan Linggen, just to send the three of us brothers away, hum, when Are we begging?" The second son Dan Lingzi said angrily.

"You think you are fighting the King Luo family. Is it still the Luo family from the past? The Luo family has fallen. Although you are the elder of Shenxu Pavilion, there are three of my brothers in Shenxu Pavilion, but your background in Shenxu Pavilion is not intimidating. Since you have just broken through the middle stage of Shattering Thought, we are even more out of my eyes. If you want us to go, you can. One hundred five million year old elixir, and one can't be short of elixir. My brothers three People will eat up your Luo family. Let's see how you can do." The third Dan Xiuzi sneered.

The eldest Dan Leizi did not speak, but closed his eyes and rested, with an expression that did not put Luo Shi in his eyes at all.

Battle King Luo Family. What kind of? It's just a declining force. If the wall is pushed down by everyone, it doesn't matter if they take the opportunity to step on it. The law doesn't blame the crowd.

And they do have backers in Shenxu Pavilion. In terms of eldership, they are higher than Luo Shi's nine elders.

Luo Xuan's beautiful eyes were full of anger, Luo Xiao and other Luo family Qingjun were even more angry, and others humiliated their family. How can you not be angry.

"Your support is Feng Hai, the eighth elder, right?" Luo Shi endured his anger. The old man squinted slightly, but said something irrelevant.

This time. The complexion of the three old magic pills changed, obviously Luo Shi's thoughts were on his mind.

Luo Shi was even more angry.

The bigger the power, the more infighting there will be. A hundred years ago, the eighth elder Lei Jinshi died because of Ning Fan, and the new eighth elder Feng Hai, who was at odds with the Luo family, deliberately condoned the three elders and other moths to stay. The Luo family, let the Luo family sit and eat the mountain...

If the King of War is still here, who would dare to bully the Luo family like this?

"Since you know who our backers are, you should know that we are really not afraid of the Luo family. Well, a hundred plants are indeed too many, just fifty plants, as long as you give my brothers three fifty plants five million Nian Lingyao, I will definitely not help the eighth elder to calculate the Luo family, how?"

The eldest Dan Leizi thought about it for a while, but decided to make concessions. If you push Luo Shi too hastily, it doesn't seem very good.

Rose almost laughed

Giving these people a five-million-year-old elixir is already an extra kindness from the Luo family. Fifty five-million-year-old elixir... Hehe, really thinks the five-million-year elixir is Chinese cabbage.

"There are only three spirit medicines, if you want, you can ask for it. If you don't want it, return it to the old man. If you don't want to give it away, you won't give it away." Luo Shi laughed angrily and brought tea to the guest.

"The Luo family in the presumptuous district..."

Dan Lingzi, Dan Xiuzi, was furious and stood up on the table, just as he was about to attack Luo Shi, when suddenly, an extremely cold majesty suddenly descended from the sky and overwhelmed the two of them.

Only oppressing the town, it was like a collapse of the sky, as if there were countless thunders, and suddenly exploded in the ears of the two, roaring endlessly. It seems like they want to blast the sea of ​​​​consciousness between the two, it is simply impossible to compete

They both groaned and vomited blood. Dan Leizi didn't end well either. He was suppressed by that coercion, and his face suddenly turned pale, not only his face was like this, but even his primordial spirit was traumatized and injured.

The three elders of the magic pill were both startled and angry, but more than that, they were horrified.

The three of them, all strong in the late stage of Shainian, couldn't bear the power of this coercion. Who is the coercion released?

Eternal Immortal Venerable can't be wrong, this coercion has the momentum of crushing the ancients, only the cultivator of the ancients can have such a terrifying aura to make the three of them... they can't even compete.

The Luo family... When did the Immortal Venerable Eternal as a backer?

"Fellow Daoist Luo Shi, when did you Luo family have so many messy people? Do you need Ning to help you clean them up. After all, I am also a guest of the Luo family, and I hear people belittle them so much. The Luo family is always uncomfortable."

The person here is Ning Fan and his party.

Lu Wen is okay, many Dongtian cultivators know each other, and Ning Fan was born a little.

Wu Laoba is even more face-to-face, but his eternal coercion is equally impressive.

The three elders of the magic pill were all sucking in the cold air. They were actually three ancient powerhouses who came to the Luo family with two immortals and an immortal king.

