Great Artist

Chapter 1147: live tongue battle

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The media at the scene knew that the explosion was coming. Ha18m Evan Bell and Eduardo Savalin have not solved the problem clearly in court, and even extended the dispute beyond the court. This is definitely a plot that only appears in an eight o'clock soap opera. "Sunday News" quickly moved the camera away from Eden Hudson and aimed at Eduardo Savalin, who looked like a powder keg that could explode at any moment.

So, is Evan Bell fighting or fleeing?

"Edwardo, are you sure?" Evan Bell stopped and looked back at Eduardo Savalin. In fact, he didn't want to pick things up at first, and he has always been seldom involved in these disputes within Facebook. But this time, Evan Bell called Evan Bell to testify, trying to use his fame to hype and win sympathy votes. Evan Bell was really contemptuous. He originally thought Edvard Do-Savarin is a well-behaved gentleman. Now it seems that Eduardo-Savarin is also a businessman after all, and an unqualified businessman-because if it is a qualified businessman, Mark Zuckerberg There is simply no way to kick Eduardo Savalin out of Facebook's management.

Eduardo Savalin stalked his neck, and almost didn't throw a fist directly at Evan Bell's face, "Say, say, what are you hiding. I paid so much for the company, That's how you treat me. Evan Bell, you rubbish, you pride yourself on being arrogant, maybe you're secretly messing with Mark and the others, or is it you who instigated Mark and them to kick me out of the company so you can take control of the company The economic lifeline, you can call the wind and the rain." Eduardo-Savarin was almost out of his mind at this point, basically just thinking about what to say.

Eden Hudson, who was standing in the back, grabbed Mark Zuckerberg, who was trying to say something. Just looked at Eduardo Savarin with pity. In fact, Evan Bell, strictly speaking, eats soft and not hard. If Eduardo Savalin plays the emotional card, Evan Bell will be as indifferent as before. But now Eduardo Savarin is trying to confront Evan Bale head-on, and he wants to use Evan Bale, then tragedy is coming.

"Let me tell you, what is your contribution to Facebook, $10,000! Other than that? No. Nothing!" Evan Bell smiled contemptuously, his voice not very loud, But he fought back directly, "Why are Dustin, Bill and their shares only 4%, but you can get 10%?" Seeing that Eduardo Savalin seems to have plans to open his mouth again , Evan Bell raised his right index finger. "No no no, don't tell me what you deserve, what have you paid for in the entire development of Facebook? Tell me, what have you paid!"

The surrounding reporters had long since quieted down, and only the cameras of the "Sunday News" were operating quietly, broadcasting the live chat that made countless people applaud. The inside story of the Eduardo-Savarin lawsuit has also been uncovered bit by bit. As for the "Good Morning America" ​​that just fell down, Chad - Pan finally stood up, but the camera fell out of the question. What's more, now that he has lost his position and can't squeeze in at all, this is a complete failure of the live broadcast, which makes the director of "Good Morning America" ​​yell in the New York studio, and even start smashing things. In the studio of "Sunday News", the cheers only rang out, and everyone quickly threw themselves into the live broadcast.

Evan Bell didn't give Eduardo Savalin any more opportunity to justify, "Funding? No. You're only investing $10,000. Even when the company needs to draw more capital, you don't want to sign it." Agreed. You're totally dragging Facebook back."

"Advertising? No, you've pulled less than five ads for Facebook, and one of them is a promotional ad for your own website. You didn't tell Mark, didn't tell anyone, didn't pay anything, just I put it up like this." Evan Bell's voice was not loud, but he had an aggressive aura that made Eduardo Savary suffocate and couldn't speak. " Operation? No, this credit is not yours, not mine, not Mark's, but Sean's, and Sean's suggestions for the operation of Facebook, making the company step by step to where it is today."

"When everyone is working hard for the website in Palo Alto, what are you doing, don't tell me New York, your company in New York for two months is in vain, without any advertisement and without any payment, But Palo Alto has also managed to double the number of Facebook users, so where are you?" Evan Bell's words were like a sharp knife, directly stabbing Eduardo Savalin's heart , he just said a word in the interval between Evan Bell's speech, "What about you?" Evan Bell seemed to have heard the biggest joke, "Me? What does my work have to do with you? If you even I don’t even know my duties in the company, so why am I being asked to testify in court? Is it really for the truth of the matter, or for sympathy, or for concern.”

