Grasping Evil

Chapter 982: The Witch God

Ning Fan nodded, if he dared, it would be fine.

So, for the next whole day, Ning Fan stayed with Luo Xuan. From midday, to sunset, to night, to sunrise, he didn't do anything superfluous. He just walked along the mountain road of Broken Halberd Peak. As they walked, they chatted, and the topics they talked about included the changes in Dongtian, the dilemma of the Luo family, and the understanding of Taoism, but there was no Fengyue.

This also made Luo Xuan greatly relieved, as long as she didn't talk about romance and love, she would not be so embarrassed when facing Ning Fan, and she could be a lot more at ease.

Ning Fan walked in front, Luo Xuan followed behind a little bit slower, this scene, in the eyes of Luo Jia Keqing who was going in and out of Broken Halberd Peak, was indescribably harmonious.

"Hey, Miss Xuan and Yujun..." Luo Jia Keqing was secretly surprised, they seemed to have discovered an incredible affair.

If this matter spreads out, I am afraid it will become a topic of discussion for many old monsters in the East... The Immortal Monarch of Rain is indeed romantic, even Miss Xuan, who has never been rude to men, is... really envious of others.

At dawn, Luo Shi sent someone to invite Ning Fan, saying that everything was ready.

The important matter was important, so Ning Fan naturally wouldn't talk to Luo Xuan any more, called Lu Wen and Wu Laoba, and went to the Luo Family Hall together.

According to Luo Shi, this time, the Luo family spent three trillion Dao Crystals to set up a [Witch Sealing Array] for the purpose of "7 Awakening War Kings".

Three trillion dao crystals is definitely a big deal, and it almost emptied the Luo family's dao crystal reserves.

The so-called Great Formation of Sealing the Witch was the grand formation handed down by the ancestors of the Luo family. It was not until he came to the Luo family this time that Luo Shi and Ning Fan got to the bottom of it and told the inside story of the coma of the King of War.

Forty-five million years ago, Sen Luo had a trouble in the East. At that time, under the Immortal Emperor, almost no one could match Sen Luo, who had been through the ages and five tribulations. The chaos is imminent, and the cultivators are all afraid. Luo Hu, the war king who is still the three tribulations of eternity, stepped forward and fought resolutely to protect the Shenxu Pavilion.

The Sen Luo of that year was naturally not as powerful as the later Sen Luo, but he was almost invincible under the Immortal Emperor. He even killed the Immortal Emperor of the Dark Race. No one thought that Luo Huo would be Sen Luo's opponent. Beyond everyone's imagination, the means are exhausted. At the very beginning, he was tied with Sen Luo. Of course, at the beginning, Sen Luo did not use all his strength. If so, this record is shocking enough.

The battle king Luo Hu was famous for this battle, but it was a pity. As Sen Luo fought with all his strength, the King of War was still defeated, and the power of the four transformations of battle tactics in his body was broken up by Sen Luo. So fell into a drowsiness.

This is already the mercy of Sen Luo, just because he appreciates Luo Hu's strength,

Otherwise, most of them will directly kill Rahu.

These things. There are rumors from the outside world, but some things are unknown to the outside world.

E.g. The ancestors of the Luo family were indeed abandoned people from the Nan clan, but that was a very long time ago.

For example, the strongest supernatural power of the Battle King Luohu is not the fourth variant of the battle tactics, but the bloodline talent of the Southern Clan War Department - [Wizard God]. It is a pity that Luo Shi is only a servant of the King of War, and he does not know much about the witch god. Even among the Nan clan, few people know about the witch god. Luo Shi had only seen from a distance that the war king used the power of the witch god a few times, so he could not provide Ning Fan with much information about the witch god.

According to Luo Shi, the reason why the King of War was able to fight Senluo at the second level was not only because of the fourth change of the battle tactics, but also because of the power of the witch god in his body. Few people know this. Therefore, this time, there are two points that must be paid attention to. One is that you must rely on Ning Fan's fourth battle tactics to restore the cultivation base of the war king who was scattered.

This witch formation is also an ancient formation handed down by the Southern Clan, and today is when it comes in handy.

At that time, Ning Fan must concentrate on saving people, and he cannot be distracted to resist the attack of the witch god. There must be someone strong to protect him. In fact, before Ning Fan came to Luo's house, Luo Shi paid a huge price and invited an Immortal Venerable Eternal, begging this Immortal Venerable to join forces with Ning Fan to save the King of War, and let him control the Wu Sealing Formation for the sake of Ning Fan protects the law. What Luo Shi asked was the Immortal Venerable Yunlei from Shenxu Pavilion.

