Great Country Academician

Chapter 221 An Incomparably Important Conversation

As the group left in a mighty manner, other tourists in the reception hall also came back to their senses.

The melon-eaters who witnessed the whole process of picking up the plane began to discuss.

"There are so many people picking up the plane, who is this young man? What is his background?"

"Fuck? You don't even know Chuan Shen?"

"Chuan God? Which celebrity little fresh meat?"

"Celebrity? Little fresh meat? Don't make trouble. You don't have good grades at first sight. Those little fresh meats are not worthy of lifting his shoes. This one has just won the highest honor in the mathematics world, the 'Fields Medal'. Here Before, no Chinese had ever obtained it.”

"Do you know the other seven millennium problems? The prize for one problem is one million meters. Chuan Shen has solved one and is now solving another one."

"Fuck? One million dollars for one question? Seven million yuan?"

"This is only for the Clay Institute, and there are others, such as national awards and so on. There are tens of millions of bonuses at least."

"Tsk tsk, if only I had studied hard when I was young, I can get tens of millions of bonuses for solving a problem, which is too easy to get."

"Oh, easy to get? There are seven billion in the world, and there are only two people who can get this bonus. You'd better work and move bricks honestly, don't dream about it."

There may still be some people who are not very clear about the Fields Medal and the seven millennium problems, but in terms of money, everyone will understand the importance of this issue.

Of course, the seven millennium problems cannot be described by money, nor can they be solved by spending money.

If it can be solved by spending money, let alone 10 million, it will be 100 million, and the country will rush to pay one billion.

Every millennium problem is solved, which brings about the progress of science and the hope and future of civilization.

After getting into the car, Qin Anguo and Xu Chuan chatted.

"Professor Xu, is there any place you want to go when you come back this time? Why don't you come to our science and technology department?"

Qin Anguo pulled people with a smile, while Xu Chuan shook his head with a smile, and said, "Don't disturb Qin Shichang, I have already agreed to my alma mater, and I plan to return to Nanjing University as a professor."

"Teaching and educating people is very good." Qin Anguo didn't care too much. The science and technology department is actually not very suitable for young people like Xu Chuan. The Chinese Academy of Sciences or top universities are more suitable.

After all, he was only twenty years old, and he was just about to enter the golden stage of his academic career. If he was really dragged to the Department of Science and Technology and embarked on the path of politics, all the higher authorities would have to look for him.

Huaguo has never been short of officials, but top talents in the field of science.

"What are you going to study next? Continue to study the NS equation?" Aside, academician Pan Deming interjected with a smile.

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "The NS equation is one of the next research goals. In addition, I plan to test the waters in materials."

Pan Deming raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise, "Materials? This span is quite large."

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "It's actually not bad. When I was studying at Nantah University, my tutor taught me some knowledge about physical materials. I'm very interested in this."

On the side, Qin Anguo explained with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the span is large, only young people are aggressive. Academician Chen Zhengping's research on the synthesis of tungsten diselenide materials in the past two years has helped the country save billions of meters of gold every year."

"Professor Xu helped Academician Chen establish a mathematical model at that time, not only analyzed the defects of the synthesis method, but also gave a solution, which played a very important role in it."

He is the head of the Science and Technology Department, and he still has some understanding of some top scientific research progress and figures in the country. What's more, before that, he also deliberately learned some information related to Xu Chuan.

Hearing this, Pan Deming gave Xu Chuan a surprised look.

He knew about Chen Zhengping and tungsten diselenide, but he didn't know Xu Chuan's role in it.

This will depend on what Qin Anguo means, is Xu Chuan the hero in the tungsten diselenide material project?

I haven't heard that he is interested in the materials in these years, and there has never been any relevant news from Princeton.

Chatting along the way, the group soon arrived at the hotel where they were staying.

The hotel is not very big, but the location is excellent, next to the Forbidden City, you can see Beihai Park and Jingshan Park by opening the window.

Such a place is used to entertain people, and I am afraid that even important leaders from abroad will not provide it.

In the hotel, the general manager in charge of the hotel personally helped Xu Chuan with his luggage and led him to the room.

"Professor Xu, how is it here? Are you satisfied with the environment of the room?"

Putting the luggage in the corner, the hotel manager Xia Huarong asked with a smile, and opened the curtains, and the bright sunlight immediately filled the room.

Xu Chuan smiled and said politely: "Very satisfied, you are too kind."

Xia Huarong smiled and said: "Where. If there is anything else you need, just call the waiter, and they will tell me. Don't worry about trouble. It is right to serve the pillars of the motherland."

For today's Huaguo, ordinary talents can't enjoy such treatment, let alone being picked up by the head of the Science and Technology Department at the airport.

But Xu Chuan is different. He is the first scholar of Chinese nationality to win the Fields Medal. He is also a top talent in today's youth mathematics field, and can even be said to be the number one person in the mathematics field.

Such a talent, let alone a top leader, even more important people can not be exaggerated in person.

In fact, when Xu Chuan came back this time, he landed in the capital instead of Shanghai, which meant that other people wanted to meet him.

After eating lunch in the hotel and cleaning up Xu Chuan, Qin Anguo from the Science and Technology Information Department asked with a smile, "Professor Xu, is the food good enough?"

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile and said, "It's delicious."

"That's good, that's good." Qin Anguo said with a smile: "Then I won't bother you for the time being. You should take a rest first to relieve the fatigue from the long-distance travel. I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Xu Chuan nodded. He knew what was going to happen tomorrow morning and was ready for it.

In the afternoon, Xu Chuan left the hotel, walked to the Forbidden City to relax, and thought about something along the way.

