Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 566 Maitreya in the Snow

The fat man's voice was very panic, which made Ji Changsheng feel confused.

The fat man said "there is a monster", which means it is not the Indian, but something else.

Although the best masters have gone down to the tomb, there are top masters like Asheng among those who stayed above, and the fat man Wang Kaixuan Wuxie is not weak either.

What else can threaten them in this vast snowy plain?

Saving people is important, so he can't think too much.

"Let's go up and see first."

This crystal has no long legs and can't run by itself, so don't worry about it for the time being.

Everyone hurriedly left the Nine-story Monster Tower and returned to the ground.

The people who stayed on the ground formed a circle and looked around nervously.

There was a pool of blood on the snow, and some messy footprints, which looked like human footprints.

But no monster was seen.

Ji Changsheng hurriedly asked what happened.

Uncle Ming sighed and said with a sad look.

"It's my wife, she... is dead."

When these words came out, Ji Changsheng was stunned.

In the original work, Han Shu Na was burned to death by the kerosene mechanism in the top of the Nine-story Demon Tower, but she had clearly escaped this disaster. What else could kill Han Shu Na in front of them?

Uncle Ming wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, undressed, and said angrily.

"It was the experiment done in Lanza Temple!"

Everyone looked at him and saw a large piece of purple corpse spots on his chest!

That was something that only appeared on the dead, but it actually appeared on the living.

The iron rod lama looked at it and his expression changed.

"Living corpse transformation!"

It turned out that since leaving Motuo, Uncle Ming and the others had begun to transform into corpses, except Chen Wenjin.

For some unknown reason, the speed of this corpse transformation was much faster than expected. In just a few days, it had penetrated into the internal organs.

Adong died in the ruins of Guge. Uncle Ming's physical fitness was slightly stronger, and the speed of corpse transformation was relatively slow.

Han Shu-na's corpse transformation became more and more violent due to her weak body.

This morning, Han Shu-na said that she felt a little uncomfortable. Uncle Ming thought it was just a reaction to the altitude. He was in a hurry to dig the Nine-story Demon Tower, so he didn't care and just let her rest in the tent.

But until half an hour ago, when Ji Changsheng and his friends went down to the Nine-story Demon Tower, Uncle Ming returned to the tent to visit his wife, but found that Han Shu-na had died!

At this point, Uncle Ming couldn't help crying again.

Although Han Shu-na was not his original wife, Uncle Ming also knew that she married him for money, but as the saying goes, one night of marriage is a hundred days of grace, and after ten years of getting along, the two still have a deep relationship.

Lie was impatient to listen to his long-windedness and hurriedly urged.

"What about the monster?"

Uncle Ming wiped a tear and continued.

He saw his wife's tragic death and was heartbroken, so he went out of the tent and discussed with others how to bring her body back to her hometown for burial.

But just as they were discussing, a strange scene happened!

Han Shu-na actually staggered out of the tent!

Her walking posture was very strange, like a puppet hung by invisible silk threads, her movements were stiff and twisted, her face was the blue-gray color of a dead person, and her eyes were bulging out of her eye sockets like dead fish.

Looking at this, she was clearly turned into a zongzi!

The fat man immediately shouted "Resident Evil!"

He took out his gun and was about to hit her forehead, but was stopped by Uncle Ming.

"At least leave her a whole body."

The fat man had to put down his gun and took out the rope to catch the zombie.

But at this moment, a more terrifying scene appeared!

Han Shu-na suddenly fell to the ground, her limbs were extremely twisted, her head turned 180 degrees, and she looked up at people.

A layer of white stuff quickly grew on her body, like cotton candy, wrapping her whole body.

She looked like the tire man on the Michelin sign.

Chuyi saw it, his face changed immediately, and he picked up the shotgun and shot.

A shot hit the thing's forehead, but the bullet bounced off!

Although the thing looked like a soft marshmallow, it was very elastic and could even bounce bullets off!

Uncle Ming saw that it was not an ordinary corpse transformation. Han Shu Na had turned into a terrible unknown monster, and he dared not show mercy anymore.

Everyone quickly took out their weapons and prepared to catch the monster.

Seeing this, Ah Sheng drew his sword and stepped forward.

With her martial arts skills and the Yuchang sword in her hand, she should be able to deal with this monster.

Unexpectedly, the thing seemed to have wisdom. After sensing the danger of the sword energy, it turned around and ran away.

Its body became very bloated, but it moved as fast as the wind. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in the vast snowfield.

At this point, Lie couldn't help licking his lips and asked.

"What is that, a marshmallow monster?"

Chuyi looked around nervously and shook his head.

"No, it's Snow Maitreya!"

Snow Maitreya is a legendary monster in Tibet. It lurks deep in the snow. Once it smells a corpse, it will come out and possess the dead body, turning into a white monster.

It is said that decades ago, an archaeological team entered the snowy mountains to dig the ruins of an ancient city and dug up a sleeping Snow Maitreya.

One of the team members died of a high fever. That night, Snow Maitreya possessed the corpse and turned into a white monster. It rushed into the camp and killed more than a dozen archaeological team members. Only a few who ran fast survived.

After listening to his words, Shirley Yang immediately analyzed.

"This thing may be a parasite. After parasitizing the host, the symbiont produced by the combination of the two is that kind of white monster."

Lie couldn't help but say with a dull look.

"I thought it was something powerful, but it turned out to be just this?"

Ji Changsheng was also a little confused. With Ah Sheng's ability, it was enough to deal with this thing, but people were still in a state of facing a great enemy, and they seemed extremely nervous, and even asked him for help.

"This thing is not that powerful, what are you afraid of?"

Chuyi wiped the cold sweat and looked around nervously, saying.

"Snow Maitreya does not appear alone, and a large group appears when it comes out. We have been targeted!"

It turned out that the thing disappeared not long ago, and people didn't care much at first.

But after a while, Ah Sheng suddenly saw that hundreds of Snow Maitreya suddenly appeared from all directions!

These things quietly formed an encirclement with the cover of snow and gradually approached.

If Ah Sheng hadn't had a keen eye and quick reaction, he would have been tricked by them!

Everyone was about to shoot, but Chu Yi suddenly remembered and said, "This Snow Maitreya is invulnerable to swords and guns, but it is afraid of only one thing, salt!"

So people took out the remaining dozens of kilograms of salt and sprinkled them on the Snow Maitreya.

The salt was indeed effective, and they retreated temporarily.

But the remaining salt could not last long, and the number of Snow Maitreya was unknown. In desperation, the fat man had to ask Ji Changsheng for help.

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