That Yunlei Immortal Venerable is also a human being. Knowing that the risk of saving the war king is high, he did not agree to help the Luo family, but when he heard that Ning Fan would also take action, he agreed to the Luo family's request.

Immortal Venerable Yunlei, apparently agreed to help out of Ning Fan's face, and had a bit of an intention to make friends with Ning Fan.

This is an opportunity to make friends with Ning Fan, although there will be certain risks...

Luo Shi meant that Immortal Venerable Yunlei would protect Ning Fan, but Ning Fan brought Lu Wen and Wu Laoba, and these two could naturally protect him. In this way, there are three ancient monsters protecting him, and with the power of the Great Sealing Witch Formation, it is expected that it will not be too difficult to save the King of War.

When Ning Fan and his party came to the Luo family hall, almost all the old monsters of the Luo family gathered here, obviously attaching great importance to today's affairs.

Immortal Venerable Yunlei had also arrived. He was closing his eyes and resting. Seeing Ning Fan and the others coming, he naturally didn't dare to ask him, so he met Ning Fan, Lu Wen, and Wu Laoba separately.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Immortal Venerable Yunlei vaguely felt that it had only been more than ten days since the last time Ning Fan visited Shenxu Pavilion, and Ning Fan seemed to be a lot stronger...

It must be an illusion. It is not easy to be diligent when the cultivation base has reached the first level of eternity. More than ten days is definitely not enough.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that today besides the old man, there are two other Daoist friends who came to protect Yujun. I won't say anything about the King of Plagues, this is..." Yunlei certainly knew Lu Wen, but he didn't know Wu Laoba.

It's no wonder, looking at the four days, not many people know Wu Laoba at all, even if they know him, they rarely mention this person, which makes him not well-known and almost unknown.

However, this man must not be underestimated! This is the first feeling Yunlei Xianzun saw when he saw Wu Laoba!

Yunlei is the second robbery cultivation base of the ancient times, Wu Laoba is only a disaster, but when Yunlei saw Wu Laoba's first glance, he felt a strong sense of ominousness from Wu Laoba...

"This person is not so simple on the surface..." Immortal Venerable Yunlei secretly gave Wu Laoba a very pertinent evaluation.

"My name is Wu Laoba, and I am the slave of Yujun." Wu Laoba said very proudly, as if it was something to be proud of to be a slave to Ning Fan.

"Hey! This Immortal Venerable Eternal is actually a slave of Yujun!" For a moment, Yunlei, Luo Shi and all the old monsters of the Luo family were all shocked. Only Lu Wen knew about this long ago and was not surprised.

Before that, even Luo Shi didn't know that Wu Laoba was Ning Fan's servant, only Ning Fan's friend. Immortal servants. This is the specification of an Immortal Emperor. Ning Fan can actually subdue an Immortal Venerable as a servant, even if he is just an unknown person, it is enough to move people.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Wu, disrespectful, disrespectful..." Yunlei bowed his hands to Wu Laoba, and his inner evaluation of Ning Fan soared again.

Everyone could see that Wu Laoba was willing to be a slave to Ning Fan. To make Immortal Venerable Eternal willing to be a slave... This Immortal Monarch of Rain, such a great handwriting!

Wu Laoba politely returned the salute. In his heart, he scoffed at the startled appearance of everyone.

What's so surprising about this? Feeling that his master is not qualified to accept Immortal Venerable Slaves, so surprised? As you all know, my master has even killed a quasi-sage. It is not too much for such a strong person to accept an Immortal Emperor slave, not to mention just an Immortal Venerable Slave... It's a group of people who have never seen the world.

Ning Fan and his party just exchanged a few words with Yunlei, then cut to the point and confirmed that there were no omissions in the plan, so Luo Shi and the five members of the Luo family abandoned it. With Ning Fan and other four strong men of all ages, they entered the Luo Family's highest forbidden area, the secret realm of Dao Essence.

Here, Ning Fan visited once a hundred years ago, and obtained a lot of Dao essence from this place. Greatly improved the ancient demon cultivation base.

This place is also the sleeping place of the war king Rahu. This piece of heaven and earth is like an ancient and huge karst cave. Above, there are gigantic stalactites constantly dripping with drops of spiritual liquid. Converging into the sea below.

