Great Country Academician

Chapter 159 An Interview with The Times

"Congratulations, Xu Chuan."

In the auditorium, Chen Zhengping walked over and looked at his student with a smile.

"Thank you teacher." Xu Chuan replied with a smile.

"The radius of the proton is far smaller than that of previous experiments. Your new discovery will shock the entire physics world."

Chen Zhengping sighed, he really did not expect that Xu Chuan could really solve the 'proton radius mystery' problem.

At the beginning, he proposed to suggest Xu Chuan to explore and research in this area, but he just wanted to let him return to the path of physics.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the mystery of the proton radius was solved by him.

This is one of the most important questions in particle physics today.

Xu Chuan smiled shyly, and said modestly: "It's not completely confirmed yet, and other experiments are needed to verify it in the future to confirm whether this theory is correct."

"But the data will not lie. It is only a matter of time to verify your theories and ideas."

Before Chen Zhengping could speak, another voice rang in everyone's ears, and Professor Witten and Wilczek walked over side by side.

After greeting the two of them, Xu Chuan introduced each other for them.

"Nanjing University is a very good university. If you have the opportunity, you can communicate more. Academician Chen, you have cultivated an excellent student."

After hearing that Chen Zhengping was Xu Chuan's university tutor, Wei Teng smiled and extended his hand.

Chen Zhengping was a little ashamed, and said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't teach him anything, these things were all created by himself."

Wei Teng smiled, and didn't care, Huaguo people are like this, they are always very humble.

For a scholar, no matter how talented he is, he cannot do without the patient guidance and teaching of his mentor.

Just like him, without the leadership of David Gross, I am afraid that he would not be able to make achievements in the fields of string theory, gauge field theory, and supersymmetric gauge field theory.

In college, a good tutor can help students avoid at least half of the detours, the importance is self-evident.

After the review was completed and the materials of Xu Chuan's paper on solving the mystery of the proton radius were confirmed to be included, CERN held a press conference to the outside world and couldn't wait to disclose this new achievement.

If there are no other more important discoveries in the second half of this year, then this will be the most important research achievement of the entire physics community this year.

The radius of the proton has been accurately determined, and the previous mistakes have been found, and the physics community has a more accurate value.

There is no doubt that this achievement has a great impact on particle physics. If the radius of the proton is reduced by less than 0.8 femtometers, the Standard Model will be changed accordingly.

Because of the strong interaction force inside the proton, which is related to the size of the charge radius, if it exceeds the standard value, then the most basic things will be affected.

But fortunately, among the current observation data, the smallest data is 0.831 femtometer.

Although it is a good 0.05 femtometers less than the previous 0.879 femtometers, it has not yet reached the point of impacting the Standard Model.

With the CERN press conference, the mystery of the proton radius was solved and quickly spread to the entire physics community.

Some interested media reporters found Xu Chuan who was still at CERN and tried to interview him.

But Xu Chuan was not very interested in these things, and basically rejected them.

And this aroused the curiosity of news media reporters more and more. The Times Daily, the country where the sun never sets, even found Edward Witten and asked him to help connect the bridge.

Xu Chuan couldn't refuse the mentor Wei Teng's matchmaking.

After all, a large part of the credit for solving the mystery of the proton radius so quickly this time is that Wei Teng applied for the proton accelerator of CERN for him.

Without this, or switching to accelerators from other laboratories, this problem may not be solved.

After all, the proton accelerators and other equipment in most laboratories or scientific research institutions simply cannot meet the requirements of canceling the metal container and directly putting the hydrogen atom cloud into the acceleration pipeline.

Picking a time, Xu Chuan was interviewed by The Times in an office of CERN.

"Hi, Mr. Xu Chuan, I heard that you have solved the mystery of the proton radius this time, a difficult problem that has plagued the physics world for several years. Could you please introduce it in detail?"