On the other side, the distant Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, located in the physics branch of the institute building, several members of the selection committee are sitting in an office meeting to discuss this year's Nobel Prize winner in physics.

"Everyone, this year's physics award winners, we need to start discussing. The nomination list that has been screened once before has been sent to everyone present. Let's take a look first."

In the office, the chairman of the selection committee of the Physics Branch of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences sent the materials in hand to the other four selection committee members for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

It is now mid-August, and according to usual habits, the first round of selection for the Nobel Prize in Physics is about to begin.

Each year the Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to up to three people and two different scientific researches. Compared with other Nobel Prizes, the nomination and selection process for the Physics Prize is longer and more rigorous.

Other disciplines may not start until September, but the first round of selection for the Physics Award basically starts in August.

Of course, the selection of the Nobel Prize is far more than that simple.

From February 1st every year, the committees of various Nobel Prizes will screen and approve the recommended candidates, and the work will be kept strictly confidential.

The list of nominees is never released to the public, nor are the nominees themselves informed of their nomination. Nomination records are sealed for fifty years.

Until August and September, the jury will start the final selection of candidates, which lasts for one or two months, and finally selects the Nobel Prize winner in physics from the final candidates before October.

The Swedish government and the Norwegian government have no right to interfere in the selection of the Nobel Prize, and cannot express support or opposition to the recommended candidates.

In the office, the five selection committee members were browsing the materials in their hands while communicating with each other.

"For this year's Physics Prize, I recommend Professor Arthur Ashkin for his breakthrough inventions in the field of laser physics. His work in this field is outstanding."

"Using optical trapping and manipulating tiny dielectric particles with optical gradient forces. Extending these studies to bacteria, viruses and cells is a great achievement."

The selection committee member Wolfgang Kettler with short curly white hair suggested.

On the side, another selection committee member nodded and said: "The breakthrough in the field of laser physics is indeed an excellent and worthy of selection, but if he is recommended, Professor Jha Moreau and Donna Sterry Professor Crane should also take it."

"The contributions of these two professors in the field of laser physics are equally great, and the results of laser chirped pulse amplification are equally outstanding, and they are also worthy of selection."

On the other side, a middle-aged and elderly man rubbed his temples with some headaches, and then said: "I think we should consider the 'extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem', which is a greater achievement."

"Especially in the past two days, the Swedish Academy of Sciences has received numerous letters recommending the 'extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem', among them are Professor Saar Perlmutter and Professor Brian Schmidt. Nobel Laureate."

Hearing this, Wolfgang Kettler frowned and said, "We have already discussed him in the past two years. Will we discuss it again this year? Although this achievement is great enough, it has only been three years since it appeared. More than a year, it is too young, and has not experienced enough time to settle."

"And he's too young, he's only 20 years old this year, and he won't even be 21 years old in a few months."

The rules of the Nobel Prize in Physics stipulate that the contributions of the winners must "have stood the test of time". That means the Nobel committee often doesn't award scientific discoveries until decades after they've been made.

For example, half of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar for his work on the structure and evolution of stars as early as the 1930s.

The disadvantage of this approach is that many scientists who have made important scientific contributions have passed away before they had the opportunity to be recognized by the Nobel Prize.

Therefore, if you want to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, you not only need to have major achievements, but also need to live for a long time.

Hearing this, Professor George Smoot, the old man who just spoke, retorted: "But it has achieved enough results, and it has gone through tests, hasn't it?"

"Using it, we have successfully found an exoplanet that is more than 99% similar to the Earth, and also confirmed that Betelgeuse is not a single star system, but a binary star or multi-star galaxy."

"If these achievements are selected, each one is worthy of the physics award, but we have ignored it for two consecutive years, and the outside world is already very dissatisfied with us."

Wolfgang Kettler frowned and said: "But he is really too young, he is only twenty years old now, and he can wait a few more years."

"It has only been three years since he was nominated at the age of 18. If he is awarded the Nobel Prize this year, there is no doubt that he will break the world record and become the youngest winner in history."

Although Nobel's will does not stipulate how old the winners must be, not everyone is happy to break the rules and set a new record in history.

Professor George Smoot immediately retorted: "Mr. Nobel never stipulated that the Nobel Prize must be awarded to a bad old man who is over eighty or ninety years old."

"Science has always been young. Most of the great achievements are made by young scholars, from Newton to Einstein, to William Lawrence Bragg and Peter Higgs."

"There has never been a genius who made great achievements after the age of fifty or sixty."

"We shouldn't be so prejudiced against young talent."

In history, the youngest Nobel Prize winner in physics is William Lawrence Bragg at the age of twenty-five.

He won the Nobel Prize in Physics together with his father Henry Bragg for the application of X-rays to analyze the structure of protein molecules, which determined the extremely complex molecular structure of living matter for the first time.

Coincidentally, the father and son won the award just in the third year after their results were published.

It has been three years since Xu Chuan's "Extended Application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry Theorem" was published.

This is one of the reasons why Professor George Smoot argues.

The three-year period has come.

And as an astrophysicist, Professor George Smoot is very aware of the value of the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem.

Maybe it doesn't show much now.

But if human beings carry out the era of interstellar immigration, this achievement will directly lead human beings to advance in the vast universe.

When the selection committee members of the Nobel Prize in Physics were still arguing fiercely over whether Xu Chuan should win the award.

Xu Chuan, who is far away in Huaguo, has spent a quiet night.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Chuan got up from the bed, washed his breakfast, and carefully tidied up his appearance.

This morning, he was going to meet a very important person.

The meeting and conversation this time may determine the fate of him, the entire science, and even other futures.

Can't stand him not paying attention.

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