In the center of the ocean below, there are nine giant black cauldrons, each of which is in it. All have aura circling. On the periphery of the ocean, there are many Daojing Mountains, each occupying the terrain, forming a formation, and vaguely, under this ocean, an extremely magnificent formation is laid, which is the formation of the seal.

In the center of the formation, in the center of the nine giant cauldrons, there is a sea altar, square. At the four corners of the altar, a copper lamp was lit with purple fire. In the center of the altar, there was a copper coffin with no lid, and there was a black-faced man who was sleeping and couldn't wake up.

That black-faced man was naturally the Battle King Luo Hu, but compared to a hundred years ago, the Battle King's body was even more deadly. If he still couldn't reunite and wake up, he might only have a few years left to live.

"Master, Shi Nu has come to save you, wait a little longer..."

The other Luo family powerhouses did not have many emotional fluctuations, but Luo Shi, who saw the death of the King of War, actually fell to the ground in tears.

Old slave... guilty!

To this day, only the savior can be savior, let the master sleep for countless years, old slave... guilty!

Once kneeling, the kneeling old slave is incompetent, and he can't be a savior for a long time.

Kneeling again, Luo Shi was kneeling Ning Fan and other four ancient powerhouses, clasped his fists and said solemnly,

"If you can save my lord, I will be smashed to the ground, and I will die in return!"

Words are like thunder, loud and clear!

Everyone in the Luo family is the descendant of the King of War, but Luo Shi is an outsider, the servant who was accepted by the Spiritual Stone when the King of War was out. This matter, many Dongtian old monsters have heard of it.

As an outsider, just because of the master's kindness, he devoted his life to guarding the Luo family and worked hard without resentment. Seeing the master suffer, the true feelings are revealed, old tears are everywhere, and each other is begging for each other... This scene, even with the cold and hard nature of Yunlei and others, can't help but be moved and warm. In his heart, Qi Qi gave Luo Shi a very high evaluation.

Luo Shi, loyal servant! This person's loyalty and righteousness are rare in the world!

Yun Lei originally decided to go back to the water just to make friends with Ning Fan, but at this moment, he secretly became a little serious and did not want to live up to Luo Shi's loyalty.

Although Lu Wen was a wicked person, he had the most loyalty in his life. Otherwise, he would not have stood on the opposite side of the Nan clan because of Ning Fan's kindness. His expression was also solemn.

Wu Laoba seems to have found a confidant. Luo Shi, loyal servant! He Wu Laoba is also Ning Fan's loyal servant! Pity each other with the same disease, pity each other with the same disease... This person's loyalty is almost catching up with me, it's amazing, it's amazing! Wu Laoba, who had already decided to be the number one loyal servant in the world, looked at Luo Shi with attention.

Ning Fan's expression lightened a lot, he didn't say much, just helped Luo Shi up. He didn't like nonsense, he just said succinctly,

"Senior Luo doesn't have to be like this. I promised you back then. Today, I will definitely do it!"

Not as fellow Daoist Luo, but as senior, just like in the past.

From Luo Shi's body, Ning Fan saw something that was rare in the world of self-cultivation and was still being lost. That thing, the former Zidouxian cultivator has it, it is the heroic righteousness of a promise and the five mountains, it is the heroic death of life and death for whoever throws it lightly, and the ancient road and the west wind for the king.

Style... Today's comprehension world is missing this thing.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense, and after finalizing some details again, they started to act. It was abandoned by Luo Shi and the other five Luo family members. Controlling the outer auxiliary formation, with Lu Wen, Wu Laoba, and Yunlei controlling the inner main formation, together with internal and external forces, to defend against the witch gods that may appear at any time, and protect the law for Ning Fan.

Ning Fan entered the altar in the center of the great formation alone, and used the battle of the fourth transformation of the battle tactics to help the battle king regain his cultivation.

Standing in front of Zhan Wang's copper coffin, Ning Fan closed his eyes slightly, mobilizing the power of Zhan Yinyang. The way of war between heaven and earth was suddenly motivated by him alone, and turned into a continuous fire of war, filling the sky, and the fire was soaring!

"Hey, this is the power of the palm position! It's actually the palm position of war!" The group of cultivators were shocked. Ning Fan actually cultivated the position of the battle palm with the cultivation base of Immortal Venerable, which is really amazing!

This is not the level that the fourth transformation of the battle tactics can achieve. This level of fire of war will definitely help the war king condense his cultivation base!

"Start the formation!" Luo Shi's confidence increased a lot, and he waved the formation flag, the outer formation of the Wufeng Great formation. Get up and running immediately.

