Great Country Academician

Chapter 138 Get married after graduating from university?

"Ten million eighty-nine thousand five hundred?"

Looking at the numbers on the SMS reminder, Liu Jiaxin thought she was dazzled, so she couldn't help but rubbed her eyes with her hands, and counted them several times seriously. Xingyan looked at Xu Chuan.

"This this"

Seeing the cute look of the senior who was dumbfounded and couldn't say anything, Xu Chuan couldn't help smiling, handed back the bank card in his hand, and said: "The total bonus for this tungsten diselenide project is 170,000 yuan. Nine thousand, half of it is eighty-nine thousand five hundred."

"That's not it, that's not it, didn't you say that the bonus was not much?" Liu Jiaxin asked anxiously, stammering.

When she first heard that the bonus was not much, she thought it was only one or two thousand yuan. Why did it suddenly become hundreds of thousands?

"A lot?"

Xu Chuan took a sip of his drink, and continued, "My mentor's tungsten diselenide project can create a market worth billions of dollars after successful completion, and he can earn millions or even tens of millions of dollars by relying on this project." In addition, there are various incomes such as patents, which are seven or eight figures every year.”

"In comparison, do you think a bonus of more than a hundred thousand yuan is too much?"

Hearing this, Liu Jiaxin looked at Xu Chuan with a small mouth in disbelief. With a market of billions and an income of tens of millions, she actually participated in such a scientific research project?

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan took this opportunity and said, "You have to know that the most profitable thing in this world is always the realization of knowledge, relying on brains, not cheap labor."

Hearing this, Liu Jiaxin's fair cheeks blushed, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Xu Chuan changed the subject a bit: "Of course, I'm not saying that a part-time job like cleaning tables is bad. It's normal when people have difficulties. I used to have a part-time job too, but how should I say it?"

After pondering for a while, he continued: "Just saying, do this kind of part-time job, or work after graduating from university, compared to the knowledge you have in your mind, don't you think it is too cheap and wasteful?"

"I know your financial situation is not very good, and you may be short of money, but I don't want you to give up your studies because of the current difficulties."

"You have the ability and talent to go further on the academic road. I hope you read a lot of books, walk a long way, stand at a higher place, and see unprecedented scenery."

"By the way, I remember that you have bonuses and stipends. There should be 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a year, right? These should be enough for you to go to college?"

Halfway through the talk, Xu Chuan suddenly asked curiously. He knew that this senior had scholarships and bursaries. Although 10,000 to 20,000 yuan is not much, it must be enough to support college.

The yearly fee for the Department of Mathematics at Nantah University is 6,000 yuan, and poor students can still apply for tuition exemption. This senior's tuition fee must be reduced.

With the character of this senior, it probably wouldn't cost much to eat and so on. As for the bulky make-up that girls spend on, he glanced at Liu Jiaxin, not to mention makeup, not even lipstick, so this aspect was also ruled out.

"I also have a younger sister who just graduated from high school." Liu Jiaxin whispered.

"Shouldn't your sister's study be your parents' business?" Xu Chuan asked.

Liu Jiaxin shook her head: "They passed away a few years ago."

Xu Chuan froze for a moment, and said, "Sorry."

No wonder she has to go to the school cafeteria to work part-time every night when she has generous scholarships and bursaries; no wonder she has such a good talent and has no idea of ​​continuing her studies. It turns out that the burden of the whole family falls on her.

Under such circumstances, it is really rare to be able to stand out and win the first place in the extremely competitive National College Student Modeling Contest, and even the National College Student Modeling Contest.

Whether it is talent, hard work, or the courage and tenacity to face all difficulties silently, people appreciate and admire.

Although poverty makes people sympathetic, but living hard in poverty is even more awe-inspiring.

The senior sister treated guests to a meal, Xu Chuan also returned to school, and found his tutor Chen Zhengping to go through the admission procedures.

That's right, it's the admission process.

Just because he graduated with a bachelor's degree doesn't mean he left Nantah.

When recruiting students at the beginning, Nantah University signed a direct Ph.D training plan with him, and there was no postgraduate study. That is to say, he directly studied for a Ph.D. after graduating from undergraduate, and completed his Ph.D. at Nantah University.

As for studying abroad, it has nothing to do with it.

He received his doctoral diploma from Princeton in Princeton, which is also recognized by Nantah University. Remember to come back to hold a graduation ceremony and issue a certificate.

Xu Chuan was not worried that he would not be able to graduate from Princeton. His current achievements in mathematics were enough to be a professor at Princeton.

"Oh, by the way, teacher, there is something else I want to trouble you with." In the office, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered another matter, and said to Chen Zhengping.

"Huh? What's the matter, if you have anything to say, just say it." Chen Zhengping asked with a smile.

"Well, I have graduated from my undergraduate degree. Can I borrow a degree uniform from the school and take a photo as a souvenir. Although I have only been in college for one year, I have been to college anyway."

Xu Chuan scratched his head with a smile and said, although he graduated early, he graduated formally anyway. After entering university and graduating, he didn't wear a bachelor's uniform to take a photo as a commemoration.

The previous life was a matter of the previous life. In this life, I always want to keep something in mind. There are also parents and younger sisters. After graduation, I always have to show them my growth.

"Oh, this one, no problem, I'll call the logistics side, you just go and get it."

Chen Zhengping smiled, picked up his mobile phone and called the logistics department, and it was done in a few words.

