Great Country Academician

Chapter 137 Harvesting and Dividing the Loot

After the degree certificates were issued and the graduation ceremony was completed, the teachers and leaders of the school sent their blessings and then left. Xu Chuan and Chen Zhengping walked side by side towards the outside of the auditorium.

"Do you still want the exchange student quota at Princeton?"

In the auditorium, Chen Zhengping asked with a smile. He knew that the disciple in front of him probably didn't need this thing anymore, so he asked specifically. If he didn't need it, he could leave it to the school.

After all, Princeton's exchange student quota is still very precious. Every year, Princeton can't recruit a few Chinese students, and these few are basically obtained by the Chinese when they were working in Princeton.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Princeton doesn't have many places for exchange students every year, so I won't take them up and leave them to others. When I went to Princeton last year, Professor Deligne sent me an invitation by post. letter, I will go through the invitation letter."

"Then let me thank you for the other students first. When are you going to Princeton?"

Chen Zhengping was not surprised by this result. Although he didn't teach this disciple anything, he still had a clear understanding of his character and behavior.

Xu Chuan: "Isn't the Morning Star Mathematics Award awarded at the end of this month in advance? It's not too late to start after participating in this, anyway, it's only half a month."

Although he has already won these honors in his previous life, he still needs these things to expand his fame and prestige in this life.

It’s true that academia is a place for academics, and it’s true that strength is respected; but no matter where you are, there are more or less hidden rules, but compared with foreign countries, domestic hidden rules are more obvious.

Unless you have already reached the pinnacle of the academic world and become a scholar-level figure with all-hands and eyes, you still have to talk about connections and resources.

And receiving various awards to enrich oneself, expand fame and influence, will bring greater convenience to future roads and research.

Although he is going to Princeton to study mathematics, he will be back in about two to three years at most.

When the time comes, what he will face is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The mountain-top doctrine or academic factions in domestic academic circles are so complicated that it is unimaginable.

Take the Chinese Fields Medal "Morning Star Mathematics Award" he won this time as an example. It was initiated by the famous mathematician and professor of Harvard University Shing-Tung Yau, and it is aimed at Chinese mathematicians all over the world, including Chinese nationalities. mathematician.

But since Qiu Gong fell out with the Department of Mathematics of Peking University, the professors and students of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University have basically never won this award again.

Are the mathematicians at Peking University unqualified?

Obviously not, except for the top mathematics awards other than the Morning Star Mathematics Award, mathematicians from Peking University have won quite a few. Obviously, they must have the qualifications.

But everyone is shameful. The Department of Mathematics of Peking University and Qiu have made such a public quarrel. Wouldn’t it be a shame for the mathematicians of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University to apply for the Morning Star Mathematics Award hosted by Qiu?

Peking University did not apply, and Qiu also did not want to award the Morning Star Mathematics Award to Peking University mathematicians.

Of course, the Chinese mathematicians who left Peking University were not affected by this. Some mathematicians who immigrated from Peking University also won the Morning Star Mathematics Award.

In addition, although strength is the most important thing in academia, people are always needed to conduct scientific research.

Mathematics problems may be solved by one person, but what about materials, particle physics, high-energy physics, and controllable nuclear fusion?

You can't handle these things by yourself, so it is still necessary to win more awards and expand your reputation and influence.

And you don't have these awards, what will the country use to judge whether you have the strength to complete large-scale scientific research projects, and what will the country use to decide whether to support you? How much scientific research funding will be given to you, and how much help will it give you?

The scientific research funds and resources that a Nobel Prize scholar and a non-Nobel Prize scholar can obtain are completely different.

Even if the Nobel Prize-nominated scholars and prospective Nobel Prize-winning scholars are used to compare the Nobel Prize-winning scholars, there is a huge difference in the scientific research resources they can obtain, and the attention they receive at the national level is completely different.

So Xu Chuan still needs these awards to add points for himself.

Hearing this, Chen Zhengping nodded, and said, "That's right, it's better to go out after receiving the Morning Star Mathematics Award, so that you don't have to come back again when you get it."

"Oh, by the way, the bonus for tungsten diselenide should be called to you today, and it will arrive before five o'clock in the afternoon at the latest. Remember to check. If you don't arrive or there is a problem with the amount, you can come to me."

"As for how to divide the bonus between you and that girl, that's up to you."

Chen Zhengping didn't bother to pay attention to how Xu Chuan divided the bonus. It's not impossible for him to divide the development bonus for the two of them separately.