The five Luo Family Shekong left and started to control the formation. The three Lu Wen in the inner circle were not idle either, always on alert for possible witch gods.

Ning Fan was completely focused. He stretched out his palm and slapped the copper coffin, and the body of the King of War suddenly floated up.

Ning Fan's eyes were covered with green light. With his eyesight, he could clearly see the War King's body, above the Primordial Spirit, the lines of Dao were intertwined, and a lot of them were directly shattered... What Ning Fan was especially afraid of was the War King's Primordial Spirit. A dark shadow, the breath that came out is quite dangerous, comparable to the peak of the Immortal King...

First of all, it is to correct and repair the disordered way of warfare in the War King's body! As for this shadow, I will hand it over to the righteous brother and others to deal with!


Ning Fan pressed his five fingers forward, and the flames of war between heaven and earth suddenly began to pour into the War King's body frantically.

He seemed to have forgotten everything in front of him. In his eyes, only the physical body of the King of War was left. The physical body fell in his eyes, and it continued to enlarge and became clearer. It was accurate to every cell, and it could accurately fall in the eyes, and then it became more refined. Ning Fan could almost see the most detailed energy units that make up matter.

So, in his eyes, the physical body of the King of War is no longer like a person, but... a whole starry sky!

Every energy unit that constitutes the flesh is like a self-cultivation star, gathering in the starry sky!

What connects these energy units in series is the Dao that the King of War has cultivated throughout his life!

This is the first time that Ning Fan has carefully observed the human body with the eyesight of the second realm of heaven and man, and the insight he has vaguely obtained is that everyone is a unique starry sky...

What a weird realization...

This realization was only for a moment, and was not taken by Ning Fan. He carefully observed the broken and chaotic Dao in the body of the King of War, and used the Dao of War of the same origin as the King of War to subdivide the repair unit into each energy unit. , slowly repairing...

Xinyou and Gangenkun were shaken away, this location is repaired…

Jiashen Kun Qiandui Xunli, this location is repaired…

Kwai Wei... In the eyes of the large damage in this position, it is not easy to repair, and it needs to be carefully...

Ning Fan was completely immersed in saving people, and he didn't even pay attention to the dark shadow inside the King of War.

As a result, he has the Aegis of Destruction, and he can protect the master himself, which is very safe.

Second, he trusted Lu Wen and others, believing that even if the witch god attacked him, these people would protect the law for him.

"Are you trying to save Rahu's ants again! Kill, kill, kill!"

A shrill, cold voice suddenly came from within the King of War, and in the next instant, a black shadow flew out of King War's dantian and attacked Ning Fan at a lightning-fast speed.

The power of a rush is comparable to the blow of a peak immortal king, the world changes color, and the roar is like thunder!

"Be careful brother!"

Lu Wen's expression froze. He would never give the shadow a chance to attack Ning Fan. With a single finger, the inner circle formation speeded up. The shadow, which was rushing towards Ning Fan, was moved directly from the side of the copper coffin. , moved to the middle of the periphery and the inner periphery.

Above the nine cauldrons, each of them flew out a purple fire, which turned into nine fire seals, sealing the black shadow in the air.

Only then did everyone see the true face of this black shadow. It was actually a headless monster, with milk as its eyes and navel as its mouth. The fangs in its mouth were abrupt, and it roared again and again. It held a dark red axe in the left and a large axe in the right. The pitch-black iron shield looks rather terrifying. Fortunately, the people present were all experienced old monsters, who had been practicing Taoism for many years and had seen all kinds of strange things, so they were not surprised.

This monster is the witch god within the War King!

The nine fire seals bound to the monster all have the powerful power to seal the newly promoted immortals, and the nine seals are one. Even Immortal Venerable One Tribulation can be sealed a little, but unfortunately it is a bit reluctant to seal this monster.

The monster suddenly roared, and the bones made a rattling sound, as if it was struggling. In the next instant, all the nine fire seals shattered, and the monster broke free from the seal!

"An ants, they are all ants! Kill, kill!"

That monster is very fast. He swung his body and appeared directly in front of Lu Wen at a distance of ten meters. Suddenly, Lu Wen felt frightened and hurriedly put out a bright yellow pear wood sword to protect it in front of him, blocking the axe that helped the monster slash straight down.


The might of an axe has the power to sever the starry sky. Lu Wen is not a body-refining cultivator, so he took it hard. He was so shocked that he flew out with his sword upside down, and he vomited blood in the air.

