After everyone listened to Ji Changsheng's explanation, they realized that what they were looking for after a long time was actually a lost ancient city.

The capital of the Demon Kingdom-Eluohai City!

After the Demon Kingdom was annihilated, this once prosperous city mysteriously disappeared.

For thousands of years, many people have tried to find Evil Luohai City, but to no avail.

This nine-story demon building is the mausoleum of the last generation of ghost mothers in the Demon Kingdom. It was built after the Demon Kingdom was annihilated. There must be clues about Evil Luohai City here.

Hu Bayi asked after thinking for a while.

"Mr. Ji, the ghost mother said, 'That city stays in the gap of time'. What does this mean?"

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly and replied.

"You'll understand when you see it with your own eyes."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the ground beneath his feet.

The ghost mother's remains, the glacier crystal corpse, were buried on the bottom floor.

Lie said immediately.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go down first and talk about it later."

Without waiting for Ji Changsheng's order, he raised his big fist and punched it with all his strength.

With a loud boom.

A big hole was made in the floor, and a dark wind blew up from the hole.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but change his expression after smelling the smell of the wind.

"This doesn't taste right!"

Lie asked curiously.

"You can smell something wrong with your nose?"

Hu Bayi quickly explained that if the tomb is closed all year round, due to the lack of air circulation, a decaying smell will accumulate in the tomb, which is weird and foul.

They had all smelled it when they opened the upper eight floors.

But there was no such smell in the wind blowing up from the last layer!

This shows that the tomb below has been opened long ago!

Lie scratched his scalp and looked at the big hole in the floor with a suspicious expression.

"The entire demon building is closed. If someone has been here, why haven't the upper eight floors been opened?"

After thinking for a while, Hu Bayi replied.

"They should have dug the hole from the side, avoiding the eight floors above, and dug directly into the tomb chamber on the last floor!"

When Black Glasses heard this, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The cave must be more than a hundred meters deep. Isn't the amount of work too big?"

Hu Bayi shook his head.

"Compared with some imperial mausoleums in the Central Plains, this nine-story underground palace is nothing. Someone once wanted to dig up Wu Zetian's Qianling Mausoleum and dug several kilometers, but in the end they failed."

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other. If this was the case, the glacier crystal corpse might have been stolen long ago.

Ji Changsheng said nonchalantly.

"Our goal is not the Crystal Corpse, but to find clues to Evil Luo Sea City. Let's go down and have a look."

After saying that, he jumped down from the big hole, followed by others.

When we came to the bottom floor, we saw that it was a larger space, with an area of ​​about thousands of square meters. As the main tomb chamber, this size was quite generous.

But in this huge tomb, there were no burial objects. Except for a huge crystal, there was nothing else.

The crystal was as big as a car and was located in the northeast corner of the tomb. It was oval in shape and surrounded by a circle of golden locks. It was hoisted and suspended in mid-air, more than two meters above the ground.

Everyone's eyes were quickly attracted to this crystal, and they came to watch it one after another.

There are some patterns carved on the surface of the crystal. If you look closely, you can see that it is a statue of a god with a wolf head and a human body.

This wolf-headed god is condescending, making a swooping gesture, baring its teeth and claws, looking ferocious.

Tiebang Lama saw it and blurted out.

"Crystal Freedom Mountain!"

In ancient Tibetan mythology, this wolf god is the ancestral god of wolves and the demon slave of the snake god in the devil country.

When the Enemy-Conquering Orb King was wiping out the demon kingdom, the Wolf God was killed by Master Padmasambhava, and his body turned into a huge iceberg crystal, known as Crystal Freedom Mountain.

The huge crystal in front of me should be the legendary Crystal Zizi Mountain!

Black Glasses took a closer look and couldn't help but say happily.

"Look, there is indeed a woman's body inside this crystal!"

Everyone came up to take a look, and there seemed to be something liquid flowing slowly in the translucent crystal. They didn't know what it was.

In the innermost part of the crystal, you can vaguely see the outline of a woman's body, showing a strange red color.

Hu Bayi shook his head.

"Actually, this crystal corpse is too mysterious and bizarre. It is not certain whether it is a human corpse or not. It may be just a symbolic thing, just like the Kunlun fetus, but it is a spiritual object in human form."

Lie stepped forward carelessly.

"No matter what, just open it and take a look."

After speaking, he raised his fist and was about to smash open the crystal. The Tiebang Lama on the side was so frightened that he quickly stopped him.

"Can't smash it!"

Lie couldn't help but be stunned.


Tiebang Lama said with a serious face.

"Crystal Freedom Mountain is not a good thing. The powerful power of the Wolf God is gathered here. Once it is opened, a terrible disaster will occur!"

Lie said with doubt on his face.

"It's just to scare people. This thing is not a bomb. What kind of disaster can happen?"

Tiebang Lama then explained.

According to legend, after the death of the wolf god, he turned into a crystal mountain to protect the body of the ghost mother. If someone offends the ghost mother and offends the wolf god, it will activate its divine power and bury the intruder in the white sea of ​​death!

The white dakini represented by the wolf god has the power to move mountains and reclaim seas. In fact, this is just a symbolic metaphor from the ancients.

The true meaning of the white dakini is the most terrible disaster in the snowy mountain area - avalanche!

Lie asked, not quite understanding.

"You mean, as long as this crystal is opened, it will trigger an avalanche?"

Iron Rod Lama nodded solemnly.

"According to the records, it is like this."

Lie scratched his head and said with a puzzled look.

"Is there really a bomb hidden in it? But even if it is a bomb, thousands of years have passed, and the explosives have expired."

Shirley Yang thought about it and said hurriedly.

"The most likely thing to trigger an avalanche is sound waves."

"It may not be an ordinary bomb, but something similar to a sonic weapon."

Although this statement is very bizarre, it was recognized by Iron Rod Lama.

In the legends of Tibet, there are indeed some ancient and mysterious evil methods that can create powerful sound waves.

Hu Bayi looked at it and nodded.

"This crystal is not placed in the center of the tomb, but in the northeast corner, which is in line with the dead door position in Feng Shui. It is very particular."

"In Feng Shui, if the position of mountains, rivers and rivers is changed at will, it will lead to unpredictable consequences."

"I think it's better not to do it for the sake of safety."

Lie frowned and said.

"If you say so, then we can only stare blankly?"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"It's not that there is no way, but..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the fat man's urgent voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Mr. Ji, it's bad, there is a monster!"

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