"Go, the logistics department knows where it is."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Zhengping asked with a smile, and added: "Call your master Xiong Fanpengyue. I remember that he seems to have a SLR in his hand. Ask him to take a graduation photo for you."

Xu Chuan nodded, and dialed Fan Pengyue without any hesitation.

In addition, his senior brother, the nickname of Master Xiong is probably hopeless, and the mentor has started to call it like this.

After going to the logistics office to get his bachelor's uniform, Xu Chuan followed the master Xiong Fanpengyue all the way here and there, checking in various scenic spots in the school.

Master Xiong is very good at taking graduation photos. He graduated with a Ph. Posture, what angle to take the best graduation photos.

Although Master Xiong is a big and thick guy, but in terms of taking pictures, his skills are really good.

However, this grand gesture has attracted many students from Nantah University.

After seeing that it was him taking the graduation photo, the seniors and sisters of Nantah University, no, it should be said that they were juniors and sisters, all came over to take a group photo together, and asked for autographs by the way.

Some of them took pictures with their mobile phones, and they threw the scarves without editing the pictures. Almost, they went to the circle of friends.

"Fuck, is this Chuan Shen?"

"Chuanshen finally graduated."

"It's terrifying. As a scumbag in the same class, I'm still having a headache with calculus, but the master has already graduated."

"There is no wave in my heart, and I even want to cry."

"Hahahahahaha, look up to the sky and laugh three times, this boss finally stopped bullying us college students, and now it's the graduate students' turn to shiver."

"The graduate student said it doesn't matter. Anyway, this boss is a direct blogger, so he doesn't study graduate school at all."

"Hey, I'm under a lot of pressure to study for a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. I hope my graduation thesis won't be killed like Cai Xuedi."


"Cai Peng:"

After the photo was taken, Xu Chuan clicked on the prestige, opened the "Love each other as a family", and sent his graduation photo to the group.

Soon, the group became lively.

Uncle: "Chuan'er is taking art photos?"

Cousin: "Dad, you have some knowledge, okay? This is a graduation photo, a college graduation photo!"

Uncle: "How do I know, you didn't show me your clothes."

Aunt: "Your cousin graduated from university in one year, and you didn't even pass the university entrance exam. It's a shame."

Cousin: "."

Third Uncle: "Nephew Chuan graduated from college? But I remember you didn't go to college last year?"

Xu Chuan: "Well, I graduated early."

Third Uncle: "Did you come out to work so early? Have you found a good work unit? How about Third Uncle, let me introduce you to one?"

Xu Chuan: "."

Just as I was about to answer that I still need to continue my studies, and I am not in a hurry to find a job, a call came from my mobile phone. The prestige video call was from my father.

When Xu Chuan connected the video, Father Xu's head was reflected on the screen of the mobile phone. His hair was covered with cement dust, gray and gray. Behind him was the new house under construction in his hometown.

"Hey, Chuan'er, what do you mean by the photo you posted in the group?"

The familiar rough voice made Xu Chuan couldn't help smiling.

"Dad, I graduated from university. That is a bachelor's uniform, which must be worn by graduate students. Let me take a photo for you to see."

"Oh, but aren't you just a freshman? Don't you have to study for four years?" Father Xu asked suspiciously.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I graduated early, because I proved a mathematical conjecture and completed all the credits, so I graduated from university early, and I'm going to study for a Ph.D."

"That doesn't affect you, does it?" Father Xu asked hesitantly.

He couldn't understand what Xu Chuan said, and he didn't understand what mathematical conjectures and credits were, but he was concerned about whether graduating early would affect Xu Chuan.

"It doesn't matter. I'll go back in two days." Xu Chuan said with a smile. He will go abroad to study in Princeton soon, but it may be rare to come back once or twice a year. While still in China, go home more have a look.

"Yeah, okay, be careful on the road, I will ask your mother to kill two chickens and ducks, and make you your favorite dry-stir-fried duck."

Hearing that Xu Chuan was coming back, Father Xu had a smile on his face.

On the side, a big head squeezed over and looked at the camera. It was Xu Siji, a bricklayer from the same village.

"Yo, it's Xu Chuan, when will you be back?"

Xu Chuan greeted with a smile: "Hello, Uncle Siji, I'll be back in two days."

Uncle Four Seasons in the same village was stunned for a moment, and said with a hearty smile: "Okay, remember to bring a girlfriend back. You can find a girlfriend now that you are in college."

Xu Chuan frowned, and said, "It's still early, Uncle Four Seasons, I haven't reached the legal marriage age yet."

Xu Siji smiled and said: "It will be too late to talk about it when you are married. You are now eighteen years old, and you have been in college for four years. It is almost enough to find a girlfriend and talk about college. You can get married when you graduate from college. My friend's child is a college student." I got married after graduation, and now my children are over two years old, so you can do it too."

Xu Chuan: .

To be honest, I have graduated from college now.

So I really can't get married after graduating from college, the country doesn't allow it.

Ps: Report status, good news, body temperature is stable, and spirit has recovered a lot, the antigen test has no two bars, but the throat still hurts, I took some throat lozenges and medicine.

Sickness comes and goes like a mountain, and it will take time to fully recover. I hope everyone pays attention to it. It is really uncomfortable to be tricked.

There should be another chapter in the evening, try to restore the two updates, and the addition of the update that owes the boss and the bosses a reward may have to wait for another two days.

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