Is this the strength of the Peak Immortal King, under the Immortal Emperor, I am the only Peak Immortal King! Compared to today's Lu Wen. It is by no means a star and a half!

The monster smashed Lu Wen into the air with one blow, and with another sway, appeared in front of Lu Wen again, and slashed down with an axe. This time, Wu Laoba and Yunlei were all prepared, while the monster bullied Lu Wen. He also dodged to Lu Wen and shot in unison.

Wu Laoba spit out a black sewage, turned into a water arrow, and shot the monster directly. It was the black water that he had cultivated for many years. Because it was related to black luck, he was restrained by Ning Fan. He fought with Ning Fan that day, but he did not use this magical power.

Immortal Venerable Yunlei sacrificed a thunder light, which was his Taoist Thunder Sword, and once it was sacrificed, it directly took the monster.

Lu Wen naturally still used his pear wood sword. The combined attack of the three was quite powerful, almost as good as the blow of the Immortal King of Four Tribulations, but with reluctance, he slightly blocked the monster's axe.

It's a pity that the monster's axe was fruitless, and it slashed the second axe, the third axe, the fourth axe again... The axe didn't want to die. He vomited blood and flew upside down, and then Lu Wen, no matter how difficult it was to fight the monster alone, hurried back and shouted,

"Luo Family Zhu Xiu, form an array to protect me!"

Lu Wen has clearly realized that even if the three ancient powerhouses join forces, they are definitely not the opponents of this fierce creature. Up to now, this ominous creature has not even used supernatural powers, just slashing with brute force, making it difficult for Lu Wen and others to resist. This monster is too powerful to be able to match, so we can only spread the distance to delay this monster and buy time for Ning Fan to save the King of War!

Luo Shi and others did not dare to neglect, and activated the outer formation to the maximum power, and more fire seals flew out from the nine tripods and sealed them towards the monster.

The monster looked disdainful, swung the axe, and easily smashed all the fire seals, and then swayed and appeared in front of Yunlei.

Lu Wen is the highest among these people, and it's not easy to kill, so... let's pick someone else to kill first!

"not good!"

When he saw the monster bullying him, the cold hair on Yunlei's vest stood up. This level of crisis had been felt in his life, but it was rare. This time, the monster didn't move the axe, but exhaled a black gas from its mouth. The black gas then turned into a ghost head and hit Yunlei's chest directly.

In a hurry, Yunlei had no way to retreat, and there was no way to avoid it. He could only take the attack of the black gas. After drinking, a layer of thunder armor appeared on his body, which was very majestic. The ghost beheaded. That ghost head is very strange, the thunder sword slashed, and it was cut into the air, like an invisible thing, and it was not hurt by the slash.

The ghost head slammed into the armor heavily, and suddenly aroused thousands of thunder lights, but it did not smash the armor world, but directly passed through the surface of the armor, and then bombarded Yunlei's chest.

What kind of magical power is this, so strange, it can ignore the defense of spiritual equipment!

Being hit by the ghost head, Yunlei actually had the illusion that he was hit by the cultivation star. This blow was too heavy and too heavy! His breath slumped directly, his face was pale, and he vomited blood and flew upside down. This time, he was seriously injured.

Seeing that the monster did not kill Yunlei with a single blow, he was slightly surprised, opened his mouth again, and sprayed dozens of ghost heads in a row.

Yunlei's complexion changed greatly, and a single ghost head could seriously injure him. If there were dozens of ghost heads, it was absolutely possible to kill him directly!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Wen and Wu Laoba rushed to rescue them, but the situation suddenly changed.

Dozens of ghost heads suddenly turned around and flew towards Wu Laoba again.

"not good!"

Where does Wu Laoba dare to have reservations, he directly transformed into the real body of Eternal Age and hid in the tortoise shell.

It's a pity that those ghost heads did the same, directly overcoming Wu Laoba's tortoise shell defense and hitting his defenseless soft flesh.


Wu Laoba, who had been cultivated for a long time, was directly hit by the dozens of ghosts, as if he was hit by the meteor shower of the cultivation star. The body immediately exploded, turning into a blood mist.

In the blood mist, a black light suddenly flew out, which was actually a small turtle that had shrunk countless times.

As soon as the little turtle escaped, he immediately shook his body and turned back into the old man. Although he didn't die, his face was pale, and he was obviously severely injured.

"It's very dangerous! That is, the real body of Wan Gu, who is a poor man, is good at saving his life. If you change it to other people, most of them have been killed by this ghost! This monster's supernatural powers are so powerful!" Wu Laoba still had lingering fears.

