“Fatty, can you change it?”

Yang Xue’er glanced at Gu Yue with a disdainful look.

“Miss Yang, you come!”


“Fat master, I’m much stronger than you. At the very least, I can still chant. ”

Along the way, there were Gu Yueban and Yang Xue’er.

The road is also alive.

No more lifeless!

It wasn’t until dusk that they found a leeward dune to camp.

The Katel Desert is a mobile desert with wind and sand day and night.

It’s one a day!

Even some ancient ruins will be submerged under layers of yellow sand.

If it weren’t for the compass of the ancient moon and a half, they would have lost their way long ago.

Finally, I can rest.

Yang Xueer sat down.

I felt like both legs were twitching constantly.

It’s a hard feeling.

Gu Yue handed the kettle to Yang Xue’er.

Yang Xue’er drank the water and slowed down for a while.

I just feel a little better.

“Miss Yang, why did you come to this forbidden place? This is not the place for girls! ”

Yang Xue’er did not answer Gu Yueban.

A slight smile.

“Fatty, what are you for?”

“People die for wealth, birds die for food!”

Gu Yue half-patted his equipment bag.

Prince Gumo’s contents at the bottom of the box were all in his backpack.

“Fatty, what did you say Brother Chen was for?” Yang Xueer asked in a low voice.

“What can I do for, it’s not like me.”

“How can Brother Chen be like you!”

“How is it different, you didn’t look at Brother Chen’s coffin opening speed! It’s more urgent than me! ”

Recalling that Zhang Yichen was in the tomb, the coffin opened as if he was dead.

Gu Yueban decided that Zhang Yichen, like him, was an underground worker.

After all, Zhang Yichen knew the organs in the tomb very well.

More importantly, he also has a pair of hair mound fingers.

That double-haired mound finger is the stunt of the general in the hair-haired hill!

Yang Xueer knew that the reason why Zhang Yichen opened the coffin was not because of the bright vessel in the coffin. Rather, for something else.

What is it for?

Yang Xue’er suddenly remembered the mural in the tomb.

I only felt a chill in my spine.

The group sat together, eating and discussing the next trip.

“Fatty, hurry up and eat! We had to find a place to camp before it got dark. ”

“Yes! It’s so dangerous in this desert! We have to hurry up! ”

“Dr. Wen, we’ve come this far. Where is that ancient river channel? ”

“We’re moving too slowly. When the ancient river channel will be found is still unknown. ”

Along the way, a black sandstorm was encountered.

Seonli Monster.

Insect-parasitic vines.

Along the way, they have walked hard.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of equipment.

Some of the program crew’s helicopters will drop supplies, and they don’t have to worry about food and water.

If they don’t even have these basic guarantees, then they don’t have to go on and can go straight home.

This desert forbidden land.

If not a planned entry.

This desert alone may not be able to walk out for three or five months.

Many experienced explorers enter this desert without encountering all kinds of dangers.

It is because of the lack of equipment in this desert to die of thirst and starvation.

After all, the desert is too big.

It is not so easy to find the ancient river channel.

“Our priority is to find a place to camp.”

Gu Yueban took out the telescope.

Squint one eye and the other eye is pressed against the front of the telescope. Fat fingers constantly adjust the focal length of the telescope.

They were surprised to find that mottled ancient buildings appeared not far from them.

“Brother Chen! There are discoveries! ”

Zhang Yichen took the telescope and looked at it.

Following the direction of the ancient moon half finger, there are some remains of ancient buildings.

“Could it be a mirage?” Yang Xueer was particularly cautious.

It’s easy to see mirages in the desert.

Encountering mirages in the desert is a scary thing.

It’s not that the mirage itself is scary. It is because explorers or crossers who enter the desert will generally not have enough supplies and water.

Walking through the desert, what they need most is supplies and water.

The desert environment is quite harsh.

When many explorers or traversers feel tired in the desert, mirages may occur, and false water sources may appear.

In order to replenish supplies and water, the traverser will keep walking in that direction, and finally do not know that it is fake, at this time the mentality collapses, and some poor bearers are likely to die directly in the desert.

In addition, the mirage in the desert gives people a hope, making everyone think that they are about to walk out of the desert, and may have been going in the wrong direction, which of course cannot be walked out, until finally dying of thirst and starvation in the desert, it is simply not too miserable.

“The place we’re staying in isn’t suitable for camping, let’s try to go over and see.” What if it’s not a mirage? ”

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