Yang Xueer also faintly felt that something was wrong.

After the three of them deliberated, they decided to leave here first.

The oasis is full of travellers’ bananas and vines.

They followed the direction they came in and prepared to exit the oasis.

Somehow, I lost my way.

Maxwilb was tall, and the task of the guide was entrusted to him.

As he walked, Max Wilb actually led the two of them into a cactus bush.

Fortunately, the cactus bush is not as tall as the traveler’s plantain.

Here, too, their horizons are much broader.

The cactus bush is surrounded by a low forest.

A gust of wind blew through.

The banana leaves of the traveler’s banana are brushed by the wind.

In the non-stop swaying of banana leaves.

The sharp-eyed Gu Yueban actually saw an earth-colored building.

“Fatty! It seems like someone! ”

Maxwell also saw it.

And pointed in the direction of the building.

There was smoke.

“Let’s go!” Max Wilb walked in the direction of the smoke.

“Max Wilb! Come back! ”

Gu Yueban wanted to bring Max Wilbra back.

Because Zhang Yichen said, danger!

“You’re too careful too! They have all started to make fires! ”

Yang Xue’er patted Gu Yueban’s shoulder and followed Max Wilbu in the direction of the earth-colored building.

Spent the night dodging black sandstorms.

Into the oasis, lost again.

Now, the three of them are exhausted.

Since there is smoke, it means that Park Chan-suk and Ravajili have reached the residential area of this oasis.

Perhaps, people here are warmly welcoming guests from afar.

Thinking of this, Gu Yueban also forgot Zhang Yichen’s instructions.

Hurry up and follow Yang Xue’er and Max Wilb.

“Wait for me!”

In the live broadcast room, the audience stared intently at the live broadcast screen.

“Isn’t this Gu Yue Half the most listening to Brother Chen? Brother Chen said that there is danger, go back! ”

“I feel sorry for Brother Chen, I actually harvested two fake powders!”

“Don’t go! Listen to Brother Chen! ”

“There are man-eating monsters out there!”

“It’s a pity that the young lady looks so beautiful!”

“Sister Cher!”



No one in the live broadcast room could see the barrage.

Yoyo in the studio also looked worried.

Now Zhang Yichen is still shuttling through this oasis, looking for Park Chansuk and Ravajili.

If they encounter a monster, the consequences will be unimaginable!

The high-definition picture gives people an immersive experience.

Just now, the picture of Lavajili being pierced in the chest by a monster with a sharp claw.

It has scared the audience in the live broadcast room for a while.

Many viewers were so frightened that they threw their phones out.

The bold ones have already burrowed their heads into the quilt.

Some viewers have already made up the plot of three people being surrounded by monsters.

Walk through the cactus bush in front of you.

Continue through the dark green Traveler Banana Forest.

Yang Xueer and Max Wilb became more and more excited.

Gu Yueban, who followed behind, had a hint of worry on her face.

He had previously survived in the desert.

This oasis, he always felt that it was not so simple.

First of all, any oasis with human life will have a connection with the outside world.

Even in the Katel Desert.

Residents here will definitely trade goods with the outside.

According to information provided by the Forbidden Lands Institute.

The Katel Desert is uninhabited.

If the Katel Desert is uninhabited, then who raised the smoke just now?

Previously, they had tried to contact Park Chan-seok and Ravajli.

Neither of them responded.

They also contacted Zhang Yichen.

Zhang Yichen only said two words.


All indications are that something is wrong with this oasis.

Something is wrong exactly.

Gu Yue couldn’t say it.

Maybe there is really danger!

Yang Xue’er and Maxwell became more and more excited, and they couldn’t wait to step in.

“We can get a good night’s sleep in the oasis!”

“Maybe you can take a shower!”

In the live broadcast room.

Barrage rocket-like ascension.

“Does Sister Xue’er want to take a bath live?”

“I’m drooling…”

“What do you think! Take the bracelet off for sure when you take a bath! ”

“There’s a man-eating monster in there!”

“I feel the chill hair stand on end!”

“I’m so afraid! I actually saw that monster eating people! ”

“How can I inform the young lady?”

“In a hurry…”

“Distressed little sister…”

“Gu Yueban quickly take the young lady away!”


Peel off the last piece of Traveller’s Banana.

A yellow wall of collapsed earth was exposed.

“Finally found it!”

Yang Xue’er was extremely excited to jump over that section of the earthen wall.

Not far away, several people were sitting around with their backs to them.

“It’s Dr. Wen, they!”

Dr. Wen in Yang Xueer’s mouth is another group of contestants.

Dr. Wen is an archaeologist.

It is a great fighter in the archaeological world.

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