"This ghost head seems to only dare to wander around the periphery. Could it be that he is afraid of the power of the formation in the inner circle... Try attacking these ghost heads with the formation!" Lu Wen seemed to have discovered something, and immediately urged the inner circle. Encircling the formation, fire seals flew out of the nine tripods one after another, sealing the ghost heads one by one.

Sure enough, these ghost heads are afraid of the fire seal, and can be sealed by this Wu Dazhen...

Roar! ! !

The supernatural power was broken, completely angering the monster. With a reminder of the magical power, there was actually a fire of war in his eyes, and with a wave of the battle axe, half of the sky was ignited by the fire of war.

The sea of ​​fire was overwhelming. That scorching temperature is no longer something that monks under the age of eons can bear!


Immortal Venerable Yunlei flipped his hand and sacrificed a gourd magic weapon, trying to take away the flames that filled the sky, but unfortunately the gourd only took one-tenth of the sea of ​​​​fire. was burned to ashes.

It was Wu Laoba who was good at the way of water, opened his mouth to spit out the vast ocean, and borrowed the power of a twelve-needle fire ball from Lu Wen. Just then the endless war was extinguished.

But with this blow, Wu Laoba's mana was almost consumed by 70%, and Lu Wen's fire-proof beads were also damaged.

If the sea of ​​​​fire comes again, the three of them will work together, and they will not be able to stop it!

"Damn, although this monster hurts people on weekdays, it's not so fierce. Why is it so fierce today? Even the witch sealing formation doesn't have much effect. Do you have to ask an Immortal Emperor to take action to stop this monster?" Luo Shi was reluctant.

On weekdays, when other people save the King of War, this monster just swings an axe at most, and it will stop when the person is repelled. But today, it seems to be desperate, why is this...

Luo Shi did not know. Those people on weekdays can't save the King of War at all, so this monster has no sense of crisis and will not be ruthless.

But today is different. Ning Fan does have the ability to save the King of War. If the King of War wakes up, the monster will lose its freedom, be controlled by the King of War again, and even be assimilated by the King of War...

From Ning Fan, the monster really felt uneasy, he couldn't keep his hands, he had to kill everyone who wanted to save the King of War!

Roar! ! !

The monster roared, axe after axe, beating Lu Wen and the other three to the point of losing their temper.

And this monster is extremely strange. The stronger its fighting spirit, the stronger its attack power. With axe after axe, Lu Wen and others were seriously injured to varying degrees.

I can't stop it!

Roar! ! !

Dozens of fire seals were sealed on the monster. The monster seemed to be temporarily trapped, but it was only trapped for a few breaths before it was forcibly freed.

During these few breaths, the attacks of the three of Lu Wen mercilessly hit the monster, but in the end, they couldn't hurt the monster. The monster's body is too powerful. Do not break the physical defense of the monster!


Huo Feng was once again freed by the monster. This time, the monster did not attack Lu Wen and the others, but rushed into the inner circle, rushed into the center of the formation, commanded a high position, and slashed at Ning Fan's vest with an axe.

"Be careful!"

Lu Wen and the others exclaimed, but it was too late to rescue Ning Fan.

Ning Fan, who was concentrating on saving people, was awakened by this axe light. The golden light of the annihilation shield had turned into a golden gas wall with a width of more than 10 feet, blocking the back.


This axe was a hateful blow from the monster, and it was infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor's blow.

But this blow only shook Ning Fan slightly, and then he steadied his footsteps.

"Block... block!" Lu Wen and the others were all surprised.

They have personally fought against monsters, and they have personally experienced the brute force of monsters. With such a desperate axe, any immortal king can't take it calmly.

But Ning Fan only flicked it, and then blocked the monster's blow... That golden light, what magical powers, such a strong defense!

Everyone didn't know that this was the result of Ning Fan's failure to completely transform into the God-destroying giant. If it wasn't the golden gas wall that protected Ning Fan, but the complete God-destroying giant, Ning Fan wouldn't even shake it.

"It seems that only the eldest brother and others can't stop this monster..."

Ning Fan was slightly helpless.

The combined force of Lu Wen and others is not a monster's opponent, and it is even more impossible for him to defeat the monster.

He did not continue to treat the King of War. With this monster disturbed, it is impossible to concentrate on the treatment at all. As soon as he turned his hand, he summoned the Zhanyi Dao sword. With another wave, the four palm positions were wrapped around the sword's edge. As soon as he stepped on the altar, it turned into a golden rainbow, soaring into the sky and rushing directly towards it. monster.