Evan Bell's words also ripped the last fig leaf over Eduardo Savalin's body. His lawyer is already wailing, and the current situation is simply beyond his control. Although none of these things will be used as testimony in court, their wishful thinking of trying to create a public opinion advantage for Eduardo Savary is completely impossible, and public opinion will turn towards Eduardo Savary. Development in an unfavorable direction. It seems that it was indeed a wrong decision to bring Evan Bell in.

"I will not deny your enthusiasm for the early development of Facebook. You ran for two months in New York to pull ads. Even if you didn't pull a single ad, your enthusiasm in the early days of the business is worthy of recognition. Nor do I will deny you your power on Facebook, and you will still have your name on the list of founders." Mark Zuckerberg opened his mouth when he said this, in fact, he had already named Eduardo Savalin Deleted from the list of founders, but Evan Bell is now angry, and Mark Zuckerberg doesn't know whether to say it. He was stunned and missed the opportunity. Evan Bell continued to speak. "But don't make a gesture that we all owe you, and then get everyone's sympathy. No, you don't deserve it."

Evan Bale was immediately irritated by Evan Bell's "not worth it", but Evan Bell didn't give him a chance to defend himself, and went on to say, "Because, we will be standing here today, not Because we're friends, but because we're both businessmen. If Facebook were a little obscure website now, you might think, it's just a $10,000 investment, forget it. But now Facebook is successful, Even if you did not make any contribution to this success, we are still standing here, because you are a businessman, a businessman who pursues profit without sacrificing means, don't play the emotional card to be a businessman's behavior, this is not suitable You, and disgusting."

"Evan, don't make everything like my fault, my contribution to Facebook can't be denied, so why the company restructured I don't know, why my stock was diluted I don't know, why the company I don't know of any resolutions." Eduardo Savary finally found a breakthrough, and said with a crackle, "Since you want me to stand in the position of a businessman, then you give me a business explanation. ."

"Edwardo, where were you when everyone was in Palo Alto? Boston. Where were you when everyone was thinking about what to add to the site? The library. So, don't say the company has any decisions. I didn't inform you, but you were not interested at all, you never dared to be interested." Evan Bell refuted it sharply, "You are only interested in money. Mark did those tricks behind your back, yes His fault is his disgrace, he is a **** who does not compromise his means in order to achieve his goals..." Everyone was stunned, not expecting Evan Bell and even Mark Zuckerberg to scold together, But Evan Bell's "but" turned the situation around again, "But, who signed the contract? You! Did someone force you? No! Did someone hide the details of the contract? No! So, it's your fault, Not only are you not a good friend, you are a terrible businessman."

This time, the surrounding reporters all sighed. Although it is said that business is dark and intrigue is normal, no one would have thought that there are so many insiders. It now appears that Eduardo Savarin is indeed very difficult to turn over.

"So I said, you don't deserve it, because you brought it all on yourself." Evan Bell ended with a sentence, turning around to meet Mark Zuckerberg, Eden Harder Son left the courthouse together.

Eduardo Savalin, who stayed where he was, almost didn't faint with anger, but quickly left the scene with a flushed face. But Eduardo Savalín's lawyers know that today's strategy has failed The public relations remedial work after that will be a headache.

The "Sunday News", who stood on the spot and carried the camera, broadcasted all this live. If you think about it, the "Facebook" lawsuit will inevitably become the focus of heated discussions in a short period of time. In the market, whether it is interests first or morality first. Mark Zuckerberg chose interests, and Eduardo Savalin naturally stood on the highest moral point, but after today's live broadcast, the future development is uncertain.

"Three percent, that's the bottom line, there's no way to back down. If they don't, the lawsuit will continue." When Eden Hudson mentioned that Eduardo Savalin would seek reconciliation, How to solve it, Evan Bell said his thoughts.

And Mark Zuckerberg, who was sitting next to him, had a black face. It seemed that he meant that it was right not to give Eduardo Savalin at all. He didn't comment, though, because Eden Hudson had told him it was almost impossible.

Mark Zuckerberg suddenly thought, "Evan, I removed him from the list of founders."


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