It was Ning Fan who shot them in front of the three, it seemed. The first of the three

Wait, this person said his surname is Ning Mofei...

He is the Immortal Monarch of Rain who stirred up the eastern sky recently, Ning Fan? The ruthless man who didn't kill the ancestor of the new immortal Deyun

"Yujun calm down my three brothers. I don't know that your lord is a guest of the Luo family. If you know about this, it is my recklessness to dare to oppress the Luo family. This elixir, my three brothers don't want it. Say goodbye"

The three elders of the magic pill were extremely afraid of Ning Fan. Ning Fan's coercion was not only tyrannical, but also filled with almost terrifying evil spirits. You can't be wrong, Ning Fan has never only killed an immortal Venerable Deyun's ancestor in this life. They can't afford to provoke such a strong person.

No wonder the three brothers went to the eighth elder Feng Hai last time and asked if they needed to stay with the Luo family. Feng Hai persuaded them to leave earlier. It turns out that the Luo family has such backers, and it is the existence that the eighth elder Feng Hai is afraid of

At this moment, the three elders of the magic pill just want to leave the right and wrong place of the Luo family quickly. Unfortunately, the three of them had just stepped out of the hall with half a foot when Ning Fan's icy voice came again.

"Am I allowing you to go?"


The three of them all jumped in their hearts, and they screamed badly. They thought that Yujun was going to violently kill people, right?

After all, most of Ning Fan's deeds that have been circulated throughout the East are how many people he killed. From the beginning of Shattering the virtual, he dared to set up a great formation to kill hundreds of immortals, and then... tsk tsk tsk, what kind of cultivation. Yujun's path of self-cultivation is piled up with bones. Compared with this kind of person, the three old magic pills are embarrassed to call themselves magic cultivators.

Fortunately, what Ning Fan said next. He didn't want to take the lives of the three of them, but only ordered, "Within ten years or ten years, return all the things that you have swallowed in the Luo family over the years, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief and said respectfully, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, within ten years, at most three years, the three of my brothers will definitely pay off everything they owe the Luo family." Yujun is watching

Although it is rumored in the East that the ancients are going to destroy the Dao, and the dark clan wants to kill Ning Fan, but... those are all rumors, not all the old monsters will take action on Ning Fan when they hear the rumors. The three elders of the magic pill have self-knowledge, whether it is a dark family or a Ning Fan, if they go wrong in this level of muddy water, they will be wiped out. Eating and drinking, eating and drinking, without him, is it safe...

As a result, the three elders of the magic pill, who Luo Shi invited and refused to leave, were directly scared away by Ning Fan's three words.

Just because... the Luo family has a backer like Ning Fan

"Daoyou Ning laughed... In order to save the King of War, my Luo family has attracted many worms. Hey, let's not mention this matter, you will also come to see Yujun" Under Luo Shi's order, Luo Xuan and Luo Xiao When Luo Jiaqingjun stood up, they all stood up and saluted Ning Fanwen Wang Laoba respectfully.

Luo Xuan lowered her head and did not dare to raise her head, for fear of being rude. In the beautiful eyes, there are surprises and bitterness. After a hundred years, Ning Fan has already stood at such a high level. Back then, she felt that she could not catch up with Ning Fan. Now, she is a person from two worlds...

Luo Xiao was completely in admiration and admiration. Ning Fan is the legend of their generation of monks. For a hundred years, from life immortals to immortals, there is absolutely no one in this generation of monks who can compete with them.

It is the previous generation, the previous generation... the old monsters who have lived for millions of years, and a few more who dare to provoke the current Ning Fan

In the younger generation of the Luo family, Ning Fan also had a little friendship with Luo Xuan and Luo Xiao.

"You don't have to be so polite, what was it back then, how it is now."

That being said, but in the face of today's Ning Fan, Luo Xiao and others can't be free after all. Even Luo Shi was a little more cautious and careful, for fear of saying the wrong thing in front of Ning Fan...

As a result, Ning Fan was not in the mood to catch up with the people of the Luo family, so he just exchanged a few words before talking about the main topic.

The preparations for the rescue of the King of War are basically ready, and one day, it should be able to start.

