Great Artist

Chapter 1146: stupid bear wrestling


(Please keep in mind when reading the novel) (Please keep in mind when reading the novel) The trial phase ended much faster than everyone expected, and within twenty-five minutes, you could hear the commotion in the court. The reporters are eager to try, hoping to try again - grab the exclusive, see who can let Evan Bell speak, and interview him for the first time to testify in court.

Evan Bell himself has yet to show up, to be precise, no one has come out of the court yet, but the war for journalists to grab positions has already begun, elbows, ankles, shoulders, bodies, all in action, and everyone To grab a vantage point!

At times like these, print media reporters are in a better position than television reporters. Because for TV station reporters, they must not only ensure that they can get the right to interview at the first time, but the most important thing is to confirm that the camera lens can transmit the picture back, because for the TV station, the precious footage is the core key. .

There are only two TV media at the scene, one is ab. The TV station's "Good Morning America" ​​family is Fox's "Sunday News." When Evan-Bell arrived at the John Adams Court just now, the "Good Morning America" ​​program team took the lead and squeezed the reporters from "Sunday News" to the back, and successfully captured the video of Evan-Bell walking into the courtroom. Unfortunately, Evan Bell did not answer any questions, which is quite embarrassing.

Now, Evan Bell is about to come out of the courtroom. If you are lucky, you can still capture the picture of Evan Bell, Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Savarin walking out together, then Couldn't be more precious. All the reporters rushed forward to squeeze "Good Morning America", so it was able to occupy the runner-up position in the morning news ratings for more than ten years. Naturally, it has its own uniqueness. Apart from factors such as the host and the program content , the strength of its expatriate reporters, always able to grab news, is also one of the important reasons. "Today", which has been pressing on them today, did not send reporters to live broadcast "Good Morning America" ​​and naturally would not miss this opportunity.

"Good Morning America" ​​cameraman Chad Pan is a 6.5-foot man. His height and physique are absolutely no problem to play in the NBA. He carries the camera like a wall and blocks the reporters behind him. Living. However, Chad-Pan's job is not an easy job. Although he is tall enough, he must spread his feet to match the height of the host and the height of the interviewee. Otherwise, the picture received by the camera is A piece of overhead, no audience sheep looking to see the picture above. This also makes Chad-Pan rely on the reporter behind him, lower his center of gravity, and then try his best to push back so that he can stand firm without being robbed by the reporter behind him.

It's just that none of the reporters at the scene today are good people. Everyone is pushing forward desperately. Chad Panju feels that the force behind him is wave after wave, like a stormy sea. Even with his physique, his camera lens They all started to sway gently, which is really rare.

Chad-Pan took a look at the live reporter of the "Sunday News" opposite. Their cameraman was not as strong as Chad-Pan, so he suffered a loss when Evan-Bell appeared before. This time he learned to be smart, went directly to the opposite side. However, the situation on the other side is not much better. These reporters are all ruthless characters, using all their strength to stay in the card position, and the competition with each other is very fierce.

"Come out!" A voice at the front made the reporters who were still in the card position jump forward half a step in an instant. This half-step dislocation made Chadpan's center of gravity suddenly drop. If it is an inexperienced, just sit directly on the ground. But Chad-Pan is not a small role, and he continued to lean forward, because of his strong physique, he was a little bit ahead of others.

Just, what about the host? Chad-Pan's camera lens retracted a little, and he found the beautiful host who was a little behind. Before Chad-Pan could adjust his pace and stabilize his center of gravity, he saw that Eden-Hudson had already appeared in the camera. As a lawyer for Studio Eleven, perhaps Evan Bell will not make any comments on this case, but Eden Hudson should have the obligation to express his position. Chad-Pan also sensed the host's signal to move forward. Because his center of gravity was still unstable at this time, he took a half-step forward with his strength. He said it was a step, but it was actually a stumbling, because the crowd was crowded here. Man, there's really not much room for adjustment - then Chad-Pan felt that his camera was infinitely close to the host's head, and he had to pull it back a little, or it would hit him. At this moment, Eden Hudson seemed to see the "Good Morning America" ​​sign and leaned slightly in this direction. When the iceberg came, everyone's pace paused a little, but because the people around the front and back were crowded, the center of gravity was constantly moving, and there was no way to really stop. Then everyone saw the hostess of "Good Morning America" ​​pounce on Eden Hudson in a hungry wolf pounce. Everyone guessed that the host's center of gravity was not stable, and She was wearing high heels again and was about to fall.