In the office, the reporter lady holding a black microphone handed the microphone to Xu Chuan's mouth.

"Of course, the mystery of the proton radius is."

Xu Chuan briefly and formally introduced this issue.

Thames is a comprehensive national daily newspaper in the country on which the sun never sets. It belongs to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. It is a newspaper that exerts a huge influence on world politics, economy and culture. For a long time It is unanimously regarded as the first mainstream newspaper in the country on which the sun never sets.

Although I don't know why the other party is interested in me, but being interviewed by such a newspaper, I must be careful in my words and deeds.

If he was accidentally tricked by the other party, he might not be the only one who would be ashamed by then.

These Western media are happy to directly elevate their personal status to the level of the country, especially when facing Huaguo.

Many people have been deceived by these unscrupulous media before, intercepting some interviews out of context, completely distorting the meaning of the interviewees.

"So that's how it is." The Times reporter didn't know whether she understood or not, so she nodded and continued to ask questions.

"Mr. Xu Chuan, I heard that you are now a formal researcher at CERN?"


Xu Chuan nodded and replied, this question can be found on the official list published by CERN, and he can't deny it.

The lady reporter quickly followed up with questions: "If I remember correctly, you have joined CERN for less than three months. At this point in time, other researchers are basically interns, and you have already become a formal researcher. Excuse me. Do you have any special tricks?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan's heart skipped a beat. After thinking for a while, he replied: "There is no special trick. I applied according to the normal rules and regulations of CERN."

Hearing this answer, a hint of disappointment flashed in Miss Reporter's eyes.

They had read the profile of this young man before they came here. Eighteen years old is quite young, and there must not be many interviews like this. Maybe they can dig out some interesting things.

But it's a pity that this young man seems to be more sophisticated, and he is not at all comfortable with their problems.

After spending more than half an hour accepting the interview with The Times, Xu Chuan returned to the hotel.

He doesn't know how the Times will publish this interview, but he has tried his best to pay attention to the wording in the interview, hoping that the other party will not catch any loopholes.

For interviews with such non-natural science newspapers, it is better to have fewer contacts.

God knows how these media reporters will comment on him, or how they will take a screenshot of an interview out of context, or use it as a headline party.

For example, titles like "Young Huaguo Scholar Proves Small Proton Radius, Standard Model May Be Seriously Affected" are similar to domestic marketing accounts, but with the urgency of these foreign media, they can definitely do it.

Anyway, don't overestimate the conscience of these media reporters, maybe they have this thing or not.

After the Times completed the interview, they released the content of the interview the next day.

Maybe it's because I didn't catch any interesting loopholes in the interview, or maybe my conscience discovered it? Anyway, the content published in the Times Daily the next day did not appear out of context, but focused on Xu Chuan's age.

"...the researcher who solved the mystery of the proton radius at CERN was an eighteen-year-old student from Princeton."

In the press, The Times focused on Xu Chuan's age, rather than the mystery of the proton radius.

It has to be said that this approach has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

For ordinary people watching the excitement, the solution to an incomprehensible problem is far less controversial than the fact that the person who solved it was eighteen years old.

After all, this age is really surprising.

With the popularity and traffic, other media have also begun to follow up.

After all, news related to that country in the East has always been popular in the West.

With the follow-up and excavation of other media, more information about Xu Chuan was also exposed.

Shocked, the young scholar who solved the mystery of the proton radius and discovered a new proton radius turned out to be a mathematician. "

"After solving the Weyl-Berry conjecture, a world-class mathematical problem, he stretched out his hand"

In "Mathematics and Physics Double Blooming, an 18-year-old boy from Huaguo actually solved two super difficult problems in one year. "

The reports of many media reporters suddenly pushed the enthusiasm of the news to a new height.

Solving a physics puzzle at the age of eighteen is shocking enough in itself.

And before that, this young man from Huaguo actually solved a world-class math problem, which is even more unbelievable.