Ning Fan inquired in detail about the process of treating the King of War, and also inquired about the information about the monster in the King's body. Unfortunately, Luo Shi also did not know much about the monster, and the information he could provide to Ning Fan was very limited. There is only one sentence over and over, that monster is very dangerous, and it has the cultivation of the peak immortal king. When Ning Fan saves the war king tomorrow, he must be careful...

The rest is just waiting.

Ning Fan, Lu Wen, and Wu Laoba temporarily stayed at Luo's house. Wu Laoba was Ning Fan's servant, so he would go wherever the master went. Lu Wen was Ning Fan's righteous brother, and he was discussing with Ning Fan about being named Qianqiu Zong's guest minister. Lu Wen wanted to join the Qianqiu Sect and help Ning Fan.

Naturally, Ning Fan would not refuse this matter, and he soon settled on the matter. A place where the three live temporarily. It was Broken Halberd Peak, a hundred years ago. Ning Fan once lived here and felt the fighting spirit of this place.

It's only a hundred years later, and there is a sense of right and wrong...

Lu Wenwu and the old eight have rested in their respective caves. Tomorrow, they may fight against the monster when they rescue the King of War. At that time, they will need to rely on the strength of the two of them.

Ning Fan was walking alone on Broken Halberd Peak, and occasionally met some Luo Jia guest ministers and saw Ning Fan. All looked terrified.

There was only one person who was overjoyed to see Ning Fan. He was Wang Meng, who had provoked Ning Fan, but was accepted as a servant by Ning Fan.

"Wang Meng sees the master"

As soon as he saw Ning Fan, Wang Meng immediately bowed respectfully, but this worship was an unprecedented convincing, which was different from a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, he was afraid of Ning Fan. There is still some self-confidence in the identity of the true monk, and he is somewhat dissatisfied.

A hundred years later, Ning Fan is already a high-ranking immortal. And he, still in the early stage of Duzhen, can worship Xianzun as the master of Duzhen cultivator, not to bow down, but to climb high. How fortunate he is to have an Immortal Venerable Master, he is so lucky

Although this master is currently in a bad situation, he is coveted by the legendary secret clan. But... the master is the Immortal Venerable.

Although this host has a cold and fierce personality, it is not easy to get along with. But... the master is the Immortal Venerable.

Although...but, the master is the Immortal Venerable.

have to. As long as the master is an Immortal Venerable, Ning Fan in Wang Meng's eyes is flawless and the truth.

"It's you, haven't you broken through to the mid-transition stage yet?" Seeing that it was Wang Meng, Ning Fan couldn't help recalling the memories of a hundred years ago and smiled.

Wang Meng was so refreshed that the master of Xianzun actually smiled at him. This is a great honor. He lost his master. The master has broken through Xianzun in a hundred years, and he has not cultivated from the early stage to the middle stage of Transcendence for a hundred years. He... He is not worthy of his master as a slave

"The villain should be damned, the villain is guilty, the villain has clearly used his heart, but he is not qualified enough, and has not yet stepped onto the real bridge in the middle of the transition..." Wang Meng said ashamed.

"A hundred years is not enough for ordinary people to break through the real world. I remember that you are an eight-pole combat body, and your aptitude is not bad. All you need is experience."

After a pause, Ning Fan pondered for a while, and said again.

"Speaking of which, you and I have no grudges at all. When you provoked me back then, I planted a chant ban on you and took you as a slave. A hundred years have passed. Now I give you back your freedom and give you a fortune. A cause and effect."

As soon as Ning Fan said these words, Wang Meng turned pale in shock, and knelt down and kowtowed violently.

"Please don't abandon the villain. The villain is willing to cultivate hard and serve the master all his life. Is the villain doing something wrong and angering the master? The villain can change anything he wants."

Wang Meng, who has been practicing Taoism for many years, has a rare panic in his heart.

In the 100 years since Ning Fan was gone, because he was Ning Fan's servant, he was treated by the Luo family quite a bit. He held the banner to be a tiger's skin.

Occasionally, when meditating, I would still think of Ning Fan, the cheap master, and pray a few words such as the master's safety.

It's so easy to wait for the master... The master doesn't want him anymore

Obviously he can be free, but Wang Meng is not happy, but rather uncomfortable. He couldn't tell whether he was greedy for Ning Fan's reputation as the Immortal Venerable Eternal, or missed the days when he was beaten by Ning Fan every day, or maybe he was addicted to being a slave, so he didn't want to be free?

