Gu Yueban is always the one with the best mentality.


Camping in the dunes is dangerous.

If you can reach this ruins before dark.

And camp in the ruins group.

It will be much safer.

The group walked non-stop in the direction of the ruins.

An hour later.

A desolate and ruined ancient building remains appeared in front of everyone.

Ancient bricks with cyan cracks, collapsed adobe houses, and many broken walls of varying heights.

These ruins leaked out because of the black storm!

“Fatty! It’s true! ”

“Dr. Wen, is this the ancient country of Pulmer we are looking for?”

Dr. Wen shook his head.

“The ancient kingdom of Promo will not be found so easily. Let’s go over and take a look first! ”

According to documents, the kingdom of Pulmer was located in the heart of the desert. The source of the ancient river course.

Now, they haven’t even seen the shadow of the ancient river channel.

How could it be so easy to find the ancient kingdom of Prome?

They walked for a while before they reached this unknown group of ruins.

The stone-like buildings are exposed to yellow sand.

Ruins are everywhere, and the former glory has been corroded.


Zhang Yichen pointed with his hand and chose the camp.

It wasn’t dark yet.

The sun still has half of its face hanging in the sky, and the yellow sand is orange.

The vast expanse of desert gives a feeling of desolation.

Because it’s a long walk in the desert.

The physical strength of a group of people has been exhausted.

Especially Dr. Wen.

Already exhausted!

On the contrary, it was Zhang Yichen.

He still looks like he has spare energy, and he doesn’t see any fatigue at all.

Gu Yue half-put down the equipment bag and lay on the soft sand on all fours.

The soft sand made Gu Yue relax completely.

When people relax, they will have other feelings.

Let’s say hungry, for example.

Gu Yueban suddenly smelled the smell of barbecued meat.

Gu Yue half-looked around.

Everyone was pitching tents. There was simply no time to prepare dinner.

Where does this smell of meat come from?

Gu Yueban sniffed again.

It is indeed the smell of grilled meat.

Could it be that there are other teams in this ruin?

As soon as he thought of this, Gu Yueban couldn’t help but be curious and wanted to take a look.

Which squad can even go here!

You know, along the way, they have met three squads so far.

Except for Dr. Wen’s team, the other two pairs were either completely destroyed or suffered heavy casualties.

Dr. Wen’s squad, if not following them, would have been out long ago.

“Fatty! Why don’t you put up a tent? ”

Letting Yang Xue’er shout loudly behind her back, Gu Yue did not return half her head.

So he threw off his fat body and ran quickly into the complex that could collapse at any time.

The scene in front of him made Gu Yueban a little envious.

Encamped here is the Esvenva squad of the Battle Clan.

Team members Connymart and Jim Paro were sitting around, not knowing what they were discussing.

They raised a bonfire.

A barbecue grill was made over the campfire with improvised tools.

There were two snakes roasted on the shelf.

The snake’s flesh was steaming hot.

The snake meat was already cooked, and the golden snake meat was curled, and Gu Yue, who looked at it, couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Not only that, but there was also a large plate of fruit on the stone pier next to them.

“Tai Temo will enjoy it!”

“What are you doing?”

Gu Yueban’s voice was loud.

Startled several people who were preoccupied.


Esvenva was not the slightest bit surprised.

If they can walk here, other squads can naturally walk here.

It is much safer to camp in this ruins than in the vast desert.

“Where did you get the fruit?”

Gu Yueban remembered very well that when the materials were put into the forbidden land, they were all some basic materials.

In addition to water, it is compressed food.

In addition to compressed biscuits, their equipment bag is compressed beef.

This Aisvenva squad actually opened the back door and asked for fruit.

You know, eating fruit in the desert is a very luxurious thing.

They not only grill meat here, but also fruits to eat.

Gu Yueban was definitely not happy.

“Are you talking about this?”

Asvenva pointed to the pile of fruit.

“This is what we just picked in the group of ruins behind!”

“What kind of fruit is this?”

“This seems to be sand coconut fruit!”

Sand coconut fruit is endemic to the desert.

Drought tolerant, wind and sand resistant.

It is rare in the desert.

“It turned out to be a red sand coconut fruit!”

Gu Yue looked at the sand coconut fruit in front of him half-curiously, wanting to reach out and take one to taste.

Asvenva next to her immediately intervened to stop it.

“Don’t move, we haven’t seen the red Shayego!”

“Maybe it’s a new wild variety?”

Connemat carefully sliced a sand coconut fruit with a dagger.

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