Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 552: The Power of the Evil God

A strong wind blew through, blowing away the clouds in the sky, and the moonlight sprinkled on the earth.

Everyone saw a terrifying scene through the bright moonlight.

I saw a huge Tibetan horse falling rapidly from a thousand meters altitude. The huge impact shattered the cliff and rocks rolled down like raindrops.

A stone falling from a height, even the size of a fingernail, can kill someone if it hits the head!

Chu Yi was a local and quite experienced in this kind of thing. He shouted as he ran.

"Go there, quick!"

There is a depression on the mountain wall not far away, which is more than five meters deep, just enough for everyone to take refuge.

When the others saw this, they ran away without saying a word.

Only Ji Changsheng stood with his hands behind his hands, looking up at the falling rocks, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"There are actually so many?"

The fat man looked back and said anxiously.

"Mr. Ji, don't watch the excitement. Come and hide for a while. You can see clearly from here."

Ji Changsheng smiled softly.

"No need to hide."

The next second.

A magical scene appeared!

The rocks fell like a torrential rain and smashed into the valley, making a loud noise.

Ji Changsheng stood tall among the rocks, but was unscathed!

Those rocks seemed to have eyes, and they all avoided him, as if there was an invisible wall around him to protect him!

When Chu Yi saw this scene, he was stunned and stunned.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

Tiebang Lama showed a delighted smile.

"It is indeed a Bodhisattva who has come to this world!"

The others were all dumbfounded and remained silent for a long time.

Only the younger brother's expression changed and he whispered to himself.

"It turns out to be Mingyu's magical power!"

It is said that after you have mastered this ancient skill, you will be protected by an invisible force of energy that makes you indestructible to water and weapons. It can be called an indestructible body!

It's a pity that the little brother's idea is not correct. Ji Changsheng does not know the Mingyu Magic Skill. He uses the skill - Reversal of the Universe.

The rain of rocks lasted for about a minute and then stopped.

After there was no movement, everyone cautiously came closer.

When they came forward, they saw an even more shocking scene.

Not only Ji Changsheng is fine, but the entire camp is fine!

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see a circle with a diameter of thirty meters with Ji Changsheng as the center. Outside the circle are piles of falling rocks. There is not even a stone in the camp inside the circle!

The yaks in the circle were still grazing peacefully, not frightened at all.

The little brother couldn't help but trembled, showing an incredible look.

"You have actually cultivated to this level!"

Too strong!

Even the ancient master who created Mingyu's magical skill probably didn't have such a high level of cultivation!

"Mr. Ji's cultivation is already the best in history!"

The fat man looked at the intact camp, scratched his head and said.

"If I had known this was the case, why would we have run away?"

Ji Changsheng then turned around and smiled softly.

"With me, I don't have to run away. I'll scare you."

After being shocked, Jack hurriedly looked for the dead Tibetan horse bear, which was a good research sample.

The Tibetan horse bear had long been smashed into a ball of flesh and blood.

Jack was about to run over to check the body, but was stopped by Ji Changsheng.

"Don't go, just stay here."

Jack was stunned and said quickly.

"Mr. Ji, I want to study why this bear committed suicide."

Ji Changsheng looked up to the heights of the valley and softly said four words.

"It's not over yet."

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised, could there be more?

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise was heard above his head.

Like the roar of thousands of troops, the roar of the 100-meter waterfall resounded through the night sky!

Even the earth was trembling slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred!

The fat man's expression changed and he shouted.

"No, it's an earthquake this time!"

Hu Bayi shook his head and pointed with a horrified expression.

"It's a mass suicide of animals!"

Everyone looked up and saw countless animals leaping down from the thousand-meter-high cliff.

There are many types of Tibetan bears, yellow sheep, wild horses, and wild boars in an astonishing number.

It was estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of animals, jumping down from the cliff one after another, covering the sky and the sun. The scene was extremely terrifying!

On the first day of the new year, his expression changed drastically.

"Why are there so many!"

Although animals commit suicide here every year, there are only a few hundred at most in a year, but today there were tens of thousands of them at once!

Wang Kaixuan said with a horrified expression.

"Mr. Ji, there are too many, let's hide for a while!"

Ji Changsheng said with a gentle smile.


The reversal of the universe can even change the trajectory of supersonic missiles, let alone these animals?

As he spoke, those animals smashed into the cliff, and more rocks rushed down. This terrifying scene was like the earth falling apart, making a loud noise like thunder.

The yaks finally felt uneasy and began to become restless.

Ji Changsheng didn't even look at it, but just released a slight pressure.

The yaks were immediately subdued by the pressure, and they knelt on the ground obediently, not daring to move.

Due to the change in the magnetic field, the falling animals and rocks all avoided the camp and landed dozens of meters away.

Although the scene was horrific, everyone in the camp was unscathed.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, stunned, wondering how Ji Changsheng did it.

The animal rain lasted for five minutes before it stopped.

When the last rock rolled to the ground, the earth finally returned to peace.

The scene after the disaster was as terrible as the Shura Hell.

The corpses of tens of thousands of animals were piled up like a mountain. The ones at the bottom were smashed into meat paste, and those who fell behind could not escape death.

Within a radius of one kilometer, the ground was full of bloody animal corpses, blood flowed like a river, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The iron rod lama clasped his hands together, closed his eyes reluctantly, and chanted a mantra for these animals.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Chuyi was stunned and said.

"Although this is a bone-hiding ditch, there have never been so many animals committing suicide together from ancient times to the present. This is... an ominous sign!"

In addition to being shocked, Jack was more curious.

"Mr. Ji, can I go and have a look now?"

He really wanted to study what exactly caused these animals to commit mass suicide.

After a brief thought, Ji Changsheng shook his head.

"No need to study it. It has nothing to do with biology. It should be related to the Phoenix Palace."

After these words came out, the Iron Rod Lama opened his eyes and nodded.

"Don't be wrong, my dear. I also think that it is the palace of the Demon Kingdom that is causing trouble. Since ancient times, those animals' suicides must have a direct relationship with that palace."

Legend has it that these animals committed suicide in order to sacrifice to the gods. Such an evil god should be the evil god worshipped in the Phoenix Palace.

This unprecedented scale of suicide seems to tell people that the power of the evil god is getting stronger!

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