On the commonly used communication forums and websites of physics, physicists and physics students are constantly discussing:

[Unbelievable, the mystery of the radius of the proton has been solved? 】

[Looking at CERN's press conference, it seems to be. 】

[Because the metal container interferes with the scattering of high-energy electron beams? In the past, no one in the physics world noticed this problem. 】

[Our school was just about to restart the observation experiment of proton radius, and when we heard the news, we immediately suspended it. 】

[I heard that the person who solved this problem seems to be an eighteen-year-old boy. 】

[Really, eighteen years old, isn't that too young? 】

[Yes, he is indeed only eighteen years old, and he is currently studying for a Ph.D. in Princeton, and his advisor is Edward Witten. What's more, he only solved a world-class mathematical conjecture in the mathematics field in the first half of this year, and solved a new problem in the physics field in the second half of the year. 】

【Unbelievable, one year has solved a major problem in the fields of mathematics and physics respectively, and now you tell me that he is still a student, am I crazy or the world is crazy? 】

[This is a super academic who we can't even see from the back when we look up. 】

[The next Einstein? Or the next Newton? 】

Xu Chuan didn't know the hot discussion on the Internet. He had already returned to the hotel and was rushing to write his thesis.

Although CERN has completed the review of the report meeting, he still needs to prepare the papers and materials and submit them.

After all, it was an experiment done with the help of CERN's equipment, and CERN has the right to record and use these things.

Of course, this does not affect Xu Chuan's resubmission to other physics journals.

Because the publication and collection of journals is different from that of organizations such as CERN, the former can be browsed and cited by people, while the latter is basically limited to internal personnel of CERN.

However, with the inclusion of CERN, the papers on the mystery of the proton radius will be submitted again, and the review process will be much simpler.

First of all, the papers that have been accepted will be accepted immediately, and then the review editor will check with CERN staff. As long as the check is correct and there is no problem, the paper can be officially published.

In terms of process and time spent, it is much less than ordinary thesis review.

But this is also understandable. After all, it is a paper that has already been reviewed by CERN, so there is no need to repeat the review. Repeated audits are too time-consuming, and CERN's reputation is still guaranteed.

After spending some time to sort out the things that had already been written, Xu Chuan stood up and stretched.

The paper on the mystery of the proton radius has already been selected for submission, and the "Physical Review D" published by the American Physical Society.

Prior to this, he had already submitted a paper on the calculation method of the 'Proton Radius Mystery' to the other party, and it would not be a big deal to submit another paper.

This kind of paper is quite important to the entire physics community, and no physics journal will reject it.

After processing the materials, Xu Chuan got up and washed his face, then went downstairs to eat.

In the elevator, he bumped into Chen Zhengping who was also about to go downstairs.

"Go downstairs for dinner? Together?" Chen Zhengping asked with a smile.

Xu Chuan nodded and followed Chen Zhengping to the restaurant on the first floor.

"When are you going back to Princeton?" In the restaurant, Chen Zhengping asked while holding a metal dinner plate while choosing food.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Teacher, how is your work progressing? Do you still need help?"

This time when I came to CERN, I followed Chen Zhengping, and the reimbursement of air tickets, accommodation, meals, etc. were also taken by this teacher.

Now that he was done with his work, he was going to see if there was anything Chen Zhengping needed to help with.

After all, with his ability, he can still do something.

Hearing this, Chen Zhengping stopped in his tracks and asked, "Isn't the work on your side already finished? If you're not going to go back to Princeton to continue your studies?"

Xu Chuan: "I'm still sorting out papers and materials here, and it will take some time."

"Also, this time I came here, nominally, it's your project that participated in the project, and the reimbursement and so on are all on your side. I still have to do something."

"And I am very interested in the Higgs particle. If I can participate in the project, I can have more experience and learn more things."

Chen Zhengping nodded and said, "If it doesn't affect you, you are welcome to my project team at any time."

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