Zhang Yichen sat on the edge of the oasis and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a scream of pain reached his ears.

This voice is no one else.

It was Lavajli, who had just run into the oasis.

Zhang Yichen opened his eyes sharply and rushed towards the oasis.

The whole oasis is full of large expanses of dark green.

The oasis is full of travellers.

The branches of the traveler’s banana are thick and tough.

There are some unknown green vines tightly wrapped around the branches of the traveler’s plantain.

The traveler grows tall.

It is five or six meters tall.

In the range visible to the naked eye.

In addition to the traveler, the banana is the vine.

Occasionally there are also a few cacti plants.

It is not easy to find someone in this oasis.

Zhang Yichen climbed on a traveler’s banana.

Standing on the thick branches of the traveler’s banana and looking out.

Green everywhere.

Park Chan-suk and Ravajili were not visible at all.

Zhang Yichen tried to contact the two people with the bracelet again.

Still no results.

After Zhang Yichen rushed into the oasis.

Gu Yueban, Yang Xue’er, and Max Wilbu ran over after Zhang Yichen.

Just entered the oasis.

The three people were shocked by the banana forest of travelers in front of them.

“Fatty! What are you in a daze? ”

Max Wilb saw Gu Yue standing motionless in place. I think it’s a little strange!

“I just heard a scream! Now, the sound is gone! ”

“Miss Yang, didn’t you hear?”

Yang Xue’er shook her head!

When Zhang Yichen rushed into the oasis, Yang Xueer was setting up a tent.

She didn’t even know what was going on, so she rushed in.

“Fatty, don’t worry! There is Brother Chen. It will be fine! ”

Gu Yue half-smiled.

“Forget it, there shouldn’t be anything!”

“Fatty, quick! Let’s replenish some water first! ”

When they rushed into the oasis, Maxwell carried a gun.

Yang Xue’er held a Vajra umbrella.

Only Gu Yueban took a Nepalese saber in his hands.

This knife is also known as the ‘Gurkha Saber’, and there is also a local name called the dog-legged knife because its curved blade resembles the hind legs of a dog.

The dog-leg knife is particularly powerful in chopping and chopping, which can directly cut off the head of a cow, and the unique design of the front is large and the back is smaller and easier to use.

Max Wilb took the dog-legged knife that Gu Yueban handed over.

A knife cut into the thick branch of the traveler’s banana.

The fresh, cool water immediately flowed down like a small spring.

Traveler’s banana is the source of life for travelers in the desert.

Escorting countless desert travelers.

Because inside the branches of the traveler’s plantain, a lot of water is stored.

The amount of water it can store is also extremely large, just like the hump on the back of a camel, and the entire leaf can be called a huge water reservoir.

The water flowing from the traveler’s banana is pure and translucent.

It’s no different from mineral water.

Yang Xueer took the water handed by Max Wilb and tasted it.

Cool and sweet!

“Max Wilb, what kind of tree is this so amazing?”

“Miss Yang, this is not a tree. It’s Traveler’s Banana! ”

Gu Yue half-grunted and poured a few mouthfuls of water.

“Fatty! Fool me less! I still know the traveler. I have a few more in my back garden! ”

“Traveler’s plantain in your back garden. It is improved from generation to generation. It is an ornamental plant. Moreover, because of the abundance of water and nutrition in the city, the improved traveler’s banana has ceased to be called “traveler”, not only the ability to store water has been greatly reduced, but even the vitality has become fragile. ”

“So it is!”

“Actually, there is another legend about this traveler’s banana!”

“Oh? Say it and listen! ”

“Legend has it that a long, long time ago, a caravan of camels walked in the desolate desert, and they had been walking in the desert for days and nights, enduring the day the scorching sun and shivering in the cold wind at night. The most unfortunate thing was that they had lost their way, and now there was not much dry food left in the caravan, almost all the water had been drunk, and they were only one step away from death. Almost all of them gave up hope. But just when they were dying and ready to sit still, they suddenly found a tall green plant in the desert.

So someone went forward to break off these leaves to feed the camels who were also about to run out of oil lamps, who knew that as soon as they broke off these leaves, a large amount of clean water immediately flowed out of the place where the leaves were disconnected. This camel caravan was saved by this, and since then the plant has been called “traveler’s plantain”, and some people more directly call it “water tree”. ”

“Since there are these traveler’s bananas that store water in the oasis. This oasis should be inhabited! ”

According to common sense, almost all places inhabited by people will grow traveler’s plantain.

But they got the news.

The Katel Desert is forbidden.

There is no population here.

“Fatty, how about we go back first?”

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