After all, in the tungsten diselenide project, Xu Chuan, not the girl, was the key to solving the problem. If he shared the bonus, Xu Chuan's bonus would take up the majority, and the girl's bonus might be mediocre.

The work of mathematical modeling is far less important. The Department of Mathematics can do a lot, but Xu Chuan can do those cores, and no one can replace him.

However, Chen Zhengping reckoned that his disciple might be interested in that girl, so he simply gave him the bonus, and it was up to him how to divide it.

Anyway, a bonus of more than 100,000 yuan is like water for this disciple, and he is not short of money now.

Counting from the enrollment of the number one student in the college entrance examination, to the proof of the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture, the proof of the Weyl-Berry conjecture, the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, and the calculation method of the parameters of distant celestial bodies.

Calculating all the way, Chen Zhengping reckoned that the bonus that the school gave him alone exceeded 4 million.

And this is only from the school, without counting the rewards from the city, the province, and the country. If all of them are added up, his disciple's net worth is already several million close to ten million.

In one year, he won a bonus of nearly 10 million based on his academic achievements. Even if he is an academician of the Academy of Sciences, he couldn't help but be speechless.

It's actually kind of scary.

You must know that as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, his annual salary + bonus + various benefits is estimated to be about two million. Of course, this is purely in terms of national salary and benefits, and there are quite a lot of other income.

But for Xu Chuan's income, Chen Zhengping didn't have any envy or jealousy. First, it was his own efforts to get to this point.

How many people in the world can prove two world-class mathematical conjectures in one year? Even if these two conjectures are a unified system, few can do it.

It is normal for many mathematicians to study a conjecture or a problem without making any progress for several years.

Second, he is not short of money.

The academicians who can be elected to the scientific research academy are basically not short of money. At their level, money is just a number to them.

To put it another way, at the level of academicians, it is basically money chasing them, not them chasing money.

The required scientific research funds and resources can basically be approved by submitting applications to the above.

And if they want to make money, it really shouldn't be too easy.

Even if you are an academician in basic disciplines such as mathematics and physics, it is quite easy to earn money. If you go out to do some private work, the salary starts at six figures.

If it is to cooperate with others to develop projects, it is normal to have an annual income of tens of millions.

Many of the academicians in the fields of materials, medicine, and information have their own private companies. It is normal for these private companies to have an annual income of more than 10 million yuan.

For example, a pharmaceutical company established by a medical academician has an annual income of over 10 billion.

But at their level, their desire for money is not high.

In other words, people who are too utilitarian cannot go on the path of academics that requires calmness, let alone make great achievements and contributions.

Xu Chuan didn't care too much about the bonus of the tungsten diselenide project, as long as it can be paid out before he goes abroad.

For the bonus of 179,000, he and his senior will share 90,000 each, which is not much for him, but it should be enough for that senior to successfully complete her university and graduate studies.

When you are a doctoral student, you don’t need to work part-time in the school cafeteria to clean tables if you want to earn money. Whether you are participating in mathematical research projects or doing some private modeling work, you can earn more money than part-time jobs.

Judging from previous contact, the senior sister's mathematics talent is actually quite high. As long as she is not delayed by life, she will have the opportunity to study abroad, and it is possible to make some achievements on the road of mathematics.

Just as he was thinking, Xu Chuan suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure on the side of the road, looking around. After seeing him standing with his mentor, he hesitated to come over.

On the side, Chen Zhengping naturally noticed it too, smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I won't disturb you anymore, I'll go first."

Xu Chuan didn't care, nodded and walked towards the opposite side of the road. As one of his few friends, he would definitely say hello when they met.

"Hi, senior." Xu Chuan greeted with a smile. The figure on the opposite side of the road was exactly the senior Liu Jiaxin that he and his mentor were talking about just now.

Looking at the pile of red certificates held in Xu Chuan's arms, Liu Jiaxin asked in a low voice as always: "Well, have you graduated?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile, "You've graduated. I've been urged by the school for a long time. If you drag it on, Dean Rong will beat you."



Xu Chuan responded with a smile, and continued: "By the way, senior sister, the bonus for the tungsten diselenide project last year has been issued. Give me your bank card number, and I will transfer half of the bonus to you."

