Great Artist

Chapter 1145: contempt of court

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The John Adams Courthouse in Boston is located on Saddle Street, three miles from Harvard University, and is home to the Massachusetts Supreme Court of Justice and the Court of Appeals. Originally constructed in 1894, the building was named after the first vice president and second president of the United States, John Adams. The hall's vaulted ceiling is decorated with a characteristic fresco of the seal of the state of Massachusetts, and sixteen life-size allegorical figures surround the hall, a must-see.

The Supreme Court of Massachusetts, established in 1692, is the oldest appellate court in the United States, and the Massachusetts Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world that is still in force. Prayer is a good example. This shows the important position of Boston in the history of American law. The TV series "Boston Legal", which opened last year, was filmed in the city of Athens in the United States. The show was well received last year and won multiple nominations at the Emmy Awards that ended not long ago. This has also brought a lot of attention to lawyers in Massachusetts.

Today, Eduardo Savalín's lawsuit against Facebook begins here.

In fact, Mark Zuckerberg anticipated this day when he decided to dilute Eduardo Savalin's shares. Back then Dustin Moskovitz asked Mark Zuckerberg, "Is it worth it?" Mark Zuckerberg replied, "At least I'm free." The unruly computer genius. They don't care about those so-called human relationships.

Therefore, the arrival of a lawsuit is inevitable.

Evan Bell came to the John Adams Courthouse early the next morning. For here, Evan Bell is absolutely familiar with it. He used to perform street performances on the street next to the court. There are a lot of people. Not many people gathered on Saddle Street today, but there were quite a few cameras. Obviously. The media all know that Evan Bell is going to testify in court today, and they don't want to miss this good opportunity.

Evan Bell wore a neat white shirt and black tie, and his hair was neat and clean. Faced with numerous media at the scene. Evan Bell doesn't look in a bad mood at all. While whispering something to Eden Hudson next to him, he smiled and nodded hello to the reporter. However, Mark Zuckerberg, who was next to him, seemed to be in a bad mood, with an obscure expression on his face.

Seeing Evan Bell coming over, the questions were thrown over one after another, and there were even two TV stations. Obviously, Evan Bell was very important to testify in court this time. After all, there are not many opportunities for entertainers to sit in court, whether positive or negative. The news points alone are worthy of attention. In addition, this lawsuit was also hyped up because of Sean Hall's malicious voyeurism last time, and this week, Evan Bell has had a lot of news points, but he has been talking with him. Leonardo DiCaprio is on the road, so the media can't find him at all, and now there's finally a chance to sit back and wait, and no one will give up.

Evan Bell's ears seemed to have an automatic shielding function, and he was still unanswered about the reporters' questions. He still walked towards the court with brisk steps with a warm smile.

"Evan. Evan, we are 'Good Morning America'. May I ask what you think about this case." A beautiful reporter, followed by a camera, followed step by step.

Good Morning America, the morning news broadcast on TV, is the second-highest-rated program in the United States. Even they came to the live broadcast in Boston, which shows the hustle and bustle of this news event. The lawsuit has been in the spotlight since Toronto, and after a string of recent events, it's no wonder that even "Good Morning America" ​​can't wait. Now, in front of television, more than five million viewers watch the live broadcast.

The ratings of "Good Morning America" ​​generally hover around 3 million, while "Today", which firmly holds the morning news ratings champion, is stable at around 4.5 million. However, according to the statistics after the event, the viewership of today's "Good Morning America" ​​soared to 5.5 million at the moment Evan Bell appeared in front of the John Adams courthouse, and the viewership rate exceeded that of "Today" in an instant.

However, obviously Evan Bell did not intend to give "Good Morning America" ​​any special treatment, he still waved to the camera with a smile, as if this was just a normal media, and all other media had nothing to do with it. The difference, and then continue to move forward.

Of course, "Good Morning America" ​​will not stop there. The beautiful host is still following Evan Bell, walking fast, while taking care of the camera behind him, and must ensure that the most complete picture is presented to the live room, while still running Cannon asked, "I heard that you are involved in illegal activities within the company, is this true? You followed the tabloid reporter to hype this lawsuit to win the sympathy of the public, is that true?"