"Fellow Daoist Hugh is reckless!" Yunlei was shocked, rushing towards the monster so rashly. He didn't dare to be the Immortal Venerable for the Second Tribulation. Ning Fan's move was too dangerous. In the face of this monster, it was too late to avoid it. How could he attack it head on!


What responded to Immortal Venerable Yunlei was a four-color sword light that was so sharp that it was unimaginable.

The monster was arrogant and arrogant, and did not defend against Ning Fan's sword light, but this blow. For the first time, he broke through the monster's physical defense, leaving an extremely fine wound on the monster's left shoulder.

A few drops of blood emerged from the wound. It wasn't a serious injury, but it was enough to shock Yunlei.

He joined forces with Lu Wen and the others to attack, but they couldn't break through the monster's physical defense, but Ning Fan only relied on Dao soldiers. It broke the defense of the monster!

Although there was only a trace of the wound, this trace really hurt the Immortal King Peak!

"That's... the four principles of the palm position! This son. This son..." Yunlei was so shocked that he was speechless.

Lu Wen had seen Ning Fan's more astonishing behavior before, so although he was surprised at this moment, it wasn't that much.

Wu Laoba is even more looking forward to it. He expects that Ning Fan can still use the palm of his hand to kill the quasi-sage in one second.

The master shot, the mere peak Immortal King, what a slap in the face!

Unfortunately, he really overestimated Ning Fan...

Being able to cut a wound on the pinnacle Immortal King who specializes in physical cultivation is already the limit of Ning Fan today. It is extremely difficult to kill monsters.

The reason why it is not impossible is because there is still the beginning energy, there is a way to burn blood, and there is the jade slip that kills the emperor. If Beginning Qi exploded, Immortal Emperor would have to retreat, let alone this monster, but Beginning Qi was too precious, Ning Fan didn't want to use it if it wasn't necessary.

Burning blood is even more of a loss. Ning Fan has already noticed from the act of merging the ancestral blood into the magic talisman. The cultivation of the gods, demons and demons will probably face this step of ancestral blood fusion in the future. Therefore, if it is not necessary, the ancestral blood cannot be wasted. Otherwise, it will be difficult to repair in the future.

As for the jade slip that killed the emperor...

Or, Ning Fan can invite other people to help kill this monster, for example, Xiang Mozi... But, to ask Xiang Mozi for help, don't owe favors, he owes Xiang Mozi a lot...

Fortunately, Ning Fan still had the upper hand in the face of monsters.

If there is no Aegis Destroyer, he would not be the opponent of this monster, but with Aegis Destroyer, the monster can't hurt him at all, and he can at least cause a wound to the monster...

And because this wound was caused by the four palm positions, it was difficult to recover with physical recovery.

"Leave this world first, and I'll see if I can kill this monster. If I don't kill this monster, I'm afraid I won't be able to save people with peace of mind."

Ning Fan chased people out mainly because he didn't want to expose the complete form of the God-destroying Giant to everyone's eyes.

This matter is related to the wild war. Many immortal emperors have seen the appearance of the God-destroying Giant when it is complete. Knowing the true appearance of the God-destroying Shield is not necessarily a good thing for Lu Wen and others. .

When they heard that Ning Fan was going to fight the monster alone, Yun Lei and others were all worried. Only Lu Wen and Wu Laoba knew that Ning Fan had a lot of methods, and even if he lost, there would not be any danger.

If they win, it's not surprising... After all, Ning Fan has even killed a quasi-sage... They are all seriously injured, staying here, it will not help much, but may be a hindrance...

So, Lu Wen and Wu Laoba resolutely took the group out of the secret realm of Daosi. In the secret realm, only Ning Fan was left to confront the headless monster.

Seeing everyone leave, Ning Fan had no scruples, and directly summoned the dharma of the God-destroying giant. The giant held a shield in his left hand and an enlarged Zhanyi Dao sword in his right.

Roar! ! !

Seeing that Ning Fan released the power of the Aegis, the monster had a kind of fear from his bloodline for some reason.

The four tribes of the Nan clan, witch, gu, barbarian, and war, are rarely known. These four tribes, the entire Nan clan, are descendants of a family of cultivators.

War witch!

Before time immemorial, the war witch family was one of the subordinate groups of the barbarians. After the barbarians were enslaved by the robbery spirits, there were very few war witches left. The guardian of Nantianmen. And gradually, divided into four tribes.