The situation at this time, if you look at it in slow motion, depends on the host's ability to respond on the spot and Eden Hudson's reaction. Chad Pan, who was standing behind the host, knew that he had to stick to his post, and he couldn't and couldn't reach out to help, because his center of gravity was still shaking, and the people behind him kept swaying forward and backward. At this time, Chadpan only felt a thrust coming from behind him. It should be that other reporters saw that the hostess's center of gravity was unstable, and there was a breaking point to shoot, and they all squeezed up. Chad Pan tried to lift his right foot and take a half-step forward, against his center of gravity, but just as he lifted his foot, he felt a foot trip over him, and Chad Pan's right foot was hollow in the air. He stepped on it, and then his whole body was like a collapsed ruin, and he threw himself on the hostess in front of him.

All this happened in a flash of light and flint. The host didn't even have time to respond to the concubine on the spot, and was directly overwhelmed by Chad-Pan with the momentum of Mount Tai. It was turned upside down. Eden Hudson, who was standing next to the "Good Morning America" ​​news duo, seemed to stumble under his feet, but it had no effect on him, he didn't even change his expression, and readjusted his direction, Walked in the direction of "Sunday News" opposite.

"Eden, Eden, do you have anything to say about this lawsuit?" The "Sunday News" host clearly saw Eden Hudson lift his right foot out, seemingly kicking someone's head feet, but he selectively forgot about the scene and raised the microphone to ask Eden Hudson a question.

Sure enough, Eden Hudson stopped and calmly introduced the situation of the lawsuit.

It seems that this time the competition "Sunday News" has the upper hand, and the "Good Morning America" ​​duo is still lying on the ground in a mess, Chad-Pan's bulky physique is a huge drawback at this time, He couldn't get up at all. "Sunday News" not only captured the exclusive footage, but also interviewed Eden Hudson. It seems that "Good Morning America" ​​made up Evan Bell before, and now it has been punished. At this moment, the figures of Evan Bell and Mark Zuckerberg appeared in everyone's sight, but Evan Bell had just walked out of the court door, and behind him, Eduardo Savarin was furious. He ran over, "Evan, stop, what do you mean by what you just said? What do you mean I'm not qualified?" Watching his pale skin turn red, he could clearly feel his anger.

The dog Bell stopped, looked back at Eduardo-Savarin, and said half-smilingly, "Eduardo, this is outside the courtroom, are you sure we can talk to you? Your lawyer Will I be charged with sedition or something?"

This sarcasm made Eduardo Savalin immediately raise his right hand, but it was only halfway up, making it impossible to understand what he was trying to do. And Eduardo-Savarin's lawyer ran over immediately. "Eduardo, don't talk to him, if there is any problem, we will tell the court..."

"Shut up!" Eduardo-Savarin was obviously very angry. "He has made his point clear enough in court just now, and we won't change it if we say it in court." Eduardo- Savalin usually has a very self-restrained appearance, and his character is very cautious, not an impulsive person. But today, he was obviously provoked by Evan-Bell, and he looked like he was going out of his way. "Evan-Bell, if you don't make it clear today, what does it mean that I'm not qualified, you don't want to leave." The honest man became angry~ Really scary.

"Eduardo!" Eduardo told Waring's lawyer, pulling his client's shoulders. "You don't have to tell them this." Wen-Bell's sharp mouth has caused the lawyers to suffer in court just now, and now Eduardo-Savarin is no longer an opponent. What's more, there are so many media in front of me... The lawyer is very worried. The media is a double-edged sword. In fact, a large part of these media are sent by lawyer Eduardo Savalin, because he needs to win sympathy votes for his client and attract the attention of the jury. Vin-Belle has the upper hand, so Eduardo-Savarin not only has no sympathy points, but also becomes a clown. Therefore, the lawyer is completely uneasy now, and he thinks that he must stop his client.

But at this time Eduardo-Savarin was completely red-eyed. "He just said that I am a shameless villain who only knows how to put money in his eyes, saying that I am not qualified to bargain. This is an insult to me, not only Is it an insult to my personality, [morality], or an insult to my father."

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