Liu Jiaxin shook her head, her black hair was blown a little by the wind, she put her hands behind her ears, showing her thin fair cheeks, and said: "Half is too much, I just wrote some codes, the core mathematics You do the formulas and data sorting, and I only need one-tenth of it."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "But your workload is much larger than mine, and the mathematical model you wrote is quite excellent, without any problems, and without rework, it's totally worth it."

The senior still shook her head and insisted: "The bonus is judged according to the contribution, and I can't take half of it."

Xu Chuan: "Organizing data is a contribution, and writing code is also a contribution. Without your help, I would not be able to make this mathematical model. Even if I ask other mathematics students to help, I will not be able to do it so quickly, and maybe If you need to rework and modify it, then it will be delayed."

Seeing that the senior opened her mouth and wanted to say something, Xu Chuan interrupted directly: "It's settled as half of each person, just give me your bank card number, it doesn't cost much anyway."

Maybe it was because he heard that there was not much money, or maybe it was Xu Chuan's firm attitude, but Liu Jiaxin finally nodded slightly and did not refuse again.

Seeing this, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "The bonus is down, should I be treated to a meal or something?"

"Of course, where do you want to eat? The restaurant in front of the school?" The senior sister asked softly.

"Just go there, but wait until I put these things back in the dormitory."

Xu Chuan shook the graduation certificate in his hand, the thick stack was still a bit heavy in his hand, probably this is the materialization of heavy knowledge.

After four years of university, what I finally gained besides the knowledge in my mind is this square red book.

In Xiaoxianzhuang, Xu Chuan and his senior sister still chose the window seat last time, but last time it was evening, this time it was noon, and the atmosphere was a bit different, this time with a little sadness of parting.

"By the way, are you going to take the postgraduate entrance examination? Senior sister." Xu Chuan asked casually after pouring a glass of drink with senior sister.

Liu Jiaxin shook her head slightly, and gave Xu Chuan an unexpected answer.

"Aren't you going to continue your studies in mathematics?" Xu Chuan asked curiously. This senior's mathematical talent is actually quite high, especially in mathematical modeling.

You can win the first year of the college student modeling competition in your freshman year, you can represent your country in your sophomore year, and you can even win a gold medal in the rice competition. This talent has surpassed more than 99.99% of mathematics students , It's a pity not to continue to study.

Liu Jiaxin still shook her head, she hadn't thought about this, in her life plan, participating in the mathematical modeling competition was just to find a good job, and she hadn't thought about further study.

Xu Chuan was a little surprised, and said, "Haven't you thought about this?"

Liu Jiaxin shook her head again, and said, "No, I'm going to look for a job after finishing college."

"That would be too much of a waste of your mathematical talent." Xu Chuan took a sip of his drink, and continued: "Although mathematical modeling is generally applied in the later stage, and finding a job is also very good, but you really don't think about continuing your studies. ?"

"Your mathematical talent is very high, especially when you quickly simplify assumptions and analyze internal laws when modeling, continue to go on this road, whether it is data processing and analysis, or optimization theory, or artificial intelligence or financial economics It’s a good way to learn mathematics.”

"Besides, college students are becoming less and less valuable now. If they graduate and find a job, their annual salary is usually only two to three hundred thousand yuan."

"Twenty to three hundred thousand is already a lot." The senior said in a low voice. In the past, her family's annual income was only two to three hundred thousand, two to three hundred thousand. This has already increased tenfold.

Xu Chuan froze for a moment, then laughed dumbly, and said, "Give me your bank card number now."

Liu Jiaxin was confused for a moment, not sure why she suddenly switched to this topic, but she still took out a small wallet from her schoolbag, and took out a green Agricultural Bank card from it.

Xu Chuan took the card, double-checked the card number on the phone to make sure it was correct, and then transferred the bonus of the tungsten diselenide project to it.

Immediately, the senior sister's cell phone rang with a 'ding dong'. She picked up the phone to unlock it and glanced at the text message, and she was stunned for a moment.

"[Agricultural Bank of China] Your savings card with the end number 3610 has an income of 89,500 yuan and a balance of 90,389.32 yuan."

ps: Report the status, the peak period has passed, and it is slowly recovering. The body temperature has basically dropped, no longer has a low-grade fever, and the spirit has recovered a bit, but the sore throat is still quite pitiful. It is estimated that there will be another two or three days It should be fine, and I should be able to try to write more tomorrow.

Push this seedling, the title of the book "This Xueba is too unscientific!" "Introduction: Xueba dog food essay, welcome to enter the pit

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