"If you can live with a straight spine, don't bend your knees. You are addicted to being a slave..."

Ning Fan sighed slightly, and with a flick of his sleeves, he released the ban on Wang Meng. Then he bent his finger a little, on the center of Wang Meng's eyebrows, Wang Meng's eyes were blank for a while, and the sea of ​​consciousness suffered a sharp pain, and scene after scene appeared in front of him, which seemed to contain countless enlightenment...

That's part of the Dao comprehension that Ning Fan has realized since he cultivated the Dao. That's all, if Wang Meng can comprehend it, it should be enough to break through the middle stage of Transcendence. It's just a matter of time.

"So, you and my master and slave are graceful, and the cause and effect are two knots. Go, retreat and absorb these insights."

Ning Fan waved his hand and walked over from Wang Meng's side.

In an instant, Wang Meng felt sad, as if Ning Fan left, he and Ning Fan would no longer have any intersection, and it was as Ning Fan said, the cause and effect were tied together.

The white-haired Wang Meng, at this moment, is really like an old servant who has been loyal for many years, with a sour feeling. Yes, sorry...

"In the future, stay in the Luo family with peace of mind. You are a guest of the Luo family. Of course, if you want, you can join the Qianqiu Sect. In this way, although you and I are not masters and servants, if there is a chance in the future, we can still Pointing you one or two."

Ning Fan said deeply. He is serious this time, and is really ready to develop Qianqiu Sect.

Regardless of whether it is true or immortal king, those who can be drawn into Qianqiu Sect will spare no effort to recruit.

Wang Meng's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart was completely swept away.

"Is it okay to join the Qianqiu Sect, if you join the Qianqiu Sect, you can also do your best to dominate the Dongtian's hegemony for the master."

Ok, deal

Rao is used to Ning Fan's expressionless face, and almost broke his power at this moment.

Dominate the East? When did he have such a plan? Wang Meng actually wanted to assist him to dominate the East, this old boy has a lot of ambition...

Dominate the East, oh, speaking of it, if there is such a day, it will be interesting.

The one who can dominate the East is the ancestor of the East...

Ning Fan was slightly distracted, walking along the winding path in the mountain, and suddenly he saw Luo Xuan under a linden tree.

Luo Xuanyi was under the tree, holding a worn-out white cloth, and seemed to be in a trance. Seeing Ning Fan coming, she woke up slightly, and hurriedly put away the white cloth and saluted.

"Luo family Luo Xuan, meet Yujun."

Yingying gave a gift, and couldn't pick out any faults, but there was an indescribable strangeness. Being rusty, but a bit deliberate, it seems that she didn't want to be rusty, but she didn't dare to climb high...

"That white cloth..." As soon as Ning Fan asked, Luo Xuan immediately blushed, and hurriedly explained,

"That's something left by an old friend of mine, not something special..."

It's nothing special, you still keep it like a treasure? This lie is so untechnical...

What kind of eyesight was Ning Fan, Luo Xuan didn't show any expression, all fell into his eyes, and there was even a whisper, and he could see through Luo Xuan's heart in an instant.

It was the white cloth on his clothes, the rags left by the golden light hitting Tianhaixing when he first came to Tianhaixing...

A piece of rags, this woman has kept it to this day, how could Ning Fan not see the affection in it.

It's a pity that Ning Fan's feelings for Luo Xuan are only slightly favorable at most...

"Talk with me, this huge Luo family can't find anyone who can tell the truth now." Ning Fan looked at Broken Halberd Peak with the same scenery as before, and sighed slightly.

"Junior doesn't dare..." Luo Xuan immediately rejected nervously, her heart was in disarray the moment Ning Fan opened her mouth to invite.

"Don't dare, then forget it..." Ning Fan sighed again and walked past Luo Xuan. Sure enough, things are not people...

Luo Xuan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Obviously I want to talk to Yujun, why...why don't you dare to face your heart...

"Wait." Luo Xuan took a deep breath, as if she had regained a little of Miss Luo Jiaxuan's pride.

"Huh?" Ning Fan paused and looked at Luo Xuan unexpectedly.

"Junior... Dare." To be continued.

... ()

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