The barbarian tribe is a lineage that has been rewarded by the barbarians. It can cultivate barbarians and has the status of barbarian cultivation.

The Witch Department and the War Department are the direct line divisions of the War Witch Clan.

The Gu tribe was a new tribe born from the war witch lineage.

The ancestor of the war king was an abandoned cultivator of the war department of the southern tribe, and the witch god was the magical power in the legend of the war department, only in the war witch era. There are very few war witches who can create their own witch gods.

In terms of origin, the witch god is the signature magical power of the war witch lineage, and the war witch is a barbarian vassal.

Even this witch god himself didn't know, the reason why he sensed uneasiness from Ning Fan was not only because Ning Fan had the power to save the King of War, but also because Ning Fan was a dignified ten-generation barbarian god, and he also possessed the weapon of barbarian inheritance. Aegis!

pity. The witch god is not a savage cultivator, otherwise Ning Fan could directly suppress him with the power of slaughter and punishment.

Rao is so, when facing Ning Fan. There was a little fear in the witch god's heart. This fear will continue to magnify in subsequent encounters. He tried his best to attack Ning Fan, but it couldn't work at all!




Axe after axe. One ghost head after another ghost head, this witch god almost did his best, but. It can't break the defense of the God Destruction Giant at all.

And Ning Fan, every sword swing, can leave a slight wound on the witch god's body. After that, Ning Fan even used the Sifang Seal of the Two Instruments to imprint the Yinfeng who first changed to attack the witch god.

Due to the lack of Ning Fan's cultivation, even if he used the innate magic weapon, he could only cause almost no injuries to the witch god.

However, don't underestimate these injuries. As more and more wounds on the Witch God's body, the injuries gradually deepened.

One day, two days...three days!

In this battle, Ning Fan actually fought against the witch god for three days!

With his cultivation base, he really couldn't kill the witch god without using the trump card of beginning qi and ancestor blood. However, it also caused quite serious injuries to the witch god.

This is also because of the cultivation of wood yin and yang, and obtained the almost heaven-defying mana recovery, Ning Fan was able to fight against the witch god for three days, and he was still full of mana. Relying on the defense of the Aegis of Destruction, it is even more invincible.

Theoretically, if this slashing could last for decades, Ning Fan would really hope to hack this witch god to death with this deepening injury.

But the trouble is, the King of War can't live for decades, and he can't really waste decades, slashing with the witch god here.

Sure enough, if you want to kill this monster, you still have to use your trump card...

Beginning Qi and killing emperor jade slips are precious, but if they were to fulfill their promises, Ning Fan would not feel bad for these external things at all.

Turning his hands, Ning Fan took out the beginning energy and jade slip at the same time. Of these two, I am afraid that one must be used to kill this witch god.

As Ning Fan made up his mind, this time, even the last bit of luck was lost in the heart of the witch god opposite.

In his few bloodline memories, the three qi of the beginning of Nirvana are extremely terrifying things, and only one qi of beginning qi is enough to kill him...

And that jade slip... what jade slip is that! Very dangerous, very dangerous! How can this son be so difficult, how can there be such an endless stream of methods!

"Don't...kill me! I and Rahu...are originally one! Kill me, and Rahu will die! I'm willing to... surrender!"

The witch god was so frightened of Ning Fan that he took the shield and the giant axe and knelt down in front of Ning Fan.

This is... surrender!

The power of a barbarian god on Ning Fan's body was the power of a superior, which made him tremble and made him not dare to fight against it.

He couldn't break Ning Fan's defense, Ning Fan's attack deepened his injury little by little, making him more and more uneasy.

And what really made him despair was the trump card that Ning Fan finally took out. Ning Fan... was completely capable of killing him!

Compared with death, he would rather be regained control by the King of War, or directly assimilate with the King of War. Anyway, he was originally Luo Hu, and he was the awakening of Luo Hu's war witch bloodline, so he didn't lose much.

Better than dead!

"Oh? If I kill you, the Battle King Luo Hu will also die?"

Ning Fan secretly took a breath of cold air.

so close!

If he unknowingly used his trump card and killed this witch god, wouldn't he cause a big oolong, fail to save people, and kill the war king instead?

"Please God, forgive me..."

The witch god bowed to the ground again. He was even more convinced in his heart that the barbarian god who was aloof was not something that his little war witch clan witch god could compete with.

Man, the lord of witches!

Even if today's sky is biased towards the robbery and loses the status of the past, this will not change! (To be continued.)


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