Although Evan Bell did not stop, he glanced at the beautiful host. He doubted whether Michael Inas had put pressure on the TV station to use this method to irritate himself. What was originally Eduardo Savalin's unreasonable behavior became Evan Bell's illegal behavior; what was originally Sean Hall's provocative behavior became Evan Bell's deliberate hype... This This interpretation is really "refreshing".

"Thank you for such a special interpretation." Evan Bell replied meaningfully, with the same smile on his face. That deep look made both the beautiful host and the photographer have a cold war, and their footsteps were half a beat in an instant. However, Evan Bell's speed remained unchanged, continued to move forward, and soon disappeared in the door of the court.

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast has long been scolded on the Internet. Although "Good Morning America" ​​is a news program mainly focusing on conversation and entertainment, since when did they start to be like a gossip tabloid, using Countless speculations and insinuations to make news to make breaking points. Not to mention the truth of the lawsuit, Evan Bell and the "News of the World" affair and Sean Hall's voyeuristic behavior have all been concluded, but the host of "Good Morning America" ​​deliberately Trying to provoke Evan Bell with introductory remarks is really unprofessional.

While the "Good Morning America" ​​live broadcast reporter was being criticized on the Internet, the court had already started the process of inquiries. But it was only 20 minutes before the court opened, and the door of the court opened again. Two tall bailiffs, holding one person in both hands, threw him directly into the corridor. In an instant, more than 20 media gathered outside flooded the area at the entrance of the court with flashing lights.

From the opened door, it can be seen that Evan Bell is sitting on the witness stand for questioning, but the judge seems very dissatisfied, and the lawyers on both sides are standing in their own positions with embarrassed expressions. After the two bailiffs threw the person down, the black face said, "Please stop taking pictures, otherwise all will be dealt with in contempt of court." Then the court door was closed again with a "bang".

The eyes of all the reporters were immediately projected towards the man on the ground. When they saw the digital camera in his hand, everyone understood. The person lying on the ground now, whether he is a reporter or not, must have tried to take pictures inside the courtroom. Such behavior is naturally not allowed in the courtroom. Evicted from court. The reporters standing outside didn't know why, so they used the camera to take pictures, which made the judge inside unhappy, and was reprimanded.

Indeed, whenever an artist needs to appear in court, the court is always in chaos, and there are countless journalists who have been sentenced to contempt of court, because everyone always tries every means to get an exclusive photo of the artist sitting in court. . The photos of Kobe Bryant appearing in court have already been sold for an astonishing price of $50,000 by the media. It is no wonder that some people risked being sentenced to contempt of court.

You don't care what the atmosphere in the court is like, the state of the man lying on the ground in front of you doesn't matter, everyone's eyes are focused on the digital camera on the ground, which contains exclusive and clear photos of Evan Bell's appearance in court, which is absolutely worth a thousand dollars . In an instant, three people with sensitive reactions rushed up, and the man lying on the ground also responded and grabbed his camera firmly; then, three more people joined the scramble to occupy the court. There was chaos in the corridor outside.

It seems that Evan Bell has a lot of news recently, but he does not accept interviews. It is true that these reporters are suffocated.

The result of such chaos in the courthouse could not be more obvious. The bailiffs were dispatched again and all the media were expelled en masse. Even those who were obedient and onlookers were put under a continuous system, and they were all driven out of the courthouse. This is good, even the first-hand photos of Evan Bell leaving the courtroom can't be taken.

As for the valuable digital camera, I don't know who was holding it in his arms. In the chaos just now, the small digital camera changed hands many times in an instant. It is estimated that the casing has already broken, but it is not important. . As long as the memory card is intact it should be fine. However, the accidental intervention of the bailiff made the competition for the digital camera cut in half, and the person holding the digital camera in the end hid the camera and quietly quieted down in the crowd, so that no one could find it. It seems that only when photos start to circulate on the Internet this afternoon will we know who has finally become the fisherman in this awkward competition.

Who would have thought that Evan Bell testified in court, but as a result, a group of reporters were expelled for contempt of court. This news alone was enough to keep everyone busy for a while.

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