Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 551 The three most terrifying things

Shenluogou is a large glacier that has been frozen for thousands of years. No one has ever been there.

To go to Shenluogou, you must first pass through a place called Zanggu Valley.

On the way, Chu Yi carefully told people about the origin of Zanggu Valley.

It turns out that animals often commit mass suicide in that valley, including yellow sheep, bison, Tibetan horses and bears. Every year, hundreds of animals come there and commit suicide by jumping off the cliff.

Over time, the bones piled up like mountains, and the wind blew gusts in the valley. Even the local hunters did not dare to approach.

As a biologist, Jack couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

"It is true that animals commit suicide in nature, but they are all of the same kind of animals gathered together. Why do all kinds of different animals commit suicide together?"

Chu Yi shook his head.

"No one knows that this place is actually an ominous place. In Tibetan, Karamir means Sea of ​​Disaster."

As soon as these words came out, everyone else had a bad feeling.

These people who have been fighting to the grave all year round will have some superstitions.

The name "Sea of ​​Disaster" sounds very unlucky, and it may indicate that their trip will not go smoothly, and they may even encounter trouble.

Uncle Ming, who is from Hong Kong, especially believed in this and quickly recited the Diamond Sutra and prayed for the Buddha's blessing.

Tiebang Lama said indifferently.

"The Phoenix Temple is the most important temple of the Demon Kingdom. There must be remnants of the Demon Kingdom here, so it is normal for there to be some bad legends since ancient times. Isn't the purpose of our trip here to eradicate these harmful monsters? Don't be afraid. "

When Chu first heard that they were here to slay demons, instead of being afraid, he was even more in awe.

Wang Kaixuan muttered.

"If I hadn't been cursed by Lao Shizi, I wouldn't have bothered to come to this hellish place. I'm not here to slay demons."

The fat man believed that he was here for the mountains of treasures in the palace, not to protect world peace.

Ji Changsheng laughed and said.

"When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This Zanggugou is a place of demons and evil spirits. It must be connected with the Demon Kingdom Shrine. We have found the right place."

Jack also expressed that he wanted to see what was in the valley that caused the animals to commit collective suicide.

Due to the severe cold climate in the Karamir region, it was now the twelfth lunar month of winter, with wind and snow, so we walked very slowly along the way.

After walking for five full days, we arrived at Zanggugou.

Zanggugou has a complex terrain and is directly connected to Shenluogou Glacier. Only through here can we reach our destination.

Ji Changsheng walked to a high place and looked down.

Under the deep valley, you can vaguely see bones everywhere. There are all kinds of animals, but there are no human bones.

The fat man couldn't help but said with fear.

"This place is really evil. I guess it will be haunted in the middle of the night, right?"

Chu Yi immediately smiled.

"It is said that these animals sacrifice themselves to the gods in order to appease the anger of the gods. After death, they can be reincarnated as humans. However, these are ancient legends and no one has seen them with their own eyes."

"To be honest, I don't believe these legends."

"Besides, aren't you going to slay demons? What's there to be afraid of when haunted?"

Seeing this, Shirley Yang couldn't help but smile.

"Fat Master, you are also a professional after all. You are not afraid of the first year brother, so please don't embarrass us."

The fat man's face turned red and he argued hastily.

"I'm not afraid of this, I'm... afraid of heights!"

This valley is thousands of meters deep, and looking down from a high place is indeed a bit scary.

After joking for a while, everyone drove the yaks into the Zanggu Valley.

This place is so big that it cannot be walked out in one day, at least three days.

That night, everyone found a dry place to camp and lit a bonfire to cook.

While eating, Chu Yi chatted with people about some terrible local legends.

"It is said that there are three most terrifying things in this bone trench. One is the ghosts of animals, the other is that the surrounding cliffs are full of soft stones, and rocks will roll down from time to time, and the third is the White King."

"I don't believe in the idea of ​​animal ghosts. In fact, too much accumulation of bones will produce phosphorus fire. When the yaks see the phosphorus fire, they will be frightened and run around. It is very troublesome to appease them."

"As for those rocks, only when the temperature rises in summer and the effects of thermal expansion and contraction will the rocks loosen and roll down. In winter, they are fine."

When Wang Kaixuan heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Although you have never gone to school, you are a materialist."

The first year of junior high school also laughed.

"That's all. In fact, the most terrifying one is King Bai!"

The fat man asked curiously.

"What is the White King?"

Chu Yi held the shotgun tightly in his arms, looked around nervously, and then said.

"It's a huge white wolf king. The entire Karamir wolf pack obeys his orders. He leads the pack to guard this valley. This is his territory."

"In the past, some brave hunters spent the night in Zanggugou, but they were all killed by wolves, and only a pile of remains were found!"

When the fat man heard this, he couldn't help but sneer.

"It's just a pack of wolves. What's there to be afraid of? The guys we have are not fire sticks."

"In the face of automatic weapons, as many wolves as they come will die!"

Chu Yi shook his head quickly.

"You can't kill him. King Bai is the patron saint here. If you kill him, he will offend heaven and send down punishment!"

In Tibetan areas, people are in awe of all things in nature. Some mysterious animals are said to be miraculous and even regarded as guardian gods. This is very similar to the early nature worship of humans.

The Iron Rod Lama said thoughtfully.

"According to the description in the scriptures, among the four guardian gods of the Demon Kingdom, there is a white dakini who appears as the incarnation of a white wolf. Could it be..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a roar in the sky.


This roar was very heavy, not the howl of a wolf, but like a bigger beast.

Chuyi's face changed.

"It's the Tibetan brown bear!"

In fact, it is a brown bear, the largest species in the bear family.

Ji Changsheng showed a curious look and looked up at the sky.

"The Canggugou is indeed well-deserved. I didn't expect to see it on the first day."

With his superhuman vision, he could clearly see with the help of the faint moonlight that a brown bear jumped down from a thousand-meter-high cliff and committed suicide!

Seeing this, everyone realized what was going on and looked up.

After a few seconds.

A thunderclap sounded, like the roar of thousands of troops.

Chuyi's face changed drastically, and he jumped up and shouted loudly.

"Run! It's a landslide!"

The second most terrifying thing in Zanggugou is a landslide.

It turned out that the brown bear was too heavy. It fell rapidly from a thousand meters high. The huge impact smashed the soft mountain wall and caused a landslide!

In an instant, countless boulders fell like raindrops, and the direction of their fall was just above everyone's head!

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